1. 写作是一门需要不断练习和阅读的技艺
贪婪地阅读。 有志成为作家的必须沉浸在文字的海洋中,阅读各种类型和风格的作品。这种接触有助于培养对语言、叙事技巧和优美散文节奏的敏感度。阅读还提供灵感,帮助作家识别好与坏的写作。
持续写作。 像任何技能一样,写作通过练习而提高。每天抽出时间写作,即使只是短时间。这种习惯建立了纪律性,帮助克服写作障碍。写任何东西——故事、散文、日记或练习。目标是让写作成为你日常生活中自然的一部分。
- 每年目标阅读70-80本书
- 每天至少写1,000字
- 尝试不同的类型和风格
2. 发展作家的工具箱:词汇、语法和风格
有机地建立词汇。 强大的词汇对于精确和生动的写作至关重要。然而,不要强行将大词汇塞进你的写作中。相反,通过阅读和日常经验自然地增长词汇。使用简单、清晰的语言来最好地表达你的想法。
掌握语法基础。 虽然你不需要成为语法专家,但理解语言的基本规则是至关重要的。这种知识使你能够构建清晰、有效的句子,并在必要时有意地打破规则以达到风格效果。
发展你自己的风格。 你作为作家的独特声音来自于词汇、语法选择和个人经验的结合。广泛阅读以接触不同的风格,但不要试图模仿他人。相反,专注于写作的清晰性和真实性。
- 避免使用词典寻找“花哨”的词汇
- 学习语法指南如Strunk & White的《风格的要素》
- 练习用不同的声音写作以找到你的自然风格
3. 关门写作,开门重写
初稿:隐私和自由。 在写初稿时,将自己与外界影响和批评隔离。这种“关门”方法让你可以自由写作,不用自我审查或担心他人的意见。专注于将你的想法写在纸上,而不必担心完美。
修订:考虑你的读者。 一旦你有了完整的草稿,打开象征性的门,考虑读者将如何看待你的作品。这是精炼写作、澄清想法并确保信息有效传达的时机。为了改进你的作品,愿意做出重大改变。
- 为你的初稿设定目标(例如,每天1,000字)
- 初稿完成后至少放置六周再进行修订
- 在修订过程中寻求可信读者的反馈
4. 创建专用的写作空间和例行程序
建立写作圣地。 指定一个特定的区域用于写作,无论是一个单独的房间、卧室的一角,还是咖啡店的某个座位。这个空间应无干扰,并与你的写作练习相关联。
发展一致的例行程序。 设定固定的写作时间并坚持下去。这种习惯训练你的大脑按命令创造,并帮助克服写作障碍。将写作视为一项工作,每天都要出现,无论是否有灵感或心情。
- 消除写作空间中的干扰(如电视、手机)
- 设定每日写作目标(时间或字数)
- 使用仪式来标志写作时间的开始(如煮咖啡、点蜡烛)
5. 在写作中讲真话,即使不舒服
在作品中拥抱诚实。 真实的写作往往需要面对关于自己、他人和世界的不舒服的真相。不要回避困难的话题或情感。这种原始的诚实会引起读者的共鸣,并赋予你的写作力量和深度。
利用真实生活经验。 从自己的生活和观察中汲取灵感,创造真实的角色和情境。虽然你可能需要更改细节以保护隐私或法律原因,但你经历的情感真相可以为你的写作提供信息,使其更具相关性。
- 写作让你感到不舒服的话题
- 使用反映人们真实说话方式的对话,包括适当的脏话
- 准备好面对来自朋友、家人或社会的潜在反对
6. 掌握描述和对话的艺术
用文字描绘生动的画面。 有效的描述让读者看到、听到和感受到你所创造的世界。专注于具体、具体的细节,吸引感官。然而,避免过度描述——留给读者的想象空间。
打造真实的对话。 好的对话应该听起来自然,同时服务于故事。听人们真实的谈话方式,练习捕捉他们的节奏和模式。使用对话来揭示角色、推进情节和制造紧张。
- 使用比喻和隐喻使描述更生动
- 大声朗读对话以确保其听起来自然
- 避免过多的对话标签和副词(如“他愤怒地说”)
7. 理解主题和象征的重要性
有机地发现你的主题。 不要从预定的信息或道德开始。相反,让主题在写作和修订过程中自然地浮现。通常,你的作品的深层含义只有在完成初稿后才会变得清晰。
谨慎使用象征。 象征可以为你的写作增加深度和共鸣,但它应该自然地从故事中产生。不要强行加入象征或使其过于明显——微妙的象征往往更有效,并且对读者更有回报。
- 完成初稿后问自己你的故事真正关于什么
- 寻找你写作中反复出现的主题或图像,可以作为象征
- 避免明确解释你的象征——相信读者会做出联系
8. 无情地修订和编辑,在第二稿中至少削减10%
“第二稿 = 第一稿 - 10%。祝你好运。”
在修订中无情。 你的初稿是为了把故事写下来;第二稿是为了让它更好。准备好删除任何不服务于故事的内容,即使你个人对其有感情。修订时目标是减少至少10%的字数。
专注于清晰和节奏。 在修订时,确保你的故事流畅,每个场景都有其目的。消除冗余,紧凑对话,删除不必要的描述。注意你的散文节奏,变换句子长度以提高可读性。
- 使用“搜索和摧毁”方法查找过度使用的词语和短语
- 大声朗读你的作品以捕捉尴尬的措辞和节奏问题
- 考虑删除整个场景或角色,如果它们不推进故事
9. 研究应增强而不是压倒你的故事
做功课,但不要炫耀。 研究可以为你的写作增加真实性和深度,但不应压倒故事。使用足够的细节来创造一个可信的世界,而不让叙述因过多的信息而拖沓。
无缝地整合研究。 自然地将事实信息编织到你的故事中,通过对话、角色观察或简短的描述。避免长篇大论的讲解。
- 在写完初稿后进行研究,以避免分心
- 使用专家读者来捕捉专业领域的事实错误
- 记住,在小说中,讲故事胜过绝对准确性
10. 寻求可信读者的诚实反馈
仔细选择你的首批读者。 选择一小群可信的人,他们可以提供诚实、建设性的反馈。这些读者应该熟悉你的类型,并能够清楚地表达你的写作中哪些有效,哪些无效。
以开放的心态听取批评。 对你的作品感到防御是自然的,但尽量客观地考虑反馈。寻找反馈中的模式——如果多个读者有同样的问题,它可能需要解决。
- 提供具体问题以引导读者的反馈
- 在完成完整草稿后再寻求意见
- 愿意根据深思熟虑的批评做出重大改变
11. 坚持不懈地面对拒绝和挫折
期待拒绝并从中学习。 拒绝是写作过程中的正常部分。将其作为改进技艺的动力。继续提交你的作品,不要让挫折阻止你追求写作目标。
培养厚脸皮。 批评和拒绝可能是痛苦的,但它们对于作家的成长至关重要。学会将自我价值与作品的接受度分开。记住,即使是成功的作家也会面临拒绝和负面评论。
- 为提交和出版设定现实目标
- 记录拒绝并庆祝它们作为坚持的标志
- 将拒绝作为修订和改进作品的动力
12. 为了热爱而写作,而不是为了金钱
找到内在的动力。 写作是因为你热爱这个过程,而不是因为你在追逐名利。这种激情将支撑你度过写作生涯中不可避免的挑战和失望。
享受创作过程。 专注于创作一个好故事或有效表达你的想法的满足感。这种创作的快乐会在你的写作中体现出来,并引起读者的共鸣。
- 写你想读的故事
- 尝试不同的类型和形式以保持你的激情
- 庆祝写作旅程中的小胜利和里程碑
What's "On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft" about?
- Blend of memoir and guide: "On Writing" by Stephen King combines personal memoir with a writing guide, offering insights into King's life and career.
- Practical writing advice: The book provides practical tips on grammar, style, and the writing process, drawn from King's extensive experience.
- Inspiration for writers: It serves as a motivational tool for aspiring writers, emphasizing the importance of perseverance and passion in the craft.
Why should I read "On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft" by Stephen King?
- Learn from a master: Stephen King is a prolific and successful author, and his insights are invaluable for both new and experienced writers.
- Engaging storytelling: The book is written in King's engaging style, making it both informative and entertaining.
- Practical and motivational: It combines practical writing tips with motivational anecdotes, encouraging readers to pursue their writing dreams.
What are the key takeaways of "On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft"?
- Read and write regularly: King emphasizes the importance of reading widely and writing daily to improve one's craft.
- Simplicity and clarity: He advises using simple, clear language and avoiding unnecessary adverbs and passive voice.
- Honesty in storytelling: King stresses the importance of honesty in writing, urging writers to tell the truth in their stories.
What is Stephen King's writing process as described in "On Writing"?
- Daily writing routine: King writes every day, including holidays, to keep his characters and stories alive in his mind.
- First draft with the door closed: He writes the first draft for himself, without external opinions, allowing creative freedom.
- Revisions with the door open: After the first draft, King revises with feedback, refining the work for the audience.
How does Stephen King view the role of plot in writing?
- Plot is secondary: King believes that plot is not essential and can often feel artificial and labored.
- Focus on situation and characters: He prefers to start with a situation and let the characters drive the story.
- Stories as found objects: King views stories as pre-existing relics that the writer uncovers and transcribes.
What advice does Stephen King give about writing dialogue?
- Honesty is crucial: King emphasizes that dialogue should be honest and true to the characters.
- Avoid clichés: He advises against using clichéd phrases and encourages fresh, realistic dialogue.
- Dialogue reveals character: Good dialogue can convey a character's intelligence, honesty, and personality.
What does Stephen King say about the importance of reading for writers?
- Read a lot: King insists that reading is essential for writers to learn different styles and improve their craft.
- Exposure to various genres: Reading widely exposes writers to different genres and techniques.
- Reading as a learning tool: It helps writers understand what works and what doesn't in storytelling.
How does Stephen King suggest handling back story in writing?
- Keep it minimal: King advises keeping back story to a minimum to maintain the story's pace.
- Integrate it naturally: Back story should be integrated naturally into the narrative without overwhelming the reader.
- Focus on the present: He suggests focusing on the present story and only including back story that is essential.
What are some of the best quotes from "On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft" and what do they mean?
- "The adverb is not your friend." King advises against overusing adverbs, as they can weaken writing.
- "Books are a uniquely portable magic." This highlights the power of books to transport readers to different worlds.
- "The scariest moment is always just before you start." This emphasizes the fear and hesitation writers often feel before beginning a new project.
How does Stephen King view grammar and style in writing?
- Grammar as a tool: King sees grammar as a fundamental tool for clear communication.
- Style as personal expression: He encourages writers to develop their own style, reflecting their unique voice.
- Simplicity over complexity: King advocates for straightforward language to convey meaning effectively.
What advice does Stephen King give to aspiring writers in "On Writing"?
- Read widely and often: King stresses the importance of reading a variety of genres and authors.
- Write every day: He advises setting a specific word count goal to maintain discipline.
- Embrace rejection and keep going: King shares his own experiences with rejection and encourages perseverance.
What role does Stephen King's personal life play in "On Writing"?
- Memoir elements: The book includes memoir elements, sharing King's personal experiences and how they influenced his writing.
- Overcoming challenges: King candidly discusses his battles with addiction and how he overcame them.
- Family support: He highlights the importance of his family's support in his writing career.
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