1. 人们关心的是他们所在的团队,而不是他们工作的公司
团队体验最重要。 研究表明,员工的参与度和表现更多地在公司内部而不是公司之间有所不同。虽然公司致力于创造统一的文化,但员工的体验主要由他们的直接团队塑造。
团队驱动留任。 人们离开的是团队,而不是公司。在思科,当某人的团队体验从公司范围内的上半部分降到下半部分时,他们离职的可能性增加了45%。这突显了团队动态和领导力在留住人才方面的关键重要性。
团队领导者是关键。 参与度的最强预测因素是每个团队成员的感觉,即“我每天在工作中都有机会发挥我的优势。”能够识别和利用个人优势,同时培养共同目标和信任感的团队领导者,创造了最具吸引力的团队环境。
2. 智能系统在快节奏环境中胜过计划
实时情报至关重要。 在当今快速变化的世界中,静态计划很快就会过时。有效的领导者创建系统来收集和分发实时信息,使团队能够迅速适应变化的情况。
授权前线决策。 领导者应专注于提供背景和信息,而不是自上而下的命令。这使得拥有最相关和最新知识的团队成员能够做出明智的决策。
频繁的检查是关键。 团队领导者和成员之间定期、简短的检查(最好是每周)比不频繁的、冗长的审查更有效。这些检查应关注:
- 当前优先事项
- 障碍和潜在解决方案
- 领导者如何提供帮助
3. 传递意义而非目标创造一致性和动力
意义激励人心。 传统的目标设定方法往往无法激发灵感,而共同的目标和价值观可以强有力地对齐和激励团队。领导者应专注于传达工作背后的“为什么”,而不仅仅是“什么”或“如何”。
- 表达的价值观:你公开展示和庆祝的内容
- 仪式:强化核心价值观的重复实践
- 故事:说明和强化最重要内容的叙述
允许个人设定目标。 与其强加自上而下的目标,不如授权团队成员设定与更广泛目标一致的个人目标。这种方法尊重个人的优势和动机,同时保持整体一致性。
4. 最优秀的人是有尖峰的,而不是全面发展的
拥抱独特性。 顶尖表现者通过利用他们独特的优势而不是在所有领域实现统一的能力来脱颖而出。组织应专注于识别和放大个人优势,而不是试图创造全面发展的员工。
重新思考能力模型。 传统的能力模型往往无法捕捉顶尖表现者的独特性。与其试图将人们套入预定的模式,不如专注于:
- 识别每个人的独特优势
- 找到应用这些优势以实现预期结果的方法
- 创建利用互补优势的多样化团队
培养尖峰。 鼓励团队成员进一步发展他们的独特能力,而不是主要关注解决弱点。这种方法会带来更高的参与度、表现和创新。
5. 注意力而非反馈驱动表现和成长
积极的注意力是强大的。 研究表明,专注于优势比专注于弱点更能激发30倍的参与度。积极的注意力刺激成长、创造力和韧性。
重播“胜利的动作”: 有效的领导者:
- 积极寻找团队成员表现出色的时刻
- 描述观察到的具体行为及其影响
- 帮助团队成员识别并复制他们的最佳工作
重新思考发展对话。 与其专注于修复弱点,不如帮助团队成员:
- 识别当前运作良好的方面
- 回忆类似情况下的过去成功
- 展望未来的行动,建立在他们的优势之上
6. 人们可以可靠地评价自己的体验,而不是他人的
警惕评价偏差。 研究表明,当人们评价他人的抽象品质或能力时,超过50%的评分差异是由评分者自己的评分模式解释的,而不是被评价的人。
专注于自我报告的体验。 与其让人们评价他人,不如询问他们自己的体验和意图。例如:
- “当你想要非凡的结果时,你会求助于这个团队成员吗?”
- “你会尽可能多地选择与这个团队成员合作吗?”
- “如果可以,你今天会提拔这个人吗?”
使用可靠的数据进行决策。 在评估表现或潜力时,依赖捕捉具体体验和结果的数据,而不是对抽象品质的主观评价。
7. 个人有动量,而不是固定的潜力
重新思考“高潜力”计划。 固定潜力的概念是有缺陷的,可能导致自我实现的预言。相反,专注于每个人当前的轨迹以及如何加速它。
考虑动量: 根据以下因素评估团队成员:
- 质量:他们的固有特质、兴趣和愿望
- 速度:他们可衡量的技能、经验和成就
促进成长对话。 与其将人们标记为高或低潜力,不如进行持续的讨论,关于:
- 当前的优势和兴趣
- 最近的成就和学习
- 期望的未来方向和技能发展
8. 工作中的热爱比工作与生活的平衡更重要
追求工作中的热爱。 与其追求难以捉摸的工作与生活平衡,不如专注于找到工作中带来快乐、流动和满足感的方面。这种方法会带来更大的韧性、创造力和整体幸福感。
识别“红线”。 鼓励团队成员识别以下活动:
- 他们积极期待的
- 当参与其中时时间飞逝
- 事后感到精力充沛
有目的地编织。 帮助团队成员有意地将更多“红线”活动纳入他们的角色。这可能涉及:
- 重新设计工作职责
- 与团队成员以不同方式合作
- 承担与激情一致的新项目
9. 我们追随具有独特优势的领导者,而不是全面发展的领导者
领导力不是一套统一的特质。 有效的领导者有多种形式,每个人都有自己独特的优势或“尖峰”。这些突出的能力激发信心并吸引追随者。
培养你独特的领导风格。 与其试图符合通用的领导模型,不如专注于:
- 识别你的自然优势和激情
- 提炼你的独特能力
- 应用你的“尖峰”来创造价值并激励他人
创造追随体验。 虽然领导风格各异,但所有有效的领导者都在追随者中创造某些感觉,包括:
- 与有意义的使命的联系
- 期望的清晰度
- 使用个人优势的机会
- 对未来的信心
What's Nine Lies About Work about?
- Challenging Assumptions: Nine Lies About Work by Marcus Buckingham and Ashley Goodall challenges nine widely accepted beliefs about work that the authors argue are misleading or false.
- Focus on Individuality: The book emphasizes recognizing individual strengths and contributions rather than conforming to a one-size-fits-all approach.
- Real-World Insights: It combines data-driven insights with real-world experiences to offer a fresh perspective on leadership and team dynamics.
Why should I read Nine Lies About Work?
- Transformative Insights: The book provides a new lens for viewing workplace practices, encouraging leaders to rethink traditional management strategies.
- Enhancing Engagement: It offers evidence-based strategies to boost employee engagement and performance by focusing on strengths.
- Practical Guidance: Readers will find actionable advice on creating a more effective and fulfilling work environment.
What are the key takeaways of Nine Lies About Work?
- Nine Lies Identified: The authors challenge beliefs like "People care which company they work for" and "The best plan wins."
- Team Importance: The book emphasizes that work experience is more about the team than the company.
- Strengths-Based Approach: It advocates for focusing on strengths, stating that "the best people are not well-rounded."
What are the best quotes from Nine Lies About Work and what do they mean?
- Questioning Beliefs: "It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure, that just ain’t so." This highlights the danger of accepting common beliefs without questioning them.
- Cascading Meaning: "The best companies don’t cascade goals; the best companies cascade meaning." This suggests focusing on purpose rather than just setting goals.
- Attention and Engagement: "People need attention—and when you give it to us in a safe and nonjudgmental environment, we will come and stay and play and work." This underscores the importance of a supportive environment.
What are the nine lies discussed in Nine Lies About Work?
- Lie #1: "People care which company they work for" - The focus is more on the immediate team.
- Lie #2: "The best plan wins" - Adaptability is more crucial than rigid planning.
- Lie #3: "The best companies cascade goals" - Meaning is more effective than goals.
How does Nine Lies About Work redefine leadership?
- Freethinking Leadership: Encourages leaders to embrace individuality and reject dogma, focusing on evidence-based practices.
- Empowerment Over Control: Advocates for empowering team members to make decisions based on real-time information.
- Building Trust: Emphasizes the importance of trust and open communication within teams.
What is the significance of focusing on strengths in Nine Lies About Work?
- Driving Engagement: Using strengths daily leads to more engaged and productive employees.
- Unique Contributions: Recognizing individual strengths can lead to exceptional team performance.
- Avoiding Deficit Focus: Warns against focusing on weaknesses, which can hinder growth.
How does Nine Lies About Work suggest measuring team performance?
- Engagement Items: Presents eight items predicting team performance, like using strengths daily.
- Team Dynamics: Performance should be assessed based on team dynamics and contributions.
- Real-Time Feedback: Advocates for ongoing feedback rather than annual reviews.
What role does feedback play in Nine Lies About Work?
- Attention Over Feedback: Emphasizes the need for attention to strengths rather than constant feedback on weaknesses.
- Positive Reinforcement: Positive attention leads to higher engagement and performance.
- Safe Environment: Highlights the importance of a supportive environment for expression and learning.
How can leaders apply the concepts from Nine Lies About Work in their teams?
- Focus on Meaning: Communicate purpose and values to create alignment and engagement.
- Encourage Individuality: Recognize and cultivate unique strengths, allowing personalized roles.
- Regular Check-Ins: Frequent one-on-one check-ins foster open communication and support.
How does Nine Lies About Work define "love-in-work"?
- Joy in Work: Love-in-work refers to the emotional connection individuals have with their work.
- Weaving Red Threads: Encourages identifying and incorporating activities they love into daily work.
- Impact on Engagement: Spending time on loved activities reduces burnout and increases engagement.
What is the Idiosyncratic Rater Effect mentioned in Nine Lies About Work?
- Bias in Ratings: Refers to unique patterns in how raters evaluate others, reflecting biases.
- Impact on Evaluations: Performance ratings often reflect rater biases rather than actual performance.
- Research Findings: Studies show variability in ratings is often due to the rater's personality.
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