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Big Ideas... For Small Businesses

Big Ideas... For Small Businesses

Simple, Practical Tools and Tactics to Help Your Small Business Grow
by John Lamerton 2017 226 pages

Key Takeaways

1. Set Clear Goals and Align Them with Your Desires

"Are you setting GOALS or just dreams?"

Clarity is key. Set specific, time-bound goals that are closely tied to your true desires. Avoid vague aspirations like "I want to lose weight" and instead aim for concrete objectives such as "I will fit into those 30-inch jeans by the time I go on holiday." Use 90-day plans to break down larger goals into manageable chunks, allowing you to make significant progress in a relatively short time frame.

Leverage desire as fuel. Your goals should be linked to strong desires that will keep you motivated when willpower runs out. Ask yourself not just "What do I want?" but "Why do I want this? What difference will it make to my life and the lives of those I care about?" This deeper understanding of your motivations will help you persist through challenges and setbacks.

Visualize success. Create a vision board with images representing your goals and desires. Place it where you'll see it daily, such as your computer desktop or phone lock screen. This constant visual reminder will help program your subconscious mind to work towards your objectives, even when you're not actively thinking about them.

2. Focus on One Thing at a Time for Maximum Impact

"There's no such thing as EFFECTIVE multi-tasking."

Embrace single-tasking. Multitasking is a myth that leads to decreased productivity and increased stress. Instead, identify the ONE most important task that will move your business or life forward and focus on it exclusively. Use techniques like time-blocking to dedicate uninterrupted periods to your highest-priority activities.

Implement the "ONE THING" strategy. At the start of each week, identify the single most crucial task that will have the greatest impact on your goals. Write it down in a prominent place and commit to completing it before moving on to less important activities. This approach ensures you're always making progress on what truly matters.

  • Ask yourself: "What's the ONE THING I can do this week that will make everything else easier or unnecessary?"
  • Protect your focus time fiercely – turn off notifications, close unnecessary tabs, and create a distraction-free environment
  • Celebrate completing your ONE THING, even if you accomplish nothing else that day

3. Cultivate a Growth Mindset and Never Stop Learning

"Every day's a school day. You can choose to bunk off if you like – there'll be no truant officer coming to speak to your parents or drag you back to the classroom. But to paraphrase that old teacher classic – 'It's your own life you're wasting...'"

Commit to lifelong learning. Recognize that your success is directly tied to your knowledge and skills. Make a habit of reading books, listening to podcasts, attending conferences, and seeking out mentors in your field. Set aside dedicated time each day for personal development, even if it's just 15-30 minutes.

Seek diverse knowledge sources. Don't limit yourself to learning only about your specific industry. Explore a wide range of topics, as insights from seemingly unrelated fields can often spark innovative ideas in your own business. Be open to learning from both experts and those with different perspectives, even if you don't agree with everything they say.

  • Read at least one non-fiction book per month
  • Listen to educational podcasts during commutes or while exercising
  • Attend industry conferences and networking events to learn from peers
  • Find a mentor who can provide guidance and accountability

4. Build Multiple Streams of Income for Financial Security

"Relying on ONE revenue stream, ONE marketing pillar, ONE customer, or ONE product is asking for trouble."

Diversify your income sources. Don't rely on a single revenue stream for your business or personal finances. Instead, actively seek out and develop multiple ways to generate income. This approach provides greater stability and resilience in the face of economic changes or unexpected disruptions.

Create residual income streams. Focus on building income sources that continue to generate revenue with minimal ongoing effort. Examples include membership websites, rental properties, and digital products. These streams provide a steady cash flow, allowing you to reinvest in your business or pursue new opportunities without constantly starting from zero.

  • Identify complementary products or services you can offer to existing customers
  • Explore passive income opportunities like affiliate marketing or creating online courses
  • Invest in assets that appreciate over time, such as real estate or dividend-paying stocks
  • Continuously analyze and optimize your revenue streams to maximize their potential

5. Prioritize Health and Well-being for Sustained Success

"What you put in your mouth affects your health. What you put in your head affects your wealth."

Invest in your physical health. Recognize that your body is the vehicle that carries you through life and business. Prioritize regular exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate sleep. These habits will improve your energy levels, mental clarity, and overall productivity.

Develop healthy routines. Create a set of daily habits that support your physical and mental well-being. This might include morning exercise, meditation, or regular breaks throughout the workday. Remember that small, consistent actions compound over time to produce significant results.

  • Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night
  • Incorporate daily movement, even if it's just a 15-minute walk
  • Stay hydrated by drinking at least 2-3 liters of water per day
  • Practice stress-reduction techniques like deep breathing or mindfulness
  • Schedule regular check-ups and preventative health screenings

6. Create an Ambitious Lifestyle Business on Your Terms

"To do what I want, where I want, how I want, when I want. If I want..."

Define your ideal lifestyle. Take time to clearly articulate what success looks like for you, beyond just financial metrics. Consider factors like time freedom, location independence, and the ability to pursue passion projects. Use this vision to guide your business decisions and strategies.

Design your business around your lifestyle. Instead of sacrificing your personal life for your business, structure your work to support the way you want to live. This might mean embracing remote work, implementing flexible schedules, or focusing on high-margin products that require less day-to-day involvement.

  • Identify your non-negotiables (e.g., family time, travel, hobbies) and build your business around them
  • Leverage technology and automation to reduce time-consuming tasks
  • Regularly assess whether your business is still aligned with your lifestyle goals
  • Be willing to say "no" to opportunities that don't fit your vision, even if they're profitable

7. Hire for Attitude, Train for Aptitude, and Build a Strong Team

"Hire FAST, fire FAST."

Prioritize attitude in hiring. Look for candidates who demonstrate a positive mindset, willingness to learn, and alignment with your company values. Skills can be taught, but attitude is often ingrained. Use creative interview techniques and probation periods to assess cultural fit.

Invest in team development. Once you've hired the right people, provide them with the training, resources, and support they need to excel in their roles. Foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement throughout your organization.

  • Create clear job descriptions and performance expectations for each role
  • Implement a structured onboarding process to set new hires up for success
  • Provide regular feedback and opportunities for growth
  • Recognize and reward employees who embody your company values
  • Be willing to quickly part ways with team members who aren't meeting expectations or negatively impacting the culture

8. Take Consistent Action and Embrace Imperfection

"Imperfect ACTION trumps perfect INACTION every time."

Overcome analysis paralysis. Don't let the pursuit of perfection prevent you from taking action. Recognize that making progress, even with flaws, is far better than staying stuck in planning mode. Set deadlines for yourself and commit to launching or implementing ideas, even if they're not fully polished.

Embrace a "test and learn" mentality. View your business activities as experiments rather than final products. This mindset allows you to gather real-world feedback quickly and make iterative improvements. Be willing to pivot or abandon ideas that aren't working, and double down on those that show promise.

  • Set specific deadlines for key projects and hold yourself accountable
  • Break large tasks into smaller, actionable steps to maintain momentum
  • Celebrate "failures" as learning opportunities and sources of valuable data
  • Regularly review your progress and adjust your strategies based on results
  • Share your plans with an accountability partner or mentor to stay on track

9. Leverage High-Intensity Interval Principles in Business

"Work less. Relax more."

Apply HIIT to your work routine. Just as high-intensity interval training (HIIT) can produce better fitness results in less time, applying similar principles to your work can boost productivity. Identify your peak energy periods and schedule your most important tasks during these times. Work in focused, intense bursts followed by periods of rest and recovery.

Maximize your productive hours. Recognize that not all work hours are created equal. Instead of aiming for long days filled with busy work, concentrate on achieving significant results during your most productive periods. Use time-tracking tools to identify when you're most effective and structure your schedule accordingly.

  • Experiment with techniques like the Pomodoro Method (25 minutes of focused work followed by a 5-minute break)
  • Schedule your most challenging or important tasks during your peak energy times
  • Take regular breaks to recharge and maintain high levels of focus
  • Use productivity tools to track your time and identify areas for improvement
  • Regularly assess and optimize your work patterns for maximum efficiency

10. Balance Work and Life Through Clear Boundaries

"Be 100% PRESENT, whether at work or play."

Establish clear work-life boundaries. Treat your personal time with the same respect and dedication as your work commitments. Set specific hours for work and stick to them, avoiding the temptation to constantly check emails or take calls outside of these times. Communicate these boundaries clearly to clients, colleagues, and family members.

Practice mindful transitions. Develop rituals or routines that help you mentally shift between work and personal modes. This might include a short meditation, a walk around the block, or changing your physical environment. These transitions allow you to be fully present in each aspect of your life, improving both your productivity and your relationships.

  • Use separate devices or accounts for work and personal activities
  • Create a dedicated workspace, even if it's just a corner of a room
  • Schedule personal activities and treat them with the same importance as work meetings
  • Learn to say "no" to requests that violate your established boundaries
  • Regularly reassess and adjust your boundaries as your life and business evolve

Last updated:

Review Summary

4.22 out of 5
Average of 100+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

Readers praise Big Ideas... for Small Businesses for its practical advice and relatable approach. Many appreciate the author's philosophy of balancing business growth with lifestyle goals. The book offers actionable strategies, emphasizing smart work over hard work. Reviewers find it motivating, easy to understand, and valuable for both new and established entrepreneurs. Key themes include setting goals, continuous learning, and taking action. While most reviews are positive, a few critics found the content familiar or self-promotional.

About the Author

John Lamerton is a self-made entrepreneur who started his first internet marketing business with no experience or resources. He discovered the concept of an "ambitious lifestyle business" and has since focused on creating businesses that support his desired lifestyle. Lamerton emphasizes work-life balance and the idea that success doesn't require sacrificing personal life. After selling his business in 2016, he began writing books to share his knowledge with other small business owners. His first book, "Big Ideas... for Small Businesses," outlines his blueprint for success, while his second, "Routine Machine," focuses on the power of consistency and habits. Lamerton is currently working on his third book, "Evergreen Assets."

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