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The Power of a Praying Parent

The Power of a Praying Parent

作者 Stormie Omartian 1995 224 页数
7k+ 评分
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1. 祷告是父母塑造孩子生活的强大工具


与上帝的祷告伙伴关系。 通过祷告与上帝合作的父母可以获得超越自身能力的智慧、力量和指导。这种伙伴关系使他们能够更自信和有效地应对育儿挑战。

持续的代祷。 为孩子进行定期、具体的祷告涵盖了他们生活的各个方面,从保护和健康到品格发展和未来决策。通过每天将关切带到上帝面前,父母可以随着时间的推移看到孩子生活中的显著答案和转变。

  • 祷告涵盖的领域:
    • 身体和情感健康
    • 灵性成长和信仰
    • 与家人和朋友的关系
    • 教育和职业道路
    • 免受伤害和邪恶影响的保护

2. 将孩子交托给上帝的照顾促进他们的成长和独立


信任上帝的计划。 将孩子交托给上帝的照顾需要对祂完美计划的信心和信任。这种放手的行为使父母能够放下焦虑和控制,认识到上帝比他们更爱他们的孩子。

促进独立。 通过将孩子交托给上帝,父母为他们发展独立性和个人信仰创造了空间。这一过程帮助孩子学会直接依靠上帝,而不仅仅依赖父母的信仰或指导。

  • 将孩子交托给上帝的好处:
    • 减少父母的焦虑和压力
    • 增强孩子的自信和自立
    • 加强孩子与上帝的个人关系
    • 更加开放地接受上帝为每个孩子独特的计划

3. 通过祷告保护孩子在危险的世界中至关重要


属灵争战。 父母必须认识到他们的孩子面临着属灵的战斗以及物理的危险。祷告作为一种强大的盾牌,呼求上帝的保护,抵御可见和不可见的威胁。

主动的代祷。 通过具体祷告保护孩子免受各种危险——事故、疾病、暴力、有害影响——父母为孩子创造了一个属灵的保护罩。这种主动的方法有助于在超出父母控制的情况下保护孩子。

  • 祷告保护的领域:
    • 免受事故和伤害的身体安全
    • 情感健康和心理健康
    • 免受负面同伴影响的保护
    • 防止成瘾和破坏性行为
    • 免受邪恶力量的属灵保护

4. 培养对上帝和祂方式的爱建立坚实的属灵基础


培养敬畏。 教导孩子敬畏和尊重上帝为与祂建立终身关系奠定了基础。这种敬畏不是基于恐惧,而是基于对上帝力量和爱的敬仰和认识。

实际应用。 父母可以通过自身的榜样、参与家庭敬拜和教导圣经原则来培养对上帝的爱。定期的祷告、读经和关于信仰的讨论帮助孩子内化上帝的真理并发展与祂的个人关系。

  • 培养对上帝的爱的方式:
    • 每日家庭敬拜和祷告时间
    • 鼓励对信仰的提问和开放讨论
    • 一起参与教会和社区服务
    • 在日常生活中庆祝上帝的信实

5. 培养上帝赋予的天赋和能力实现孩子的潜力


识别天赋。 父母应祈求辨别力,以识别孩子独特的天赋和能力。这包括观察孩子的自然倾向、兴趣和擅长的领域。

发展潜力。 一旦识别出天赋,父母可以提供成长和发展的机会。这可能包括课程、练习或接触特定领域的导师。祈求智慧来培养这些天赋是至关重要的。

  • 培养天赋的步骤:
    1. 观察并识别自然能力
    2. 祈求发展中的指导
    3. 提供资源和成长机会
    4. 鼓励坚持和奉献
    5. 帮助孩子利用他们的天赋服务他人并荣耀上帝

6. 教导孩子说生命的话语并拒绝谎言促进情感健康


言语的力量。 孩子必须明白他们的话语塑造了他们的现实并影响他人。教导他们积极和真实地说话可以建立自尊和健康的关系。

对抗消极。 父母应帮助孩子识别并拒绝负面的自我对话和外部来源的谎言。用上帝的真理和积极的肯定取而代之,为情感健康奠定基础。

  • 促进生命话语的策略:
    • 在家中树立积极言语的榜样
    • 教导孩子识别和挑战负面想法
    • 鼓励感恩和赞美
    • 背诵并大声朗读圣经
    • 练习与他人友善和鼓舞人心的交流

7. 通过祷告和辨别力引导孩子做出明智的选择


培养辨别力。 父母应祈求孩子发展智慧和辨别力,使他们即使在父母不在场时也能做出符合上帝旨意的选择。这包括教导圣经原则并帮助孩子学会听到上帝的声音。

决策技能。 实际的决策指导,加上祷告,使孩子能够应对生活的挑战。教导他们寻求上帝的旨意,考虑后果,并做出符合他们价值观的选择,为他们的独立性做好准备。

  • 培养明智决策的步骤:
    1. 祈求智慧和辨别力
    2. 教导圣经原则作为指导
    3. 鼓励在决策中寻求上帝的旨意
    4. 练习分析选择和后果
    5. 允许在决策中适龄的独立性

8. 培养宽恕和悔改创造自由和喜乐


打破枷锁。 教导孩子宽恕使他们摆脱苦毒和怨恨,这些情绪会毒害他们的关系和情感健康。在家庭中树立宽恕的榜样是一个强有力的示范。

恢复关系。 鼓励在做错事时悔改,加上宽恕,创造了一个充满恩典和和解的氛围。这项技能对于维持一生的健康关系至关重要。

  • 宽恕和悔改的好处:
    • 从过去的伤害中获得情感自由
    • 更强大、更有韧性的关系
    • 增强的同理心和同情心
    • 更好的冲突解决技能
    • 对上帝恩典的更深理解

9. 通过祷告打破代际模式改变家庭


识别模式。 父母必须认识到家庭中的负面代际模式,如成瘾、虐待或不健康的关系。承认这些问题是打破循环的第一步。

变革性的祷告。 通过有针对性的祷告和个人成长,父母可以摆脱破坏性的模式,为孩子创造新的遗产。这包括寻求治愈、宽恕和上帝的力量来克服根深蒂固的行为。

  • 打破代际模式的步骤:
    1. 识别负面的家庭模式
    2. 承认并悔改个人参与
    3. 祈求治愈和转变
    4. 如有需要,寻求咨询或支持
    5. 有意地树立新的、健康的行为榜样
    6. 教导孩子上帝的真理和方式

10. 在孩子中建立信仰使他们能够应对生活的挑战


信仰的基础。 对上帝的坚定信仰为孩子提供了目标感、希望和在面对生活挑战时的韧性。父母可以通过教导、榜样和祷告来培养这种信仰。

实践信仰。 鼓励孩子通过服务、祷告和在困难情况下信靠上帝来实践他们的信仰,有助于巩固他们的信念。这种信仰的实际应用使他们能够自信地面对未来的考验。

  • 在孩子中建立信仰的方式:
    • 定期的家庭圣经学习和祷告
    • 分享个人对上帝信实的见证
    • 鼓励对怀疑的提问和诚实讨论
    • 提供孩子服务和事工的机会
    • 一起为具体需求祷告并庆祝答案



What's "The Power of a Praying Parent" about?

  • Focus on Prayer: "The Power of a Praying Parent" by Stormie Omartian emphasizes the importance of prayer in a parent's life, specifically focusing on praying for their children.
  • Guidance for Parents: The book provides practical advice and structured prayers to help parents cover various aspects of their children's lives in prayer.
  • Spiritual Growth: It aims to help parents grow spiritually and develop a deeper relationship with God through the act of praying for their children.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: The book covers a wide range of topics, from protection and health to relationships and future decisions, ensuring parents can pray effectively for all areas of their children's lives.

Why should I read "The Power of a Praying Parent"?

  • Strengthen Your Faith: Reading this book can help strengthen your faith and trust in God's plan for your children.
  • Practical Prayer Guide: It offers practical guidance on how to pray effectively for your children, making it easier for parents to incorporate prayer into their daily routine.
  • Peace of Mind: The book provides peace of mind by encouraging parents to release their worries to God and trust in His protection and guidance.
  • Community and Support: It also emphasizes the power of praying together with other parents, fostering a sense of community and support.

What are the key takeaways of "The Power of a Praying Parent"?

  • Power of Prayer: Prayer is a powerful tool that can positively impact your children's lives and bring about God's will for them.
  • Comprehensive Prayer Topics: The book covers a wide range of prayer topics, ensuring that parents can pray for every aspect of their children's lives.
  • Partnership with God: Parents are encouraged to partner with God in raising their children, relying on His wisdom and guidance.
  • Ongoing Process: Praying for your children is an ongoing process that continues even as they grow into adulthood.

How does Stormie Omartian suggest parents pray for their children?

  • Specific Prayers: Omartian provides specific prayers for different aspects of a child's life, such as protection, health, relationships, and future decisions.
  • Scripture-Based: The prayers are often based on scripture, helping parents align their prayers with God's Word.
  • Daily Practice: She encourages parents to make prayer a daily practice, integrating it into their routine to cover their children consistently.
  • Adaptable Prayers: The prayers can be adapted to suit the specific needs and circumstances of each child.

What are some of the best quotes from "The Power of a Praying Parent" and what do they mean?

  • "Don't ever underestimate the power of a praying parent." This quote emphasizes the significant impact that a parent's prayers can have on their child's life.
  • "Prayer is acknowledging and experiencing the presence of God." It highlights the essence of prayer as a way to invite God's presence into our lives and circumstances.
  • "We can trust God to take care of our children even better than we can." This quote reassures parents that God is ultimately in control and can be trusted with their children's lives.
  • "Prayer invites and ignites both." It underscores the idea that prayer not only invites God's presence but also ignites His power to work in our lives.

How does "The Power of a Praying Parent" address the issue of protection for children?

  • Daily Protection Prayers: Omartian encourages parents to pray daily for their children's protection from harm, accidents, and negative influences.
  • Scriptural Promises: The book includes scripture-based prayers that claim God's promises of protection over children.
  • Trust in God's Care: Parents are reminded to trust in God's ability to watch over their children, even when they cannot be physically present.
  • Anointing and Cleansing: The book suggests anointing children's rooms and praying through them to cleanse any negative influences.

What advice does Stormie Omartian give for praying about a child's future?

  • Release to God: Parents are encouraged to release their children into God's hands, trusting Him with their future.
  • Pray for Guidance: Omartian advises praying for God's guidance in their children's decisions and life paths.
  • Eternal Perspective: The book emphasizes praying for a child's eternal future, ensuring they have a strong relationship with God.
  • Specific Future Aspects: Parents are guided to pray for specific future aspects, such as career choices, marriage, and spiritual growth.

How does "The Power of a Praying Parent" suggest dealing with rebellion in children?

  • Identify and Pray: Parents are encouraged to identify any signs of rebellion and pray specifically against them.
  • Scripture and Discipline: The book advises using scripture and appropriate discipline to address rebellious behavior.
  • Pray for Obedience: Omartian suggests praying for a heart of obedience in children, aligning their will with God's.
  • Spiritual Warfare: Parents are reminded that rebellion is a spiritual battle and should be addressed with prayer and spiritual authority.

What role does forgiveness play in "The Power of a Praying Parent"?

  • Essential for Healing: Forgiveness is presented as essential for healing and maintaining healthy relationships within the family.
  • Model Forgiveness: Parents are encouraged to model forgiveness to their children, teaching them its importance.
  • Pray for a Forgiving Heart: The book includes prayers for children to have a forgiving heart and release any bitterness.
  • Break Family Bondage: Forgiveness is also seen as a way to break any generational patterns of unforgiveness and bondage.

How does Stormie Omartian address the topic of a child's gifts and talents?

  • Pray for Revelation: Parents are encouraged to pray for God to reveal their children's gifts and talents.
  • Nurture and Develop: The book advises parents to nurture and develop these gifts for God's glory.
  • Avoid Comparison: Omartian warns against comparing children to others, which can hinder the development of their unique talents.
  • Use for God's Purpose: Parents are guided to pray that their children use their gifts and talents for God's purposes.

What does "The Power of a Praying Parent" say about the importance of a child's faith?

  • Foundation of Life: Faith is presented as the foundation of a child's life, influencing their decisions and actions.
  • Pray for Growth: Parents are encouraged to pray for their children's faith to grow and strengthen over time.
  • Faith in God's Promises: The book emphasizes teaching children to have faith in God's promises and His Word.
  • Impact on Future: A strong faith is seen as crucial for a child's future success and fulfillment.

How does "The Power of a Praying Parent" suggest parents pray for their adult children?

  • Continued Influence: Parents are reminded that their prayers continue to have influence even when children are adults.
  • Pray for Independence: The book advises praying for adult children to make wise, independent decisions aligned with God's will.
  • Support and Guidance: Parents are encouraged to pray for their adult children's support systems and guidance in their lives.
  • Eternal Focus: The focus remains on praying for their eternal future and relationship with God, regardless of age.


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Stormie Omartian 是一位畅销书作家和演讲者,以其“祷告的力量”系列而闻名,全球销量超过2600万册。她的书籍,包括《祷告的妻子的力量》和《祷告的父母的力量》,打破了行业记录并获得了众多奖项。Omartian的写作风格以个人经历和如何通过信任和祷告改变生活的例子为特点。她的作品几十年来一直引起读者的共鸣,保持畅销书地位,并激励了数百万人加深他们的祷告生活。结婚40年,有两个孩子的Omartian继续更新和重新发布她的热门书籍,在基督教文学市场上保持着强大的影响力。

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