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The Pursuit of God

The Pursuit of God

The Human Thirst for the Divine
作者 A.W. Tozer 1948 128 页数
81k+ 评分
8 分钟


1. 追求上帝:灵性亲密的探索


持续追求。 基督徒的生活不是一次性的决定,而是对上帝的持续追求。这种追求以对上帝临在的深切渴望和不断更亲密地认识祂的愿望为特征。

先行恩典。 作者强调,我们能够寻求上帝本身就是祂的恩赐。上帝通过祂的先行恩典发起了这段关系,将我们吸引到祂身边。我们对这一神圣倡议的回应是紧紧追随祂,认识到即使我们在追求上帝,我们已经在祂的手中。

超越单纯教义。 真正的基督教超越了对教义的单纯智力认同。它涉及对上帝的个人、体验性知识,能够改变信徒的整个存在。这种对上帝的追求不仅仅是少数人的特权,而是每个基督徒的特权和呼召。

2. 拥有无物的福分


灵性脱离。 作者认为,真正的福分来自于脱离物质财产和世俗欲望。这种脱离使我们能够完全专注于上帝,在祂身上找到最终的满足。

亚伯拉罕的榜样。 亚伯拉罕愿意牺牲以撒的故事被用来说明这一原则。亚伯拉罕的顺服表明他理解上帝比他最珍爱的财产——他的儿子和继承人——更有价值。

摆脱负担。 通过放开对世俗财富的执着,我们摆脱了不断比较、害怕失去和无尽追求的负担。这种灵性贫穷反而带来了在上帝中的真正财富。

3. 移除面纱:遇见上帝的临在


自我的障碍。 作者指出,将我们与上帝完全体验隔开的“面纱”是我们的自我生活——我们的骄傲、自义和自我中心。要进入与上帝更深的交流,这个面纱必须被移除。

痛苦的过程。 移除这个面纱通常是一个痛苦的过程,被比作自我的钉十字架。它需要放弃、悔改和愿意放弃自己的欲望和野心。

无障碍的交流。 一旦面纱被移除,我们就能体验到与上帝无障碍的交流。这种亲密的交流特征包括:

  • 对上帝临在的直接意识
  • 与上帝持续的爱与思想的交流
  • 向基督形象的转变

4. 领悟上帝:信仰作为灵魂的凝视


信仰如视。 作者重新定义信仰,不是单纯的智力认同,而是灵魂对上帝的凝视。这种凝视是:

  • 持续且稳定的
  • 指向上帝的品格和应许
  • 对信徒产生转变的效果

信仰的简化。 这种对信仰的理解简化了基督徒的生活。基督教的本质不再是复杂的仪式或神学体系,而是简单地以信任和依赖的态度看向上帝。

实际应用。 作者鼓励读者通过以下方式培养这种凝视:

  • 定期默想圣经
  • 有意识地在一天中将思想转向上帝
  • 在日常活动中实践上帝的临在

5. 普遍的临在:上帝的内在性与超越性


无所不在的解释。 作者强调上帝的普遍临在,将其与泛神论区分开来。上帝既是内在的(存在于创造之中),又是超越的(与创造物有别且高于创造物)。

临在的意识。 虽然上帝总是存在,但我们对祂临在的体验取决于我们的意识和接受度。作者鼓励通过以下方式培养这种意识:

  • 有意识地专注于上帝的临在
  • 移除内在的障碍(罪、不信)
  • 实践灵性纪律

转变的影响。 认识到上帝的持续临在会转变日常生活:

  • 每个地方都变得神圣
  • 每一刻都是敬拜的机会
  • 每项任务都充满了神圣的意义

6. 说话的声音:上帝的持续交流


上帝的持续启示。 作者将上帝描述为不断交流的,不仅在书面的话语中,而且通过整个创造。这种交流是:

  • 持续且当下的
  • 范围广泛的
  • 形式多样的(自然、良心、圣经等)

倾听的姿态。 要听到上帝的声音,我们必须培养一种倾听的姿态,其特征包括:

  • 安静和静止
  • 期待和开放
  • 对所听到的内容的顺服

实际应用。 作者鼓励读者:

  • 将圣经视为活的、说话的话语
  • 在自然和日常经历中聆听上帝的声音
  • 培养安静和独处,以更好地听到上帝的低语

7. 恢复造物主与受造物的关系


正确的秩序。 作者强调需要恢复造物主与受造物之间的正确关系。这包括:

  • 认识到上帝的至高权威和价值
  • 自愿顺服祂的主权
  • 在我们生活中高举上帝高于一切

实际的放弃。 这种恢复通过实际的放弃行为来实现:

  • 将我们的财产、关系和野心交给上帝
  • 寻求上帝的荣耀而非自己的荣耀
  • 将我们的意志与上帝的意志对齐

由此带来的自由。 矛盾的是,这种放弃带来了真正的自由和满足:

  • 摆脱自我提升的负担
  • 在为上帝的目的而活中找到喜悦
  • 更大程度地体验上帝的力量和临在

8. 温柔与安息:在谦卑中找到平安


真正的温柔定义。 作者重新定义温柔,不是软弱,而是受控的力量。温柔包括:

  • 基于上帝观点的准确自我评估
  • 摆脱自我提升的需要
  • 愿意让上帝辩护和提升

通过温柔获得安息。 拥抱温柔带来了灵性和情感上的安息:

  • 摆脱骄傲和伪装的负担
  • 摆脱与他人不断比较的自由
  • 让我们在上帝中找到自己的价值

实际步骤。 为了培养温柔,作者建议:

  • 拥抱我们对上帝的依赖
  • 练习对上帝评价的满足
  • 放弃给他人留下深刻印象的需要

9. 生活的圣礼:在一切中荣耀上帝


整体的敬拜。 作者挑战神圣与世俗之间的二分法,认为当为上帝的荣耀而行时,所有的生活都可以成为敬拜的行为。这包括:

  • 像吃喝这样的日常活动
  • 工作和休闲
  • 关系和责任

有意的生活。 为了使生活成为圣礼,我们必须:

  • 培养对每一刻上帝临在的意识
  • 将每一项任务,无论多么平凡,作为敬拜的行为
  • 在我们的态度和行为中寻求荣耀上帝

转变的视角。 这种圣礼的生活观带来了:

  • 在日常任务中更大的喜悦和意义
  • 增强对全天上帝临在的意识
  • 更加整合和整体的灵性



What's "The Pursuit of God: The Human Thirst for the Divine" about?

  • Exploration of Spiritual Thirst: The book delves into the innate human desire to seek and know God, emphasizing the soul's longing for divine connection.
  • Inner Life Focus: A.W. Tozer examines the inner spiritual life, encouraging readers to pursue a deeper relationship with God beyond mere religious practices.
  • Heartfelt Theology: It presents a theology of the heart, focusing on personal experience and the pursuit of God's presence in everyday life.
  • Practical Spiritual Guidance: The book offers practical advice for Christians seeking to deepen their faith and experience God's presence more fully.

Why should I read "The Pursuit of God"?

  • Deepen Your Faith: The book provides insights into developing a more profound and personal relationship with God, which can enhance your spiritual journey.
  • Timeless Wisdom: A.W. Tozer's teachings are timeless, offering wisdom that applies to modern spiritual seekers as much as it did when first published.
  • Practical Application: It offers practical steps and reflections that can be applied to daily life, helping readers live out their faith more authentically.
  • Inspiration and Encouragement: The book is filled with encouragement for those who feel spiritually dry or distant from God, offering hope and direction.

What are the key takeaways of "The Pursuit of God"?

  • God's Presence: Recognizing and experiencing God's presence is central to a fulfilling spiritual life.
  • Pursuit of God: True spiritual fulfillment comes from actively pursuing God and seeking His presence in all aspects of life.
  • Simplicity and Sincerity: A simple, sincere approach to faith is more effective than complex religious rituals.
  • Inner Transformation: Spiritual growth requires an inner transformation that aligns one's heart and mind with God's will.

How does A.W. Tozer define "following hard after God"?

  • Prevenient Grace: Tozer explains that the pursuit of God begins with God's initiative, as He first seeks us before we can seek Him.
  • Active Pursuit: Following hard after God involves an active, intentional pursuit of His presence and a deep longing for Him.
  • Continuous Effort: It requires a continuous effort to align one's life with God's will and to seek His presence in every moment.
  • Spiritual Hunger: This pursuit is driven by a spiritual hunger and thirst for God, akin to the psalmist's longing for God in Psalm 42.

What does Tozer mean by "The Blessedness of Possessing Nothing"?

  • Inner Detachment: Tozer emphasizes the importance of inner detachment from material possessions and worldly attachments.
  • True Riches: True spiritual riches come from possessing nothing but God, finding contentment and fulfillment in Him alone.
  • Abraham's Example: He uses the story of Abraham and Isaac to illustrate the surrender of all things to God, leading to true freedom.
  • Spiritual Freedom: Possessing nothing in the spiritual sense leads to freedom from the tyranny of things and a deeper relationship with God.

How does Tozer describe "Removing the Veil"?

  • Veil of Self: Tozer describes the veil as the self-life that obscures our view of God and hinders spiritual growth.
  • Spiritual Experience: Removing the veil requires a deep spiritual experience, akin to the rending of the temple veil at Christ's crucifixion.
  • Self-Crucifixion: It involves the crucifixion of the self-life, allowing God's presence to shine through and transform us.
  • Intimacy with God: The removal of the veil leads to a more intimate and conscious awareness of God's presence in our lives.

What is "Apprehending God" according to Tozer?

  • Personal Experience: Tozer emphasizes that God can be known personally and intimately, beyond mere intellectual understanding.
  • Spiritual Senses: He suggests that we have spiritual senses that, when awakened, allow us to perceive and experience God directly.
  • Faith and Reality: Faith is the means by which we apprehend the reality of God, making Him as real to us as the physical world.
  • Continuous Awareness: Apprehending God involves a continuous awareness of His presence, cultivated through faith and spiritual practice.

What does Tozer mean by "The Universal Presence"?

  • God's Immanence: Tozer teaches that God is present everywhere, and His presence fills the universe, making Him accessible to all.
  • Awareness of Presence: The key to experiencing God's presence is becoming aware of it, as God is always near, waiting for us to recognize Him.
  • Spiritual Receptivity: Developing spiritual receptivity allows us to perceive God's presence and respond to His call.
  • Transformative Experience: Recognizing God's universal presence transforms our lives, bringing peace and spiritual fulfillment.

How does Tozer explain "The Speaking Voice"?

  • Continuous Communication: Tozer asserts that God is continuously speaking to His creation, and His voice is present in the world.
  • Living Word: The Bible is the written Word of God, but God's voice is alive and active, speaking to us through His creation and Spirit.
  • Listening to God: To hear God's voice, we must cultivate a habit of listening and being attentive to His presence in our lives.
  • Spiritual Awakening: Recognizing and responding to God's speaking voice leads to a spiritual awakening and a deeper relationship with Him.

What is "The Gaze of the Soul" in Tozer's view?

  • Faith as Gaze: Tozer describes faith as the gaze of the soul upon God, a continuous focus on His presence and character.
  • Heart's Attention: This gaze involves directing the heart's attention to Jesus, maintaining a steady focus on Him amidst life's distractions.
  • Transformative Power: The gaze of the soul transforms us, aligning our lives with God's will and bringing us into deeper communion with Him.
  • Simplicity of Faith: Tozer emphasizes the simplicity of this act, accessible to all believers regardless of their circumstances.

How does Tozer suggest "Restoring the Creator-creature Relation"?

  • Right Relationship: Tozer emphasizes the importance of restoring the right relationship between God and humanity, disrupted by sin.
  • Exalting God: This restoration involves exalting God above all else, submitting to His lordship and aligning our lives with His will.
  • Spiritual Harmony: Restoring this relationship brings spiritual harmony and fulfillment, as we find our true place in God's creation.
  • Joy in Submission: Tozer highlights the joy and peace that come from submitting to God's authority and living in accordance with His purpose.

What does Tozer mean by "The Sacrament of Living"?

  • Unified Life: Tozer challenges the division between sacred and secular, advocating for a unified life where all actions glorify God.
  • Every Act as Worship: He encourages believers to see every act, no matter how mundane, as an opportunity to worship and honor God.
  • Holistic Spirituality: This perspective fosters a holistic spirituality, where the entirety of life is lived in God's presence and for His glory.
  • Practical Application: Tozer provides practical guidance for integrating faith into daily life, transforming ordinary tasks into sacred acts.


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平均评分来自 81k+ 来自Goodreads和亚马逊的评分.


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