1. 足球的数据革命:从怀疑到主流接受
早期的抵制: 与棒球不同,足球长期以来被认为过于流动和动态,难以量化。传统主义者认为,激情和斗志等无形因素比数字更重要。然而,以下几个因素促成了数据在足球中的逐渐接受:
- 体育的职业化和全球化
- 不断增长的财务利益,激励寻找竞争优势
- 体育科学和学术方法的影响
- 技术进步使得数据收集和分析更加便捷
- 粉丝群体的变化,更多分析思维的支持者
- 1990年代末,ProZone和Opta引入数据收集服务
- 2003年《点球成金》的出版,突显了数据在体育中的潜力
- 2017年,预期进球(xG)在《比赛日》节目中亮相
- 利物浦等顶级俱乐部将数据整合到核心运营中
2. 先驱者:为足球分析铺平道路的早期采用者
萨姆·阿勒代斯在博尔顿: 尽管他以传统的长传打法闻名,阿勒代斯是最早在英格兰足球中采用数据分析的人之一。他的方法包括:
- 雇佣分析师和体育科学家
- 使用ProZone数据来指导战术决策
- 关注定位球和基于数据的球员招募
- 基于统计分析开发“梦幻四人组”原则
- 阿森纳的阿尔塞纳·温格,早期认识到数据的潜力
- 托特纳姆和利物浦的达米安·科莫利,倡导数据驱动的招募
- 决策技术公司与托特纳姆合作提供高级分析
3. 预期进球(xG)的崛起:改变游戏规则的指标
xG的发展: 预期进球从早期量化射门质量的尝试演变为广泛接受的团队和球员表现衡量标准。其发展的关键阶段包括:
- 1950年代查尔斯·里普的早期工作
- 1990年代马克·迪克森和斯图尔特·科尔斯的学术研究
- 2012年Opta的萨姆·格林开发的公共xG模型
- 专业俱乐部和媒体的采用
- 提供对团队和球员表现的更细致理解
- 帮助在转会市场上识别被低估的球员
- 影响战术决策和球员定位
- 改变粉丝和媒体对足球的讨论
4. 在传统足球文化中实施数据驱动方法的挑战
文化抵制: 将数据分析整合到足球中面临多个障碍:
- 传统教练和球探的怀疑
- 现有员工对工作被取代的恐惧
- 向非技术利益相关者传达复杂理念的难度
- 改变长期以来对足球应如何进行的信念的抵制
- 克里斯·安德森在考文垂市平衡数据洞察与日常运营的困难
- 阿森纳收购StatDNA未能充分利用,因内部抵制
- 利物浦早期尝试面临教练和粉丝的怀疑
- 高层管理和所有权的支持
- 耐心和长期愿景
- 分析师与足球工作人员之间的有效沟通
- 将数据洞察逐步整合到现有流程中
5. 赌博公司在推进足球分析中的角色
赌博的影响: 专业赌博公司如Starlizard和SmartOdds在推进足球分析中发挥了重要作用:
- 开发复杂模型来预测比赛结果和球员表现
- 大量投资于数据收集和分析
- 创建类似于预期进球的指标,早于足球界的广泛使用
- 托尼·布鲁姆(Starlizard)在布莱顿霍夫阿尔比恩应用分析原则
- 马修·本汉姆(SmartOdds)在布伦特福德和FC米迪兰特实施数据驱动方法
6. 利物浦足球俱乐部:成功数据整合的案例研究
利物浦的方法: 在芬威体育集团的所有权下,利物浦足球俱乐部成为将数据分析整合到俱乐部运营各个方面的典范:
- 招募:使用数据识别和评估转会目标
- 战术:指导场上策略和球员定位
- 球员发展:定制训练和恢复计划
- 业务运营:优化票价和粉丝参与
- 迈克尔·爱德华兹:倡导数据驱动方法的技术总监
- 伊恩·格雷厄姆:研究主管,开发复杂的分析模型
- 尤尔根·克洛普:愿意将数据洞察纳入决策的经理
- 成功的球员收购(如穆罕默德·萨拉赫,维吉尔·范戴克)
- 英超联赛和欧洲冠军联赛的胜利
- 平衡表现和盈利能力的可持续财务模式
7. 足球的未来:平衡数据与人类专业知识
不断发展的格局: 随着数据分析在足球中变得更加普及,未来的足球可能包括:
- 更复杂的数据收集和分析技术
- 分析在游戏各个层面的更广泛整合
- 更加注重寻找新的优势和低效之处
平衡之道: 最成功的俱乐部和经理将是那些能够有效结合:
- 数据驱动的洞察
- 传统的足球知识和经验
- 心理学和团队动态等人类因素
- 对游戏的直觉和“感觉”
- 超越预期进球的高级指标
- 实时分析指导比赛中的决策
- 基于个别球员数据的个性化训练和恢复计划
- 人工智能和机器学习在战术和招募中的应用
What's Expected Goals: The Story of How Data Conquered Football and Changed the Game Forever about?
- Data in Football: The book explores the transformative impact of data analytics on football, from team management to player scouting and game analysis.
- Historical Context: It traces the evolution of football analytics from the 1950s to the present, highlighting key developments and milestones.
- Personal Stories: Includes narratives of key figures in the analytics movement, showcasing their challenges and triumphs in a traditionally conservative sport.
Why should I read Expected Goals by Rory Smith?
- Insightful Perspective: Offers a unique look at the intersection of sports and data, appealing to both football fans and analytics enthusiasts.
- Understanding Change: Helps readers grasp the significant changes in football management and strategy due to data analytics.
- Engaging Narration: Rory Smith combines personal anecdotes with industry insights, making complex topics accessible and engaging.
What are the key takeaways of Expected Goals?
- Importance of Data: Data is now integral to football, influencing decisions from player recruitment to game strategy.
- Cultural Shift: Highlights the resistance within football to embrace analytics, contrasting traditional views with modern practices.
- Real-World Applications: Showcases how clubs like Tottenham and Liverpool have successfully integrated data, leading to improved performance.
What is the concept of "Expected Goals" in football analytics?
- Definition: Expected Goals (xG) is a metric estimating the likelihood of a goal from a shot based on factors like distance and angle.
- Purpose: Helps teams assess player performance and the quality of chances created, offering a nuanced understanding of match outcomes.
- Impact on Strategy: Enables clubs to make informed decisions about player recruitment and game tactics, focusing on high-quality scoring opportunities.
How has data changed player recruitment in football?
- Informed Decisions: Clubs use data analytics to evaluate player performance metrics, identifying undervalued talent and avoiding costly mistakes.
- Long-Term Planning: Data allows teams to project a player's future performance, aiding in strategic planning for squad development.
- Competitive Edge: Teams effectively utilizing analytics gain a significant advantage over rivals relying solely on traditional scouting methods.
What challenges do clubs face in adopting data analytics?
- Cultural Resistance: Many clubs resist adopting new methods, fearing they undermine the sport's emotional and instinctual aspects.
- Data Quality: Ensuring the accuracy and reliability of data is crucial for informed decision-making.
- Integration Issues: Incorporating analytics into existing structures requires buy-in from all levels of the organization, from management to coaching staff.
How do clubs like Tottenham and Liverpool utilize data?
- Performance Analysis: Use data to assess player performance, identify strengths and weaknesses, and inform tactical decisions during matches.
- Scouting and Recruitment: Leverage analytics to scout potential signings, focusing on players who fit their data-driven models.
- Strategic Planning: Data informs long-term strategies, helping clubs set realistic goals and measure progress against objectives.
What role does technology play in football analytics?
- Data Collection: Advances in technology facilitate the collection and analysis of vast amounts of match data, including player movements and game events.
- Real-Time Analysis: Technology enables real-time data processing, allowing teams to make quick decisions during games.
- Visualization Tools: Sophisticated software helps visualize data, making it easier for coaches and analysts to interpret complex statistics.
How does Expected Goals address the future of football?
- Evolving Landscape: Discusses how data analytics integration will continue to evolve, shaping football management and strategy.
- Potential for Growth: Highlights untapped potential for further advancements in analytics, suggesting clubs embracing these changes will thrive.
- Cultural Shift: Indicates that as more clubs adopt data-driven approaches, football culture will gradually shift towards a more analytical sport.
Who are the key figures mentioned in Expected Goals?
- Rory Smith: The author, providing a comprehensive overview of the analytics revolution in football.
- Billy Beane: Central figure in Moneyball, whose data-driven approach in baseball inspired similar movements in football.
- Damien Comolli: Played a significant role in integrating analytics at Tottenham Hotspur and Liverpool.
What are the best quotes from Expected Goals and what do they mean?
- “Data has suffused almost every aspect of how football is played.”: Highlights the pervasive influence of analytics in modern football.
- “Stupid player transactions kill clubs.”: Reflects the critical role of informed decision-making in player recruitment.
- “The revolution did happen.”: Acknowledges the significant changes in football due to analytics, affirming data-driven strategies have reshaped the competitive landscape.
How does the book illustrate the evolution of football analytics?
- Historical Milestones: Outlines key developments in football analytics, from early data collection attempts to sophisticated models used today.
- Influential Clubs and Figures: Highlights contributions of clubs like Arsenal and Liverpool, and figures like Ian Graham and Monchi.
- Cultural Shifts: Shows how the acceptance of analytics has grown, leading to a more data-informed approach to management and recruitment.