1. 软件架构旨在最小化人力资源并最大化生产力
架构决策至关重要。 良好的架构可以减少开发、部署和维护软件系统所需的努力。它允许团队独立工作,最小化变更的影响,并使系统随着时间的推移不断演进。
- 关注点分离
- 依赖管理
- 实现细节的抽象
- 适应未来变化的灵活性
2. 清晰架构将业务规则与外部细节分离
业务规则是核心。 清晰架构将代码组织成同心圆,业务规则在中心,实施细节在外层。这种分离使核心业务逻辑不受外部因素(如数据库、用户界面或框架)变化的影响。
- 实体:企业范围的业务规则
- 用例:特定应用程序的业务规则
- 接口适配器:在用例和外部机构之间转换数据
- 框架和驱动程序:外部工具和技术
- 更灵活和适应变化的系统
- 更易于测试和维护的系统
- 对特定技术或框架依赖性较小的系统
3. SOLID原则指导创建灵活、可维护的系统
SOLID增强模块化。 这五个原则为创建更易理解、灵活和可维护的软件系统提供了指导。它们帮助开发人员设计出对变化具有抵抗力且易于扩展的代码。
- 单一职责原则:一个类应该只有一个改变的理由
- 开放-封闭原则:软件实体应该对扩展开放,但对修改封闭
- 里氏替换原则:超类的对象应该可以被其子类的对象替换,而不影响程序的正确性
- 接口隔离原则:多个特定客户端的接口优于一个通用接口
- 依赖倒置原则:高层模块不应该依赖于低层模块,二者都应该依赖于抽象
4. 组件是清晰架构的构建块
模块化设计实现灵活性。 清晰架构中的组件是可以独立部署和开发的系统部分。它们封装了相关功能并具有明确的接口,从而使系统的维护和修改更加容易。
- 高内聚:相关功能集中在一起
- 低耦合:组件之间的依赖最小
- 明确的接口:定义良好的交互方法
- 独立部署:可以更新或替换而不影响系统的其他部分
- 促进不同团队的并行开发
- 更容易进行测试和调试
- 允许系统的增量更新和改进
- 提高系统的整体可扩展性和可维护性
5. 边界定义并保护核心业务逻辑
边界保护核心。 清晰架构中的架构边界将不同的关注点分开,特别是业务逻辑和实现细节之间的分离。这些边界有助于保持核心业务规则不受外部系统或技术变化的影响。
- 使用接口定义层之间的交互
- 依赖倒置确保依赖指向内部
- 数据传输对象在边界之间传递信息
- 谦逊对象将可测试行为与难以测试的组件分离
- 最小化外部系统或技术变化的影响
- 更容易测试核心业务逻辑
- 在不影响核心系统的情况下替换实现细节
- 提高系统的整体灵活性和适应性
6. 清晰架构促进测试驱动开发和独立部署
可测试性和灵活性是关键。 清晰架构促进了使系统更易于测试和独立部署的实践。通过分离关注点和管理依赖关系,编写核心业务逻辑的单元测试变得更加简单,并且可以单独部署系统的不同组件。
- 核心业务规则可以在没有UI、数据库或外部依赖的情况下进行测试
- 不同组件可以独立部署,便于更新
- 系统某一部分的变化对其他部分的影响最小
- 新功能可以在不破坏现有功能的情况下添加
- 更快的开发周期
- 部署风险降低
- 系统可靠性提高
- 更灵活地采用新技术或更改现有技术
7. 框架和数据库是实现细节,而不是架构元素
核心逻辑应与框架无关。 清晰架构将框架和数据库视为不应影响核心业务逻辑的外部细节。这种方法允许在不影响系统核心功能的情况下更改或更新这些外部元素。
- 将它们视为核心业务逻辑的插件
- 使用依赖倒置保持核心逻辑独立
- 为数据库操作创建抽象
- 尽可能推迟框架和数据库的决策
- 更容易更改或升级框架和数据库
- 核心业务逻辑在外部变化中保持稳定
- 减少供应商锁定
- 提高核心系统组件的可测试性
8. 在清晰架构中,Web只是另一种交付机制
业务逻辑与交付无关。 在清晰架构中,Web被视为一种外部细节,类似于数据库或框架。这种观点使核心业务逻辑独立于特定的交付机制,无论是Web应用程序、桌面应用程序还是API。
- 将特定于Web的代码与核心业务逻辑分离
- 使用接口适配器在Web格式和内部数据结构之间转换
- 将Web框架视为核心系统的插件
- 设计用例独立于Web特定问题
- 更容易将系统适应不同的交付机制
- 核心业务逻辑可以在多个平台上重用
- 简化了没有Web依赖的业务规则测试
- 更灵活地更改或更新Web技术
9. 清晰嵌入式架构将硬件问题与业务逻辑分离
硬件独立性至关重要。 清晰嵌入式架构将清晰架构的原则应用于嵌入式系统,将硬件特定问题与核心业务逻辑分离。这种分离使硬件组件的更新更容易,软件的可移植性更强。
- 硬件抽象层(HAL)隔离硬件特定代码
- 设备无关的业务逻辑
- 硬件和软件组件之间的明确接口
- 使用依赖倒置管理硬件依赖
- 更容易将软件移植到新硬件平台
- 简化了没有硬件依赖的核心逻辑测试
- 硬件变化对整体系统的影响减少
- 提高嵌入式软件的可维护性和寿命
10. 微服务和面向服务的架构可以从清晰架构原则中受益
清晰原则适用于所有规模。 虽然清晰架构通常在单体应用程序的上下文中讨论,但其原则可以有效地应用于微服务和面向服务的架构。这些原则有助于保持单个服务的独立性和可测试性,同时管理分布式系统的复杂性。
- 将每个微服务视为具有自身清晰架构的边界上下文
- 使用定义良好的接口进行服务间通信
- 在服务之间应用依赖倒置
- 保持服务的独立部署
- 提高整体系统的模块化和可扩展性
- 更容易理解和维护单个服务
- 更灵活地演进和替换服务
- 减少服务之间的耦合,导致更健壮的系统
What's Clean Architecture about?
- Focus on Software Structure: Clean Architecture by Robert C. Martin emphasizes creating systems that are easy to develop, maintain, and deploy through effective software architecture.
- Timeless Principles: It outlines principles like SOLID, applicable across various programming paradigms, to guide developers in writing clean, maintainable code.
- Separation of Concerns: The book advocates for separating business rules from technical details, enhancing flexibility and adaptability in software design.
Why should I read Clean Architecture?
- Improve Software Design Skills: The book enhances understanding of software architecture, providing practical advice for real-world projects.
- Timeless Knowledge: Its principles are not tied to specific technologies, ensuring relevance throughout your career.
- Real-World Examples: Martin shares insights from his extensive experience, offering relatable examples and case studies to simplify complex concepts.
What are the key takeaways of Clean Architecture?
- Architecture is a Shape: Software architecture is defined by component division and communication, facilitating development and maintenance.
- Decouple Business Rules: Emphasizes separating business rules from technical details for easier changes and adaptations.
- Leave Options Open: Good architecture defers technical decisions, allowing flexibility to adapt to changing requirements.
What are the SOLID principles mentioned in Clean Architecture?
- Single Responsibility Principle (SRP): A class should have one reason to change, reducing complexity and easing maintenance.
- Open-Closed Principle (OCP): Software entities should be open for extension but closed for modification, minimizing bug risks.
- Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP): Subtypes must be substitutable for their base types without altering program correctness.
What is the Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) in Clean Architecture?
- High-Level Modules: DIP states high-level modules should not depend on low-level modules; both should depend on abstractions.
- Abstractions Over Details: Depending on abstractions rather than concrete implementations makes systems easier to modify and extend.
- Use of Interfaces: Encourages using interfaces to define contracts between components, enhancing testing and maintenance.
How does Clean Architecture define good software architecture?
- Support for Use Cases: Good architecture must support intended use cases, making them clear and visible within the structure.
- Minimize Human Resources: It should minimize resources required for development, deployment, and maintenance through careful design.
- Leave Options Open: A well-designed architecture keeps options open for future changes, crucial for long-term success.
What is the significance of boundaries in Clean Architecture?
- Separation of Concerns: Boundaries separate system components, ensuring changes in one area don't adversely affect others.
- Control Over Dependencies: Managing dependencies across boundaries prevents disruptions, leading to a stable system.
- Facilitate Independent Development: Boundaries allow teams to work independently, enhancing productivity and reducing conflicts.
What is the "Screaming Architecture" concept in Clean Architecture?
- Architecture Reflects Intent: "Screaming Architecture" means the system's architecture should clearly communicate its purpose and functionality.
- Use Case Driven: Good architecture is driven by use cases, maintaining clarity and purpose throughout development.
- Avoid Framework Dependency: Architecture should be centered around business needs, not dictated by frameworks or tools.
How does Clean Architecture address testing?
- Testable Architectures: Emphasizes architectures that allow unit testing of business rules without external systems running.
- Humble Object Pattern: Separates hard-to-test code from testable code, focusing on logic without UI or framework complexities.
- Testing API: Suggests creating a testing API to bypass security constraints, enhancing the ability to test various scenarios.
How does Clean Architecture differentiate between the web and the architecture of a system?
- Web as a Delivery Mechanism: The web is viewed as a delivery mechanism, not a defining aspect of system architecture.
- Decoupling Delivery from Logic: Treating the web as a detail allows designing systems agnostic to delivery methods.
- Focus on Business Logic: Prioritizes business logic and use cases over web delivery specifics, ensuring core functionality remains intact.
What are the risks of using frameworks according to Clean Architecture?
- Tight Coupling: Frameworks can lead to tight coupling, making technology switches difficult.
- Overhead and Complexity: Heavy reliance on frameworks can introduce unnecessary complexity and hinder performance.
- Loss of Control: Over-reliance on frameworks can lead to a rigid system, making changes and adaptations challenging.
What are the best quotes from Clean Architecture and what do they mean?
- "Your architecture should tell readers about the system, not about the frameworks you used in your system.": Emphasizes architecture reflecting business domain and use cases, not technologies.
- "Frameworks are tools, not ways of life.": Reminds developers to maintain control over architecture, not be overly reliant on frameworks.
- "A good architecture makes it unnecessary to decide on Rails, or Spring, or Hibernate, or Tomcat, or MySQL, until much later in the project.": Highlights deferring technology decisions until architecture is established, promoting flexibility.
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