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The Vegetable Gardener's Guide to Permaculture

The Vegetable Gardener's Guide to Permaculture

Creating an Edible Ecosystem
著者 Christopher Shein 2013 272 ページ
100+ 評価
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1. パーマカルチャー:持続可能な食用ガーデニングへのアプローチ


倫理的枠組み。 パーマカルチャーは、地球のケア、人々のケア、公平な分かち合いという3つの倫理原則に基づいています。これらの原則は、庭師が人間と環境の両方に利益をもたらす持続可能で生産的な生態系を作ることを導きます。

実践的な技術。 パーマカルチャーは、生産性を最大化しながら廃棄物と労力を最小限に抑えるためのさまざまな技術を使用します:

  • ポリカルチャー:相互に有益な関係で多様な植物を一緒に育てる
  • ノー・ティル法:自然の構造を乱さずに土壌の健康を保つ
  • 水の収穫:効率的な灌漑のために雨水を捕らえ、貯蔵する
  • フードフォレスト:自然の森林を模倣した多層の食用生態系を作る


2. パーマカルチャーガーデンの設計:ビジョンから行動へ


評価とビジョン。 サイトの独自の特徴(太陽の照射、水の流れ、既存の植物など)を観察することから始めます。あなたのニーズ、欲望、地域の条件に基づいて庭のビジョンを開発します。

ゾーニングと計画。 パーマカルチャーゾーンを使用して庭を効率的に整理します:

  • ゾーン0:家
  • ゾーン1:頻繁に訪れるエリア(ハーブ、サラダグリーン)
  • ゾーン2:あまり集中的に使用しないスペース(果樹、コンポスト)
  • ゾーン3:農作物、放牧エリア
  • ゾーン4:半野生エリア
  • ゾーン5:荒野


3. 健康な土壌の構築:パーマカルチャーの基盤


土壌健康の実践。 パーマカルチャーは自然のプロセスを通じて土壌の健康を構築することを強調します:

  • コンポスト:有機廃棄物を栄養豊富な土壌改良材にリサイクルする
  • マルチング:土壌を保護し、湿気を保持し、雑草を抑制する
  • カバークロップ:土壌構造を改善し、栄養を追加する
  • ノー・ティル法:土壌構造と有益な生物を保護する

生きた土壌の網。 土壌は生命に満ちた複雑な生態系であることを認識します。植物の健康と栄養循環に貢献する有益な微生物、菌類、昆虫を奨励します。化学肥料や農薬は、この微妙なバランスを乱す可能性があるため避けます。

4. フードフォレストの作成:自然の生態系を模倣する


層状のデザイン。 フードフォレストは、複数の層を取り入れることで自然の森林生態系を模倣します:

  • キャノピー:高いナッツと果樹
  • アンダーストーリー:小さな果樹と大きな低木
  • 低木層:ベリーの茂みと矮性果樹
  • 草本層:多年生の野菜とハーブ
  • 地被層:水平に広がる食用植物
  • 根層:根菜と塊茎
  • つる層:登る食用植物
  • 菌類層:食用キノコ

植物ギルド。 植物を相互に有益な関係でグループ化し、ギルドとして知られるものを作ります。例えば、果樹ギルドには以下が含まれるかもしれません:

  • 土壌肥沃度を改善する窒素固定植物
  • 栄養を引き上げる深根植物
  • 受粉のための昆虫を引き寄せる植物
  • 雑草を抑制し、湿気を保持する地被植物


5. 多様性の最大化:一年生と多年生の食用植物


多年生の主食。 庭のバックボーンとしてさまざまな多年生の野菜、果物、ナッツを取り入れます:

  • 果樹とナッツの木:リンゴ、ナシ、サクランボ、クルミなど
  • ベリーの茂み:ブルーベリー、ラズベリー、カラント
  • 多年生の野菜:アスパラガス、アーティチョーク、ルバーブ
  • ハーブ:ローズマリー、タイム、セージ、ミント

一年生の多様性。 一年生の野菜を取り入れて多様性を増し、隙間を埋めます:

  • 葉物野菜:レタス、ホウレンソウ、ケール、チャード
  • 根菜:ニンジン、ビート、ラディッシュ
  • 果菜:トマト、ピーマン、カボチャ
  • 穀物と豆類:トウモロコシ、インゲン、エンドウ


6. 種の保存:生物多様性と自給自足の維持


種の保存の基本。 種の保存の基本を学びます:

  • 植物の家族と受粉方法を理解する
  • 種を収穫する前に植物を完全に成熟させる
  • 種を適切に清掃し、乾燥させてから保存する
  • 種を涼しく乾燥した場所にラベルを付けて保存する

種の選択。 種の保存には、親植物と同じ特性を持つ子孫を生み出すオープンポリネーテッド品種を選びます。以下に焦点を当てます:

  • 地元の条件に適した植物
  • 望ましい特性(風味、生産性、病気耐性)を持つ品種
  • 遺伝的多様性を維持するための珍しい品種や伝統品種


7. コミュニティと公平な分かち合い:パーマカルチャーの影響を拡大する


コミュニティの関与。 パーマカルチャーの原則を庭の外に広げます:

  • ボランティアの日や作業パーティーを組織する
  • 地元の種ライブラリーや交換に参加する
  • コミュニティガーデンやフードフォレストを始める、または参加する
  • 収穫物の交換や物々交換ネットワークに参加する

教育とアウトリーチ。 パーマカルチャーの知識とリソースを共有します:

  • ワークショップやガーデンツアーを提供する
  • 新しい庭師を指導する
  • 学校やコミュニティガーデンプログラムを支援する
  • 持続可能な食料システムを促進する政策を提唱する




What's "The Vegetable Gardener's Guide to Permaculture" about?

  • Overview: The book is a practical guide to creating an edible ecosystem using permaculture principles. It focuses on integrating sustainable agriculture, landscape design, and ecology to create abundant gardens.
  • Permaculture Focus: It emphasizes working with nature to design gardens that thrive with minimal intervention, using techniques like polyculture plantings and fruit tree guilds.
  • Author's Experience: Christopher Shein shares his extensive experience in permaculture gardening, offering insights from his work in community gardens and as a permaculture educator.
  • Comprehensive Guide: The book covers everything from soil building and choosing crops to designing permaculture gardens and engaging with the community.

Why should I read "The Vegetable Gardener's Guide to Permaculture"?

  • Practical Advice: The book provides actionable steps for gardeners of all levels to implement permaculture techniques in their gardens.
  • Sustainability Focus: It offers a sustainable approach to gardening that reduces labor and resource use while increasing yields.
  • Community Engagement: The book emphasizes the importance of community in permaculture, encouraging readers to share resources and knowledge.
  • Inspiration and Education: Readers will find inspiration in the author's personal stories and gain a deeper understanding of ecological gardening.

What are the key takeaways of "The Vegetable Gardener's Guide to Permaculture"?

  • Permaculture Principles: The book outlines the twelve principles of permaculture, such as observing and interacting, catching and storing energy, and using small and slow solutions.
  • Design Strategies: It provides detailed guidance on designing permaculture gardens, including assessing the site, mapping sectors, and planning zones.
  • Soil Health: Emphasizes the importance of building healthy soil through composting, mulching, and using cover crops.
  • Community and Sharing: Highlights the role of community in permaculture, encouraging practices like seed sharing and community-supported agriculture.

What are the best quotes from "The Vegetable Gardener's Guide to Permaculture" and what do they mean?

  • "Thoughtful and protracted observation, not thoughtless and protracted labor." This quote by Bill Mollison emphasizes the importance of understanding natural systems before taking action in the garden.
  • "Permaculture is a ten-thousand-year-old, cutting-edge technology." This highlights the blend of ancient wisdom and modern innovation in permaculture practices.
  • "To share willingly with others, we must feel we have enough." Reflects the permaculture ethic of fair share, promoting abundance and generosity within communities.
  • "The state of the soil is often the best measure for the health and well-being of society." Stresses the critical role of soil health in sustainable agriculture and community resilience.

How does Christopher Shein define permaculture in "The Vegetable Gardener's Guide to Permaculture"?

  • Sustainable Agriculture: Permaculture combines sustainable agriculture, landscape design, and ecology to create self-sustaining ecosystems.
  • Working with Nature: It encourages gardeners to work with natural processes rather than against them, reducing the need for external inputs.
  • Design Philosophy: Permaculture is a design philosophy that uses natural ecosystems as models for creating productive and resilient gardens.
  • Ethical Foundation: It is built on ethical principles of earth care, people care, and fair share, promoting ecological and social responsibility.

What are the twelve principles of permaculture outlined in "The Vegetable Gardener's Guide to Permaculture"?

  • Observe and Interact: Understand your site and local conditions before making changes.
  • Catch and Store Energy: Use resources efficiently to ensure availability during scarcity.
  • Obtain a Yield: Ensure that your garden provides tangible benefits, such as food or community connections.
  • Apply Self-Regulation and Respond to Feedback: Adapt to changing conditions and learn from mistakes.
  • Use and Value Renewable Resources: Prioritize sustainable and renewable inputs in the garden.
  • Produce No Waste: Reuse and recycle materials to minimize waste.
  • Design from Patterns to Details: Use natural patterns as templates for garden design.
  • Integrate Rather than Segregate: Create beneficial relationships between garden elements.
  • Use Small and Slow Solutions: Focus on gradual, sustainable changes rather than quick fixes.
  • Use and Value Diversity: Cultivate a variety of plants to enhance resilience.
  • Use Edges and Value the Marginal: Maximize productivity by utilizing all available space.
  • Creatively Use and Respond to Change: Embrace change as an opportunity for growth and learning.

How does "The Vegetable Gardener's Guide to Permaculture" suggest building healthy soil?

  • Composting: Use a mix of green and brown materials to create nutrient-rich compost.
  • Mulching: Apply organic materials like straw or woodchips to retain moisture and suppress weeds.
  • Cover Crops: Plant cover crops to add organic matter and nutrients to the soil.
  • No-Till Methods: Avoid disturbing the soil structure by minimizing digging and plowing.

What is a polyculture garden according to "The Vegetable Gardener's Guide to Permaculture"?

  • Diverse Plantings: A polyculture garden involves growing a variety of plants together to create mutually beneficial relationships.
  • Natural Model: It mimics natural ecosystems, reducing the need for chemical inputs and increasing resilience.
  • Higher Yields: Polycultures often result in higher yields in less space compared to monocultures.
  • Reduced Maintenance: By integrating plants that support each other, polyculture gardens require less maintenance.

How does "The Vegetable Gardener's Guide to Permaculture" address community involvement?

  • Seed Libraries: Encourages the creation of community seed libraries to share and preserve local plant varieties.
  • Volunteer Days: Suggests organizing volunteer days for communal gardening projects and skill-sharing.
  • Community Supported Agriculture: Promotes CSA models to support local farmers and provide fresh produce to communities.
  • Produce Swaps: Recommends organizing produce swaps to share garden abundance and build community connections.

What are fruit tree guilds as described in "The Vegetable Gardener's Guide to Permaculture"?

  • Central Element: A fruit tree guild centers around a fruit or nut tree, with supporting plants arranged in layers.
  • Supporting Layers: Includes nitrogen fixers, living mulches, nutrient catchers, and insect attractors to support the central tree.
  • Cooperative Planting: Plants are chosen for their ability to work together, reducing the need for external inputs.
  • Customizable Design: Guilds can be tailored to local conditions and personal preferences, offering flexibility in design.

How does "The Vegetable Gardener's Guide to Permaculture" suggest using water in the garden?

  • Water Harvesting: Capture rainwater from roofs and store it in cisterns or rain barrels for later use.
  • Greywater Systems: Recycle household wastewater for irrigation, following local regulations.
  • Swales and Infiltration: Use earthworks like swales to slow, spread, and sink water into the landscape.
  • Efficient Irrigation: Implement drip irrigation systems to minimize water waste and ensure consistent moisture.

What role do mushrooms play in permaculture according to "The Vegetable Gardener's Guide to Permaculture"?

  • Soil Health: Mushrooms contribute to the soil food web by breaking down organic matter and adding nutrients.
  • Bioremediation: Certain mushrooms can help clean contaminated soil and water through natural filtration processes.
  • Edible Crop: Mushrooms provide a nutritious food source that can be grown in shady, damp areas of the garden.
  • Low Maintenance: Once established, mushrooms require minimal care and can thrive in a variety of growing mediums.


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