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The Good Energy Book

The Good Energy Book

Creating Harmony and Balance for Yourself and Your Home
作者 Tess Whitehurst 2012 240 页数
100+ 评分
7 分钟
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1. 一切皆能量:理解现实的相互关联性


我们生活在能量的海洋中。 我们的思想、情感和意图强烈地影响着这个能量场。理解这种相互关联的现实对于有效的能量工作和精神成长至关重要。通过认识到我们是这个统一场的一部分,我们可以有意识地引导能量来治愈自己、他人,并为我们的生活注入更多的和谐与平衡。

微妙的领域与物质世界并存。 这个看不见的现实层面包括无限的爱以及许多层次的情感和能量,这些特征构成了我们当前的生活体验。通过调谐到这个微妙的领域,我们可以感知能量中的模式和形成,并学习与这些模式互动、转变和转化,以实现积极的变化。

2. 每日能量清洁:净化和保护你的能量场


每日能量清洁是必不可少的。 就像为你的身体洗澡一样,定期清洁你的能量体有助于保持精神健康和活力。一个简单而强大的每日练习包括:

  • 可视化:想象一个神圣的光管进入你的能量体,移除所有的黑暗和负能量。
  • 接地:想象从你的身体长出根系,深入地球核心,锚定你并吸收金色的光。
  • 激活脉轮:想象每个脉轮被地球和宇宙的光清洁和激活。
  • 保护:用白色和靛紫色的光球包围自己,形成保护屏障。

辅以物理实践。 定期的海盐浴、祝福你的食物和水,以及选择正能量的食物可以进一步支持你的能量卫生。

3. 清理空间:将停滞的能量转化为正能量

空间清理——一种在无数文化中存在的古老实践,尽管这个术语是由作家和治疗师Denise Linn创造的——是一种强大的方法,可以分散和转化停滞和沉重的能量,并在任何物理空间中建立美丽、轻盈、闪亮的能量条件。

定期清理空间至关重要。 就像灰尘会在我们的物理空间中积累一样,停滞的能量也会在我们的家和工作场所积聚。一个彻底的空间清理仪式可以包括:

  • 整理和物理清洁
  • 使用声音(如响板、铃铛)松动停滞的能量
  • 用鼠尾草或其他草药熏香
  • 可视化白光充满空间
  • 为空间的更新能量设定意图

根据需要调整清理方法。 不同的情况可能需要不同的清理技术。例如,搬入新空间、争吵后或怀疑有地缚灵存在时,可能需要更密集的清理仪式。

4. 召唤神圣援助:与更高力量对齐以获得支持


神圣助手总是可用的。 无论你将它们概念化为天使、灵性向导、升天大师,还是你更高自我的一部分,这些存在都渴望在你的精神工作中提供帮助。要召唤他们的帮助:

  • 为你需要的帮助类型设定明确的意图
  • 呼唤与你的目的共鸣的特定存在(如保护的天使迈克尔,转化的圣日耳曼)
  • 相信你的请求已被听到并正在被执行

创建一个祭坛或神圣空间。 这可以作为与你选择的神圣助手连接的焦点,并保持一致的精神实践。

5. 理解和清理地缚灵


地缚灵是被困的能量。 这些可能是未完全转入光明的已故个体的意识碎片,通常是由于困惑、恐惧或依恋。它们存在的迹象可能包括:

  • 无法解释的噪音或温度变化
  • 突然的情绪变化或渴望
  • 反复出现的梦境或过去事件的幻象

清理这些存在是一种慈悲的行为。 通过帮助它们转入光明,你不仅改善了你空间的能量,还帮助这些碎片在它们的精神旅程中前进。清理技术包括:

  • 召唤神圣援助(如天使迈克尔)
  • 使用鼠尾草或其他净化草药
  • 可视化一个光之门让这些存在通过

6. 保护你的能量:建立界限并保持积极性


培养积极的心态。 你的思想和情感创造了你的能量现实。练习:

  • 冥想和正念
  • 积极的自我对话和肯定
  • 定期与自然连接

创建能量界限。 可视化保护性的光盾包围你自己和你的空间。使用已知具有保护属性的水晶、草药或精油。

释放恐惧和担忧。 当挑战性的思想出现时,练习“交给”你的神圣助手或更高自我。相信一切都在按应有的方式展开。

7. 祝福和微调你的空间:为你的环境注入好能量


定期祝福保持正能量。 在清理空间后,用特定的意图和正能量注入它。方法包括:

  • 可视化代表你意图的彩色光或符号
  • 使用精油、水晶或神圣物品
  • 邀请善良的灵性存在或能量进入你的空间

创建个性化的祝福仪式。 结合与你共鸣的元素,如蜡烛、熏香、肯定语和可视化。定期进行,以保持你空间的能量与意图一致。

8. 培养积极性:发展精神维护的习惯


保持精神实践。 支持你的能量和精神健康的定期习惯至关重要。考虑纳入:

  • 瑜伽或其他正念运动
  • 在大自然中度过时间
  • 写日记或晨间书写
  • 宽恕工作
  • 质疑和释放限制性信念

保持耐心和坚持。 精神成长和能量工作是一个持续的过程。庆祝小的胜利,并在发展这些习惯时对自己温柔。

保持开放的灵感。 随着你对微妙领域的调谐,信任你的直觉,引导你走向与你独特精神道路共鸣的实践和方法。



What's "The Good Energy Book" about?

  • Author's Background: Tess Whitehurst is an intuitive counselor, energy worker, and feng shui consultant, bringing her expertise in creating harmony and balance to this book.
  • Core Concept: The book focuses on understanding and working with energy to create harmony and balance in one's life and home.
  • Practical Guidance: It offers practical advice and rituals for clearing negative energy, protecting spaces, and enhancing positive vibrations.
  • Holistic Approach: The book integrates various metaphysical practices, including meditation, feng shui, and energy work, to improve personal and environmental energy.

Why should I read "The Good Energy Book"?

  • Improve Well-being: The book provides tools to transform fear and struggle into adventure and delight by working with energy.
  • Practical Techniques: It offers actionable steps for clearing and protecting personal and home energy, making it accessible for beginners and experienced practitioners alike.
  • Holistic Benefits: Readers can expect to enhance their spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being through the practices outlined.
  • Empowerment: It empowers readers to take control of their energy and environment, fostering a sense of empowerment and self-mastery.

What are the key takeaways of "The Good Energy Book"?

  • Interconnectedness of Energy: Everything is connected, and understanding this can help transform life conditions.
  • Practical Energy Work: Techniques like space clearing, energetic protection, and blessing rituals are essential for maintaining positive energy.
  • Personal Empowerment: By tuning into intuition and working with energy, individuals can create the life conditions they desire.
  • Ongoing Practice: Energy work is an ongoing process that requires regular practice and maintenance for lasting benefits.

How does Tess Whitehurst define "energy" in "The Good Energy Book"?

  • Unified Field of Love: Energy is described as a unified field of love that transcends duality and underlies everyday reality.
  • Interconnectedness: Everything affects and interacts with everything else, emphasizing the interconnected nature of energy.
  • Neutral Force: Energy itself is neutral but can appear as trapped or vibrant, affecting life conditions accordingly.
  • Transformative Power: By consciously working with energy, individuals can transmute negativity into positivity.

What is the "Daily Self-Clearing Visualization" in "The Good Energy Book"?

  • Purpose: This visualization is designed to clear and refresh the energetic body, removing negativity and enhancing vibrancy.
  • Process: It involves visualizing a divine vacuum tube of light, grounding with earth light, and connecting with cosmic light.
  • Chakra Activation: The exercise includes clearing and activating the seven main chakras with earth and cosmic light.
  • Regular Practice: Tess Whitehurst recommends performing this visualization almost daily for optimal energetic health.

How does "The Good Energy Book" suggest protecting your energy?

  • Daily Shielding Visualization: Visualize a sphere of bright white and indigo-violet light surrounding you, allowing only love to enter.
  • Amulets and Talismans: Use items like mirrored pendants or white quartz crystals to enhance energetic protection.
  • Special Visualizations: Techniques like the mirrored sphere or angelic bodyguard visualizations offer additional protection in challenging situations.
  • Empowerment: The book emphasizes the importance of intention and focus in maintaining energetic boundaries.

What are the "Space Clearing" techniques in "The Good Energy Book"?

  • Rituals and Tools: The book outlines rituals using tools like rattles, sage, and mist potions to clear spaces of negative energy.
  • Thorough Rituals: Detailed instructions for comprehensive space-clearing rituals are provided for significant energetic shifts.
  • Regular Maintenance: Tess Whitehurst suggests periodic clearings to maintain a positive and vibrant home environment.
  • Elemental and Divine Assistance: The book incorporates elements and divine helpers to enhance the effectiveness of space clearing.

How does Tess Whitehurst address "Earthbound Entities" in "The Good Energy Book"?

  • Understanding Entities: Earthbound entities are described as unhappy ghosts or energetic imprints that can affect spaces.
  • Clearing Techniques: The book offers methods for clearing these entities, including calling on divine assistance and using specific rituals.
  • Empowerment and Safety: Readers are assured of their divine protection and ultimate authority over their energetic domain.
  • No Need for Fear: The book emphasizes that there is no need to fear or actively seek out entities to clear them effectively.

What is the "Fiery Wall Ritual" in "The Good Energy Book"?

  • Purpose: This ritual is designed to create a powerful protective barrier around the home.
  • Ingredients: It involves using olive oil, cayenne, garlic, and tealight candles to establish a fiery wall of protection.
  • Process: The ritual includes anointing candles with the oil mixture and placing them around the home while invoking protection.
  • Effectiveness: It is recommended for times when extra protection is needed or when feeling unsafe in the home.

What are the "Blessing and Fine-Tuning" methods in "The Good Energy Book"?

  • Quick and Basic Method: Visualize a sphere of golden-white light encompassing the home, infused with positive intentions.
  • Variations: Incorporate energetic envisionings or divine invocations to enhance the blessing process.
  • Home-Blessing Rituals: The book provides detailed rituals using ingredients like rosemary and mint to bless and fine-tune spaces.
  • Calling Good Spirits: Techniques for inviting benevolent spirits into the home to maintain positive energy are also included.

What are the best quotes from "The Good Energy Book" and what do they mean?

  • "There is no separation between the seen and the unseen, form and spirit, and the known and the unknown." This quote emphasizes the interconnectedness of all things and the importance of recognizing this unity in energy work.
  • "When we tune in to our intuition and embrace the connection between the seen and the unseen, we can absolutely, positively affect our life situation." It highlights the transformative power of intuition and energy work in shaping life conditions.
  • "Everything is one unified field of energy." This statement underscores the book's central theme of interconnectedness and the neutral nature of energy.
  • "You are an immensely spiritually powerful being." This quote is a reminder of personal empowerment and the ability to create desired conditions through focused intent.

How does "The Good Energy Book" integrate various metaphysical practices?

  • Holistic Approach: The book combines meditation, feng shui, energy work, and other metaphysical practices to enhance well-being.
  • Practical Techniques: It offers practical guidance on using these practices to clear, protect, and bless personal and home energy.
  • Intuitive Development: Readers are encouraged to develop their intuition and spiritual power through regular practice and awareness.
  • Empowerment and Balance: The integration of these practices aims to empower individuals to create harmony and balance in their lives.


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特丝·怀特赫斯特是一位直觉顾问、能量工作者和风水顾问,常驻科罗拉多州博尔德市。她因在Bravo电视台的《Flipping Out》节目中的亮相以及在各种出版物中的写作而获得认可。怀特赫斯特是The Good Vibe Tribe的创始人,这是一个在线的魔法社区和学习中心。她通过工作坊、写作和出席活动来分享她在能量工作和精神实践方面的专业知识。她的方法结合了不同文化和精神传统的元素,专注于在生活和周围环境中创造积极的能量和和谐。

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