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Built to Sell

Built to Sell

Creating a Business That Can Thrive Without You
作者 John Warrillow 2010 176 页数
7k+ 评分
10 分钟


1. 确定一个可扩展的产品或服务来建立你的业务

可扩展的事物满足三个标准:(1) 它们可以教给员工(例如Stapleton Agency的五步标志设计流程)或通过技术交付;(2) 它们对客户有价值,这使你能够避免商品化;(3) 它们是可重复的,意味着客户需要反复购买(例如,想想剃须刀片,而不是剃须刀)。

评估你的产品和服务。 首先,头脑风暴你目前提供的所有产品和服务。将它们绘制在一个图表上,一轴是“可教的”,另一轴是“有价值的”。淘汰任何一次性购买的项目。

确定理想的产品或服务。 寻找一个在可教给员工和对客户有价值之间取得平衡的产品或服务。它还应该是客户需要反复购买的东西。这可能涉及将多个现有产品或服务结合起来,或完全创建一个新的。

差异化你的产品或服务。 一旦你确定了可扩展的产品或服务,给它一个独特的名称并记录交付过程。这有助于你拥有这个产品或服务并设定其条款,远离商品化。重新设计你的客户沟通方式,以一致地描述这个新的、差异化的过程。

2. 通过预收费创建正现金流循环


改善财务稳定性。 通过预收费,你可以创建一个财务缓冲,使你能够在业务中进行战略性变更和投资。这种正现金流循环还增加了公司对潜在收购者的价值。

实施预收费。 一旦你记录并差异化了你的独特产品或服务,你就可以要求至少部分预付款。这可能并不适用于所有产品或服务,但尽量提前收取尽可能多的费用。

了解对估值的影响。 正现金流循环使你的业务对买家更具吸引力。它减少了收购者需要注入的营运资金量,可能会增加他们愿意提供的购买价格。

3. 开发标准化流程并记录


创建操作手册。 记录交付核心产品或服务的每一步骤。尽可能详细和具体,使用示例和模板确保清晰。

测试和改进。 让团队成员在没有你参与的情况下遵循你的指示。这将帮助你识别需要更多澄清或细节的地方。预计需要经过几次草稿才能有一个全面、易于遵循的手册。

标准化沟通。 一旦你记录了流程,确保所有面向客户的沟通一致地描述你的产品和流程。这包括更新你的网站、宣传册和其他营销材料。

4. 建立销售团队以摆脱销售角色


雇佣合适的销售人员。 寻找喜欢销售并对你的产品充满热情的人。避免从专业服务公司招聘,因为这些人可能倾向于为每个客户定制你的产品。

创建健康的竞争。 目标是至少雇佣两名销售人员。这有助于形成竞争环境,并向潜在收购者展示你的产品可以由多个个人销售,而不仅仅是一个明星销售。

专注于销售公司。 作为企业主,你的时间最好花在业务上而不是业务中。通过建立一个有能力的销售团队,你可以腾出时间专注于战略性举措和可能的公司出售。

5. 停止接受核心产品或服务之外的项目


抵制诱惑。 额外收入的承诺很容易诱惑你接受非标准项目。然而,这可能导致失去焦点、客户混淆以及需要雇佣额外员工来交付这些定制项目。

保持承诺。 当你开始拒绝非标准工作时,预计会受到员工和客户的反对。这是正常的,但你必须坚定地保持你的焦点。

  • 专注的好处:
  • 提高效率
  • 更清晰的品牌定位
  • 更容易扩展
  • 对潜在买家更具吸引力

允许时间调整。 可能需要时间让客户和员工完全接受你新的、专注的方法。要有耐心和一致性,最终他们会认识到并尊重你对核心产品或服务的承诺。

6. 至少运营两年专注的业务


证明你的模型。 至少运营两年新的专注业务,向潜在买家展示你的模型是可持续和成功的。这段时间允许你解决流程中的任何问题并建立成功的记录。

避免个人参与。 在此期间,避免亲自参与销售或交付标准产品或服务。相反,当问题出现时,专注于改进你的系统和流程。

享受好处。 许多企业主发现这段时间带来了生活质量的显著改善。随着更专注的业务模型,现金流通常会改善,客户问题减少。有些人甚至决定无限期地继续经营业务,而不是出售。

7. 为管理层实施长期激励计划


展示管理稳定性。 为了吸引买家,你需要展示你有一个有能力的管理团队,他们将在收购后留在公司。这让潜在买家放心,业务可以在没有你的情况下继续蓬勃发展。

避免基于股权的激励。 虽然提供股票期权似乎合乎逻辑,但这可能会使销售过程复杂化并稀释你的所有权。相反,选择基于现金的激励计划。

设计有效的计划。 创建一个长期激励计划,奖励管理人员的个人表现和对公司的忠诚度。考虑一个结构,奖金分期支付,鼓励管理人员在收购后继续留在公司。

8. 通过展示公司在没有你情况下的繁荣能力来准备出售


转移你的焦点。 作为企业主,你的主要角色应该是建立一个可以在没有你情况下运营的公司。这意味着雇佣和培训他人处理日常运营和销售。

建立系统和流程。 为业务的各个方面开发标准化程序。这不仅使你的公司更高效,也使其对潜在买家更具吸引力。

展示可扩展性。 向潜在买家展示你的业务模型可以复制和扩展。这可能涉及开设分支机构或探索新市场。

9. 导航尽职调查过程和与潜在买家的谈判


准备接受审查。 尽职调查过程可能是艰苦的。预计潜在买家会详细检查你业务的各个方面。准备好提供大量文件并回答许多问题。

专注于业绩。 在销售过程中,保持业务的业绩至关重要。关注你当前年的预测并确保它们得到实现。

准备谈判。 买家在尽职调查后降低报价是常见的。准备好坚持你的底线并清楚地传达你的极限。记住,如果交易不符合你的需求,随时可以放弃。

10. 了解营运资金在收购报价中的重要性


超越购买价格。 在评估收购报价时,密切关注营运资金的计算方式。这可能会显著影响交易的实际价值。

了解影响。 营运资金计算决定了在交易完成前你可以从业务中提取多少现金。如果你一直提前向客户收费并积累了大量现金储备,这一点尤为重要。

谈判有利条款。 与顾问合作,确保报价中的营运资金计算对你有利。这可能会通过允许你在交易完成前从业务中提取更多现金来增加交易的整体价值。



What's "Built to Sell: Creating a Business That Can Thrive Without You" about?

  • Focus on Sellability: The book by John Warrillow is about transforming a business into one that can operate independently of its owner, making it more attractive to potential buyers.
  • Fictional Narrative: It uses a fictional story of Alex Stapleton, a business owner, to illustrate the steps and challenges involved in creating a sellable business.
  • Practical Advice: The narrative is interspersed with practical advice and tips from a mentor character, Ted Gordon, who guides Alex through the process.
  • End Goal: The ultimate goal is to create a business that can be sold for a significant profit, providing financial freedom to the owner.

Why should I read "Built to Sell"?

  • Entrepreneurial Insight: It offers valuable insights for entrepreneurs looking to build a business that can thrive without their constant involvement.
  • Step-by-Step Guide: The book provides a clear, step-by-step guide to making a business more sellable, which is useful for both new and seasoned business owners.
  • Real-Life Application: Although fictional, the story reflects real-life challenges and solutions, making it relatable and applicable.
  • Financial Freedom: It emphasizes the importance of creating a business that can be sold, offering the owner financial freedom and the ability to pursue other interests.

What are the key takeaways of "Built to Sell"?

  • Specialization Over Generalization: Focus on doing one thing exceptionally well rather than offering a wide range of services.
  • Create a Repeatable Process: Develop a standardized process that can be easily taught to employees, ensuring consistency and scalability.
  • Build a Sales Team: Remove yourself from the sales process by hiring a team that can sell your product or service independently.
  • Positive Cash Flow Cycle: Charge customers upfront to create a positive cash flow cycle, making the business more attractive to buyers.

How does the Five-Step Logo Design Process work in "Built to Sell"?

  • Visioning: Start by understanding the client's vision and how they differentiate themselves from competitors.
  • Personification: Use creative exercises to personify the product, helping to define its personality and style.
  • Sketch Concepts: Create rough sketches to focus on high-level ideas rather than details.
  • Black-and-White Proofs: Develop a black-and-white version to evaluate the design's merits before adding color.
  • Final Design: Present color options and provide the client with digital files and a brand standard guidebook.

What is Ted's role in "Built to Sell"?

  • Mentor and Guide: Ted Gordon acts as a mentor to Alex Stapleton, providing guidance and advice on making his business sellable.
  • Experience-Based Advice: Ted shares insights from his own experience of building and selling multiple businesses.
  • Strategic Thinking: He encourages Alex to think strategically about his business, focusing on specialization and scalability.
  • Supportive Role: Ted supports Alex through the emotional and practical challenges of transforming his business.

What are Ted's Tips in "Built to Sell"?

  • Specialize: Focus on doing one thing well to stand out among competitors.
  • Diversify Revenue Sources: Ensure no single client accounts for more than 15% of revenue to reduce risk.
  • Standardize Processes: Create a repeatable process to make the business scalable and independent of the owner.
  • Positive Cash Flow: Charge upfront to create a positive cash flow cycle, enhancing the business's value.

How does "Built to Sell" suggest handling client dependency?

  • Standardize Offerings: Develop a standardized service or product that doesn't rely on the owner's personal involvement.
  • Train Employees: Train employees to handle client interactions and deliver the service independently.
  • Set Boundaries: Clearly define the scope of services to avoid over-customization and client dependency.
  • Focus on Process: Emphasize the process rather than the owner, making the business less reliant on any single individual.

What is the significance of the "options strategy" in "Built to Sell"?

  • Flexibility: The options strategy allows business owners to have multiple choices for the future, whether selling, stepping back, or continuing to grow.
  • Build Systems: Create systems and a management team that can operate the business without the owner's constant involvement.
  • Sellable Business: Ensure the business is sellable at any moment by maximizing its value and reducing owner dependency.
  • Strategic Planning: Focus on strategic planning to keep the business adaptable and ready for potential opportunities.

What are the challenges Alex faces in "Built to Sell"?

  • Client Dependency: Alex struggles with clients who demand his personal attention, making the business overly reliant on him.
  • Cash Flow Issues: He faces cash flow challenges due to delayed payments and a negative cash flow cycle.
  • Team Management: Managing a team of generalists rather than specialists leads to mediocre results and employee turnover.
  • Emotional Decisions: Alex grapples with the emotional aspects of letting go of certain clients and changing his business model.

How does "Built to Sell" address the concept of recurring revenue?

  • Importance of Recurring Revenue: Recurring revenue is crucial for increasing a business's value and making it more attractive to buyers.
  • Types of Recurring Revenue: The book outlines different types, from consumables to contracts, and their impact on business valuation.
  • Focus on Repeatability: Emphasizes creating a product or service that customers need to purchase regularly.
  • Strategic Advantage: Recurring revenue provides a strategic advantage by ensuring a steady cash flow and reducing reliance on one-time sales.

What are the best quotes from "Built to Sell" and what do they mean?

  • "Don't generalize; specialize." This quote emphasizes the importance of focusing on one area of expertise to stand out in the market.
  • "Owning a process makes it easier to pitch and puts you in control." It highlights the value of having a standardized process that can be easily communicated and sold.
  • "Avoid the cash suck." This advises business owners to create a positive cash flow cycle by charging upfront, reducing financial strain.
  • "You need at least two years of financial statements reflecting your use of the standardized offering model before you sell your company." It underscores the importance of demonstrating a proven, scalable business model to potential buyers.

How does "Built to Sell" suggest preparing for a business sale?

  • Create a Sellable Business: Focus on building a business that can operate independently of the owner, with a standardized process and a strong management team.
  • Engage a Broker: Hire a broker or M&A firm with experience in your industry to help find potential buyers and negotiate the sale.
  • Prepare Financials: Ensure you have at least two years of financial statements reflecting your standardized offering model.
  • Communicate with Management: Inform your management team about the potential sale and offer incentives to retain them through the transition.


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约翰·沃里洛是一位企业家和作家,以其在创建和出售企业方面的专业知识而闻名。他创立了The Value Builder System,这是一款帮助企业主提高公司价值的软件平台。沃里洛创办并退出了四家公司,其中包括一家被上市公司收购的市场研究公司。他是Inc.com的常规撰稿人,也是专注于创业的播客节目Built to Sell Radio的主持人。沃里洛的写作风格因其易懂和实用性而备受赞誉,他将故事讲述与可操作的建议相结合,帮助企业主创建更有价值和更易出售的公司。

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