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Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality
by Pam Grout 2013 194 pages
Self Help
Personal Development

Key Takeaways

1. There is an invisible energy force or field of infinite possibilities

"There's a space heater—or rather an invisible energy force—that's constantly available for our use, and we haven't bothered to turn it on."

The field of potentiality (FP) is an invisible energy force that surrounds us and is available to everyone. This force is similar to electricity - it's always there, waiting to be tapped into. However, most people are unaware of its existence or don't understand how to use it. The FP is non-prejudiced and available to anyone who chooses to access it, regardless of their background or beliefs.

To utilize the FP:

  • Set clear intentions
  • Expect positive outcomes
  • Pay attention to signs and opportunities
  • Trust in the process

The author suggests conducting experiments to prove the existence of this force, such as asking for a blessing or unexpected gift within a specific timeframe. By doing so, you can begin to develop a conscious relationship with this energy and learn to harness it to create the life you desire.

2. Your beliefs and expectations shape your reality

"What shows up in our lives is a direct reflection of our inner thoughts and emotions."

Our perceptions create our reality. The world we experience is shaped by our beliefs, expectations, and focus. This principle, dubbed the "Volkswagen Jetta Principle," illustrates how once we become aware of something, we tend to notice it more frequently in our environment.

Key aspects of this principle:

  • Our brains filter information based on our beliefs and expectations
  • We only perceive a tiny fraction of available information
  • Changing our focus can dramatically alter our experiences

To test this principle, the author suggests conducting a 48-hour experiment where you actively look for specific things, such as a particular color of car or type of butterfly. This exercise demonstrates how our awareness can shift our perception of reality and highlights the power of intentional focus.

3. You are a field of energy in a larger energy field

"You, making the assumption that you're an average-size human being, contain no less than 7 times 10 to the 18th (7 1018) joules of potential energy."

Humans are energy beings. Despite appearances, we are not solid matter but rather dense energy patterns vibrating at specific frequencies. This concept, rooted in quantum physics, challenges our traditional understanding of reality and opens up new possibilities for personal transformation.

Energy characteristics of humans:

  • We are 99% invisible and untouchable
  • Our bodies are composed of vibrating particles and empty space
  • We can influence the flow of energy through our thoughts and intentions

The author provides a simple experiment to demonstrate our energetic nature, involving the use of "Einstein wands" made from coat hangers. This exercise helps readers experience firsthand how their thoughts and emotions can affect their energy field and, by extension, their interactions with the world around them.

4. Your thoughts and focus create your experiences

"Whatever you focus on expands."

Thoughts are creative forces. Our mental focus acts as a magnet, attracting experiences and circumstances that match our dominant thoughts and beliefs. This principle, known as the Abracadabra Principle, emphasizes the power of intention and sustained focus in shaping our reality.

To harness this principle:

  • Set clear, specific intentions
  • Maintain a positive focus on desired outcomes
  • Avoid dwelling on unwanted situations
  • Practice visualizing and feeling your desired reality

The author suggests a 48-hour experiment where readers choose something specific to manifest using the power of thought and intention. By doing so, individuals can begin to recognize the direct connection between their mental focus and their lived experiences, empowering them to take conscious control of their reality creation process.

5. Your connection to the field provides unlimited guidance

"Inner guidance is constantly available. There's never a time—never has been, never will be—when you can't get inner assistance. For anything."

Guidance is always accessible. We are constantly connected to a source of wisdom and direction, but often fail to recognize or utilize it. This principle, called the Dear Abby Principle, asserts that by aligning with this inner guidance, we can access reliable answers to any question or dilemma we face.

Ways to access inner guidance:

  • Meditation and mindfulness practices
  • Asking specific questions and expecting answers
  • Paying attention to intuitive hunches and synchronicities
  • Trusting in the wisdom of your higher self

The author proposes an experiment where readers ask for a clear answer to a specific question within a 48-hour timeframe. This exercise helps individuals develop trust in their connection to the field and learn to recognize and interpret the guidance they receive.

6. Your thoughts and consciousness impact matter

"Your thoughts and consciousness impact matter."

Mind over matter is real. Our thoughts and intentions have a measurable impact on the physical world around us. This principle, known as the Superhero Principle, challenges our conventional understanding of reality and suggests that we have more influence over our environment than we realize.

Evidence supporting this principle:

  • Dr. Masaru Emoto's water crystal experiments
  • Studies on the effects of prayer on plant growth
  • Quantum physics theories on observer effect

The author proposes an experiment where readers attempt to influence the growth of plants using only their thoughts and intentions. This exercise provides a tangible demonstration of the power of consciousness to affect physical reality, encouraging readers to explore the extent of their mental influence on the world around them.

7. Your thoughts shape your physical body

"Your body is a barometer of your belief system."

Your body responds to your thoughts. The physical state of our bodies is directly influenced by our mental and emotional states. This principle, dubbed the Jenny Craig Principle, suggests that our health and well-being are more closely tied to our thoughts and beliefs than to external factors like diet and exercise alone.

Key aspects of this principle:

  • Food responds to our thoughts and emotions
  • Negative self-talk can hinder physical health
  • Positive affirmations can promote healing and well-being

The author proposes a 72-hour experiment where readers focus on sending loving thoughts to their food and body, refraining from negative self-talk. This exercise aims to demonstrate how changing our mental approach to our bodies and nutrition can lead to measurable physical changes, even without altering our diet or exercise routines.

8. You are connected to everything and everyone in the universe

"We're all connected to this huge data bank, and we constantly exchange energy with everyone in our circle of influence, and in smaller ways, with every other being on the planet."

We are all interconnected. This principle, called the 101 Dalmatians Principle, asserts that we are intrinsically linked to everything and everyone in the universe through an invisible field of energy and information. This interconnectedness allows for phenomena such as telepathy, synchronicity, and nonlocal communication.

Implications of universal interconnectedness:

  • Our thoughts and intentions affect others
  • We can communicate nonverbally across distances
  • Synchronicities are manifestations of this connection

The author suggests an experiment where readers attempt to send a specific message to someone without any physical contact. This exercise helps individuals explore the reality of nonlocal communication and develop a greater awareness of their energetic connection to others.

9. The universe is limitless, abundant, and accommodating

"Contrary to everything you know, the Fish and Loaves principle proposes that there is a natural law of abundance and that everything's okay—you can relax."

Abundance is the natural state of the universe. This principle challenges the widely held belief in scarcity and suggests that there is more than enough for everyone. By aligning with this truth, we can tap into the limitless potential of the universe and experience greater ease and fulfillment in our lives.

Steps to align with abundance:

  • Recognize and challenge scarcity thinking
  • Practice gratitude for what you have
  • Focus on possibilities rather than limitations
  • Trust in the universe's ability to provide

The author proposes an experiment where readers consciously shift their thinking from scarcity to abundance for a set period. This exercise aims to demonstrate how changing our fundamental beliefs about the nature of reality can lead to tangible shifts in our experiences and opportunities.

Last updated:

Review Summary

3.91 out of 5
Average of 10k+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

E-Squared by Pam Grout presents nine experiments to prove thoughts create reality. Reviews are mixed, with some readers finding success and inspiration, while others experienced no results. Positive reviewers praise the book's humor and accessible approach to manifesting. Critics argue the experiments are too subjective and rely on confirmation bias. Some found the writing style abrasive. Overall, readers who believe in the law of attraction tend to enjoy the book more, while skeptics remain unconvinced by the experiments.

About the Author

Pam Grout is a prolific author with 16 books, three plays, a television series, and two iPhone apps to her name. Her writing spans various platforms, including People magazine,, and Huffington Post. Grout also maintains a travel blog called "George Clooney Slept Here." Known for her unconventional perspective on life, she shares her insights through her website. Grout's work often explores themes related to personal growth, spirituality, and the power of thought, as evidenced by her popular book E-Squared, which offers experiments to demonstrate the law of attraction.

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