1. 后现代主义:对客观真理和权力结构的激进怀疑
拒绝元叙事。 后现代主义在20世纪60年代作为对现代主义和现代性的反应而出现。它拒绝了基督教、马克思主义和科学进步等世界的宏大解释(元叙事)。米歇尔·福柯、雅克·德里达和让-弗朗索瓦·利奥塔等关键思想家发展了以两个核心原则为中心的理论:
- 后现代知识原则:对客观真理的激进怀疑;知识是社会建构的
- 后现代政治原则:社会由决定可知内容的权力系统组成
四个关键主题。 后现代主义的特点是:
- 模糊概念之间的界限
- 关注语言塑造现实的力量
- 文化相对主义
- 拒绝普遍真理,转而强调群体身份
2. 应用后现代主义:将理论付诸行动以实现社会变革
从解构到行动主义。 在20世纪80年代末和90年代初,后现代思想演变为更具操作性的理论形式。这种“应用后现代主义”保留了核心后现代原则,但用它们来发展后殖民理论、酷儿理论和批判种族理论等领域。目标从无休止的解构转向根据这些理论积极改变社会。
- 接受关于压迫的一些客观真理
- 关注身份和生活经验作为知识来源
- 发展交叉性以分析重叠的压迫
- 强调通过改变话语和语言来实现社会变革
3. 后殖民理论:解构西方霸权并赋权“他者”
挑战西方叙事。 后殖民理论由爱德华·萨义德、盖亚特里·斯皮瓦克和霍米·巴巴等思想家发展,旨在解构西方文化霸权并赋权曾经被殖民的民族。它关注西方话语如何构建和从属“他者”。
- 东方主义:西方对“东方”的居高临下的描述
- 亚替:被排除在权力结构之外的边缘群体
- 混杂性:殖民主义导致的文化混合
- 通过批判西方中心的课程来“去殖民化”教育
- 推动重视非西方知识方式的“研究正义”
- 挑战作为西方固有的科学和理性主义方法
4. 酷儿理论:挑战和颠覆社会性别和性取向规范
去稳定化类别。 受朱迪斯·巴特勒等思想家的影响,酷儿理论试图挑战和颠覆围绕性别和性取向的社会规范。它认为这些类别是限制人类自由和表达的社会建构。
- 性别表演性:性别是我们“做”的,而不是我们“是”的
- 强制异性恋:社会压力要求符合异性恋规范
- 酷儿化:故意扰乱和复杂化既定类别
- 扩展对性别和性取向多样性的理解
- 影响跨性别行动主义和权利运动
- 因忽视生物现实和促进混乱而受到批评
- 可能削弱同性恋和女同性恋身份政治
5. 批判种族理论:揭露系统性种族主义和白人特权
种族主义是普遍和系统性的。 批判种族理论(CRT)由德里克·贝尔和金伯利·克伦肖等法律学者发展,认为种族主义不仅是个人偏见,而是社会的系统性特征,维持白人主导地位。
- 种族主义是普通的,而不是异常的
- 种族是社会建构,而不是生物现实
- 白人特权:与白人身份相关的法律和社会特权
- 利益趋同:种族进步只有在有利于白人精英时才会发生
- 分析法律、教育和其他机构中的种族差异
- 推动种族意识政策以解决系统性不平等
- 因促进种族本质主义和削弱色盲理想而受到批评
- 关于在学校和工作场所培训中教授CRT概念的辩论
6. 交叉性:理解重叠的压迫系统
多重身份,多重压迫。 交叉性是由金伯利·克伦肖提出的概念,研究不同形式的社会分类和歧视(如种族、性别和阶级)如何相互作用和重叠,创造出独特的压迫经验。
- 认识到个人可能面临多重、交叉的歧视形式
- 挑战关于身份和压迫的单轴思维
- 强调考虑多种观点和经验的重要性
- 提供更细致分析社会不平等的框架
- 影响关于歧视和平等的政策讨论
- 因可能创造受害者等级而受到批评
- 关于如何实际应用交叉性思维的辩论
7. 社会正义学术:将后现代原则具体化为绝对真理
从怀疑到确定。 自2010年左右以来,后现代思想演变为一种社会正义学术形式,将后现代原则视为关于社会的绝对真理。这种“具体化后现代主义”结合了各种批判理论的元素,形成了一种全能的世界观。
- 对系统性压迫和权力结构的绝对信念
- 拒绝客观性和普遍真理,转而强调“生活经验”
- 关注语言和话语作为压迫和抵抗的主要场所
- 强调“去殖民化”知识和机构
- 发展新的学术领域和方法论
- 影响企业多样性和包容性举措
- 影响关于身份和社会正义问题的公共话语
- 因促进意识形态一致性和压制辩论而受到批评
8. 理论的危险:削弱自由主义、理性和社会进步
对自由社会的威胁。 作者认为,理论的传播对自由民主、科学探究和社会进步构成了重大威胁。通过拒绝客观真理和普遍价值,理论削弱了理性话语和有效解决问题的基础。
- 推动身份政治而非普遍人权
- 削弱对科学方法和理性探究的信心
- 鼓励自我审查和限制言论自由
- 可能助长右翼反弹和极化
- 校园抗议和“取消文化”事件
- 企业多样性培训推广种族和性别的本质主义观点
- 为追求“去殖民化”而削弱学术标准
- 削弱自由机构和规范
9. 自由主义的替代方案:拥抱普遍人权和观点多样性
重拾自由主义价值观。 作者提出回归自由主义原则作为理论分裂性身份政治的替代方案。这种方法强调普遍人权、理性和公开辩论来解决社会问题。
- 致力于个人权利和法律下的平等对待
- 相信通过科学探究获得客观知识的可能性
- 强调观点多样性和言论自由
- 承认进步,同时承认持续的挑战
- 保护自由机构免受意识形态的侵蚀
- 推广“自由科学”作为知识生产的方法
- 鼓励对有争议问题的善意辩论
- 在不诉诸本质主义或相对主义的情况下解决真正的不平等
What's Cynical Theories about?
- Exploration of Postmodernism: The book examines the development of postmodern thought over the past fifty years and its impact on modern scholarship and activism.
- Critique of Social Justice: It argues that the spread of postmodern ideas poses an authoritarian threat to liberal democracy and modernity.
- Focus on Identity Politics: Authors Helen Pluckrose and James Lindsay explore how postmodernism has fueled the rise of identity politics and its societal implications.
Why should I read Cynical Theories?
- Understanding Current Issues: The book offers insights into cultural and ideological battles shaping society, especially concerning race, gender, and identity.
- Critical Perspective: It provides a critical view of the Social Justice Movement, which is gaining influence in academia and beyond.
- Accessible to Laypersons: Written for those without a background in this scholarship, it aims to clarify complex ideas and their real-world effects.
What are the key takeaways of Cynical Theories?
- Postmodernism's Influence: The book highlights how postmodernism has become a dominant ideology in social and political discourse.
- Social Justice as a New Religion: It suggests that Social Justice has become dogmatic, replacing traditional belief systems with its own truths.
- Need for Liberalism: The authors advocate for a return to liberal principles, emphasizing individual rights and universal human dignity over identity politics.
How does Cynical Theories define postmodernism?
- Radical Skepticism: Postmodernism is marked by skepticism about the possibility of objective knowledge and truth.
- Cultural Constructivism: It views knowledge as socially constructed and influenced by power dynamics, making all truths relative.
- Rejection of Metanarratives: Postmodernism dismisses overarching narratives like religion or science, seeing them as oppressive tools.
What is the definition of "Social Justice" in Cynical Theories?
- Capitalized vs. Lowercase: "Social Justice" (capitalized) is a specific ideological movement, while "social justice" (lowercase) is a broader concept of fairness and equality.
- Ideological Framework: "Social Justice" refers to a doctrinal interpretation with strict orthodoxy on race, gender, and identity issues.
- Critique of Exclusivity: The book argues that this movement often undermines genuine social justice by prioritizing group identity over individual merit.
What are the two principles of postmodernism discussed in Cynical Theories?
- Postmodern Knowledge Principle: Emphasizes skepticism about objective knowledge and cultural constructivism, suggesting all knowledge is socially influenced.
- Postmodern Political Principle: Asserts that societal power structures dictate knowledge, often marginalizing certain voices.
- Interconnectedness: Both principles are linked, as rejecting objective truth supports the view that power dynamics shape knowledge.
How does Cynical Theories address the concept of "identity politics"?
- Identity Politics Defined: It refers to political positions based on social group interests, emphasizing group identity over individual traits.
- Critique of Exclusivity: The authors argue that identity politics can lead to authoritarianism, silencing dissenting voices for a singular narrative.
- Impact on Discourse: The book discusses how identity politics shapes discussions on race, gender, and sexuality, often in exclusionary ways.
What is intersectionality, and how is it presented in Cynical Theories?
- Definition of Intersectionality: A framework for understanding how various identities (race, gender, class) intersect to create unique oppression experiences.
- Critique of Simplification: The authors argue it can oversimplify social dynamics by reducing individuals to identity categories.
- Political Implications: The book suggests intersectionality has become a tool for identity politics, leading to divisive practices.
How do the authors define "liberal science" in Cynical Theories?
- Definition of Liberal Science: A method of knowledge production emphasizing skepticism and empirical evidence, with no final say or personal authority in truth.
- Importance of Open Debate: Encourages open debate and free exchange of ideas, essential for discovering truth.
- Self-Correcting Nature: Liberal science is self-correcting, refining ideas over time, crucial for advancing knowledge and addressing societal issues.
What criticisms do the authors have regarding fat studies and fat activism in Cynical Theories?
- Ideological Framework: Criticizes fat studies for dismissing scientific evidence on obesity and health, leading to harmful consequences.
- Rejection of Medical Science: Argues that fat activism's preference for "embodied community knowledge" undermines obesity's seriousness as a health concern.
- Need for Nuanced Discussion: Advocates for discussions considering psychological and physiological factors, essential for effective advocacy.
How does Cynical Theories address the relationship between language and power?
- Language as a Tool of Power: Language shapes social realities and power dynamics, reinforcing or challenging structures.
- Critique of Language Policing: Critiques Social Justice movements' tendency to police language, which can stifle debate and understanding.
- Importance of Open Discourse: Advocates for open discourse, allowing free exchange of ideas, essential for addressing social injustices.
What solutions do the authors propose for addressing the issues raised in Cynical Theories?
- Reinstate Liberal Principles: Proposes a return to liberal principles emphasizing individual rights, reason, and evidence-based knowledge.
- Engage in Open Debate: Advocates for open debate and critical discussions, rather than silencing dissenting voices.
- Reject Ideological Imposition: Calls for rejecting ideological beliefs' imposition, maintaining free speech and open inquiry for a healthy society.