1. 目的に基づいた教会を築く:新約聖書の五つの目的に焦点を当てる
- 礼拝:心を尽くして神を愛する
- 奉仕:隣人を自分のように愛する
- 伝道:弟子を作る
- 交わり:バプテスマを施す
- 弟子訓練:教えを守らせる
2. 教会の目的を明確に定義し、伝える
- 聖書に基づく
- 具体的で測定可能
- 誰でも覚えられるほどシンプル
- 教会が何をすることにコミットしているかを説明する
- 説教や教え
- 視覚的な補助具やシンボル
- スローガンやキャッチフレーズ
- ストーリーや証し
3. 教会の構造を目的に基づいて組織する
- 各目的領域を担当するスタッフやボランティアの割り当て
- 特定の目的に焦点を当てたミニストリーチームの作成
- 予算を目的の優先順位に合わせる
- 目的に基づいた活動をサポートする施設の設計
- 役割と責任の明確化
- 資源の効率的な使用
- 意思決定プロセスの簡素化
- 成長のためのスケーラビリティ
4. コミュニティとターゲットオーディエンスを理解する
- 人口統計調査の実施
- 地域の未信者への調査
- ターゲットオーディエンスの感じているニーズの特定
- 年齢、教育、職業
- 家族の状況
- 興味や価値観
- 霊的背景と教会に対する反対意見
5. 未信者を引き寄せるためのシーカーセンシティブな礼拝をデザインする
- 礼拝の構造を簡素化する
- 現代的な言葉と例を使用する
- 一般的な質問や反対意見に対処する
- 慣れない要素に対する明確な説明を提供する
- 明るく現代的な音楽
- 実用的で関連性のあるメッセージ
- ドラマやマルチメディアのプレゼンテーション
- 個人的な証し
- 訪問者のための明確な次のステップ
6. ターゲットオーディエンスとつながるために現代音楽を使用する
- ターゲットオーディエンスの音楽の好みを理解する
- コミュニティに共鳴するスタイルを選ぶ
- 親しみやすさと革新性のバランスを取る
- 歌詞は聖書的に健全で理解しやすいものであるべき
- メロディーは会衆が歌いやすいものであるべき
- 楽器編成は現代の好みに反映されるべき
- 音量とエネルギーは魅力的な雰囲気を作り出すべき
7. 未信者のために実用的で関連性のあるメッセージを説教する
- 感じているニーズや共通の悩みから始める
- 明確で日常的な言葉を使用する
- 聖書の真理の実用的な適用を提供する
- 実際の問題や質問に対処する
- 関連する問題や質問で注意を引く
- 関連する聖書の原則を提示する
- 現代の例やストーリーで説明する
- 適用のための具体的な行動ステップを提供する
8. コミュニティからコアへ人々を移動させる戦略を開発する
- 一塁:メンバーシップ(キリストと教会に献身)
- 二塁:成熟(霊的成長習慣に献身)
- 三塁:ミニストリー(教会での奉仕に献身)
- ホームプレート:ミッション(信仰を共有し、人生の目的を果たすことに献身)
- メンバーシップ:参加のための明確なプロセスと期待
- 成熟:霊的な規律の体系的な教え
- ミニストリー:メンバーが自分の賜物を発見し、使用するのを助ける
- ミッション:伝道とアウトリーチのための装備
9. メンバーシッププロセスと契約を確立する
- 包括的なメンバーシップクラスの開発
- 期待と利益を明確に伝える
- メンバーシップ契約の確立
- 教会の信念、価値観、ビジョンについての教え
- 五つの目的とメンバーがどのように参加できるかの説明
- メンバーに期待される具体的なコミットメントの概要
- 質問や個人的な対話の機会の提供
10. 霊的成長と成熟のためのバランスの取れた戦略を作成する
- 知識:聖書の真理を理解する
- 視点:神の視点から人生を見る
- 信念:強い聖書的価値観を育む
- スキル:クリスチャン生活のための実用的な能力を学ぶ
- 性格:キリストのような態度と行動を育む
- 様々な聖書研究やクラスを提供する
- アカウンタビリティとサポートのための小グループ体験を提供する
- 実践的なミニストリーの機会を作り出す
- 個人的な霊的規律を奨励する
- 霊的進歩を定期的に評価し、祝う
What's The Purpose Driven Church about?
- Church Health Focus: The Purpose Driven Church by Rick Warren emphasizes that churches should focus on health rather than growth, suggesting that a healthy church will naturally grow.
- Five Biblical Purposes: It outlines five New Testament purposes for the church: worship, ministry, evangelism, fellowship, and discipleship, which should be balanced for a healthy church.
- Practical Insights: The book provides practical insights and strategies tested in real church settings, particularly through the experience of Saddleback Church.
Why should I read The Purpose Driven Church?
- Proven Strategies: The book offers a five-part strategy that successfully grew Saddleback Church significantly, making it a valuable resource for church leaders.
- Universal Application: Its principles are applicable to churches of all sizes and denominations, providing guidance for any church leader or pastor.
- Encouragement for Leaders: Warren’s insights encourage pastors, especially those in smaller or struggling congregations, to focus on building people rather than just programs.
What are the key takeaways of The Purpose Driven Church?
- Purpose-Driven Model: The book emphasizes organizing church activities around five biblical purposes to ensure alignment with its mission.
- Community Focus: It stresses understanding the community and targeting specific groups for evangelism, adapting methods to reach them effectively.
- Love and Growth: Warren highlights love as a critical factor in attracting and retaining members, suggesting that genuine love fosters an inviting atmosphere.
What are the best quotes from The Purpose Driven Church and what do they mean?
- Building People: “If you will concentrate on building people, God will build the church.” This quote emphasizes that church growth results from focusing on individuals' spiritual development.
- Church as Organism: “The church is a living organism, not a business.” This highlights prioritizing relationships and spiritual health over organizational efficiency.
- God’s Purpose Prevails: “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” This serves as a reminder that God’s purpose should guide the church’s direction.
What are the five purposes of the church according to The Purpose Driven Church?
- Worship: The church exists to magnify God’s name through worship, celebrating His presence and expressing love for Him.
- Ministry: It is called to demonstrate God’s love through service, meeting the needs of others in the community.
- Evangelism: The church must communicate God’s Word, actively sharing the Gospel and making disciples of all nations.
- Fellowship: It incorporates believers into a loving community, providing support and encouragement as members of God’s family.
- Discipleship: The church educates believers to grow in their faith, helping them mature spiritually and become more like Christ.
How does Rick Warren suggest churches should communicate their purposes?
- Regular Communication: Warren emphasizes the need to communicate the church’s purposes at least monthly to keep them fresh in the congregation's minds.
- Use of Various Media: He suggests using multiple channels such as sermons, newsletters, brochures, and visual symbols to reinforce the church’s mission.
- Personalization: The purposes should be personalized to show how they relate to each member’s life, making it clear that fulfilling these purposes is both a responsibility and a privilege.
What is the Circles of Commitment model in The Purpose Driven Church?
- Five Levels of Commitment: The model consists of five concentric circles representing different levels of commitment: Community, Crowd, Congregation, Committed, and Core.
- Purpose Alignment: Each circle corresponds to a specific purpose of the church, helping to identify where individuals are in their spiritual journey.
- Strategic Assimilation: This model serves as a strategy for assimilating new members, guiding them from being unchurched to becoming active participants in the church’s mission.
How does The Purpose Driven Church define a healthy church?
- Balanced Purposes: A healthy church balances all five purposes—worship, ministry, evangelism, fellowship, and discipleship—ensuring no single purpose is neglected.
- Spiritual Growth: It is characterized by the spiritual growth of its members, who are actively engaged in fulfilling their roles within the church and the community.
- Community Impact: A healthy church also significantly impacts its community, effectively reaching out to the unchurched and meeting their needs.
What strategies does Rick Warren recommend for reaching the unchurched?
- Targeted Evangelism: Warren advises churches to define their target audience based on demographic and cultural factors, focusing on those they are most likely to reach.
- Building Relationships: He emphasizes the importance of building relationships with the unchurched, understanding their needs, and addressing their concerns in a relevant way.
- Community Engagement: The church should engage in community events and outreach programs that resonate with the local population, making it easier for unchurched individuals to connect with the church.
How can churches ensure they are purpose-driven?
- Define and Communicate Purposes: Churches must clearly define their purposes and communicate them regularly to the congregation to ensure everyone is aligned with the mission.
- Organize Around Purposes: All church activities, programs, and staff roles should be organized around the defined purposes to maintain focus and effectiveness.
- Evaluate and Adjust: Regular evaluation of how well the church is fulfilling its purposes is essential, allowing for adjustments and improvements to be made as needed.
How does Rick Warren suggest attracting crowds in The Purpose Driven Church?
- Love Unbelievers: Warren emphasizes that loving unbelievers is crucial for attracting crowds, noting that it is often overlooked in church growth.
- Meeting Needs: He suggests that churches should focus on meeting the needs of the community, as Jesus did, to create a welcoming environment.
- Practical Teaching: Warren advocates for teaching in a practical and interesting way, making biblical truths relatable to everyday life.
What role do small groups play in The Purpose Driven Church?
- Building Relationships: Small groups are essential for fostering relationships and community within the church, acting as the glue that holds a church together.
- Support and Accountability: These groups provide support and accountability, helping members grow in their faith and creating a safe space for sharing struggles.
- Assimilation of New Members: Small groups are crucial for assimilating new members into the church community, helping newcomers feel welcomed and connected.