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Sacred Nature

Sacred Nature

Restoring Our Ancient Bond with the Natural World
作者 Karen Armstrong 2022 224 页数
1k+ 评分
13 分钟


1. 自然的神圣性:重新连接我们古老的纽带


古老智慧。 在人类历史的大部分时间里,人们将自然视为神圣且充满生命力,蕴含着神圣的存在。这种观点深深植根于世界各地的文化中,从中国的道教到印度的吠陀传统。他们将自然世界视为精神和物质存在的一个不可分割的部分,而不仅仅是背景或资源。

失去的连接。 然而,现代西方社会在很大程度上失去了与自然的这种亲密纽带。我们越来越与自然世界疏远,常常通过科学的冷漠或经济的实用性来看待它。这种断裂导致了我们当前的环境危机。

重新连接。 为了解决我们的环境挑战,我们必须重新发现并培养对自然的敬畏感。这不仅涉及科学理解,还包括情感和精神上的参与。通过重新连接自然的神圣性,我们可以发展出一种更和谐和可持续的环境关系。

2. 从神话到理性:失去与自然的连接


神话与理性。 传统上,人类社会平衡了两种理解世界的模式:神话(神话思维)和理性(理性思维)。神话处理意义、永恒的真理和生活的精神方面,而理性则专注于实际的、事实的知识。

失衡。 在现代西方社会,理性已经主导了我们的世界观,往往以牺牲神话为代价。这种转变带来了显著的科学和技术进步,但也导致了我们与自然和精神价值的断裂。

  • 这种失衡的后果:
  • 将自然视为可被利用的资源
  • 失去对自然世界的敬畏
  • 难以处理人类经验的非理性方面
  • 环境退化和危机


3. 自然中的神圣性:体验自然世界中的神圣


重新发现敬畏。 自然中的神圣性概念邀请我们以敬畏和尊重的态度体验世界。它挑战我们超越将自然视为资源或科学现象的观点,而是认识到其内在的神秘和神圣性。

约伯的启示。 《希伯来圣经》中的《约伯记》呈现了自然神圣性的强大愿景。通过上帝对约伯的讲话,我们面对自然世界的巨大力量、美丽和不可测度性。这种观点与以人为中心的观点形成对比,后者将人类置于创造的中心。


  • 在自然中培养正念和存在感
  • 在面对自然的复杂性时培养谦卑感
  • 认识到所有生命形式的内在价值
  • 采用更尊重和可持续的环境方法


4. 我们破碎的世界:认识我们造成的破坏


环境危机。 我们的现代生活方式对自然世界造成了前所未有的破坏。气候变化、生物多样性丧失、污染和资源枯竭只是我们与自然剥削关系的一些后果。

根本原因。 这种环境危机源于我们世界观的根本转变:

  • 人类与自然的分离
  • 对无限增长和进步的信仰
  • 对自然的统治而非和谐
  • 短期思维和对长期后果的忽视

意识和行动。 认识到我们对环境的影响是关键的第一步。然而,这种意识必须与具体行动相结合,以改变我们与自然的关系:

  • 在日常生活中采用可持续的做法
  • 支持保护环境的政策
  • 培养对自然世界的责任感
  • 教育自己和他人关于环境问题


5. 牺牲与自我空虚:为了环境和谐而放下自我


自我空虚。 自我空虚或放下自我的概念对于恢复我们与自然的关系至关重要。这一理念在各种精神传统中都有体现,鼓励我们超越自我中心,认识到我们与自然世界的相互联系。

道家智慧。 在道教中,无为(不作为)的概念体现了自我空虚。它教导我们与宇宙的自然流动保持一致,而不是强加我们的意志。这种方法促进了我们与自然互动中的和谐与平衡。


  • 在自然中培养正念和存在感
  • 实践简朴并减少消费
  • 认识到所有生物的内在价值
  • 从统治心态转向与自然合作


6. 感恩:培养对自然馈赠的感激之情


古兰经智慧。 《古兰经》强调认识和感激自然中的神圣存在的重要性。这种观点鼓励我们对自然世界及其馈赠产生深深的感激之情。

培养意识。 培养对自然的感恩包括:

  • 注意自然世界的美丽和复杂性
  • 认识到我们对自然系统的依赖
  • 感谢所有生命的相互联系


  • 增强环境意识
  • 更加积极地保护和保存自然
  • 增强福祉和与周围世界的联系
  • 从稀缺心态转向丰盈心态


7. 黄金法则:将同情心扩展到所有生物


普遍原则。 黄金法则在各种文化和宗教传统中都有体现,鼓励我们以希望被对待的方式对待他人。在环境伦理的背景下,这一原则不仅适用于人类,还包括所有自然界。

儒家观点。 儒家思想强调仁(仁爱或人道)的概念,涉及培养对所有生物的同情心和怜悯心。这种方法鼓励我们将自己视为更大生命网络的一部分,而不是与自然分离或优越于自然。


  • 考虑我们行为对所有生物的影响
  • 培养对非人类生命的同情心
  • 做出尽量减少对环境伤害的道德选择
  • 倡导保护生物多样性和生态系统的政策


8. 非暴力:对所有生命形式实践非暴力


耆那教原则。 非暴力原则是耆那教哲学的核心。它将同情和尊重扩展到最小的生物,强调所有生命的相互联系。

扩展我们的关心范围。 实践非暴力包括:

  • 认识到所有生命形式的内在价值
  • 在日常行动中尽量减少对其他生物的伤害
  • 培养对非人类生命的同情心
  • 考虑我们选择的环境影响


  • 采用更可持续和道德的消费习惯
  • 支持保护和生物多样性保护的努力
  • 倡导尊重和保护所有生命形式的政策
  • 培养管理而非统治自然的心态


9. 同心圆:扩展我们的关心范围


中国智慧。 同心圆的概念源于中国哲学,建议我们应逐步扩展我们的关心范围,从自己到家庭、社区、国家,最终到整个宇宙。

扩展同情心。 这种方法包括:

  • 从自我修养和个人责任开始
  • 将关心扩展到直系亲属和朋友
  • 扩展到当地社区和社会
  • 最终拥抱全人类和自然世界


  • 认识到我们与所有自然的相互联系
  • 培养全球环境责任感
  • 平衡地方和全球环境问题
  • 培养整体的环境管理方法


10. 转变我们与自然的关系:行动呼吁


紧迫需求。 我们当前的环境危机需要我们与自然关系的根本转变。这种变化必须超越表面的调整,涵盖我们世界观和价值观的深刻转变。


  1. 培养对自然的敬畏和惊叹
  2. 在日常生活中发展生态意识
  3. 采用可持续的实践和生活方式选择
  4. 倡导环境保护和保育
  5. 教育自己和他人关于我们与自然的相互联系


  • 在自然中实践正念和存在感
  • 支持环境倡议和政策
  • 采用更可持续的消费习惯
  • 参与社区环境项目
  • 将环境伦理融入教育和公共话语




What's "Sacred Nature: Restoring Our Ancient Bond with the Natural World" about?

  • Exploration of Nature's Sacredness: The book delves into the idea that nature is inherently sacred and explores how ancient cultures perceived and interacted with the natural world.
  • Historical and Cultural Perspectives: Karen Armstrong examines various religious and philosophical traditions, including those from China, India, and the Middle East, to understand how they viewed nature as a divine force.
  • Modern Disconnection: It addresses the modern disconnection from nature, suggesting that this alienation has contributed to environmental crises.
  • Call for Spiritual Revolution: Armstrong advocates for a spiritual revolution that revives the reverence for nature, which she argues is essential for addressing today's environmental challenges.

Why should I read "Sacred Nature: Restoring Our Ancient Bond with the Natural World"?

  • Insightful Historical Analysis: The book provides a comprehensive historical analysis of how different cultures have perceived nature, offering a deeper understanding of humanity's relationship with the environment.
  • Relevance to Modern Issues: It connects ancient wisdom with contemporary environmental issues, making it highly relevant for those interested in sustainability and ecological ethics.
  • Spiritual and Philosophical Depth: Armstrong's exploration of spiritual and philosophical traditions offers readers a chance to reflect on their own beliefs and attitudes towards nature.
  • Inspiration for Change: The book encourages readers to rethink their relationship with the natural world and inspires action towards environmental conservation and spiritual growth.

What are the key takeaways of "Sacred Nature: Restoring Our Ancient Bond with the Natural World"?

  • Nature as Sacred: Many ancient cultures viewed nature as a sacred entity, integral to their spiritual and daily lives, a perspective that modern society has largely lost.
  • Cultural Wisdom: The book highlights the wisdom of various religious and philosophical traditions, suggesting that these insights can guide us in addressing current ecological crises.
  • Need for Spiritual Renewal: Armstrong argues for a spiritual renewal that reconnects humanity with nature, emphasizing the importance of compassion and reverence for the environment.
  • Practical Steps for Change: The book suggests practical ways to incorporate ancient wisdom into modern life, encouraging readers to develop a deeper appreciation and respect for the natural world.

How does Karen Armstrong define "sacred nature"?

  • Inherent Divinity: Armstrong defines sacred nature as the inherent divinity present in all aspects of the natural world, a concept recognized by many ancient cultures.
  • Interconnectedness: She emphasizes the interconnectedness of all living things, suggesting that recognizing this sacred bond can lead to a more harmonious existence.
  • Beyond Materialism: Sacred nature transcends materialistic views, inviting a spiritual and ethical approach to how we interact with the environment.
  • Cultural Interpretations: The book explores various cultural interpretations of sacred nature, illustrating how different societies have understood and revered the natural world.

What is the role of myth in "Sacred Nature: Restoring Our Ancient Bond with the Natural World"?

  • Myth as Insight: Armstrong argues that myths provide deep insights into human understanding of the world, offering timeless truths about nature and existence.
  • Complementary to Logos: Myths are presented as complementary to rational thought (logos), providing meaning and context to human experiences and the natural world.
  • Cultural Narratives: The book examines how different cultures have used myths to express their relationship with nature, highlighting the importance of these narratives in shaping beliefs and practices.
  • Practical Application: Armstrong suggests that myths can guide modern society in developing a more respectful and sustainable relationship with nature.

How does Karen Armstrong suggest we restore our bond with nature?

  • Spiritual Practices: Armstrong advocates for incorporating spiritual practices that emphasize mindfulness, gratitude, and reverence for nature into daily life.
  • Cultural Wisdom: She encourages learning from ancient cultures and their practices, which viewed nature as a sacred entity deserving of respect and care.
  • Ethical Living: The book suggests adopting ethical living principles that prioritize environmental sustainability and compassion for all living beings.
  • Community Engagement: Armstrong emphasizes the importance of community engagement and collective action in restoring humanity's bond with the natural world.

What are the best quotes from "Sacred Nature: Restoring Our Ancient Bond with the Natural World" and what do they mean?

  • "Heaven is my father and Earth is my mother": This quote reflects the deep connection and reverence ancient cultures had for nature, viewing it as a familial relationship.
  • "We have to change not only our lifestyle but our whole belief system": Armstrong stresses the need for a fundamental shift in how we perceive and interact with the environment to address ecological crises.
  • "A myth is true because it is effective": This highlights the power of myths in conveying truths and guiding human behavior, suggesting their relevance in modern times.
  • "We need to recover the veneration of nature": Armstrong calls for a revival of respect and reverence for nature, which she believes is crucial for environmental sustainability.

How does "Sacred Nature" address the concept of kenosis?

  • Definition of Kenosis: Kenosis is described as the "emptying" of self, a concept found in various religious traditions that emphasizes humility and selflessness.
  • Spiritual Practice: Armstrong discusses how kenosis can be a spiritual practice that leads to a deeper connection with nature and others by transcending ego and selfish desires.
  • Cultural Examples: The book provides examples from different cultures, such as Buddhism and Christianity, where kenosis is a path to enlightenment and spiritual growth.
  • Relevance Today: Armstrong suggests that adopting kenosis can help modern individuals develop a more compassionate and sustainable relationship with the environment.

What is the significance of the Golden Rule in "Sacred Nature"?

  • Universal Principle: The Golden Rule, "do not do to others what you would not have done to you," is highlighted as a universal principle found in many religious traditions.
  • Compassion and Empathy: Armstrong emphasizes the importance of compassion and empathy, suggesting that the Golden Rule can guide ethical interactions with both humans and nature.
  • Cultural Interpretations: The book explores how different cultures have interpreted and applied the Golden Rule, illustrating its significance in fostering harmonious relationships.
  • Application to Nature: Armstrong extends the Golden Rule to include the natural world, advocating for a respectful and caring approach to environmental stewardship.

How does Karen Armstrong view the role of gratitude in our relationship with nature?

  • Essential Attitude: Gratitude is presented as an essential attitude for fostering a positive and respectful relationship with the natural world.
  • Cultural Practices: Armstrong explores how various cultures have incorporated gratitude into their spiritual and daily practices, emphasizing its role in maintaining harmony with nature.
  • Modern Application: The book suggests practical ways to cultivate gratitude, such as mindfulness and reflection, to enhance appreciation for the environment.
  • Connection to Sustainability: Armstrong argues that gratitude can lead to more sustainable living by encouraging individuals to value and protect natural resources.

What does "Sacred Nature" say about the interconnectedness of all living things?

  • Inherent Connection: Armstrong emphasizes the inherent connection between all living things, a concept recognized by many ancient cultures and spiritual traditions.
  • Holistic Perspective: The book advocates for a holistic perspective that sees humans as part of a larger ecological system, rather than separate from it.
  • Cultural Insights: Armstrong explores how different cultures have understood and expressed this interconnectedness, offering insights into how it can guide modern environmental ethics.
  • Practical Implications: Recognizing interconnectedness can lead to more compassionate and sustainable practices, as individuals become more aware of their impact on the environment.

How does "Sacred Nature" relate to modern environmental issues?

  • Historical Context: Armstrong provides historical context for modern environmental issues, showing how ancient wisdom can inform contemporary solutions.
  • Call for Change: The book calls for a fundamental change in how society views and interacts with nature, emphasizing the need for spiritual and ethical renewal.
  • Practical Solutions: Armstrong offers practical solutions for addressing environmental challenges, such as adopting sustainable practices and fostering community engagement.
  • Inspiration for Action: By connecting ancient insights with modern issues, the book inspires readers to take action towards creating a more sustainable and harmonious world.


3.68 满分 5
平均评分来自 1k+ 来自Goodreads和亚马逊的评分.


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