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The Snowball

The Snowball

Warren Buffett and the Business of Life
作者 Alice Schroeder 2008 960 页数
52k+ 评分
9 分钟
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1. 沃伦·巴菲特的早年生活塑造了他对金钱和商业的痴迷


童年创业精神: 从小,沃伦·巴菲特就表现出对金钱和商业的非凡兴趣。他开始了各种创业项目,包括:

  • 挨家挨户卖口香糖和可口可乐
  • 收集并转卖丢失的高尔夫球
  • 在当地理发店经营弹球机

家庭影响: 巴菲特的父亲霍华德是一名股票经纪人,后来成为国会议员,这使沃伦早早接触到金融概念。他的祖父欧内斯特拥有一家杂货店,这进一步将年轻的沃伦带入商业世界。

早期教训: 巴菲特的童年经历教会了他宝贵的经验,包括:

  • 复利和再投资利润的力量
  • 理解客户行为的重要性
  • 努力工作和坚持不懈的价值

2. 巴菲特的投资哲学源于本杰明·格雷厄姆的教义


价值投资基础: 本杰明·格雷厄姆的教义构成了巴菲特投资哲学的基础:

  • 关注内在价值而非市场情绪
  • 寻找投资中的安全边际
  • 将股票所有权视为对企业的部分所有权

烟蒂投资法: 起初,巴菲特遵循格雷厄姆的策略,购买被低估的、通常是有问题的公司(烟蒂)以获取快速利润。这种方法包括投资于:

  • 伯克希尔·哈撒韦(最初是一家挣扎中的纺织厂)
  • 邓普斯特磨坊制造公司
  • 各种其他被低估的证券

策略演变: 随着时间的推移,在查理·芒格的影响下,巴菲特转向投资于具有强大竞争优势的高质量企业,即使它们并不非常便宜。这导致了对以下公司的投资:

  • 西氏糖果
  • 《华盛顿邮报》

3. 复利的力量驱动了巴菲特的投资策略


长期关注: 巴菲特理解复利的指数增长潜力,这使他:

  • 优先考虑利润再投资而非立即消费
  • 关注投资资本回报率高的企业
  • 保持长期投资视野

雪球效应: 巴菲特的财富随着时间的推移显著增长,原因包括:

  • 持续再投资利润
  • 利用保险浮存金进行投资
  • 收购产生强劲现金流的企业

教育他人: 巴菲特强调复利的力量,对象包括:

  • 他的投资伙伴
  • 伯克希尔·哈撒韦的股东
  • 通过年度信件和演讲向公众传授

4. 巴菲特的合伙关系和早期投资奠定了他成功的基础


巴菲特合伙公司: 1956年,巴菲特与:

  • 七位初始合伙人,包括家人和朋友
  • 独特的费用结构,使他的利益与合伙人一致
  • 专注于被低估的证券和特殊情况


  • GEICO:巴菲特最大的早期投资,展示了他识别被低估公司的能力
  • 美国运通:在沙拉油丑闻后的一项重要投资
  • 伯克希尔·哈撒韦:最初是烟蒂投资,后来成为巴菲特的主要投资工具

合伙解散: 1969年,巴菲特决定关闭他的合伙公司,原因包括:

  • 在过热的市场中难以找到有吸引力的投资
  • 希望专注于长期持有企业而非短期交易

5. 伯克希尔·哈撒韦:从纺织厂到企业巨头


转型: 巴菲特将伯克希尔·哈撒韦从一家挣扎中的纺织厂转变为一个多元化的企业集团:

  • 从纺织业转向保险和投资
  • 利用保险浮存金进行收购和投资
  • 收购各行业的高质量企业


  • 国家赔偿公司(1967年):提供了大量保险浮存金
  • 西氏糖果(1972年):展示了强大品牌和定价权的价值
  • 布法罗晚报(1977年):进入报业

投资策略: 伯克希尔的策略演变为关注:

  • 具有强大竞争优势的企业(“护城河”)
  • 高质量的管理团队
  • 具有长期增长和盈利潜力的公司

6. 巴菲特与查理·芒格的关系改变了他的投资方式


思想的碰撞: 巴菲特和芒格的合作始于1959年,导致:

  • 从格雷厄姆的严格价值投资转向关注高质量企业
  • 强调竞争优势和品牌力量的重要性
  • 愿意为优秀企业支付合理价格


  • 巴菲特:财务分析、交易、资本配置
  • 芒格:广博知识、战略思维、智力严谨


  • 蓝筹邮票:联合投资,导致收购西氏糖果
  • 韦斯科金融:芒格的公司,最终与伯克希尔合并
  • 伯克希尔·哈撒韦:芒格成为副主席和巴菲特的信任顾问

7. 《华盛顿邮报》投资:巴菲特职业生涯的关键时刻


战略投资: 巴菲特在1973年购买《华盛顿邮报》股票具有重要意义,因为:

  • 它展示了他识别被低估的高质量企业的能力
  • 它建立了与凯瑟琳·格雷厄姆和格雷厄姆家族的长期关系
  • 它展示了投资于具有强大竞争地位的公司的力量

建立信任: 巴菲特对《华盛顿邮报》的投资方法包括:

  • 签署协议,未经格雷厄姆许可不再购买更多股票
  • 在困难时期提供商业建议和支持
  • 尊重报纸的编辑独立性


  • 《华盛顿邮报》投资成为伯克希尔最成功的投资之一
  • 它提升了巴菲特作为商业领袖信任顾问的声誉
  • 与格雷厄姆家族的关系为其他媒体投资打开了大门

8. 巴菲特的个人生活和关系影响了他的商业决策


家庭动态: 巴菲特与家人的关系影响了他的商业方法:

  • 父亲的影响灌输了强烈的工作伦理和对投资的兴趣
  • 妻子苏西的支持和社交技能补充了他的商业才干
  • 他的孩子们被期望自力更生,而不是依赖继承的财富


  • 查理·芒格:商业伙伴和智力对手
  • 凯瑟琳·格雷厄姆:媒体界的朋友和知己
  • 比尔·盖茨:晚年的亲密朋友和慈善伙伴

工作与生活的平衡: 巴菲特对商业的强烈关注往往以牺牲个人关系为代价:

  • 与家人相处的时间有限
  • 将个人事务委托给妻子
  • 难以在商业圈外维持亲密友谊

9. 声誉和诚信在巴菲特的商业哲学中的重要性


建立信任: 巴菲特强调保持强大声誉的重要性:

  • 拒绝参与不道德或有问题的商业行为
  • 向股东和合作伙伴提供透明的沟通
  • 即使在财务上不利的情况下也要履行承诺

长期视角: 巴菲特对声誉的关注导致:

  • 在交易和收购中获得优待
  • 吸引高质量的管理人员和企业
  • 数十年来持续的成功和积极的公众形象

对他人的教训: 巴菲特对诚信的重视影响了:

  • 伯克希尔·哈撒韦的企业文化
  • 更广泛的商业社区对伦理的态度
  • 公众对成功投资者和商业领袖的看法



What's The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life about?

  • Biography of Warren Buffett: The book chronicles the life and career of Warren Buffett, detailing his journey from a young boy with a passion for business to becoming one of the world's most successful investors.
  • Investment Philosophy: It explores Buffett's investment strategies, including his focus on value investing, long-term growth, and the importance of understanding the businesses he invests in.
  • Personal Life Insights: The narrative delves into Buffett's personal relationships, particularly with his late wife, Susie, and how these relationships influenced his life and decisions.

Why should I read The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life?

  • Inspiration from Buffett's Journey: Readers can find inspiration in Buffett's humble beginnings and his relentless pursuit of knowledge and success, which can motivate anyone to pursue their own goals.
  • Investment Wisdom: The book provides valuable insights into Buffett's investment strategies and principles, making it a great resource for both novice and experienced investors.
  • Understanding Human Nature: It offers a deep understanding of Buffett as a person, showcasing his values, ethics, and the impact of personal relationships on his business decisions.

What are the key takeaways of The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life?

  • Value Investing Principles: Buffett's core investment philosophy revolves around buying undervalued stocks and holding them for the long term. He emphasizes understanding a company's intrinsic value and competitive advantages.
  • Importance of Relationships: The book illustrates how personal relationships, particularly with family and friends, play a crucial role in Buffett's life and decision-making.
  • Learning from Mistakes: Buffett's reflections on his past mistakes highlight the importance of learning from failures and adapting strategies accordingly.

What are the best quotes from The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life and what do they mean?

  • “Cash combined with courage in a crisis is priceless.”: This quote reflects Buffett's belief in the importance of having liquidity during challenging times, allowing for strategic opportunities.
  • “The most important investment you can make is in yourself.”: This reflects Buffett's philosophy that personal development and education are crucial for success, encouraging readers to prioritize self-improvement.
  • “Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.”: This quote highlights the significance of understanding investments and markets, suggesting that informed decisions reduce risk.

How did Warren Buffett's upbringing influence his investment philosophy in The Snowball?

  • Early Exposure to Business: Buffett's childhood experiences, such as running a paper route and selling gum, instilled in him a strong work ethic and entrepreneurial spirit.
  • Family Values: His parents emphasized the importance of education, integrity, and hard work, influencing his approach to investing and commitment to ethical business practices.
  • Mentorship from Ben Graham: Buffett's education under Ben Graham, a pioneer of value investing, played a crucial role in shaping his investment philosophy.

What investment strategies does Warren Buffett advocate in The Snowball?

  • Long-Term Focus: Buffett advocates for a long-term investment approach, emphasizing that “time is your friend” when it comes to compounding returns.
  • Value Investing: He stresses the importance of buying undervalued companies with strong fundamentals, which he refers to as “buying a dollar for fifty cents.”
  • Circle of Competence: Buffett advises investors to stay within their “circle of competence,” meaning they should only invest in businesses they understand well.

How does The Snowball illustrate the concept of compounding?

  • Metaphor of the Snowball: The title itself refers to the idea of a snowball gaining size and momentum as it rolls down a hill, illustrating how small, consistent investments can grow significantly over time.
  • Long-Term Investments: The book highlights Buffett's strategy of holding investments for the long term, allowing them to appreciate in value and exemplifying the power of compounding.
  • Patience in Growth: Buffett's success is attributed to his patience in allowing investments to mature, reinforcing the idea that wealth accumulation is a gradual process.

What role did personal relationships play in Warren Buffett's success as described in The Snowball?

  • Building Trust: Buffett's ability to build and maintain trust with partners, investors, and employees has been crucial to his success, emphasizing the importance of reputation and integrity.
  • Mentorship and Learning: His relationships with figures like Ben Graham and Charlie Munger significantly influenced his investment strategies and decision-making.
  • Family and Personal Connections: The book illustrates how Buffett's family relationships, particularly with his late wife Susie, shaped his values and priorities.

How did Warren Buffett's investment strategies evolve throughout The Snowball?

  • From Cigar Butts to Quality Companies: Initially, Buffett focused on "cigar butt" investments—cheap stocks with little left to offer. Over time, he shifted to investing in high-quality companies with strong growth potential.
  • Emphasis on Management: Buffett began to prioritize the quality of management in his investment decisions, believing that strong leaders are crucial for a company's long-term success.
  • Adaptation to Market Conditions: Buffett's strategies evolved in response to changing market conditions and economic environments, learning to be flexible while staying true to his core investment principles.

How does The Snowball address Warren Buffett's personal life and relationships?

  • Family Dynamics: The book explores Buffett's relationships with his family, including his children and his late wife, Susie, highlighting the challenges and complexities of balancing personal and professional life.
  • Philanthropic Efforts: Buffett's commitment to philanthropy is a significant aspect of his personal life, believing in using his wealth to make a positive impact on society.
  • Struggles with Fame: The narrative addresses the challenges Buffett faced as he gained fame and wealth, discussing how he navigated public scrutiny while maintaining his values and principles.

What challenges did Warren Buffett face in his career as described in The Snowball?

  • Market Volatility: Buffett faced significant challenges during market downturns, such as the dot-com bubble and the 2008 financial crisis, testing his investment strategies.
  • Criticism and Scrutiny: As a high-profile investor, Buffett has faced criticism and scrutiny from analysts and the media, often defending his investment decisions against public opinion.
  • Personal Loss: The death of his wife, Susie, was a profound personal challenge, impacting his emotional well-being and requiring him to navigate his grief while continuing to lead Berkshire Hathaway.

How did Warren Buffett's relationship with Susie Thompson impact his life and career as described in The Snowball?

  • Emotional Support: Susie provided Buffett with the emotional stability and support he needed, helping him navigate personal and professional challenges throughout his life.
  • Social Skills Development: Her influence helped him improve his social skills, particularly in public speaking, which was crucial for his career as an investor and businessman.
  • Shared Values: Their partnership was built on shared values, including a commitment to philanthropy and community service, which shaped Buffett's approach to wealth and responsibility.


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