1. 分化而非融合推动品牌成功
分化创造机会。 随着类别的分裂和演变,新的细分市场为品牌提供了占据的机会。这一过程类似于生物进化,物种适应以填补新的生态角色。在商业中,成功的品牌识别并主导这些新兴类别。
融合是一个神话。 尽管关于技术融合的炒作不断,历史表明产品和服务随着时间的推移往往会专业化。例如,电视并没有与计算机融合;相反,我们现在有许多类型的电视(智能电视、4K、OLED)和计算机(台式机、笔记本、平板电脑)。
- 咖啡店分化为专业连锁店(星巴克、Dunkin'等)
- 汽车演变为不同类别(轿车、SUV、电动车)
- 零售店分化为类别特定的商店(家得宝、百思买、PetSmart)
2. 创建新类别以主导市场
识别未满足的需求。 成功的品牌往往创造全新的产品类别,而不是在现有类别中竞争。这使他们能够按照自己的条件定义市场,并从一开始就确立自己为领导者。
- 红牛:能量饮料
- 优步:共享出行
- Netflix:流媒体视频
- 亚马逊:在线书店(最初)
专注于类别,而不仅仅是品牌。 在推出新产品时,投入同样的精力来定义和推广类别,就像推广品牌本身一样。这有助于消费者理解为什么他们需要这种新类型的产品。
3. 要么成为第一,要么成为领导者的对立面
先发优势。 第一个在消费者心目中占据新类别的品牌往往成为事实上的领导者,即使后来竞争对手提供了客观上更好的产品。这种心理“印记”很难克服。
如果不是第一,就要与众不同。 当进入一个已建立的类别时,将你的品牌定位为领导者的对立面。这为消费者创造了一个明确的替代选择,避免了直接竞争。
- 百事可乐(年轻) vs. 可口可乐(传统)
- 安飞士(我们更努力) vs. 赫兹(市场领导者)
- 苹果(创意) vs. 微软(商业)
4. 修剪和专注以加强品牌
避免品牌稀释。 公司往往试图将品牌扩展到太多类别,削弱其核心身份。相反,专注于主导一个特定的细分市场。
- 更清晰的品牌身份
- 提高盈利能力
- 简化运营
- 更强的市场地位
- In-N-Out Burger:有限的菜单,强大的品牌
- 西南航空:低成本,无附加服务的航空旅行
- 劳力士:奢侈手表
5. 确立一个敌人来定义你的品牌
创造对比。 将你的品牌与一个已建立的竞争对手或概念进行对比,有助于消费者理解你的独特价值主张。这个“敌人”提供了你的产品的背景,并澄清了你的市场定位。
- 优步 vs. 传统出租车
- 苹果 vs. IBM(早期个人电脑广告中)
- 7-Up vs. 可乐饮料(“非可乐”)
- 澄清品牌定位
- 为营销创造叙事
- 激励内部团队
6. 通过公关而非广告慢慢启动
首先建立信誉。 新品牌和新类别往往缺乏信誉。公关和口碑创造了比付费广告更可信的第三方背书。
缓慢增长是可持续的。 缓慢增长的品牌往往比迅速爆发的品牌更持久。这为以下方面提供了时间:
- 口碑传播
- 早期采用者接受产品
- 根据初步反馈进行改进
- 生成媒体报道和热度
- 在早期采用者中建立口碑
- 一旦建立信誉后使用广告进行放大
7. 使用简单、独特的名称为类别和品牌命名
创建清晰的心理联想。 简单、易记的名称有助于消费者快速理解和记住你的品牌和类别。避免长篇大论的描述性名称,这些名称试图解释产品的一切。
- 简短(理想情况下一个或两个音节)
- 易于发音和拼写
- 在类别中具有独特性
- 避免通用术语
- 优步
- 施乐
- 谷歌
- 耐克
8. 避免产品线扩展;创建新品牌
产品线扩展稀释品牌身份。 当公司将现有品牌延伸到新类别时,往往会削弱核心品牌,并在新市场中挣扎。
为新类别创建独立品牌。 这使每个品牌都能拥有清晰、集中的身份,并主导其特定的细分市场。
- 丰田 vs. 雷克萨斯
- Gap vs. Old Navy
- 万豪 vs. 万怡酒店
9. 品牌领导中的“最先”生存
成为第一创造持久的优势。 第一个在消费者心目中占据一个类别的品牌往往能保持领导地位数十年,即使后来的进入者提供了客观上更优越的产品。
- 原创性和真实性的感知
- 熟悉感和舒适感
- 与类别定义的关联
- 可口可乐在可乐饮料中
- 克林克斯在面巾纸中
- 谷歌在搜索引擎中
- 邦迪在创可贴中
What's The Origin of Brands about?
- Brand Evolution: The book explores how brands evolve similarly to biological species, focusing on the concept of divergence as a key driver for creating new brands.
- Divergence vs. Convergence: Al Ries and Laura Ries argue that divergence, not convergence, is the most powerful force in branding, leading to new categories and opportunities.
- Natural Laws: It outlines natural laws governing product innovation and business survival, drawing parallels between biological evolution and brand development.
Why should I read The Origin of Brands?
- Branding Dynamics: Gain insights into the dynamics of branding, helping you understand how to create and position successful brands in a competitive market.
- Practical Strategies: Offers practical strategies for identifying opportunities in emerging categories, crucial for entrepreneurs and marketers.
- Historical Context: Provides historical examples and case studies illustrating the principles of divergence and their application across industries.
What are the key takeaways of The Origin of Brands?
- Divergence is Essential: Successful brands often create new categories through divergence rather than improving existing ones.
- First Mover Advantage: Being the first in a new category is crucial for market dominance and establishing a strong identity.
- Importance of Naming: A strong, relevant name can significantly impact a brand's success, as demonstrated by successful and unsuccessful product names.
What is the concept of divergence in The Origin of Brands?
- Definition of Divergence: Divergence is the process by which existing categories split into new ones, creating opportunities for new brands.
- Natural Analogy: The authors liken this to biological evolution, where species diverge to adapt, leading to diversity and survival.
- Market Implications: Divergence allows companies to target niche markets, leading to specialized products and brands.
How does The Origin of Brands define successful branding?
- Category Creation: Success is defined by creating and dominating a new category rather than competing in existing ones.
- Focus on the Mind: Branding is about occupying a unique position in the consumer's mind through clear differentiation and messaging.
- Avoiding the Mushy Middle: Brands that try to appeal to everyone often fail; focusing on a specific niche is more effective.
What role does marketing research play in The Origin of Brands?
- Skepticism Towards Predictions: The authors express skepticism about traditional marketing research's effectiveness in predicting future consumer behavior.
- Focus on Past Behavior: They advocate for research exploring past consumer choices rather than forecasting future trends.
- Divergence Over Research: Companies should focus on identifying opportunities for divergence rather than relying solely on market research.
What are some examples of divergence in product categories from The Origin of Brands?
- Television Evolution: The category has diverged into analog, digital, and high-definition, creating opportunities for new brands.
- Personal Computers: The industry has branched into laptops, desktops, and handheld devices, leading to brands like Dell and Apple.
- Beverage Categories: Bottled water, energy drinks, and flavored beverages illustrate divergence, creating distinct branding opportunities.
What is the significance of naming in branding according to The Origin of Brands?
- Impact of a Name: A well-chosen name can be a primary reason for a brand's success, helping establish identity and consumer perception.
- Examples of Success and Failure: The success of "Lite" beer versus the failure of "Gablinger's" illustrates how names influence consumer acceptance.
- Brand Identity: A strong name encapsulates the product's essence, making it easier for consumers to understand and remember.
How does The Origin of Brands address the concept of test marketing?
- Critique of Test Marketing: The authors argue that test marketing often wastes time and resources, alerting competitors and producing unprojectable results.
- Focus on Immediate Launch: Brands should prioritize getting into the market quickly rather than relying on test marketing.
- Emphasis on Branding: The book advocates for establishing a presence in the consumer's mind over extensive pre-launch testing.
What are the best quotes from The Origin of Brands and what do they mean?
- "Consumers buy categories, not brands.": Emphasizes creating a distinct category for a product, as consumers identify with categories.
- "You don't build brands. You create categories.": Highlights that successful branding is about establishing a new category for dominance.
- "Divergence is the key.": Captures the central theme that divergence is essential for brand success and market growth.
What strategies do Al and Laura Ries suggest for launching a new brand?
- Public Relations First: They advocate for a PR-driven approach to build credibility before advertising.
- Soft Launch: Recommend introducing the brand slowly to gauge consumer response and make adjustments.
- Focus on Category Creation: Stress creating a new category for the brand to stand out and gain traction.
How can companies avoid the mushy middle in branding according to The Origin of Brands?
- Avoid Compromise: Warn against trying to appeal to everyone, which can dilute brand identity.
- Differentiate from Competitors: Establish a unique market position through innovative products or strategies.
- Embrace Divergence: Recognize and adapt to market changes to maintain relevance and avoid the mushy middle.