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Don't Make Me Think, Revisited

Don't Make Me Think, Revisited

A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability
作者 Steve Krug 2000 216 页数
29k+ 评分
9 分钟


1. 不让用户思考:设计直观和清晰


直观设计是关键。 用户不应该费力去弄清楚你的网站如何运作。每个元素,从导航到内容,都应该是立即可理解的。当用户遇到不清楚的东西时,会产生认知摩擦,减慢他们的速度,并可能将他们赶走。

一目了然 vs. 自解释。 理想情况下,你的设计应该是一目了然的,不需要思考就能理解。如果做不到这一点,至少要做到自解释,让用户能以最小的努力快速掌握概念。这适用于从按钮标签到整体网站结构的所有内容。

减少心理负担。 消除用户心中的问号。使选择显而易见,使用清晰的语言,并遵循已建立的网络惯例。用户在使用你的网站时思考得越少,他们就能将更多的心理能量投入到你的内容或产品中。

2. 网页用户扫描,不阅读:优化快速理解


扫描是常态。 大多数用户不会彻底阅读网页。他们快速扫描,寻找与任务或兴趣匹配的关键词、短语和视觉提示。这种行为是由时间压力驱动的,他们知道不需要阅读所有内容,并且多年来积累了“差不多就行”的信息收集经验。

为扫描者设计。 使用使内容易于浏览的技巧:

  • 清晰、描述性的标题和副标题
  • 项目符号列表
  • 短段落
  • 突出的关键词
  • 有意义的图片和说明

前置重要信息。 将最重要的内容放在页面顶部和段落开头。使用新闻中的倒金字塔结构:从结论开始,然后提供支持细节。

3. 创建清晰的视觉层次和惯例


视觉层次引导用户。 通过大小、颜色、位置和空白使重要元素更突出。视觉上将相关项目分组。使用嵌套显示什么是属于什么。清晰的视觉层次帮助用户一目了然地理解你的页面。

利用惯例。 网络惯例的演变是有原因的——它们有效。用户已经习惯在特定位置找到特定元素(例如,左上角的标志,右上角的搜索)。除非有非常好的理由,否则要坚持这些惯例。

平衡创新和熟悉。 虽然创造力很有价值,但不要为基本功能重新发明轮子。熟悉的模式减少认知负担。如果你确实创新,确保新设计是如此直观,以至于不需要学习曲线,或者增加显著价值以证明小的学习曲线是合理的。

4. 将页面分成明确的区域


明确的区域有助于理解。 将页面分成明确的区域有助于用户快速决定关注哪些部分,忽略哪些部分。鉴于用户倾向于扫描而不是彻底阅读,这一点尤为重要。

使区域一目了然。 用户应该能够一眼识别每个区域的用途:

  • 导航
  • 搜索
  • 内容
  • 广告
  • 品牌元素

使用视觉设计强化分区。 采用空白、边框、背景颜色和一致的样式等技术来划分不同区域。这种视觉组织帮助用户建立你的网站结构的心理模型。

5. 让可点击的元素显而易见


清晰的可操作性减少挫败感。 用户不应该猜测他们可以与什么互动。通过以下方式使链接和按钮突出:

  • 一致的样式(例如,链接的下划线文本)
  • 颜色区分
  • 悬停效果
  • 重要操作的按钮形状

避免虚假可操作性。 不要让不可交互的元素看起来可点击。这会造成混淆并削弱对界面的信任。

考虑移动交互。 在触摸设备上,使点击目标足够大并适当间隔。为点击提供视觉反馈以确认交互。

6. 消除干扰和杂乱


专注是关键。 页面上的每个不必要的元素都在争夺用户的注意力。杂乱的设计使用户更难找到他们正在寻找的东西并理解你的信息。

无情地编辑。 消除:

  • 不必要的文字和内容
  • 冗余的导航选项
  • 纯装饰性的图片
  • 过于复杂的布局

拥抱空白。 不要觉得必须填满每个像素。空白有助于组织内容,改善可读性,并给重要元素留出呼吸空间。

无情地优先排序。 对页面上的每个元素问:“这是否支持该页面的主要目标?”如果不是,考虑删除它或使其不那么显眼。

7. 设计有效的导航:使其易于查找和理解


清晰的导航至关重要。 良好的导航告诉用户网站上有什么,如何使用它,并让他们对网站的创建者有信心。它应该在整个网站上保持一致,并为用户提供网站结构中的上下文。


  • 持久导航(每页都有)
  • 清晰的部分名称
  • “主页”链接
  • 搜索功能
  • 深层次结构的面包屑导航

使类别一目了然。 用户应该能够预测每个部分会找到什么。使用清晰、描述性的标签,避免可能含糊的巧妙名称。

8. 优化你的主页:明确的目的和简单的起点


立即传达目的。 在几秒钟内,新访客应该了解你的网站是什么以及它提供什么。使用清晰的标语和简洁的解释性文本。

展示关键功能。 使开始网站上最重要任务的方式显而易见。无论是搜索、创建账户还是浏览产品,这些入口点都应该很突出。

平衡竞争需求。 主页通常必须服务于多个受众和业务目标。无情地优先排序,专注于最关键的元素。抵制推广一切的诱惑。

9. 预算内的可用性测试:保持简单并经常进行


定期测试是无价的。 即使是小规模、非正式的可用性测试也能揭示重大问题。目标是在整个开发过程中尽早且经常进行测试。


  • 每轮测试3-4个用户
  • 关注主要任务和痛点
  • 使用思维大声说出协议来了解用户的思维过程
  • 寻找多个用户之间的模式

迅速采取行动。 目标是改进设计,而不是创建详尽的报告。每轮测试后,识别最关键的问题并迅速实施修复。

10. 无障碍设计:为所有用户设计


包容性设计惠及所有人。 为无障碍设计不仅有助于残障用户,通常也会改善所有用户的可用性。它对于法律合规和道德商业实践也越来越重要。


  • 为图片提供文字替代
  • 确保键盘导航
  • 使用足够的颜色对比
  • 创建逻辑的内容结构
  • 使表单可访问

从基础开始。 即使是小的无障碍改进也能产生巨大差异。首先关注最有影响的变化,然后逐步提高无障碍性。

11. 为网络写作:简洁、可扫描和客观


简洁是关键。 网络用户的时间和注意力有限。删除不必要的文字、介绍性文本和营销语言。快速、清晰地切入正题。


  • 使用有意义的标题和副标题
  • 使用项目符号和编号列表
  • 突出关键术语和短语
  • 使用短段落和充足的空白

客观和直截了当。 避免炒作和夸大其词。用户对营销语言持怀疑态度,欣赏清晰、事实的信息。让你的产品或服务自己说话。



What's "Don't Make Me Think" about?

  • Web Usability Focus: "Don't Make Me Think" by Steve Krug is a guide to web usability, emphasizing the importance of intuitive design that doesn't require users to think too much.
  • Practical Advice: The book provides practical advice on how to create user-friendly websites by focusing on design principles rather than technology.
  • User-Centric Approach: It stresses the importance of understanding how users interact with websites and designing with their needs in mind.
  • Second Edition Updates: The second edition includes updated examples and additional chapters on accessibility and usability testing.

Why should I read "Don't Make Me Think"?

  • Improve Usability Skills: It offers valuable insights into making websites more user-friendly, which is crucial for anyone involved in web design or development.
  • Practical and Concise: The book is known for its brevity and practical approach, making it easy to read and apply the concepts quickly.
  • Widely Respected: Steve Krug is a respected figure in the field of usability, and his book is considered a classic in web design literature.
  • Broad Audience: Whether you're a designer, developer, or project manager, the book provides relevant advice for improving web usability.

What are the key takeaways of "Don't Make Me Think"?

  • First Law of Usability: Krug's first law is "Don't make me think," emphasizing that web pages should be self-evident and intuitive.
  • User Behavior Insights: Users scan pages rather than read them, and they often satisfice, choosing the first reasonable option rather than the best one.
  • Importance of Testing: Regular usability testing is crucial, even if it's informal and involves just a few users.
  • Clear Navigation: Effective navigation is essential for a good user experience, and it should be consistent and easy to understand.

How does Steve Krug define usability in "Don't Make Me Think"?

  • Ease of Use: Usability means ensuring that a person of average ability can use a website for its intended purpose without frustration.
  • Common Sense Approach: Krug advocates for a common-sense approach to usability, focusing on making things obvious and self-explanatory.
  • User-Centric Design: The design should prioritize the user's needs and minimize the cognitive load required to navigate the site.
  • Iterative Testing: Usability is best achieved through iterative testing and refinement based on user feedback.

What is Krug's First Law of Usability?

  • "Don't Make Me Think": The first law is that web pages should be self-evident, meaning users should understand them without having to think.
  • Obvious and Intuitive: The design should be obvious and intuitive, allowing users to navigate without confusion or hesitation.
  • Reduce Cognitive Load: By minimizing the cognitive load, users can focus on their tasks rather than figuring out how to use the site.
  • Ultimate Tie Breaker: This principle serves as the ultimate tie breaker when deciding if a design works or not.

What are some best practices for web navigation according to "Don't Make Me Think"?

  • Consistent Navigation: Use persistent navigation elements that appear on every page to provide a consistent user experience.
  • Clear Visual Hierarchy: Create a clear visual hierarchy to help users understand the relationships between different elements on a page.
  • Use Conventions: Take advantage of web conventions to make navigation intuitive and reduce the learning curve for users.
  • Highlight Current Location: Use "You are here" indicators to show users their current location within the site.

How does Krug suggest handling usability testing?

  • Start Early and Test Often: Begin testing early in the design process and continue testing iteratively to catch issues before they become ingrained.
  • Simple and Inexpensive: Usability testing doesn't have to be expensive or complicated; even testing with a few users can provide valuable insights.
  • Focus on Key Tasks: Test key tasks that users are likely to perform on the site to ensure they can complete them easily.
  • Observe and Adjust: Watch users interact with the site, note where they struggle, and make adjustments based on these observations.

What role do taglines play in web design according to "Don't Make Me Think"?

  • Convey Site Purpose: Taglines should clearly convey the purpose of the site and what makes it unique or valuable.
  • Positioning: They are typically placed near the Site ID to immediately inform users about the site's mission.
  • Brevity and Clarity: Effective taglines are concise, usually six to eight words, and provide a clear benefit or differentiation.
  • Avoid Jargon: Taglines should avoid vague or generic language that doesn't add value or clarity.

What are some common usability issues highlighted in "Don't Make Me Think"?

  • Unclear Navigation: Users often struggle with navigation that isn't intuitive or consistent across the site.
  • Excessive Text: Pages with too much text can overwhelm users; Krug advises cutting unnecessary words.
  • Hidden Information: Important information, like contact details or pricing, should not be hidden or difficult to find.
  • Complex Forms: Forms should be simple and only ask for necessary information to avoid user frustration.

How does Krug address accessibility in "Don't Make Me Think"?

  • Part of Usability: Accessibility is an integral part of usability, ensuring that all users, including those with disabilities, can use the site.
  • Simple Adjustments: Implementing basic accessibility features, like alt text for images and keyboard navigation, can significantly improve usability.
  • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS): Using CSS can help create accessible designs by allowing for flexible layouts and text resizing.
  • Right Thing to Do: Beyond legal requirements, making a site accessible is the right thing to do as it can dramatically improve some users' lives.

What are some of the best quotes from "Don't Make Me Think" and what do they mean?

  • "Don't make me think!": This quote encapsulates the book's core message that web design should be intuitive and self-evident.
  • "Get rid of half the words on each page, then get rid of half of what's left.": This emphasizes the importance of concise content that doesn't overwhelm users.
  • "Usability testing on 10 cents a day.": Krug highlights that usability testing can be simple and inexpensive, yet highly effective.
  • "The Farmer and the Cowman Should Be Friends.": This chapter title suggests that different stakeholders in web design should collaborate despite differing perspectives.

How does "Don't Make Me Think" address the balance between design and functionality?

  • Design for Users: The book stresses that design should prioritize user needs and ease of use over aesthetic appeal alone.
  • Avoid Over-Design: While visual appeal is important, it should not come at the expense of functionality or user experience.
  • Iterative Improvement: Design should be refined through iterative testing and feedback to ensure it meets user needs effectively.
  • Balance Sizzle and Substance: Krug advises against adding unnecessary "sizzle" that can detract from the site's usability and purpose.


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Steve Krug 是一位著名的可用性顾问和作家,以其著作《Don't Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability》而闻名。该书印刷量超过60万册,已成为网页设计领域的经典之作。Krug的专业知识源于他为包括苹果公司和NPR在内的众多知名客户提供超过20年的咨询服务。他还撰写了《Rocket Surgery Made Easy》,这是一本关于可用性测试的手册。Krug的咨询公司Advanced Common Sense位于马萨诸塞州的Chestnut Hill。目前,他专注于写作、教授可用性工作坊,并享受老电影。

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