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Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights?

Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights?

Fitness Myths, Training Truths, and Other Surprising Discoveries from the Science of Exercise
作者 Alex Hutchinson 2011 317 页数
1k+ 评分


1. 运动:最强大的抗衰老策略


青春之泉。 运动是对抗衰老的最有效方法,几乎影响到身体的每个器官系统。它能增强心脏、增加血流、提高认知功能,甚至减缓细胞老化。定期的体育活动已被证明可以:

  • 将心脏病风险降低多达50%
  • 降低患糖尿病和关节炎的几率
  • 改善记忆力和学习能力
  • 抵御大脑的衰老影响

细胞层面的益处。 在微观层面上,运动刺激线粒体的产生,线粒体是细胞的“发电厂”。这种细胞效率的提高转化为更好的整体健康和长寿。此外,运动有助于维持端粒长度,这与细胞老化和长寿有关。

2. 平衡有氧运动和力量训练以实现最佳健康


全面的健身。 一个全面的锻炼计划应包括有氧运动和力量训练。虽然有氧运动改善心脏健康并燃烧卡路里,力量训练则增加肌肉质量并提高新陈代谢。目标是:

  • 每周150分钟中等强度的有氧活动
  • 2-3次针对所有主要肌肉群的力量训练

超越减肥。 运动的益处远不止减肥。定期的体育活动提高胰岛素敏感性、降低血压,并增强整体心血管健康。即使体重没有变化,通过持续的锻炼,身体成分和健康指标也能显著改善。

3. 关于燃脂和减肥的真相


热量平衡。 减肥的根本在于创造热量赤字——消耗的热量多于摄入的热量。然而,身体对这种赤字的反应是复杂的:

  • 代谢适应:随着体重的减轻,身体变得更有效率,燃烧的热量减少
  • 设定点理论:身体试图维持一定的体重范围,使长期减肥具有挑战性

超越热量。 虽然热量平衡至关重要,但食物的类型和质量也很重要。专注于营养丰富的全食物、足够的蛋白质摄入和均衡的饮食,以支持减肥努力和整体健康。

4. 揭穿常见的运动误区


拉伸误解。 与普遍看法相反,运动前的静态拉伸实际上会妨碍表现。相反,选择动态热身,逐渐增加心率并为活动做好准备。


  • “燃脂区”并不比高强度运动更有效减肥
  • 定点减脂(针对特定区域的脂肪减少)是不可能的
  • 更多的运动并不总是更好——休息和恢复至关重要

5. 顶级表现的营养策略


为锻炼提供燃料。 适当的营养对于最佳表现和恢复至关重要。关键策略包括:

  • 补水:定期饮水,而不仅仅是在运动期间
  • 运动前:在运动前1-2小时摄入易消化的碳水化合物
  • 运动期间:长时间锻炼时摄入碳水化合物和电解质
  • 运动后:在30分钟内补充蛋白质和碳水化合物的组合

个性化方法。 营养需求因个体因素和运动类型而异。尝试找到最适合自己的方法,并考虑咨询运动营养师以获得个性化建议。

6. 恢复和伤害预防技术


休息和适应。 恢复是身体适应运动压力、变得更强壮和更有效率的过程。关键的恢复策略包括:

  • 充足的睡眠:每晚目标7-9小时
  • 主动恢复:休息日进行轻度活动
  • 泡沫滚动和按摩:缓解肌肉紧张
  • 均衡的营养:支持组织修复和生长

伤害预防。 避免伤害对于持续进步至关重要。专注于:

  • 正确的形式和技术
  • 强度和体积的逐步增加
  • 交叉训练以防止过度使用伤害
  • 倾听身体并及早处理疼痛

7. 运动中的身心联系


心理益处。 运动不仅关乎身体健康;它对心理健康有深远影响。定期的体育活动已被证明可以:

  • 减少抑郁和焦虑的症状
  • 改善情绪和自尊
  • 增强认知功能和记忆力
  • 减轻压力并促进放松

社交方面。 团体运动可以通过社交联系和动力放大这些益处。无论是健身课、团队运动还是跑步小组,与他人一起锻炼可以使锻炼更愉快和可持续。

8. 为不同人生阶段调整运动


终身健身。 运动需求和能力在一生中会发生变化,但在每个阶段保持活跃至关重要:

  • 年轻成人:专注于养成习惯和探索不同活动
  • 中年:优先进行力量训练以维持肌肉质量和骨密度
  • 老年:强调平衡、灵活性和功能性健身以保持独立性

个性化。 随着年龄的增长,越来越重要的是根据个人需求、能力和健康状况量身定制锻炼计划。定期检查并与健身专业人士合作可以帮助确保安全和有效的终身锻炼。

9. 运动表现的科学


增强剂。 各种物质和策略可以增强运动表现:

  • 咖啡因:提高耐力和功率输出
  • 肌酸:增强短期高强度表现
  • β-丙氨酸:可能改善持续1-4分钟的高强度运动表现

训练技术。 改善表现的科学方法包括:

  • 周期化:系统地改变训练强度和体积
  • 高强度间歇训练(HIIT):交替进行短时间的高强度运动和恢复期
  • 高海拔训练:在高海拔地区训练以改善氧气利用

10. 为最大效果量身定制健身计划


个性化。 最有效的健身计划是你可以坚持的计划。考虑:

  • 个人喜好:选择你喜欢的活动
  • 健身水平:从你所在的地方开始并逐步进步
  • 目标:根据你的具体目标(如减肥、增肌、提高耐力)量身定制计划
  • 时间限制:设计适合你日程的计划

持续适应。 随着你的进步,你的计划应该不断发展。定期重新评估你的目标并调整锻炼,以继续挑战自己并看到结果。记住,最好的锻炼计划是你可以长期坚持的计划。



What's Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights? about?

  • Exploration of Exercise Science: The book by Alex Hutchinson delves into the science of exercise, debunking common fitness myths and providing evidence-based insights.
  • Evidence-Based Approach: It draws from over 400 peer-reviewed studies and interviews with researchers to present factual information rather than conventional wisdom.
  • Practical Guidance: The book helps readers design workout regimens based on individual fitness levels and goals, emphasizing a personalized approach.

Why should I read Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights??

  • Clarifies Misconceptions: It addresses and clarifies many misconceptions surrounding exercise, aiding informed decision-making about fitness routines.
  • Improves Performance: Understanding the science behind exercise can enhance performance and results, with practical advice for immediate application.
  • Promotes Health: Insights shared can lead to improved health outcomes, such as reduced risk of chronic diseases and better overall fitness.

What are the key takeaways of Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights??

  • Balance is Essential: Emphasizes the importance of balancing cardio and strength training for overall health and performance.
  • Individualized Approach: Stresses that the best exercise program is tailored to the individual’s background, fitness level, and personal goals.
  • Adaptation Principle: Introduces the “Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands” (SAID) principle, helping optimize training by understanding body adaptation.

What does Alex Hutchinson say about the order of cardio and weights?

  • Depends on Goals: The order should depend on individual fitness goals; prioritize weights for muscle building and cardio for endurance.
  • Impact on Performance: Starting with the most important activity for your goals ensures optimal performance.
  • Mixing It Up: Varying the order of workouts can challenge the body, prevent plateaus, and enhance overall fitness.

How long does it take to get in shape according to Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights??

  • Immediate Benefits: Health benefits begin almost immediately, with improvements in insulin sensitivity after a few sessions.
  • Strength Gains: Initial strength gains occur within a few workouts due to neural adaptations, while significant muscle size changes take about three months.
  • Long-Term Commitment: Getting in shape is ongoing and requires patience, with progress tracking essential for motivation.

How does Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights? address the topic of injuries and recovery?

  • Active Recovery: Advocates for early mobilization after injuries, suggesting gentle movement aids recovery and prevents muscle atrophy.
  • Importance of Strength Training: Highlights strength training's benefits for chronic pain sufferers, enhancing recovery and preventing future injuries.
  • Understanding Pain: Explains post-exercise soreness as a normal adaptation process, helping manage expectations and recovery strategies.

What does Alex Hutchinson say about the role of nutrition in exercise?

  • Fueling Performance: Emphasizes proper nutrition and hydration for optimal exercise performance, supporting both aerobic and strength efforts.
  • Protein Needs: Discusses protein's role in muscle recovery and growth, suggesting higher intake for athletes and timing post-workout for repair.
  • Balanced Diet: Encourages a diet with carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, focusing on whole foods for health and performance.

How should I adapt my workout routine as I get older according to Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights??

  • Focus on Strength Training: Prioritize strength training to combat muscle loss and maintain metabolic rate.
  • Incorporate Recovery: Allow more recovery time between workouts to prevent injuries and promote healing.
  • Stay Consistent: Consistency is key, with enjoyable activities recommended to maintain regular exercise.

What is the "fat-burning zone" and how does it relate to weight loss in Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights??

  • Misconception Clarified: The "fat-burning zone" involves lower intensity exercise burning a higher fat percentage but not necessarily more calories.
  • Total Caloric Deficit Matters: Weight loss is about total caloric deficit, with higher intensity workouts leading to greater fat loss.
  • Exercise Variety Recommended: Incorporate both low and high-intensity workouts to maximize calorie burn and improve fitness.

How does Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights? suggest I should warm up before exercise?

  • Dynamic Warm-Up: Recommends movement-based exercises to prepare the body, raising muscle temperature and enhancing flexibility.
  • Specificity Matters: Warm-up should mimic workout movements, ensuring muscles are adequately prepared to prevent injuries.
  • Gradual Progression: Start with low-intensity activities, gradually increasing intensity to adapt the body for workout demands.

How can I prevent injuries while exercising as suggested in Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights??

  • Warm-Up and Cool Down: Stresses the importance of proper routines to prepare the body and aid recovery.
  • Listen to Your Body: Advises paying attention to discomfort or pain to avoid serious injuries.
  • Incorporate Flexibility Training: Regular stretching maintains range of motion and prevents injuries, especially in high-impact activities.

How does Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights? address the relationship between exercise and mental health?

  • Mood Enhancement: Exercise stimulates endorphin release, improving mood and reducing anxiety and depression.
  • Cognitive Benefits: Enhances cognitive function and memory, particularly in older adults, through increased blood flow and growth factors.
  • Stress Reduction: Physical activity serves as a natural stress reliever, promoting both physical and mental well-being.


4.03 满分 5
平均评分来自 1k+ 来自Goodreads和亚马逊的评分.


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Alex Hutchinson 是一位著名的记者,专注于运动科学和健身领域。他为《Outside》、《The New Yorker》和《The New York Times》等知名刊物撰稿。Hutchinson 的作品为他赢得了国家杂志奖,他被公认为跑步科学领域的领军人物。拥有剑桥大学物理学博士学位,并且有作为竞技跑者的背景,他在写作中结合了科学专业知识和实践经验。Hutchinson 曾代表加拿大参加各种跑步项目,并通过专栏、书籍和关于运动生理学和表现的文章继续为该领域做出贡献。

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