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Wishes Fulfilled

Wishes Fulfilled

Mastering the Art of Manifesting
by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer 2012 203 pages
6k+ ratings
Self Help
Personal Development

Key Takeaways

1. Embrace Your Divine Nature: You Are God

"You are God. You are the 'I am that I am.' You are consciousness. You are the creator."

Your divine essence. At your core, you are a spiritual being having a human experience. This concept, though challenging to accept initially, is fundamental to living a wishes fulfilled life. You are not separate from God but are a fragment of the universal consciousness that creates all reality.

Shifting perspective. Embracing this truth requires a radical shift in self-concept. Instead of seeing yourself as limited by your physical form and circumstances, recognize your inherent divinity and unlimited potential. This awareness allows you to tap into the creative power of the universe.

Living from divinity. As you internalize this understanding, begin to think and act from this higher perspective. Approach life's challenges and opportunities with the confidence that you possess the same creative power as the source of all being. This mindset opens the door to manifesting your deepest desires and living an extraordinary life.

2. Harness the Power of Imagination to Manifest Your Desires

"What is now proved was once only imagin'd."

Imagination as creation's source. Your imagination is the birthplace of all that exists in the physical world. Everything around you was once a mere thought in someone's mind before manifesting into reality. Recognize the immense power of your imagination as the starting point for all manifestation.

Cultivating creative vision. To harness this power, dedicate time to vividly imagining your desired reality. Create detailed mental images of your goals and aspirations as if they are already achieved. Engage all your senses in this process to make the imagined scenario feel as real as possible.

Guarding your imagination. Be vigilant about what you allow into your imagination. Avoid dwelling on fears, limitations, or negative outcomes. Instead, consistently populate your inner world with positive, empowering visions aligned with your highest desires. Your imagination is sacred territory – protect it fiercely and use it wisely to shape your reality.

3. Live from the End: Assume the Feeling of Your Wish Fulfilled

"Assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled."

Emotional alignment. The key to manifesting your desires is not just imagining them, but feeling as if they have already come true. This emotional state sends a powerful signal to your subconscious mind and the universe, accelerating the manifestation process.

Practice embodiment. Regularly immerse yourself in the feelings of joy, gratitude, and fulfillment that would accompany the realization of your desires. Act, think, and feel as if your wish has already been granted. This isn't pretending or self-delusion, but a deliberate realignment of your energetic state with your desired outcome.

Persistence and faith. Maintain this feeling state consistently, even when external circumstances seem to contradict your inner vision. Trust in the process and remain steadfast in your emotional alignment with your desired reality. The external world will gradually reshape itself to match your internal state.

4. Your Subconscious Mind: The Key to Manifestation

"The subconscious receives impressions only through the feelings of man and in a way known only to itself gives these impressions form and expression."

Subconscious power. Your subconscious mind is the engine of manifestation, responsible for translating your thoughts and feelings into physical reality. It operates 24/7, even while you sleep, working tirelessly to bring your dominant thoughts and emotions into being.

Emotional programming. The subconscious responds primarily to feelings, not logic. To reprogram it effectively:

  • Saturate your mind with vivid, emotionally charged images of your desired reality
  • Consistently maintain the feeling state of your wish fulfilled
  • Use affirmations and visualization techniques, especially before sleep

Trust the process. The subconscious works in mysterious ways, often beyond our conscious understanding. Have faith in its ability to manifest your desires, even when the "how" isn't immediately apparent. Focus on maintaining the right emotional state and let your subconscious handle the details.

5. Align Your Wishes with Your Highest Self

"You never draw out of the deep of yourself that which you want; you always draw that which you are, and you are that which you feel yourself to be as well as that which you feel is true of others."

Higher alignment. Ensure that your desires are in harmony with your highest self – the part of you that is connected to universal love and wisdom. Wishes rooted in ego, fear, or the desire to harm others will not manifest successfully or bring true fulfillment.

Self-reflection. Regularly examine your motivations:

  • Are your desires driven by love or fear?
  • Do they contribute to the greater good?
  • Do they align with your core values and spiritual beliefs?

Expansion of consciousness. As you align with your highest self, you'll naturally desire things that benefit not just you, but others and the world at large. This expanded perspective amplifies your manifesting power and leads to more profound, meaningful outcomes.

6. Transform Your Self-Concept to Achieve Your Dreams

"Health, wealth, beauty, and genius are not created; they are only manifested by the arrangement of your mind—that is, by your concept of yourself, and your concept of yourself is all that you accept and consent to as true."

Identity shift. To manifest significant changes in your life, you must first change how you see yourself. Your self-concept acts as a filter, allowing or blocking experiences based on what you believe is possible for you.

Challenging limiting beliefs. Identify and question the beliefs that have shaped your current self-image. Are they truly yours, or have you inherited them from others? Are they serving your highest good? Be willing to let go of outdated or limiting self-concepts.

Adopting a new identity. Consciously choose a new self-concept aligned with your desires:

  • Write a detailed description of your ideal self
  • Regularly visualize yourself embodying these new qualities
  • Act "as if" you are already this person in your daily life
  • Surround yourself with people and environments that reinforce this new identity

7. The Power of "I AM" Statements in Shaping Your Reality

"The first expression of every individual, everywhere in the Universe, either in spoken word, silent thought or feeling is 'I AM,' recognizing Its Own Conquering Divinity."

Divine declaration. "I AM" is the name of God and the most powerful creative force in the universe. When you say "I AM," you are invoking this divine power and shaping your reality with each statement that follows.

Conscious creation. Be extremely mindful of what you attach to "I AM" statements. Avoid negative declarations like "I am sick" or "I am poor." Instead, consistently use empowering "I AM" statements that align with your desires and highest self.

Transformative practice. Incorporate positive "I AM" statements into your daily routine:

  • Start your day with empowering declarations
  • Use them as affirmations during meditation
  • Repeat them before sleep to program your subconscious
  • "I AM health and vitality"
  • "I AM abundance and prosperity"
  • "I AM love and compassion"

8. Cultivate Subjective Attention and Ignore External Negativity

"There is an enormous difference between attention directed objectively and attention directed subjectively, and the capacity to change your future depends on the latter."

Inner focus. To manifest effectively, learn to direct your attention inward, focusing on your desired end state rather than external circumstances or others' opinions. This "subjective attention" is the key to maintaining your creative power.

Filtering external input. Be selective about the information and opinions you allow to influence you. Develop a mental "trash button" to discard negative or limiting input that contradicts your vision.

Practices for subjective attention:

  • Regular meditation to strengthen inner awareness
  • Journaling to clarify and reinforce your desires
  • Creating a vision board to keep your focus on your goals
  • Limiting exposure to negative media or pessimistic people

9. Program Your Subconscious Mind Before Sleep

"Whatever you have in consciousness as you go to sleep is the measure of your expression in the waking two-thirds of your life on earth."

Pre-sleep power. The moments before sleep are crucial for programming your subconscious mind. During sleep, your subconscious processes and acts upon the thoughts and feelings present as you drift off.

Nightly ritual. Develop a consistent bedtime routine to harness this power:

  • Review your goals and desires
  • Visualize your wishes fulfilled
  • Feel the emotions of success and gratitude
  • Use positive affirmations or "I AM" statements

Avoid negativity. Refrain from watching disturbing news, engaging in arguments, or dwelling on problems before bed. If negative thoughts arise, get up and reset your mind with positive input before returning to sleep.

10. Practice Non-Judgment and Unconditional Love

"When you are steadfast—which means that you never slip in our abstention of thoughts of harm directed toward others—then all living creatures cease to feel enmity in our presence."

Universal love. Cultivate a state of unconditional love and non-judgment towards all beings. This aligns you with the highest vibration of the universe and removes barriers to manifestation.

Releasing judgment. Consciously let go of critical thoughts towards yourself and others. Recognize that everyone is doing their best with their current level of awareness and life circumstances.

Practices for unconditional love:

  • Daily loving-kindness meditation
  • Forgiveness exercises for past hurts
  • Random acts of kindness without expectation
  • Seeing the divine essence in every person you encounter

11. Remain Open to Infinite Possibilities and Synchronicities

"Creation is the result of subconscious impressions, and by my feelings, I determine creation."

Embracing mystery. Accept that the universe works in ways beyond our full comprehension. Be open to miraculous occurrences and unexpected paths to the fulfillment of your desires.

Synchronicity awareness. Pay attention to meaningful coincidences and seemingly random events that align with your goals. These are often signs that you're on the right track and that the universe is conspiring to assist you.

Cultivating openness:

  • Practice mindfulness to notice subtle signs and opportunities
  • Keep a synchronicity journal to record and reflect on meaningful events
  • Regularly express gratitude for unexpected blessings
  • Embrace new experiences and perspectives that challenge your existing beliefs

By remaining open and receptive, you allow the infinite intelligence of the universe to work through you, often in surprising and delightful ways.

Last updated:

Review Summary

4.29 out of 5
Average of 6k+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

Wishes Fulfilled receives mostly positive reviews, praised for its inspirational message on manifesting desires through imagination and positive thinking. Readers appreciate Dyer's accessible explanations of spiritual concepts and practical techniques for self-improvement. Many find the book life-changing, though some critics view it as repetitive or too religiously oriented. The emphasis on the power of "I AM" statements and living as if wishes are already fulfilled resonates with many readers. Overall, it's considered one of Dyer's best works by his fans.

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About the Author

Wayne Walter Dyer was a renowned American self-help author and motivational speaker. His breakthrough book, Your Erroneous Zones, sold over 30 million copies and popularized humanistic ideas. Dyer held a doctorate in counseling and worked as a high school guidance counselor and university professor before transitioning to a full-time writing and speaking career. He gained fame through persistent self-promotion, including a nationwide book tour. Dyer authored numerous best-selling books on positive thinking, spirituality, and personal development throughout his career, becoming one of the most influential figures in the self-help genre.

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