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What Color Is Your Parachute? A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers

What Color Is Your Parachute? A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers

作者 Richard Nelson Bolles 1970 382 页数
16k+ 评分
9 分钟
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1. 求职是自我发现和个人成长的旅程


重新框定你的视角。 不要把失业看作是挫折,而是重新评估职业目标和个人价值观的机会。这段过渡期让你有机会探索新的可能性,并将工作与激情相结合。

培养韧性。 求职可能具有挑战性,但它能培养出坚持不懈、适应能力和自我反思等重要技能。把这个过程视为一个在职业和个人方面成长的机会。

拓宽视野。 利用这段时间:

  • 通过在线课程或工作坊学习新技能
  • 通过志愿服务或自由职业项目积累经验
  • 与感兴趣行业的专业人士建立联系
  • 探索以前未曾考虑过的不同职业路径

2. 谷歌是你的新简历——管理你的在线形象


审查你的数字足迹。 定期在线搜索你的名字并查看结果。确保可用的信息以积极、专业的形象展示你。

策划你的在线形象。 积极管理你的社交媒体资料和专业网络平台:

  • LinkedIn:创建一个全面的个人资料,突出你的技能和经验
  • Twitter:分享行业见解并参与相关对话
  • 个人网站或博客:展示你的专业知识和思想领导力

处理负面内容。 如果你在网上发现不利的信息:

  • 联系网站所有者,要求删除过时或不准确的内容
  • 创建积极的内容,将负面结果推到搜索结果的后面
  • 如果需要,考虑使用在线声誉管理服务

3. 每月有数百万的职位空缺——保持坚持


保持视角。 记住,劳动力市场是广阔且不断变化的。不要因初期的拒绝或挫折而气馁,因为新的机会不断涌现。

多样化你的求职策略。 为了利用这些丰富的机会:

  • 使用多个求职平台(如LinkedIn、Indeed、行业特定的招聘板)
  • 持续进行线上和线下的网络交流
  • 考虑临时或合同职位作为跳板
  • 通过信息面试和公司研究探索隐藏的就业市场

跟踪你的进展。 详细记录你的申请、面试和跟进情况。这将帮助你在整个求职过程中保持组织和动力。

4. 掌握面试艺术,脱颖而出


充分准备。 在每次面试前,深入研究公司、行业和职位。提出有深度的问题,展示你真正的兴趣和知识。

练习你的回答。 预见常见的面试问题并准备简洁、有说服力的答案。使用STAR方法(情境、任务、行动、结果)来结构化你的行为问题回答。

展示你的价值。 在面试中:

  • 提供具体的例子,说明你的技能和经验如何符合职位要求
  • 突出你的独特优势以及它们如何为公司带来好处
  • 表现出对角色和组织的热情
  • 在24小时内发送个性化的感谢信

5. 战略性地谈判薪资,最大化你的报酬


做你的研究。 在进入谈判之前,收集关于你职位和经验水平的行业标准薪资数据。使用Glassdoor、Payscale和专业协会等资源。

等待合适的时机。 推迟薪资讨论,直到你收到工作邀请。这会给你更多的谈判筹码,并让雇主充分了解你的价值。

考虑整体待遇。 记住不仅仅是谈判基本工资:

  • 奖金和绩效激励
  • 股票期权或股权
  • 灵活的工作安排
  • 职业发展机会
  • 额外的假期或其他福利

6. 当传统求职失败时,尝试创造性的方法


创造性地网络。 超越传统的网络活动:

  • 参加行业会议或工作坊
  • 加入专业协会或在线社区
  • 为与你领域相关的组织做志愿者
  • 参加黑客马拉松或其他基于技能的比赛

创造机会。 不要等待职位发布:

  • 即使公司没有积极招聘,也要联系你钦佩的公司
  • 提出一个与公司需求相符的具体项目或角色
  • 提供试用期工作以展示你的价值

利用技术。 使用创新工具和平台:

  • 创建视频简历或作品集网站
  • 在社交媒体上与潜在雇主互动
  • 使用匹配你技能的求职应用

7. 进行彻底的自我盘点,确定理想的职业路径


评估你的技能。 确定你的:

  • 可转移技能(如沟通、解决问题)
  • 特定行业或角色的技术技能
  • 软技能(如领导力、团队合作)

探索你的兴趣和价值观。 反思:

  • 让你充满活力和投入的活动
  • 你热衷的事业或问题
  • 你茁壮成长的工作环境

考虑你的性格特征。 了解你的性格如何影响你的职业偏好:

  • 进行性格评估,如Myers-Briggs或CliftonStrengths
  • 反思过去让你感到最充实的经历
  • 征求同事、朋友和导师的反馈

8. 根据你的价值观和偏好选择工作地点


定义你的优先事项。 考虑以下因素:

  • 公司文化和价值观
  • 工作与生活的平衡期望
  • 成长和晋升的机会
  • 行业或部门(如非营利、科技、医疗保健)
  • 公司规模和结构

研究潜在雇主。 超越职位描述,了解:

  • 公司的使命和长期目标
  • 员工评论和经验(如在Glassdoor上)
  • 组织的最新新闻或发展
  • 领导团队及其愿景

相信你的直觉。 在面试和与潜在雇主的互动中,注意你对公司文化和团队动态的直觉感受。

9. 在求职过程中将感知的弱点转化为优势


重新框定限制。 不要将某些特征视为弱点,而是考虑它们如何成为资产:

  • 年龄:强调成熟带来的智慧和经验
  • 缺乏经验:强调你的新鲜视角和学习热情
  • 职业空档:讨论在工作间隙期间发展的技能

关注你的独特价值。 确定并强调让你与众不同的品质:

  • 在你的领域中罕见的特定经验或技能
  • 多样化的背景或非传统的职业路径
  • 跨行业或学科的能力

积极主动。 在问题出现之前解决潜在的担忧:

  • 如果你有明显的残疾,提前讨论你可能需要的任何便利
  • 对于职业转换者,解释你以前的经验如何转化为新角色
  • 如果你资历过高,表达你对该职位的真正兴趣和长期承诺

10. 考虑创业作为可行的职业选择


评估你的创业潜力。 考虑:

  • 你的风险承受能力和财务状况
  • 你可以提供的独特技能或专业知识
  • 你提议的产品或服务的市场需求
  • 你的网络和潜在的支持系统

从小开始,测试你的想法。 在完全投入之前:

  • 提供自由职业服务或咨询你的专业领域
  • 创建一个最小可行产品以评估市场兴趣
  • 参加创业项目或孵化器

制定一个稳固的商业计划。 研究并概述:

  • 你的目标市场和竞争格局
  • 收入模型和财务预测
  • 营销和增长策略
  • 潜在的挑战和应急计划



What's What Color Is Your Parachute? about?

  • Career Guidance Focus: What Color Is Your Parachute? by Richard Nelson Bolles is a comprehensive manual for job-hunters and career-changers, offering strategies to navigate the modern job market.
  • Self-Inventory Emphasis: The book highlights the importance of self-inventory, helping readers understand their skills, interests, and values to find fulfilling work.
  • Practical Strategies: It provides practical advice on job searching, networking, and interviewing, making it a valuable resource for anyone looking to navigate the job market effectively.
  • Annual Updates: The book is revised annually to stay relevant, reflecting changes in the job market and job-hunting techniques.

Why should I read What Color Is Your Parachute??

  • Proven Success: The book has helped millions of people find jobs they love, making it a trusted resource in career development.
  • Comprehensive Approach: It covers various aspects of job hunting, from self-assessment to interview techniques, ensuring readers have a well-rounded understanding.
  • Empowerment: The book empowers readers to take control of their career paths by encouraging them to explore their passions and strengths.
  • Timely Advice: The annual updates ensure that the advice is current and applicable to today’s job market challenges.

What are the key takeaways of What Color Is Your Parachute??

  • Self-Discovery is Crucial: Understanding your skills, interests, and values is essential for finding a fulfilling career. The Flower Diagram serves as a tool for this self-discovery.
  • Networking Importance: Building connections and networking are emphasized as vital components of a successful job search. The book encourages readers to reach out to others for informational interviews.
  • Adaptability in Job Search: The book teaches that job-hunting is not a one-size-fits-all process; it requires flexibility and creativity in approaching potential employers.
  • Salary Negotiation Tips: It provides essential strategies for negotiating salary, including when to discuss it and how to approach the conversation.

What is the Flower Exercise in What Color Is Your Parachute??

  • Self-Assessment Tool: The Flower Exercise is a self-inventory method that helps individuals identify their skills, interests, and values.
  • Visual Representation: It consists of a visual diagram with petals representing different aspects of a person’s professional identity, including preferred working conditions and types of people to work with.
  • Guides Career Choices: By completing the Flower Diagram, readers can identify careers that align with their unique attributes, guiding them toward fulfilling job opportunities.
  • Eight Key Factors: It includes factors like skills, knowledge, preferred environments, working conditions, salary, purpose, geographical preferences, and preferred places to live.

How has the job market changed since 2008, according to What Color Is Your Parachute??

  • Employer Behavior Shift: Employers have adapted their hiring strategies, often not reading resumes or posting job vacancies as they did before.
  • Increased Job-Hunt Duration: The average job search has lengthened, with many job seekers spending over a year looking for work.
  • Rise of Temporary Work: There has been a significant increase in part-time and temporary jobs, reflecting a shift in employment patterns.
  • Networking Emphasis: The book stresses the importance of networking and using "bridge-people" to connect with potential employers.

What are the best strategies for job hunting mentioned in What Color Is Your Parachute??

  • Networking Emphasis: The book stresses the importance of networking and using "bridge-people" to connect with potential employers.
  • Informational Interviews: Conducting informational interviews is highlighted as a way to gather insights and make connections without waiting for job postings.
  • Direct Approaches: Approaching companies directly, even if they are not advertising vacancies, can lead to job creation opportunities.
  • Utilizing Social Media: Leveraging platforms like LinkedIn to connect with industry professionals and share expertise is recommended.

How does What Color Is Your Parachute? suggest handling job interviews?

  • Preparation is Crucial: Research the company thoroughly before the interview to demonstrate your interest and knowledge.
  • Two-Way Conversation: Treat the interview as a two-way conversation where both parties assess mutual fit, reducing anxiety and fostering a natural dialogue.
  • Follow-Up Importance: Always send a thank-you note after the interview to reinforce your interest and professionalism.
  • Practice Responses: The book emphasizes practicing responses to common questions to enhance confidence and performance.

What are the six secrets of salary negotiation in What Color Is Your Parachute??

  • Timing is Key: Never discuss salary until the end of the interview process when the employer has expressed interest in hiring you.
  • Research Salary Ranges: Understand the typical salary ranges for your position and industry to negotiate effectively.
  • Avoid Being First: Let the employer mention a salary figure first to avoid losing leverage in the negotiation.
  • Confidence and Clarity: Approach the conversation with confidence and clarity about your worth and expectations.

What is the significance of self-management skills in What Color Is Your Parachute??

  • Traits vs. Skills: The book distinguishes between transferable skills (what you can do) and self-management skills (how you do it).
  • Enhancing Employability: Understanding and articulating your self-management skills can help you stand out in interviews.
  • Personal Reflection: Reflecting on your traits can guide you in choosing work environments that align with your personality.
  • Career Success: These skills are crucial for long-term career success and satisfaction.

What is the significance of the "A minus B equals C" method in What Color Is Your Parachute??

  • Identifying Skill Gaps: This method helps individuals identify the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their desired career by comparing what is required (A) with what they currently possess (B).
  • Actionable Steps: By determining the gaps (C), readers can take actionable steps to acquire the necessary skills, whether through education, training, or collaboration with others.
  • Personalized Career Planning: This approach allows for a tailored career plan that aligns with individual goals and aspirations, making the job search more focused and effective.
  • Empowerment: It empowers readers to take control of their career development by actively addressing their skill gaps.

What are some common mistakes job seekers make, according to What Color Is Your Parachute??

  • Focusing Solely on Large Companies: Many job seekers limit themselves to large organizations, missing opportunities in smaller firms.
  • Neglecting Research: Failing to research the company before the interview can lead to missed chances to impress the employer.
  • Not Following Up: Many candidates forget to send thank-you notes, which can diminish their chances of being remembered positively.
  • Overreliance on Online Applications: Solely relying on online applications without networking can limit job opportunities.

What are some of the best quotes from What Color Is Your Parachute? and what do they mean?

  • "You’ve got to be careful if you don’t know where you’re going, because you might not get there.": This quote emphasizes the importance of having a clear direction and goals in the job search process.
  • "The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.": This highlights the intersection of personal fulfillment and societal needs, encouraging readers to find work that aligns with their passions and serves others.
  • "Your Mission is to take one step at a time, even when you don’t yet see where it all is leading.": This quote reassures readers that progress is made through small, consistent actions, even in uncertain times.
  • Inspiration and Guidance: These quotes provide inspiration and guidance for navigating the complexities of career development.


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