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Main Street Millionaire

Main Street Millionaire

How to Make Extraordinary Wealth Buying Ordinary Businesses
作者 Codie Sanchez 2024 272 页数
500+ 评分
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1. 拥有权而非薪水,通向财务自由


逃离朝九晚五的陷阱。 传统的教育、就业和年终加薪的路径很少能带来显著的财富。薪水,无论多高,都受到你个人投入的时间和精力的限制。真正的财务自由来自于拥有能够在你睡觉时产生收入的资产。

股权是关键。 拥有权,特别是企业的股权,使你能够以指数级的方式积累财富。与用时间换取金钱不同,股权让你分享利润,并在企业成长时享有显著的资本增值潜力。这是员工与企业家之间的根本区别。

拒绝现状。 本书挑战了传统观念,即一份好工作是财务稳定的关键。它鼓励读者拒绝就业带来的“金手铐”,寻求拥有和控制产生收入的资产的机会。这种心态的转变是打破财务依赖循环的第一步。

2. 无趣的生意蕴藏被低估的财富潜力


主街的隐藏金矿。 像洗衣店、洗车场和修理店这样的地方小型企业,常常被忽视为财富的途径。然而,这些“无趣”的生意提供稳定的现金流、成熟的客户基础,并且相比初创企业或科技项目风险更低。它们是美国经济的支柱,正处于收购的良机。

林迪效应。 本书强调了“林迪效应”,即某样东西存在的时间越长,它继续存在的可能性就越大。拥有良好业绩记录的成熟企业比未经验证的项目更有可能提供稳定的回报。这一原则支持收购现有企业而非创办新企业。

婴儿潮商业危机。 数百万婴儿潮一代的企业主正面临退休,而没有接班计划。他们的孩子往往不愿接手家族企业,这可能导致经济危机,因为这些企业将关闭。这为有志于创业的人提供了独特的机会,以收购这些企业并保护其遗产。

3. 研究:定义你的理想商业契合度


自我认知是关键。 在进行任何商业收购之前,了解自己的优势、劣势和偏好至关重要。这涉及到识别你的“天赋区”,即你的激情、技能和人脉的交集。这种自我认知将引导你找到与自身能力和兴趣相符的商业机会。

理想的拥有者体验。 明确你希望从拥有一项业务中获得什么。考虑收入、时间投入、地理位置和日常运营参与程度等因素。这种清晰度将帮助你筛选出不合适的机会,专注于那些符合你生活目标的选择。

交易框架。 为你的理想商业收购建立具体标准。这包括估值、收入范围、利润率、行业、卖方类型和地理区域。拥有明确的“交易框架”将简化你的搜索,避免浪费时间在不符合要求的交易上。

4. 投资:创造性融资降低风险


超越传统贷款。 本书提倡创造性融资策略,以最小的前期资本收购企业。这包括卖方融资,即卖方同意根据企业未来的利润分期收款。这种方法降低了风险,使你即使没有大量个人储蓄也能收购企业。

利润回报法。 卖方融资或利润回报法允许你利用企业未来的利润分期支付收购款。这使卖方的利益与您的成功相一致,减轻了你的初期财务负担。同时,它也使卖方能够延迟纳税并获得稳定的收入流。

Venmo挑战。 “Venmo挑战”涉及识别你已经光顾的小企业,并提出帮助它们成长以换取利润分成。这可以是一个低风险的方式来获得商业拥有经验并产生被动收入。这对双方都是双赢,因为你提供了价值,而企业主获得了你的专业知识。

5. 指挥:雇佣运营者来管理业务


避免“工作陷阱”。 目标是拥有一项业务,而不仅仅是为自己创造另一份工作。为此,雇佣一位运营者来管理日常运营至关重要。这将使你能够专注于战略增长、收购和其他高层活动。

六位数规则。 确保企业产生足够的利润,以支付你和运营者的六位数薪水。这提供了财务缓冲,确保你不会牺牲自己的收入来维持企业运营。同时,这也能吸引和留住高素质的运营者。

寻找合适的运营者。 寻找在类似企业中有成功记录的人才。从竞争对手那里挖角,雇佣退伍军人,或使用招聘人员寻找合格候选人。进行全面的面试和背景调查,以确保他们与你的价值观一致,并具备有效管理企业所需的技能。

6. 利用:增长策略实现利润十倍增长


SOWS和BRRT。 本书介绍了评估商业机会的两个框架:SOWS(陈旧、老旧、弱小、简单)和BRRT(购买、抵制、提升、技术)。SOWS帮助识别具有未开发潜力的无趣企业,而BRRT确保它们具备增长和盈利的能力。

定价权。 大多数小企业的定价过低。实施分层定价结构,为提前付款提供折扣,并考虑奢侈选项以增加收入。不要害怕收取你服务的真实价值。

经常性收入。 从一次性交易转向通过订阅、维护合同或会员费等方式获得经常性收入。这提供了一个稳定且可预测的收入基础。

7. 自动驾驶:高效管理多家企业


商业评分卡。 创建一个简单的评分卡,列出关键绩效指标(KPI),以监控你企业的健康状况。关注衡量产出(收入、利润)和投入(市场营销努力、客户获取成本)的指标。这提供了清晰的绩效概览,并使你能够识别改进领域。

去中心化管理。 雇佣称职的经理,并授权他们做出决策。避免微观管理,专注于设定整体原则和目标。这使你能够在不被日常细节拖累的情况下扩展业务。

指南针。 实施定期沟通系统,以保持团队与愿景的一致性。这可以包括每周会议、通讯或其他渠道,以分享更新、见解和目标。持续的沟通确保每个人都朝着同一个方向努力。

8. 退出策略:知道何时出售并重新开始


为结束做计划。 即使在收购和发展企业的过程中,心中也要有退出策略。这可能涉及将企业出售给竞争对手、传给家人,或简单地关闭它。拥有计划将帮助你最大化投资回报,并转向新的机会。

七个D。 了解常常促使企业主出售的“七个D”:死亡、离婚、疾病、困扰、乏味、离开和分歧。这些事件可能创造出以折扣收购企业的机会。

重复性的重要性。 本书强调,从购买和经营一项业务中学到的技能和策略可以应用于许多其他业务。这创造了财富创造的循环,使你能够建立一个收入产生资产的投资组合。



What's "Main Street Millionaire" about?

  • Overview: "Main Street Millionaire" by Codie Sanchez is a guide to achieving wealth by purchasing and managing small, ordinary businesses. It emphasizes the potential of overlooked businesses on Main Street as a path to financial freedom.
  • Author's Background: Codie Sanchez is the founder and CEO of Contrarian Thinking, with a background in finance and journalism. She owns multiple small businesses and shares her expertise in this book.
  • Core Message: The book argues that buying established, cash-flowing businesses is a more reliable path to wealth than starting new ventures or investing in trendy start-ups.
  • Structure: The book is structured around the R.I.C.H. method—Research, Invest, Command, Harness—guiding readers through the process of acquiring and growing a business.

Why should I read "Main Street Millionaire"?

  • Practical Guidance: The book provides actionable steps for acquiring and managing small businesses, making it ideal for aspiring entrepreneurs.
  • Financial Freedom: It offers a roadmap to financial independence through business ownership, appealing to those seeking to escape the 9-to-5 grind.
  • Real-Life Examples: Codie Sanchez shares personal experiences and success stories, illustrating the potential of her methods.
  • Unique Perspective: The book challenges conventional wisdom about wealth creation, advocating for a focus on "boring" businesses rather than flashy start-ups.

What are the key takeaways of "Main Street Millionaire"?

  • Ownership is Key: Financial freedom is best achieved through ownership, specifically of cash-flowing businesses.
  • R.I.C.H. Method: The book outlines a four-step process—Research, Invest, Command, Harness—for acquiring and growing a business.
  • Creative Financing: Seller financing and other creative financial strategies can enable business purchases with little to no money down.
  • Focus on Main Street: Small, established businesses on Main Street offer untapped opportunities for wealth creation.

What is the R.I.C.H. method in "Main Street Millionaire"?

  • Research: Identify the right business for you by understanding your skills, interests, and financial goals.
  • Invest: Use creative financing strategies, like seller financing, to acquire businesses with minimal upfront costs.
  • Command: Hire an operator to manage day-to-day operations, allowing you to focus on growth and strategy.
  • Harness: Implement systems to automate and scale the business, increasing its value and preparing for a potential exit.

How does Codie Sanchez suggest finding businesses to buy?

  • Off-Market Opportunities: Most businesses for sale aren't listed online; networking and direct outreach are key.
  • Walking Billboard Strategy: Tell everyone you meet that you buy businesses, increasing your chances of finding opportunities.
  • Motivated Sellers: Look for owners who are ready to retire, burned out, or have no succession plan.
  • Venmo Challenge: Identify service providers you frequently pay and explore opportunities to invest in or acquire their businesses.

What is seller financing, according to "Main Street Millionaire"?

  • Definition: Seller financing involves the seller providing a loan to the buyer, allowing the purchase to be paid over time using the business's profits.
  • Benefits for Buyers: It reduces the need for upfront capital and can make acquiring a business more accessible.
  • Benefits for Sellers: Sellers can receive a higher overall price and spread out tax liabilities over several years.
  • Negotiation Flexibility: Terms are negotiable, allowing for creative structuring that benefits both parties.

What are the "Seven Deadly Businesses" to avoid in "Main Street Millionaire"?

  • Restaurants: High failure rates and thin margins make them risky investments.
  • Hotels: Asset-heavy with high operational costs and 24/7 customer demands.
  • Retail Storefronts: High overhead and inventory risks, especially in non-luxury sectors.
  • Consulting Firms: Key person risk and reliance on individual consultants rather than scalable systems.
  • Personal Brands: Difficult to transfer and often tied to the original owner's identity.
  • Amazon FBA/Drop-Shipping: Platform risk and intense competition make it challenging to sustain profits.
  • Dry Cleaners: Environmental regulations and employee retention issues pose significant challenges.

How does Codie Sanchez recommend evaluating a business for purchase?

  • SOWS Framework: Look for businesses that are Stale, Old, Weak, and Simple, indicating potential for improvement.
  • BRRT Method: Ensure the business can Buy, Resist economic downturns, Raise prices, and incorporate Technology.
  • Operator First: Ensure the business generates enough profit to hire a quality operator and still meet your financial goals.
  • Due Diligence: Conduct thorough due diligence to verify financials, assess risks, and understand the business's operations.

What are some growth tactics from "Main Street Millionaire"?

  • Raise Prices: Regularly increase prices to keep up with inflation and market trends.
  • Add Subscriptions: Implement recurring revenue models to stabilize cash flow.
  • Improve Response Time: Respond to leads quickly to increase conversion rates.
  • Leverage Reviews: Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews to enhance reputation and attract new business.

What is the "Cashout Cake" concept in "Main Street Millionaire"?

  • Recipe for Selling: The Cashout Cake is a metaphor for preparing a business for sale, ensuring it is attractive to buyers.
  • Ingredients: Include simple finances, comprehensive SOPs, loyal employees, and a business not reliant on the owner.
  • Diversification: Ensure revenue comes from multiple sources to reduce risk and increase valuation.
  • Sales Team: Develop a sales engine that can operate independently, ensuring predictable revenue.

What are some of the best quotes from "Main Street Millionaire" and what do they mean?

  • "Your salary will never set you free. Your financial freedom can only come through ownership." This emphasizes the book's core message that true wealth comes from owning assets, not earning a paycheck.
  • "The amount of opportunity will always be limited by your ability to recognize it." This highlights the importance of being open to and recognizing opportunities in everyday situations.
  • "Never fall in love with something that can’t love you back." A reminder to remain objective and not become emotionally attached to a business or deal.
  • "Play long-term games with long-term people." Stresses the value of building relationships and businesses with a long-term perspective.

How does "Main Street Millionaire" address the Main Street vs. Wall Street dynamic?

  • Ownership as Defense: The book argues that owning small businesses is a way to counteract the growing influence of large corporations.
  • Local Impact: By buying and improving Main Street businesses, individuals can strengthen local economies and communities.
  • Economic Independence: Encourages readers to take control of their financial futures by becoming business owners.
  • Call to Action: The book is a rallying cry for individuals to become owners and preserve the vibrancy of Main Street businesses.


4.56 满分 5
平均评分来自 500+ 来自Goodreads和亚马逊的评分.

《主街百万富翁》因其关于购买和经营小型企业的实用建议而获得了大多数积极的评价。读者们欣赏Codie Sanchez直截了当的风格、真实的案例以及可操作的策略。许多人认为这本书令人鼓舞且开阔视野,赞扬其在寻找、收购和扩展“无聊”企业方面的详细指导。然而,也有一些人批评书中对美国市场的关注,并质疑某些策略的伦理性。总体而言,读者们重视这本书在创业和财富积累方面的独特视角,尽管有少数人觉得在某些领域缺乏深度。

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Codie Sanchez 是一位金融专家和企业家,以其逆向思维的财富积累方法而闻名。她在一位教师和一位建筑工人的家庭中长大,最初从事新闻工作,后来因目睹经济差距而转向金融领域。Sanchez 曾在先锋集团和高盛等大型金融机构工作,积累了丰富的交易和投资经验。随后,她通过收购多家小型企业来多元化自己的投资组合。2020年,Sanchez 创办了Contrarian Thinking,这是一家旨在帮助他人掌控财务并成为成功企业主的媒体公司。

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