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Scene from the Inside Out
作者 Mick Napier 2004 144 页数
1k+ 评分
11 分钟


1. 即兴创作是无畏的创造,而不是遵循规则


只要做点什么。 成功的即兴创作的关键在于行动而不是过度思考。与其担心遵循规则或做出“正确”的选择,不如大胆而迅速地做出任何选择。这种无畏的态度能让你摆脱思维的束缚,进入一种游戏状态,这是良好即兴创作的本质。

规则可能会阻碍创造力。 虽然许多即兴表演课程教授一套规则(例如,“不要否定”,“不要提问”),但这些规则实际上可能适得其反。它们往往导致过度思考和自我审查,而不是自发的创造。与其试图遵循规则,不如相信自己的直觉,并全心全意地投入到当下的选择中。

拥抱未知。 良好的即兴创作来自于发现,而不是预先计划。通过在不知结果的情况下做出强有力的选择,你会为自己打开意想不到的可能性。这种方法比试图强迫预定的结果更能创造出真实且引人入胜的场景。

2. 先照顾好自己,然后支持你的搭档


建立自己的角色。 支持你的场景搭档的最佳方式是首先为自己建立一个强有力的角色或观点。这为你的搭档提供了具体的反应和发挥的基础。通过在场景中照顾好自己的“角色”,你为双方提供了一个坚实的基础。

力量,而不是恐惧。 许多即兴表演者错误地认为“支持你的搭档”意味着被动或顺从。实际上,最支持的行为是做出大胆的选择并全心全意地投入。这会为场景创造能量和动力,对双方都有利。

积极倾听。 一旦你建立了自己的角色,仔细倾听搭档的选择,并通过你已建立的观点来回应。这会自然地推动场景向前发展。

3. 建立并保持强有力的观点


坚持你的选择。 一旦你在场景中建立了一个角色或观点,坚持并放大它。即使它没有立即引起笑声或感觉不舒服,也不要放弃你的初始选择。即兴创作的魔力往往来自于充分探索和提升一个强有力的选择。

提升和探索。 随着场景的发展,寻找使角色的观点更加极端或具体的方法。这会创造出喜剧张力,并让观众清楚地了解场景的主题。例如,如果你的角色开始时有点恼火,随着场景的继续,他们可能会变得越来越愤怒。

通过你的视角过滤一切。 通过你已建立的角色视角来回应所有新信息和搭档的选择。这会创造一致性,并允许在场景中有机地发现新事物。它还可以防止在面对新信息时放弃你的观点的常见陷阱。

4. 上下文在即兴创作中至关重要


建立场景的现实。 场景的上下文——其设置、关系和潜在动态——为发生的一切提供了框架。快速建立并同意这个上下文,为表演者和观众提供了对场景“规则”的共同理解。

使用上下文作为指南。 一旦上下文建立起来,使用它来指导你在场景中的所有选择。这会创造连贯性,并允许更细致和具体的幽默。例如,如果上下文是紧张的工作面试,每一个动作和对话都应该反映并提升这种潜在的紧张感。

在上下文中颠覆预期。 在保持已建立的上下文的同时,寻找机会通过做出意想不到的选择来让观众惊喜。这会创造出愉悦和幽默的时刻,而不会破坏场景的连贯性。

5. 在已建立的上下文中制造惊喜


找到意想不到的。 一旦你建立了场景的上下文,寻找在这个框架内做出令人惊讶的选择的方法。这会为观众创造愉悦的时刻,而不会破坏场景的连贯性。例如,在一个关于严格父母的场景中,让其中一个突然跳起滑稽的舞蹈,这会令人惊讶,但仍然符合已建立的动态。

使用具体性。 为你的角色或场景添加具体的、不同寻常的细节,可以创造出令人惊讶的时刻。与其做出泛泛的回应,不如提供奇特的具体信息,让你的搭档和观众感到意外。这种具体性往往会引发笑声,并赋予场景更多深度。

投出曲线球。 偶尔引入一个看似与场景完全无关的元素,然后找到一种方式来解释和融入它。这种技巧可以让场景保持新鲜和不可预测,同时挑战你做出创造性的连接。然而,要谨慎使用,并始终努力将其与场景的核心联系起来。

6. 克服即兴创作中的常见陷阱


避免辩解。 抵制解释你或你的角色为什么会有某种行为的冲动。这通常源于恐惧,会消耗场景的能量。相反,全心全意地投入到你的选择中,而不需要为它们辩解。

不要说太多。 过多的对话通常是紧张或试图找到有效内容的标志。练习一次说一句简短而有力的句子,然后给你的搭档留出回应的空间。这会创造出更自然的节奏,并防止你陷入思维的困境。

拥抱沉默。 许多即兴表演者出于恐惧而急于填补每一个时刻的对话。学会对沉默感到舒适,可以创造出强大的张力,并给表演者和观众时间来处理场景中发生的事情。

保持你的观点。 抵制在场景变得困难时放弃你已建立的角色或观点的诱惑。相反,加倍坚持你的初始选择,并找到新的方式来表达它。这会创造一致性,并常常在场景中引发更有趣的发现。

7. 丰富和有趣场景的高级技巧


使用具体性。 为你的角色、对话或场景环境添加高度具体的细节,可以创造出更丰富、更吸引人的世界。与其做出泛泛的陈述,不如提供奇特的具体信息。这往往会引发笑声,并让观众有更多的关注点。

运用“拉出/拉回”技巧。 暂时违背你已建立的观点,然后迅速回到它。这会创造出动态的张力,并可能导致角色自我意识的幽默时刻。例如,一个讨厌派对的角色可能会短暂地对一个派对感到兴奋,然后立即后悔他们的热情。

创造个人物品和习惯。 给你的角色一个特定的物品或独特的习惯。这会增加你的角色的深度,并常常提供物理喜剧的机会。例如,一个高管可能在重要对话中不断玩弄溜溜球。

变化你的能量和选择。 注意你表演中的模式,并有意识地打破它们。如果你注意到你连续扮演了几个大声、愤怒的角色,挑战自己下次扮演一个安静、胆小的角色。这会扩展你的范围,并保持你的即兴创作新鲜。

8. 即兴表演者的试镜和表演指南


拥抱试镜的能量。 理解审查员真心希望你成功。与其被严肃的气氛吓倒,不如利用它作为动力,为你的表演带来更多的能量和游戏性。你在紧张环境中全心投入的意愿会让你脱颖而出。

展示范围和多样性。 在试镜和表演中,展示你扮演不同类型角色和情感的能力。避免陷入模式或依赖单一的“常用”角色。有意识地变化你的音量、能量水平和物理选择,以展示你的多才多艺。

  • 情感范围:在喜悦、愤怒、悲伤、恐惧等之间切换
  • 物理多样性:探索不同的姿势、动作和层次(站立、坐下、躺下)
  • 声音多样性:玩弄口音、音调、音量和说话节奏

保持专业和准备充分。 将即兴创作视为一门严肃的技艺,而不仅仅是随意的娱乐。参加表演课程以提高你的技能,在试镜和表演前保持充足的休息和专注,并以专业的态度展示自己。这会展示你的承诺,并让你与那些对即兴创作过于随意的人区分开来。

9. 即兴创作的热力学:能量和熵


理解场景能量。 将即兴场景视为一个封闭系统,具有有限的能量。每一个选择、对话和动作都要么增加,要么减少场景的整体能量。你的目标是最大化指向场景核心的能量。

最小化浪费的能量。 认识到任何不服务于场景核心(其“引擎”)的选择都是浪费的能量,这些能量永远无法回收。这包括打破角色、偏离主题或做出与已建立现实相矛盾的选择。专注于让每一个字和动作都发挥作用。

对抗熵。 正如物理系统随着时间的推移趋向于无序,即兴场景如果不积极维护,自然会失去能量。不断寻找提升和探索场景核心想法的方法。这可能包括:

  • 提高赌注
  • 加深角色关系
  • 探索已建立前提的新方面
  • 寻找令人惊讶的方式来重申场景的核心冲突或动态




What's "Improvise. Scene from the Inside Out" by Mick Napier about?

  • Focus on Improvisation: The book delves into the art of improvisation, emphasizing the spontaneity and creativity involved in making up scenes on the spot.
  • Practical Guidance: It offers practical advice and techniques for improvisers to enhance their skills, focusing on scene work and character development.
  • Personal Journey: Mick Napier shares his personal journey from aspiring veterinarian to passionate improviser, providing insights into his experiences and the evolution of his improvisational philosophy.
  • Breaking Traditional Rules: The book challenges traditional improv rules, encouraging improvisers to find their own path and make bold choices.

Why should I read "Improvise. Scene from the Inside Out"?

  • Unique Perspective: Mick Napier provides a fresh perspective on improvisation, challenging conventional rules and encouraging a more personal approach.
  • Practical Tips: The book is filled with practical tips and exercises that can be applied immediately to improve improvisational skills.
  • Inspiration for Improvisers: It serves as an inspiration for both beginners and seasoned improvisers, offering new ways to think about and approach improv.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: From basic concepts to advanced techniques, the book covers a wide range of topics relevant to anyone interested in improv.

What are the key takeaways of "Improvise. Scene from the Inside Out"?

  • Do Something: At the start of a scene, it's more important to do something than to worry about what to do. This helps snap you out of your head and into the moment.
  • Break the Rules: Traditional improv rules can be limiting. Napier encourages improvisers to break these rules and find their own way to create engaging scenes.
  • Context is Key: Understanding and maintaining the context of a scene is crucial. It provides a roadmap for the improvisers and helps the audience follow along.
  • Support Through Strength: The best way to support your partner is by making strong choices yourself, which in turn supports the scene as a whole.

What is Mick Napier's approach to breaking traditional improv rules?

  • Questioning the Rules: Napier questions the effectiveness of traditional improv rules, suggesting they can hinder creativity and spontaneity.
  • Focus on Play: He emphasizes the importance of play and discovery over adhering to a set of predefined rules.
  • Encouraging Bold Choices: Napier encourages improvisers to make bold, fearless choices that may not align with conventional rules but enhance the scene.
  • Personal Experience: His approach is informed by his own experiences and observations in the world of improv, where he found that breaking rules often led to more engaging performances.

How does Mick Napier suggest improvisers handle fear in scenes?

  • Acknowledge Fear: Recognize that fear is a natural part of improvisation and can lead to protective behaviors that hinder performance.
  • Embrace Playfulness: Shift focus from fear to playfulness, allowing for more spontaneous and creative choices.
  • Stay Out of Your Head: Avoid overthinking by making immediate choices and committing to them, which helps reduce fear-driven hesitation.
  • Use Fear as Fuel: Transform fear into a driving force for bold and unexpected choices that can enhance the scene.

What exercises does "Improvise. Scene from the Inside Out" recommend for improvisers?

  • Dada Monologue: Engage in nonsensical monologues to free up random associations and stimulate creativity.
  • Word Association: Practice quick associations with random words to enhance spontaneity and storytelling skills.
  • Gibberish Scenes: Use gibberish to focus on emotional expression and character development without relying on words.
  • Solo Character Switches: Rapidly switch between different characters to build versatility and quick thinking.

What is the significance of context in improvisation according to Mick Napier?

  • Defines the Scene: Context provides a framework for the scene, helping improvisers and the audience understand what is happening.
  • Guides Choices: It serves as a guide for making choices that are consistent with the established reality of the scene.
  • Enhances Engagement: A well-defined context keeps the audience engaged by providing a clear and coherent narrative.
  • Allows for Surprises: Within a strong context, improvisers can introduce surprising elements that enhance the scene without confusing the audience.

How does Mick Napier address the concept of supporting your partner in improv?

  • Self-Support First: Napier emphasizes taking care of yourself first by making strong choices, which inherently supports your partner.
  • Power Over Fear: Support your partner by bringing power and confidence to the scene, rather than fear and hesitation.
  • Mutual Creation: Both partners contribute to the scene's development through their individual choices, creating a shared reality.
  • Listening and Responding: Effective support involves actively listening and responding through your character's perspective, rather than simply agreeing.

What advanced improvisation techniques are discussed in "Improvise. Scene from the Inside Out"?

  • Opposite Choices: Make unexpected choices that defy typical associations, adding depth and surprise to scenes.
  • Specificity: Use detailed and specific language to enrich scenes and provide clearer context for the audience.
  • Curve Balls: Introduce seemingly unrelated elements into a scene and find ways to integrate them, adding complexity and interest.
  • Heightening: Continuously build on your character's point of view to maintain energy and drive the scene forward.

What are some common problems in improv scenes and how does Mick Napier suggest addressing them?

  • Too Much Exposition: Avoid overloading scenes with information; focus on strong initiations and let details emerge naturally.
  • Talking Too Much: Be mindful of over-talking; practice concise communication and allow space for your partner to contribute.
  • Justifying Actions: Resist the urge to justify actions or behaviors; trust the scene and let it unfold without over-explanation.
  • Pausing and Hesitation: Combat pauses by committing to immediate responses, keeping the scene dynamic and engaging.

What are the best quotes from "Improvise. Scene from the Inside Out" and what do they mean?

  • "Do something, anything." This quote emphasizes the importance of action over inaction at the start of a scene, encouraging improvisers to break free from hesitation.
  • "Support your partner with your power, not your fear." Napier highlights the value of bringing strength and confidence to a scene, which inherently supports your partner.
  • "Improvisation, always different, always the same." This reflects the paradox of improv, where each scene is unique yet often follows familiar patterns, urging improvisers to break the mold.
  • "The magic of improvisation doesn't happen because you did or did not follow rules." This quote challenges the reliance on traditional rules, suggesting that true creativity comes from personal expression and bold choices.

How does Mick Napier's personal journey influence his approach to improvisation?

  • Unexpected Path: Napier's transition from aspiring veterinarian to improviser highlights the unpredictable nature of creative pursuits.
  • Passion for Improv: His discovery of improvisation as a way to perform without rehearsals fueled his passion and shaped his approach.
  • Forming a Point of View: His experiences in Chicago's improv scene helped him develop a unique perspective on what makes improvisation work.
  • Valuing Rehearsal: Despite his initial desire to avoid rehearsals, Napier now appreciates their value, balancing spontaneity with preparation in his teachings.


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米克·纳皮尔是即兴表演和喜剧界的知名人物。他是芝加哥Annoyance剧院的创始人和艺术总监,在那里他导演并出演了众多演出。纳皮尔还广泛参与了The Second City的工作,担任导演和教师。他不拘一格的即兴表演方法影响了无数表演者,并挑战了传统方法。凭借在该领域数十年的经验,纳皮尔因其创新的技巧和毫无保留的教学风格而广受尊敬。

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