1. 大脑是一个寻求模式、驱动好奇心的学习机器
自然学习过程。 人类大脑是一个令人难以置信的学习机器,不断过滤和处理大量数据。它通过好奇心和填补知识空白的欲望来寻找模式。这种自然的学习过程往往与传统的课堂环境相冲突。
好奇心作为驱动力。 好奇心通过释放多巴胺来为大脑学习做好准备,这种“奖励分子”与赢得奖品或吃甜食时触发的分子相同。这使得学习在真正的兴趣驱动下变得本质上愉快且令人上瘾。教育者可以通过设计反映我们自然学习方式的学习体验来利用这一点,使学习过程对各个年龄段的学生更具吸引力和效果。
2. 学习发生在从兴趣到应用的六个不同阶段
学习的六个阶段。 学习过程可以分为六个不同的阶段:
- 产生兴趣
- 承诺学习
- 专注于新学习
- 理解学习内容
- 练习和反思
- 扩展和应用
建立在先前知识的基础上。 每个阶段都建立在前一个阶段的基础上,新信息与现有知识相连接。这个模型为教育者设计更有效的学习体验提供了框架,确保学习过程中的每一步都得到关注和支持。
3. 激发好奇心对吸引学生学习至关重要
情感参与。 为了吸引学生的注意力,学习体验应触及情感和好奇心。这可以通过以下方式实现:
- 创造神秘或悬念
- 提出认知冲突或意外信息
- 结构化学术争议
- 将学习与积极情感联系起来
个性化。 当学生能够将新信息与自己的经历或兴趣联系起来时,他们更有可能深刻地编码它。教育者应努力帮助学生与材料建立个人联系,从而增加参与度和记忆力。
4. 学生必须看到个人相关性才能承诺学习
相关性和动机。 当学生理解信息与他们生活的相关性时,他们更有可能参与并记住信息。这可以通过以下方式实现:
- 提供明确的学习目标和成功标准
- 围绕大思想或基本问题构建学习
- 鼓励学生设定个人学习目标
- 帮助学生看到掌握的路径
内在动机。 虽然外在奖励对简单任务有效,但内在动机对复杂学习更有力。教育者应专注于帮助学生发展内在控制感和成长心态,将学习与个人兴趣和长期目标联系起来。
5. 视觉和语言处理共同增强学习和记忆
双重编码。 大脑通过两个主要渠道处理信息:视觉和语言。当两个渠道同时参与时,学习效果更好。有效策略包括:
- 使用非语言表示(如图形、图表)
- 将抽象概念与具体例子配对
- 鼓励学生创建学习的视觉表示
- 通过“展示和讲解”方法教学
积极参与。 为了将信息从工作记忆转移到长期记忆,学生必须积极思考他们正在学习的内容。这可以通过以下方式支持:
- 自我提问技巧
- 记笔记(最好是手写)
- 精细复述(提出更深层次的“如何”和“为什么”问题)
- 交替练习不同的技能或概念
6. 有意练习和反思巩固新知识和技能
有效的练习策略。 为了巩固学习,学生应参与:
- 间隔练习(随着时间的推移复习材料)
- 提取练习(积极回忆信息)
- 交替练习(混合不同类型的问题或技能)
- 有意练习(专注于需要改进的领域)
反思和反馈。 定期的反思和反馈机会帮助学生识别理解中的差距并改进技能。这个过程应是:
- 具体且可操作的
- 非评估性和非控制性的
- 专注于帮助学生思考他们的学习
7. 通过探究扩展学习发展批判性思维
探究式学习。 为了发展批判性思维技能,学生需要通过以下方式扩展和应用他们的学习:
- 解决问题的活动
- 实验探究
- 系统分析
- 复杂问题的调查
使思维可见。 鼓励学生表达他们的思维过程有助于巩固学习并发展元认知技能。策略包括:
- 精细提问(提出“如何”和“为什么”问题)
- 自我解释问题解决步骤
- 需要综合和分析的写作作业
8. 共享学习模型增强教学和专业发展
专业合作。 共享的学习模型为教育者提供了一个共同的语言和框架,以便:
- 参与专业对话
- 共享和共同开发课程计划
- 进行以学生学习为重点的同伴辅导
持续改进。 通过理解学习背后的科学,教育者可以:
- 更有效地诊断学生的学习挑战
- 有意地调整他们的教学策略
- 反思自己的实践并继续专业成长
What's Learning That Sticks about?
- Brain-Based Model: Learning That Sticks by Bryan Goodwin focuses on a brain-based model for K-12 instructional design and delivery, emphasizing how cognitive science can enhance teaching practices.
- Phases of Learning: It outlines a six-phase model of learning, including becoming interested, committing to learning, focusing on new learning, making sense of learning, practicing and reflecting, and extending and applying knowledge.
- Research-Based Strategies: The book provides research-backed strategies to help educators design effective learning experiences that engage students and promote long-term retention of knowledge.
Why should I read Learning That Sticks?
- Improved Teaching Practices: The book helps educators understand the science behind how students learn, enabling them to implement more effective teaching strategies.
- Engagement Techniques: It offers practical advice on engaging students emotionally and intellectually, crucial for fostering a productive learning environment.
- Addressing Learning Challenges: Insights into common learning challenges and how to overcome them make it a valuable resource for both new and experienced teachers.
What are the key takeaways of Learning That Sticks?
- Understanding Cognitive Processes: A major takeaway is the importance of understanding how the brain processes information, which can inform instructional design.
- Emphasis on Curiosity: The book highlights the role of curiosity in learning, suggesting that fostering a sense of wonder can significantly enhance student engagement.
- Intentional Instruction: It encourages teachers to be intentional about their instructional choices, aligning teaching strategies with the cognitive processes involved in learning.
What are the phases of learning outlined in Learning That Sticks?
- Become Interested: Focuses on capturing students' attention and sparking their curiosity about the subject matter.
- Commit to Learning: Encourages students to see the relevance of what they are learning and to set personal learning goals.
- Focus on New Learning: Emphasizes active engagement with new information through strategies like questioning and note-taking.
- Make Sense of Learning: Guides students to connect new knowledge with prior knowledge, helping them create meaningful mental models.
- Practice and Reflect: Involves repeated practice and reflection on what has been learned to solidify knowledge.
- Extend and Apply: Encourages students to apply their learning in new contexts, reinforcing their understanding and retention.
What specific strategies does Learning That Sticks recommend for engaging students?
- Use Nonlinguistic Representations: Incorporate visuals, diagrams, and physical models to help students grasp abstract concepts.
- Ask Probing Questions: Engaging students with higher-order questions encourages deeper thinking and helps them connect ideas.
- Encourage Active Note-Taking: Students should take notes by hand and summarize their learning to enhance retention and understanding.
How does Learning That Sticks define the role of curiosity in learning?
- Curiosity as a Driver: Curiosity is a fundamental driver of deep learning, motivating students to explore and engage with new concepts.
- Creating Engaging Environments: Teachers should create learning environments that stimulate curiosity through mystery, cognitive conflict, and emotional engagement.
- Curiosity and Retention: Engaging students' curiosity can lead to better retention of information, as they are more likely to remember what they find interesting.
What does Learning That Sticks say about the importance of emotional safety in the classroom?
- Foundation for Learning: Students must feel emotionally safe to learn effectively, as concerns about health and safety can hinder learning.
- Building Relationships: Positive relationships between teachers and students create a supportive learning environment.
- Empathy and Engagement: Teacher empathy and warmth are linked to better student behavior, motivation, and achievement.
How does Learning That Sticks suggest teachers can help students make sense of their learning?
- Chunking Information: Break learning into smaller segments to help students process and connect new information effectively.
- Encouraging Summarization: Guide students to summarize their learning, which helps them identify key ideas and reinforce their understanding.
- Using Cooperative Learning: Engage students in group discussions and activities to process and articulate their understanding collaboratively.
What are some common misconceptions about learning that Learning That Sticks addresses?
- Learning Styles Myth: Challenges the idea of fixed learning styles, emphasizing that all students can benefit from a variety of instructional strategies.
- Overemphasis on Memorization: Critiques the focus on rote memorization, advocating instead for understanding and application of knowledge.
- Misunderstanding of Engagement: Clarifies that engagement is not just about being entertained; it involves emotional and intellectual investment in the learning process.
What practical tools does Learning That Sticks provide for teachers?
- Classroom Toolkit: Includes a toolkit of research-based strategies for each phase of learning, offering practical applications for teachers.
- Guided Notes and Summary Frames: Suggests using guided notes and summary frames to help students organize their thoughts and enhance comprehension.
- Assessment Techniques: Provides insights into formative assessment practices that can help teachers gauge student understanding and adjust instruction accordingly.
How can I apply the concepts from Learning That Sticks in my classroom?
- Implement Phased Learning: Structure lessons around the six phases of learning to create a more engaging and effective learning environment.
- Foster Curiosity: Use strategies to spark curiosity at the beginning of lessons, such as posing intriguing questions or presenting real-world problems.
- Encourage Reflection: Incorporate regular opportunities for students to reflect on their learning, such as journaling or group discussions.
What role does curiosity play in Learning That Sticks?
- Natural Driver of Learning: Curiosity motivates students to explore and engage with new concepts, fostering a love of learning.
- Enhances Retention: When students are curious, they are more likely to remember what they learn, as curiosity leads to deeper processing of information.
- Promotes Inquiry-Based Learning: Encourages educators to create learning experiences that tap into students' curiosity, leading to inquiry-based learning and critical thinking skills.
读者们称赞《Learning That Sticks》以简明实用的方式将认知心理学应用于教学设计。该书提供了创建引人入胜内容的策略,促进高阶思维和长期学习承诺。评论者们欣赏其基于神经科学的模型,该模型解决了认知过载和记忆保持的问题。“恰到好处的挑战区”和将知识转化为长期记忆的技巧被认为是宝贵的收获。教师们发现这本书适用于各个教育层次,并认为它是课程规划和教学设计的必备资源。