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Building the Bridge As You Walk On It

Building the Bridge As You Walk On It

A Guide for Leading Change
作者 Robert E. Quinn 2004 256 页数
100+ 评分
10 分钟


1. 领导力是一种状态,而不是职位或行为


重新定义领导力。 这种观点将领导力从一套可学习的技能或行为重新框定为一种存在方式。它表明,真正具有变革性的领导者具备某些品质,使他们能够催化积极的变化,无论他们的正式职位或权威如何。

影响力胜过头衔。 这种观点强调,任何人在组织的任何层级都可以通过进入Quinn所称的“领导力的基本状态”成为领导者。这不是关于拥有正确的头衔或掌握特定的技巧,而是关于培养一种特定的心态和与世界互动的方式。

个人转变。 其含义是,作为领导者的发展主要是关于个人成长和自我意识,而不是获取新技能或知识。这与许多变革性领导者的经历一致,他们将自己的旅程描述为深刻的个人变化。

2. 领导力的基本状态包含四个关键品质


以目标为中心: 处于这种状态的领导者由超越自我利益的明确目标驱动。他们专注于创造有意义的结果,而不仅仅是解决问题或维持舒适。

内在导向: 这些领导者从强大的内在指南针出发,由他们的价值观和原则而不是外部压力或期望所引导。

关注他人: 领导者在这种状态下不会专注于自己的需求或形象,而是真正关心他人,并致力于为集体利益创造价值。

外部开放: 他们对新信息和反馈保持开放,愿意在不确定性中适应和学习。

3. 进入领导力的基本状态需要深刻的个人变化


面对舒适区。 进入领导力的基本状态通常需要面对关于我们自己和我们当前操作方式的不舒服的真相。它需要愿意放弃熟悉的模式并拥抱不确定性。

持续成长。 这种观点将领导力发展框定为一个持续的个人转变旅程,而不是一个要达到的目的地。领导者必须不断审视他们的假设、行为和影响。

涟漪效应。 当个人经历深刻的个人变化以进入领导力的基本状态时,它会催化周围人的变化。这创造了一种强大的组织变革机制,从个人领导者开始。

4. 反思性行动将沉思与参与结合


平衡行为。 反思性行动将深思熟虑的沉思与积极的世界参与结合起来。它避免了没有反思的持续活动或没有实施的无尽分析的极端。

增强的意识。 通过定期反思他们的经验和行动,领导者对自己、他们的影响以及他们所处的系统有更深的理解。这种高度的意识促成了更有效的行动。

持续学习。 行动与反思的循环创造了一个强大的反馈回路,使领导者能够不断完善他们的方法并从经验中成长。

5. 真诚的参与将个人价值观与组织目标对齐


行动中的诚信。 真诚的参与发生在领导者将他们完整、真实的自我带入工作中,将他们的个人价值观与组织的使命对齐。这种对齐创造了强大的目标感和承诺。

缩小诚信差距。 实践真诚参与的领导者不断审视他们的行为可能未完全对齐其声明的价值观的领域,努力缩小这些“诚信差距”。

集体目标。 通过真诚地参与他们的工作和他人,领导者可以帮助培养一种共同的目标感,激励并团结整个组织。

6. 积极探询关注优势和可能性


基于优势的方法。 积极探询将焦点从解决问题转移到识别和放大个人和组织中现有的优势和成功。

生成性问题。 使用积极探询的领导者提出问题,解锁新的可能性并激发积极的变化,而不是纠结于缺陷或过去的失败。

积极核心。 这种方法有助于发现组织或个人的“积极核心”——可以为未来成功利用的独特优势、资源和能力。

7. 扎根的愿景将当前现实与未来愿景连接


平衡行为。 扎根的愿景将对当前现实的清晰评估与未来可能性的鼓舞人心的愿景结合起来。它避免了不切实际的乐观和愤世嫉俗的失败主义。

引人注目的沟通。 拥有扎根愿景的领导者能够以情感和智力共鸣的方式阐述未来目标,激发承诺和行动。

适应性策略。 这种方法允许领导者设定雄心勃勃的目标,同时在实现这些目标的过程中保持灵活和响应变化的环境。

8. 适应性信心在不确定性中实现学习和成长


拥抱不确定性。 适应性信心使领导者能够进入未知领域,相信他们能够在过程中学习和适应。

目标作为锚点。 明确的目标感提供了在挑战和挫折中坚持的稳定性和动力。

成长心态。 这种品质体现了一种信念,即通过努力、学习和坚持,能力和智力可以得到发展。

9. 分离的互依性平衡自主性和连接


健康的界限。 分离的互依性涉及在保持强烈自我感的同时与他人保持深刻的联系。它避免了纠缠和孤立。

相互影响。 实践分离的互依性的领导者认识到他们对他人的影响,并保持开放的态度接受影响,而不失去自己的中心。

责任和支持。 这种品质使领导者能够对自己的成长和幸福负全部责任,同时培养与他人的支持性关系。

10. 负责任的自由将纪律与自发性结合


自我设定的结构。 负责任的自由涉及创建个人纪律和承诺,这些纪律和承诺反过来增加了一个人的自由感和自发行动的能力。

原则性的灵活性。 这种品质使领导者能够在适应变化的环境时保持对核心价值观和目标的忠诚。

赋权选择。 实践负责任的自由的领导者认识到他们在任何情况下选择回应的能力,而不是感到受外部环境的限制。

11. 严爱结合高标准与真诚的关怀和支持


挑战性的关怀。 严爱涉及在提供真诚支持和鼓励的同时对他人保持高标准。它避免了严厉的批评和纵容平庸。

以成长为导向的反馈。 实践严爱的领导者提供诚实、有时是困难的反馈,但始终以帮助他人成长和发挥潜力为目的。

赋权关系。 这种方法创造了人们既感到支持又受到挑战以成为最好的自己的关系。

12. 发展领导者涉及邀请他人进行个人转变


转变的榜样。 发展领导者的最有效方法是示范个人转变的过程,并邀请他人加入这一旅程。

创造条件。 领导力发展涉及创造环境和体验,挑战个人审视他们的假设,超越舒适区,并为自己发现新的可能性。

  • 改变的阶段:
    • 前思考阶段
    • 思考阶段
    • 准备阶段
    • 行动阶段
    • 维持阶段
    • 终止阶段

持续过程。 这种观点将领导力发展框定为一个终身的成长和自我发现的旅程,而不是一个有限的项目或一套要掌握的技能。



What's Building the Bridge As You Walk On It about?

  • Leadership Change Focus: The book by Robert E. Quinn explores how individuals can lead change by transforming themselves first, emphasizing the "fundamental state of leadership."
  • Personal Transformation: It argues that deep organizational change begins with personal change, providing insights into how leaders can cultivate their own growth.
  • Practical Framework: The text outlines eight practices that help individuals enter this fundamental state, making it a practical guide for leaders at all levels.

Why should I read Building the Bridge As You Walk On It?

  • Empowerment Through Self-Change: The book empowers readers to recognize their potential to create positive change, emphasizing personal accountability and growth.
  • Real-Life Examples: Quinn uses compelling stories from various leaders who have successfully navigated change, providing relatable and actionable insights.
  • Framework for Leadership: It offers a structured approach to understanding and practicing effective leadership, enhancing leadership skills.

What are the key takeaways of Building the Bridge As You Walk On It?

  • Fundamental State of Leadership: Introduces a state essential for effective change, allowing leaders to be more adaptable and responsive.
  • Eight Practices for Change: Outlines practices like reflective action and authentic engagement that facilitate entry into the fundamental state.
  • Integration of Action and Reflection: Emphasizes the importance of integrating action with reflection for effective decision-making and relationship-building.

What are the best quotes from Building the Bridge As You Walk On It and what do they mean?

  • “All change is self-change.”: Highlights the core message that personal transformation is the foundation for leading change in organizations.
  • “Building the bridge as you walk on it.”: Encourages leaders to embrace uncertainty and learn as they go, fostering adaptability.
  • “Ever-increasing integrity is the alpha and the omega of leadership.”: Stresses the importance of integrity in effective leadership for sustainable success.

What is the "fundamental state of leadership" as defined in Building the Bridge As You Walk On It?

  • Core Characteristics: Characterized by being purpose-centered, internally directed, other-focused, and externally open.
  • Dynamic and Temporary: This state is not permanent; leaders can enter and exit it based on circumstances and mindset.
  • Catalyst for Change: Leaders in this state inspire others to join them in the transformation process, creating a ripple effect.

How does Building the Bridge As You Walk On It address resistance to change?

  • Understanding Resistance: Resistance often stems from fear and a desire to maintain the status quo; recognizing this is crucial.
  • Transformational Leadership: By embodying the fundamental state of leadership, leaders can reduce resistance and foster openness.
  • Building Trust: Emphasizes the importance of building trust and relationships to overcome resistance and foster collaboration.

What are the eight practices for entering the fundamental state of leadership in Building the Bridge As You Walk On It?

  • Reflective Action: Integrating action with reflection to enhance awareness and decision-making.
  • Authentic Engagement: Engaging with others genuinely to foster trust and open communication.
  • Appreciative Inquiry: Focusing on strengths within the organization to encourage a positive outlook on change.
  • Grounded Vision: Developing a clear and realistic vision that aligns with organizational values and goals.

How can I apply the concepts from Building the Bridge As You Walk On It in my own life?

  • Self-Reflection: Assess your current state and identify areas for personal growth, aligning actions with values.
  • Engage with Others: Foster authentic relationships by being open and vulnerable, creating a supportive environment.
  • Embrace Change: Adopt a mindset that welcomes change and uncertainty, taking small steps toward goals.

What role does self-awareness play in Building the Bridge As You Walk On It?

  • Foundation for Change: Crucial for recognizing the need for personal transformation and understanding strengths and weaknesses.
  • Enhancing Authenticity: Allows leaders to engage authentically with their teams, fostering deeper connections and trust.
  • Continuous Growth: Emphasizes that self-awareness is an ongoing process, encouraging regular reflection and feedback.

What is the fundamental choice in Building the Bridge As You Walk On It?

  • Commitment to Change: Involves recognizing the need for change and taking proactive steps toward personal and organizational transformation.
  • Authentic Engagement: Aligns actions with values and purpose, fostering deeper connections and effectiveness.
  • Closing Off Exits: Leaders should fully commit to challenges without retreating to comfort zones for meaningful change.

How does Building the Bridge As You Walk On It define the normal state?

  • Reactive and Comfort-Seeking: Characterized by a reactive mindset where individuals seek comfort and avoid pain.
  • Lack of Authentic Engagement: People are often disconnected from their true selves and from each other, hindering communication.
  • Resistance to Change: Marked by resistance to change, clinging to familiar patterns and routines, preventing growth.

How can I practice tough love as described in Building the Bridge As You Walk On It?

  • Balance Compassion and Assertiveness: Involves challenging others to meet high standards while providing support.
  • Set Clear Expectations: Communicate standards and expectations clearly to create a culture of accountability.
  • Provide Support During Challenges: Be supportive while being tough, helping others navigate challenges and celebrate successes.


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