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作者 The School of Life 2016 120 页数
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1. 人际关系是人类幸福和福祉的基础


社会联系影响健康。 大量研究表明,强大的社会关系与更好的身心健康结果相关联。拥有强大社交网络的人往往寿命更长,抑郁和焦虑的发生率更低,甚至表现出更好的心血管健康和免疫功能。

幸福是关系性的。 虽然个人追求和成就有助于个人满意度,但真正的幸福往往源于与他人的有意义的联系。积极的关系提供情感支持、归属感以及共同的快乐和成长机会。它们充当生活挑战的缓冲器,并放大积极的体验。

  • 强大关系的好处:
    • 增加寿命
    • 更好的压力管理
    • 提高自尊
    • 更高的生活满意度
    • 晚年认知功能改善

2. 有效沟通是健康关系的基石


清晰表达至关重要。 有效沟通不仅仅是清晰地说话,还要确保你的信息被按预期理解。这需要对言语和非言语提示的意识,以及根据接收者调整沟通风格的能力。

积极倾听增强理解。 沟通是双向的。练习积极倾听——全神贯注于所说的话而不是被动地听——有助于防止误解,并显示对说话者的尊重。这包括:

  • 积极倾听的要素:
    • 保持眼神接触
    • 提供言语和非言语反馈(点头,“嗯嗯”)
    • 提问澄清问题
    • 复述以确认理解
    • 避免打断和分心

3. 信任和脆弱促进更深的联系


信任促进开放。 当个人在关系中感到安全和被信任时,他们更有可能分享真实的想法、感受和经历。这种开放为伙伴、朋友或家庭成员之间的更深理解和联系创造了机会。

脆弱加强纽带。 虽然可能感觉有风险,但允许自己变得脆弱——分享恐惧、不安全感和个人挣扎——往往会导致更强大、更真实的关系。脆弱展示了信任,并邀请他人也开放。

  • 建立信任和鼓励脆弱的方法:
    • 保守秘密
    • 履行承诺
    • 承认错误并真诚道歉
    • 分享个人经历和情感
    • 在他人开放时以同情和不评判的态度回应

4. 冲突解决技能对持久关系至关重要


分歧是正常的。 冲突是任何关系中不可避免的一部分。关键不是完全避免冲突,而是发展健康的方式来解决和处理分歧。

有效的解决技巧。 成功的冲突解决需要情商、沟通技巧和解决问题的能力的结合。关键策略包括:

  • 冲突解决技巧:
    • 使用“我”陈述表达感受而不责备
    • 练习积极倾听以理解对方的观点
    • 专注于当前问题,而不是过去的怨恨
    • 寻求妥协和双赢解决方案
    • 如果情绪过于激动,休息一下
    • 如果冲突持续或升级,寻求专业帮助

5. 在关系中保持个性至关重要


保持个人身份。 虽然关系涉及共同的经历和相互支持,但保持个人身份感至关重要。这包括追求个人兴趣,维持独立的友谊,并有时间进行自我反思和成长。

相互依赖,而不是共依赖。 健康的关系在亲密和独立之间取得平衡。伙伴支持彼此的目标并尊重彼此的自主权。这种方法促进相互尊重,并防止因过度依赖或失去自我而产生的怨恨。

  • 保持个性的方法:
    • 追求个人爱好和兴趣
    • 与关系外的朋友共度时光
    • 设定个人目标并支持彼此的愿望
    • 尊重彼此需要独处的时间
    • 庆祝个人成就

6. 健康的界限促进尊重和个人成长


定义个人界限。 界限是我们在关系中为自己设定的限制和规则。它们可以是物理的、情感的或数字的,它们帮助定义你和他人的界限。清晰的界限可以防止怨恨、倦怠和情感疲惫。

清晰地传达界限。 重要的是清晰而尊重地表达你的界限。这包括具体说明你的需求和限制,并始终如一地执行它们。记住,设定界限不是自私的;它是自我照顾和维持健康关系的必要部分。

  • 需要考虑的界限类型:
    • 时间和精力(例如,工作与生活的平衡)
    • 物理空间和接触
    • 情感可用性
    • 个人信息和隐私
    • 财务界限
    • 数字界限(例如,社交媒体、消息)

7. 宽恕和接受加强纽带


宽恕是自我疗愈。 抱怨和怨恨往往对怀有这些情感的人造成的伤害比对造成伤害的人更大。宽恕并不意味着忘记或原谅有害行为,而是选择放下负面情绪以促进自己的福祉。

接受不完美。 没有人是完美的,接受他人(和自己)的缺点和错误对于长期关系的满意度至关重要。这并不意味着容忍虐待或持续的伤害行为,而是理解每个人都有弱点并会犯错。

  • 迈向宽恕和接受的步骤:
    • 承认伤害及其影响
    • 选择放下怨恨
    • 练习同理心,试图理解对方的观点
    • 专注于现在和未来,而不是过去的怨恨
    • 如果难以宽恕,寻求专业帮助

8. 共同经历和优质时间增强亲密感


创造有意义的时刻。 大小不一的共同经历创造了持久的记忆并加强了情感纽带。这些经历可以从每天的仪式(如共进晚餐)到特殊场合和冒险。

质量胜于数量。 关键不仅在于共度时光,而在于在这段时间内全身心投入。这意味着放下干扰,积极参与对话或活动,并对对方的想法和感受表现出真正的兴趣。

  • 优质时间的想法:
    • 参与共同的爱好或一起学习新技能
    • 计划定期的约会之夜或外出活动
    • 旅行和探索新地方
    • 一起为你们都关心的事业做志愿者
    • 创建每日仪式,如早晨咖啡或晚间散步

9. 同理心和积极倾听改善理解


练习换位思考。 同理心涉及试图理解和分享他人的感受。这种技能可以通过有意识地努力想象自己处于他人的处境,考虑他们的背景、经历和情感来培养。

倾听是为了理解,而不是回应。 积极倾听不仅仅是听到话语;它涉及全神贯注于所说的话,理解信息,并做出深思熟虑的回应。这种做法显示了尊重,建立了信任,并促进了更深的联系。

  • 改善同理心和倾听的技巧:
    • 注意非言语提示(肢体语言、语气)
    • 避免打断或急于提供解决方案
    • 提问开放性问题以鼓励分享
    • 反映你所听到的以确保理解
    • 练习不评判地接受他人的感受

10. 持续的努力和承诺维持关系


关系需要持续的努力。 像任何有价值的事业一样,关系需要持续的关注和努力才能茁壮成长。这包括定期检查彼此,及时解决问题,并不断寻找加强纽带的方法。

一起适应变化。 随着个人的成长和环境的变化,关系也必须发展。这需要灵活性、开放的沟通以及愿意随着时间的推移重新协商期望和界限。

  • 维持关系健康的方法:
    • 安排定期的检查或“关系状态”谈话
    • 一贯表达感激和感谢
    • 积极解决潜在问题
    • 寻找共同成长和学习的机会
    • 庆祝里程碑和成就,无论大小
    • 考虑关系咨询或工作坊以获得持续支持



What's "Relationships" by The School of Life about?

  • Exploration of Love as a Skill: The book argues that love is not just an emotion but a skill that can be learned and improved upon.
  • Challenges in Relationships: It addresses common issues in relationships, such as arguments, communication, and intimacy, and provides insights into managing them.
  • Cultural Influence on Love: The book examines how societal and cultural norms shape our expectations and experiences of love.
  • Post-Romantic Approach: It proposes a shift from Romantic ideals to a more realistic, Classical understanding of relationships.

Why should I read "Relationships" by The School of Life?

  • Practical Guidance: The book offers practical advice on improving relationship skills, making it useful for anyone seeking to enhance their personal connections.
  • Cultural Insights: It provides a deep dive into how cultural narratives influence our perceptions of love, helping readers understand their own relationship expectations.
  • Emotional Intelligence: Reading this book can increase your emotional intelligence by teaching you to navigate complex relationship dynamics.
  • Realistic Perspective: It encourages a more realistic and sustainable approach to love, moving away from idealized Romantic notions.

What are the key takeaways of "Relationships" by The School of Life?

  • Love as a Skill: Love requires learning and practice, much like any other skill, rather than relying solely on feelings.
  • Cultural Impact: Our understanding of love is heavily influenced by cultural narratives, particularly Romanticism, which can lead to unrealistic expectations.
  • Communication is Crucial: Effective communication, including the ability to explain one's own 'madness,' is vital for a healthy relationship.
  • Acceptance of Imperfection: Recognizing and accepting the inherent flaws in ourselves and our partners is essential for lasting love.

What is the "Post-Romanticism" concept in "Relationships" by The School of Life?

  • Cultural Influence: Post-Romanticism acknowledges the significant role of cultural and societal norms in shaping our views on love.
  • Critique of Romanticism: It critiques the Romantic ideal that love should be effortless and perfect, which often leads to disappointment.
  • Realistic Expectations: The concept encourages setting realistic expectations in relationships, focusing on growth and understanding rather than perfection.
  • Classical Approach: It advocates for a Classical approach to love, emphasizing maturity, communication, and acceptance of imperfections.

How does "Relationships" by The School of Life define "Object Choice"?

  • Instinct vs. Familiarity: The book challenges the Romantic notion that instincts guide us to the right partner, suggesting instead that we are drawn to familiar patterns from childhood.
  • Psychoanalytic Perspective: It introduces a psychoanalytic view, where our partner choices are influenced by early experiences and familiar dynamics.
  • Understanding Attractions: By understanding the factors that govern our attractions, we can interrupt unhealthy patterns and make wiser partner choices.
  • Self-Reflection: The book encourages self-reflection to identify and understand the traits we are drawn to and repelled by in potential partners.

What is "Transference" in the context of "Relationships" by The School of Life?

  • Past Influences Present: Transference involves projecting past fears and anxieties onto current relationships, often leading to overreactions.
  • Understanding Overreactions: Recognizing transference can help partners understand seemingly irrational behaviors as manifestations of unresolved past issues.
  • Sympathy and Understanding: The concept encourages sympathy and understanding in relationships, as partners navigate each other's transferred emotions.
  • Mapping Disturbances: The book suggests creating 'maps' of one's psychological disturbances to help partners understand and navigate them.

What are "The Problems of Closeness" discussed in "Relationships" by The School of Life?

  • Defensiveness vs. Vulnerability: The book highlights the challenge of balancing the need for independence with the vulnerability required in relationships.
  • Fear of Rejection: It discusses the ongoing fear of rejection, even in established relationships, and how it can manifest in avoidant or controlling behaviors.
  • Misinterpretation of Behaviors: Partners may misinterpret defensive behaviors as indifference or control, rather than as pleas for reassurance and love.
  • Normalizing Reassurance: The book advocates for normalizing the need for reassurance and acceptance in relationships, viewing it as a sign of well-being.

How does "Relationships" by The School of Life address "The Weakness of Strength"?

  • Strengths and Weaknesses: The book posits that every strength in a person comes with an inherent weakness, which should be understood and accepted.
  • Reframing Perceptions: It encourages reframing perceptions of a partner's weaknesses as the flip side of their strengths, fostering greater tolerance.
  • No Perfect People: The idea that perfect people don't exist is emphasized, promoting acceptance of imperfections in relationships.
  • Calming Effect: Understanding this concept can help calm frustrations and reduce conflicts by shifting focus from faults to strengths.

What is the "Partner-As-Child" theory in "Relationships" by The School of Life?

  • Childlike Behaviors: The theory suggests viewing a partner's unreasonable behaviors as childlike, deserving of patience and understanding.
  • Benevolent Interpretation: It encourages interpreting a partner's actions with benevolence, similar to how one would treat a child's tantrums.
  • Normalizing Childishness: Recognizing that everyone retains childlike aspects can help manage difficult behaviors in relationships.
  • Mutual Understanding: The theory promotes mutual understanding and empathy, acknowledging that both partners have moments of childishness.

What does "Relationships" by The School of Life say about "Loving and Being Loved"?

  • Two Modes of Love: The book distinguishes between the desire to be loved and the act of loving, emphasizing the importance of the latter.
  • Childhood Influence: Our initial understanding of love is based on being cared for as children, which can lead to unrealistic expectations in adulthood.
  • Maturity in Love: True maturity in relationships involves shifting focus from being loved to actively loving and supporting a partner.
  • Balancing Needs: It highlights the need to balance personal needs with the willingness to support and nurture a partner's well-being.

How does "Relationships" by The School of Life explore "Sexual Non-Liberation"?

  • Persistent Conflicts: Despite societal progress, the book argues that we remain conflicted and embarrassed about sex, contrary to the narrative of liberation.
  • Romanticism's Influence: Romanticism's idealized view of sex as pure and aligned with love is critiqued for creating unrealistic expectations.
  • Honesty vs. Normality: The challenge lies in balancing the desire for sexual honesty with the need to appear normal and acceptable to partners.
  • True Liberation: The book calls for true sexual liberation through open, honest conversations about desires, free from fear and shame.

What are the "Better Love Stories" proposed by "Relationships" by The School of Life?

  • Classical vs. Romantic: The book contrasts Classical love stories, which focus on enduring and tolerating relationships, with Romantic ones that idealize beginnings.
  • Realistic Narratives: It advocates for stories that reflect the realities of work, children, and practicalities in relationships, rather than idealized fantasies.
  • Compatibility and Growth: Better love stories emphasize compatibility as an achievement, not a precondition, and highlight the importance of growth and compromise.
  • Skill Over Feeling: The book suggests that love should be seen as a skill to be developed, rather than a mysterious feeling, for healthier relationships.


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人生学校 是一个致力于帮助人们过上更充实生活的全球性组织。由哲学家阿兰·德波顿创立,专注于发展自我认知和情感智力。该组织认为,了解自己对于在爱情和工作中做出更好的决策至关重要。为了弥补这些领域缺乏正式教育的不足,人生学校提供了包括书籍、工作坊、电影和礼品在内的各种资源。他们的方法结合了哲学、心理学和实用建议,帮助个人改善人际关系、职业生涯和整体幸福感。该组织旨在创建一个支持性的社区,并提供个人成长和寻找生活满足感的工具。

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