1. 差距销售:关注客户的问题,而非你的产品
转变心态。 传统销售侧重于推销产品和功能。差距销售颠覆了这种方法,完全以客户的问题和期望结果为中心。通过了解客户当前状态与期望状态之间的差距,销售人员可以将他们的解决方案定位为弥合这一差距的桥梁。
通过变革创造价值。 差距销售认识到所有销售本质上都是关于变革。客户只有在被迫从当前情况转变到更好情况时才会购买。作为销售人员,你的任务是:
- 清晰地识别和阐明客户的问题
- 展示维持现状的负面影响
- 显示你的解决方案如何实现期望的变革
- 量化实现未来状态的价值
2. 了解当前状态:深入挖掘客户挑战
成为问题发现专家。 要真正了解客户的当前状态,你必须超越表面问题。进行彻底的发现过程以揭示:
- 客户业务的实际、物理事实
- 他们面临的具体问题
- 这些问题对组织的影响
- 这些问题的根本原因
- 客户对这些挑战的情感状态
使用问题识别图表。 在与潜在客户接触之前,创建一个文件,列出:
- 你的产品/服务可以解决的所有潜在问题
- 这些问题可能对业务产生的各种影响
- 这些问题的根本原因
3. 设想未来状态:描绘成功的诱人图景
使其具体化。 帮助客户清晰地阐明和可视化他们理想的未来状态。问问题如:
- 你希望这个系统如何工作?
- 你希望它需要多长时间?
- 你希望产生多少更多的潜在客户?
- 这将代表多少更多的收入?
量化影响。 争取具体、可衡量的结果。“更高效”太模糊;“将周转时间减少20%并将产量增加50%”提供了一个具体的愿景。
情感共鸣。 了解实现这一未来状态将如何让客户感到。触及逻辑和情感驱动因素都能增强他们改变的动机。
4. 量化差距:测量当前状态与未来状态之间的差异
未来状态 – 当前状态 = 差距
使其具体化。 一旦你了解了当前状态和未来状态,计算出具体的差异。例如:
- 客户希望增长20%。他们目前增长10%。差距是10%。
- 期望收入1.1亿美元 – 当前收入1亿美元 = 1000万美元的差距
- 期望成交率35% – 当前成交率30% = 5%的差距
评估价值与成本。 确定差距是否足够大以证明实现未来状态所需的投资(财务和努力)。1000万美元的差距可能很容易证明10万美元的解决方案是合理的,但90万美元的差距可能不那么明确。
必要时扩大差距。 如果初始差距看起来太小而无法激励变革,深入发现以揭示其他影响或问题,这些可能增加变革的感知价值。
5. 发掘内在动机:客户真正想改变的原因是什么?
超越表面目标。 挖掘驱动变革愿望的根本原因。问:“告诉我一些关于驱动这一变革的事情。”答案提供了定制你方法的关键见解。
- 击败竞争对手
- 满足投资者的承诺
- 个人职业发展
- 解决长期存在的挫折
与动机对齐。 一旦你了解了核心驱动因素,将你的整个销售方法集中在如何实现未来状态满足这一更深层次的需求或愿望上。
6. 掌握发现:提出探究性问题以揭示真正的痛点
- 探究性:开放性问题,要求具体细节
- 过程性:开放性问题,问“如何?”
- 挑战性:轻推客户从新的角度考虑他们的当前状态
- 验证性:重复信息以确保正确理解
避免开放性答案。 争取具体。“我们增长不够快”是不够的。跟进:“为我定义一下?‘不够快’对你意味着什么?”
- “告诉我一些关于……的事情”
- “帮我理解……”
- “请描述一下……”
- “带我走一遍……”
7. 进行有影响力的演示:根据客户需求定制展示
- 永远不要将发现和演示结合在一起——分别安排时间
- 消除“如果”——你应该知道他们的问题,而不是猜测
- 只展示六个功能——注重质量而非数量
- 锚定你的客户——使用肯定性问题来巩固价值主张
创建演示图。 使用你的问题识别图表,将客户的问题按影响从大到小排列。只展示直接解决他们主要问题的功能。
不断验证。 在每个功能演示后,问肯定性问题如:
- “你能看到这个功能如何改善你的客户流失率吗?”
- “你能看到这将如何缩短数据输入时间吗?”
- “你能看到这将如何增加你的转化率吗?”
8. 克服异议:通过重新聚焦期望结果来解决顾虑
重新框定对话。 当面对异议,尤其是关于价格的异议时,将焦点重新转向期望结果和实现它的价值。使用短语“我有点困惑……”来轻轻挑战陈述目标和异议之间的不一致。
- “我有点困惑。你说到2020年达到5000万美元是至关重要的。为什么8万美元对于一个能让你达到目标的解决方案来说太贵了?”
- “我有点困惑。如果你不在明年的预算之前前进,你将每月损失5万美元,持续六个月。你准备好损失30万美元了吗?”
让他们辩解。 在展示价值主张后,保持沉默,让买家试图解释为什么实现他们陈述的目标不值得投资。
9. 建立健康的销售管道:确保准确的预测和可预测性
- 准确的成交日期(在30天内)
- 准确的季度承诺,误差在15%以内
- 明确的下一步(下一个“是”)
- 清晰的交易策略
- 足够的管道覆盖
- 所有上述内容的证据
进行彻底的管道审查。 作为销售经理,确保你的团队真正了解:
- 客户的当前状态
- 期望的未来状态
- 量化的差距
- 客户的内在动机
- 决策标准
- 推进交易的下一个具体步骤
关注下一个“是”。 确保销售人员始终清楚他们需要从客户那里获得的下一个承诺,以推进销售。
10. 培养承诺文化:让销售团队对准确预测负责
定义承诺文化。 在承诺文化中,销售人员对他们的数字负责,并对准确性负责,而不仅仅是达到目标。目标是预测准确性在15%以内。
- 增加整个组织的信任
- 更好的资源分配和规划
- 早期识别潜在的短缺
- 减少季度末的紧急情况和折扣
- 让销售人员对他们的数字做出承诺,即使低于配额
- 温和地挑战承诺,但最终接受它们
- 使用差距销售原则确保承诺基于数据,而不是直觉
- 培养心理安全感,使团队成员感到舒适,分享现实的预测
What's "Gap Selling" by Keenan about?
- Problem-Centric Selling: "Gap Selling" focuses on a problem-centric approach to sales, emphasizing understanding and solving customer problems rather than just selling products.
- Sales Challenges: The book addresses common sales challenges like lost deals, price negotiations, and prospects going dark, and offers solutions to these issues.
- Sales Methodology: It introduces a new sales methodology that challenges traditional beliefs, such as the importance of relationships and the concept of closing.
- Sales Process: The book is divided into four parts, covering the rules of gap selling, specific skills and strategies, prospecting, and building a gap-selling environment.
Why should I read "Gap Selling"?
- New Perspective: It offers a fresh perspective on sales, challenging entrenched beliefs and providing a new approach to selling.
- Practical Advice: The book provides practical advice and executable skills to win more deals and shorten sales cycles.
- Sales Efficiency: It aims to make selling more fluid, predictable, and efficient by focusing on diagnosing customer problems.
- Comprehensive Guide: It serves as a comprehensive guide for salespeople and sales leaders to improve their sales strategies and team management.
What are the key takeaways of "Gap Selling"?
- Focus on Problems: Sales should focus on diagnosing and solving customer problems rather than pushing products.
- Understand the Gap: Identify the gap between the customer's current state and desired future state to drive the sale.
- Challenge Traditional Beliefs: The book challenges traditional sales beliefs, such as the importance of relationships and the concept of closing.
- Sales as a Partnership: Emphasizes building a partnership with customers to help them achieve their desired outcomes.
How does "Gap Selling" redefine the sales process?
- Problem Diagnosis: The sales process starts with diagnosing the customer's problem, not pitching a product.
- Current and Future State: Understand the customer's current state and desired future state to identify the gap.
- Customer-Centric Approach: Focus on the customer's needs and problems, making the sale about them, not the product.
- Continuous Engagement: Keep the customer engaged by consistently providing value and addressing their concerns.
What is the "gap" in "Gap Selling"?
- Definition of Gap: The gap is the space between the customer's current state and their desired future state.
- Value of the Gap: The value of the sale lives in the gap; the larger the gap, the more value there is in changing.
- Identifying the Gap: Salespeople must help customers see the full extent of their problems to understand the gap.
- Driving the Sale: The gap drives the sale by highlighting the need for change and the value of the solution.
How does "Gap Selling" challenge traditional sales beliefs?
- Relationships Don't Matter: The book argues that relationships are not the primary driver of sales; value is.
- No Closing Techniques: It dismisses traditional closing techniques, emphasizing that closing happens throughout the sales process.
- Focus on Change: Sales are about facilitating change, not just selling products or services.
- Customer-Centric Sales: The focus is on understanding and solving customer problems, not on the salesperson or their product.
What are the nine truth bombs of selling in "Gap Selling"?
- No Problem, No Sale: Every sale starts with a problem; without a problem, there is no sale.
- Sales are Emotional: Sales involve change, which is emotional, making every sale an emotional process.
- Customers Resist Change: Customers naturally resist change, even when they say they want it.
- Future State is Key: Sales happen when the future state is perceived as better than the current state.
How does "Gap Selling" suggest handling objections?
- Focus on the Problem: Address objections by focusing on the customer's problem and desired future state.
- Challenge the Objection: Use the customer's own words and goals to challenge their objections.
- Avoid Defending the Product: Do not defend the product; instead, make the customer defend their objection.
- Reaffirm the Value: Reaffirm the value of the solution in achieving the customer's desired outcomes.
What is the role of discovery in "Gap Selling"?
- In-Depth Discovery: Conduct an in-depth discovery to understand the customer's current state, problems, and desired outcomes.
- Ask the Right Questions: Use probing, process, and provoking questions to gather detailed information.
- Validate Information: Use validating questions to ensure you understand the customer's needs and problems.
- Foundation for the Sale: The discovery process sets the foundation for the entire sales process and influences the outcome.
How does "Gap Selling" approach prospecting?
- Problem-Focused Prospecting: Prospecting should focus on identifying and solving potential customer problems.
- Create Intrigue: Use intrigue and knowledge gaps to capture the prospect's attention.
- Offer Value: Provide value in every communication to compel prospects to engage.
- Targeted Approach: Use a targeted approach to identify ideal customers and prioritize those with the most significant problems.
What are the nine qualities of a gap seller according to "Gap Selling"?
- Curiosity: A natural inclination to ask questions and seek deeper understanding.
- Critical Thinking: The ability to analyze information and draw insightful conclusions.
- Empathy: Understanding and connecting with the customer's emotions and needs.
- Problem Solving: A focus on finding and solving customer problems effectively.
What are the best quotes from "Gap Selling" and what do they mean?
- "No problem, no sale." This emphasizes that every sale starts with identifying a problem; without a problem, there is no sale.
- "Sales are about change." This highlights that sales involve facilitating change, not just selling products.
- "Customers don't like change." This acknowledges the natural resistance customers have to change, even when they say they want it.
- "The gap is where the value lives." This underscores the importance of identifying the gap between the current and future state to drive the sale.
《Gap Selling》获得了压倒性的好评,读者们称赞其销售方法的新颖方法。许多人强调这本书关注理解客户问题,并通过解决当前状态与理想状态之间的差距来创造价值。评论者们欣赏Keenan的实用建议、引人入胜的写作风格,以及成为解决问题的顾问而非传统销售人员的强调。一些人提到书中的对话语气和重复性,但仍然认为它很有价值。总体而言,读者们推荐它作为现代销售专业人士提升技能和达成更多交易的必备资源。
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