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Get Anyone to Do Anything

Get Anyone to Do Anything

Never Feel Powerless Again — With Psychological Secrets to Control and Influence Every Situation
by David J. Lieberman 2000 224 pages
Self Help

Key Takeaways

1. Build Instant Rapport: The Foundation of Influence

"To make it easy for you to learn how to apply these psychological secrets, the book is divided into forty mini-chapters, each governing various real-life situations."

Mirroring and matching. To establish rapport quickly, subtly mirror the other person's body language, speech patterns, and energy level. This creates a subconscious sense of familiarity and comfort. Be careful not to mimic exactly, as this can be perceived as mocking.

Find common ground. Look for shared interests, experiences, or values to create an instant connection. People naturally gravitate towards those who are similar to them.

  • Ask open-ended questions to discover commonalities
  • Share personal anecdotes that relate to their experiences
  • Express genuine interest in their perspective

Active listening. Show that you're fully engaged in the conversation by maintaining eye contact, nodding, and providing verbal affirmations. Paraphrase key points to demonstrate understanding and validate their thoughts and feelings.

2. Harness the Power of Association and Reciprocity

"The law of association is discussed in more detail throughout this book, but it has a very specific application here."

Create positive associations. People tend to like those who are associated with positive experiences or emotions. Strategically pair yourself with pleasant stimuli to create favorable impressions.

  • Meet in enjoyable settings (e.g., favorite restaurant, beautiful park)
  • Bring good news or share uplifting stories
  • Be the bearer of rewards or recognition

Leverage reciprocity. The principle of reciprocity states that people feel obligated to return favors, even small ones. Use this to your advantage by offering genuine help or small gestures of kindness.

  • Provide valuable information or assistance without expectation
  • Offer sincere compliments or praise
  • Do unexpected favors to create a sense of indebtedness

Remember that reciprocity works best when it's sincere and not manipulative. Focus on building genuine relationships rather than transactional exchanges.

3. Master the Art of Persuasion Through Emotional Appeal

"Ninety percent of the decisions we make are based on emotion. We then use logic to justify our actions."

Identify core emotions. Understand the primary emotions driving the other person's behavior or decision-making process. Common motivators include fear, desire for belonging, ambition, and security.

Craft emotionally resonant messages. Appeal to these core emotions in your communication:

  • Use vivid storytelling to evoke feelings
  • Paint a compelling picture of the desired outcome
  • Highlight potential losses to tap into fear of missing out

Balance emotion with logic. While emotions drive decisions, people need logical justification to feel confident in their choices. Provide rational arguments to support emotional appeals:

  • Present relevant data and statistics
  • Offer expert opinions or testimonials
  • Demonstrate clear cause-and-effect relationships

Remember to maintain authenticity in your approach. Manipulative tactics may work short-term but can damage trust and credibility in the long run.

4. Unlock the Secrets of Body Language and Non-Verbal Cues

"Eye contact is a strong indicator of mood. When we are in a good mood we tend to make more direct eye contact."

Read micro-expressions. Learn to recognize fleeting facial expressions that reveal true emotions, often lasting less than a second. These can provide valuable insights into a person's thoughts and feelings.

  • Raised eyebrows: Surprise or disbelief
  • Tightened lips: Disapproval or holding back information
  • Nose wrinkle: Disgust or disagreement

Interpret gestures and posture. Body language often speaks louder than words:

  • Crossed arms: Defensive or closed off
  • Leaning in: Interest and engagement
  • Fidgeting: Nervousness or impatience

Project confident body language. Use non-verbal cues to convey authority and trustworthiness:

  • Maintain open posture with uncrossed arms
  • Use appropriate eye contact (cultural norms may vary)
  • Employ purposeful gestures to emphasize key points

Practice reading and controlling body language in everyday interactions to improve your overall communication skills.

5. Navigate Difficult Conversations with Psychological Finesse

"When you turn down the favor (that's being asked of you) ask for a favor from that person right after you say no to his request."

Reframe the conversation. Shift the focus from confrontation to collaboration by reframing the issue in a positive light. Use "we" language to create a sense of shared purpose.

Employ the "feel, felt, found" technique. Acknowledge emotions, relate to their perspective, and offer a new viewpoint:

  • "I understand how you feel..."
  • "I've felt the same way in the past..."
  • "But I've found that..."

Use strategic silence. Resist the urge to fill every pause. Allow moments of silence to encourage the other person to elaborate or reconsider their position.

  • Count to 5 silently before responding
  • Use thoughtful pauses to emphasize important points
  • Allow silence after asking probing questions

Remember that difficult conversations are opportunities for growth and understanding when handled skillfully.

6. Cultivate Trust and Credibility in Any Relationship

"People do not care what you know until they know that you care."

Demonstrate reliability. Consistently follow through on commitments, no matter how small. This builds a foundation of trust over time.

  • Set realistic expectations and deadlines
  • Communicate proactively if delays occur
  • Deliver on promises, even when inconvenient

Practice vulnerability. Sharing appropriate personal experiences and admitting mistakes humanizes you and fosters deeper connections.

  • Acknowledge areas for improvement
  • Share relevant personal anecdotes
  • Admit when you don't have all the answers

Maintain confidentiality. Respect private information and avoid gossip to establish yourself as a trustworthy confidant.

  • Never share sensitive information without permission
  • Redirect conversations away from harmful gossip
  • Protect others' reputations as you would your own

Remember that trust is built slowly over time but can be destroyed in an instant. Prioritize maintaining trust in all your interactions.

7. Leverage the Psychology of Decision-Making

"People want what they can't have. By constantly making yourself available, you're actually diminishing your value."

Understand cognitive biases. Recognize common mental shortcuts that influence decision-making:

  • Confirmation bias: Seeking information that confirms existing beliefs
  • Anchoring effect: Relying too heavily on the first piece of information
  • Loss aversion: Preferring to avoid losses over acquiring equivalent gains

Frame choices strategically. Present options in ways that highlight desired outcomes:

  • Use positive framing for desired behaviors
  • Employ scarcity tactics to increase perceived value
  • Offer decoy options to make target choice more appealing

Simplify complex decisions. Help others make choices by breaking down overwhelming options:

  • Present no more than 3-5 options at a time
  • Categorize choices into manageable groups
  • Provide clear pros and cons for each option

By understanding these psychological principles, you can guide decision-making processes more effectively in personal and professional contexts.

8. Transform Conflicts into Opportunities for Growth

"Numerous studies conclude that division among people dissolves when there is an opposing outside threat."

Seek common ground. Identify shared goals or values to unite conflicting parties:

  • Focus on overarching objectives
  • Highlight mutual benefits of resolution
  • Create a shared vision for the future

Practice active empathy. Strive to truly understand others' perspectives:

  • Ask probing questions to uncover underlying concerns
  • Validate emotions without necessarily agreeing
  • Restate others' viewpoints to ensure understanding

Facilitate collaborative problem-solving. Guide conflicting parties towards win-win solutions:

  • Brainstorm multiple options without judgment
  • Evaluate solutions based on objective criteria
  • Encourage compromise and flexibility

Remember that conflicts, when handled skillfully, can lead to stronger relationships and more creative solutions.

9. Develop Unshakeable Confidence in Any Situation

"Smiling accomplishes four powerful things: It conveys confidence, happiness, and enthusiasm, and most important, it shows acceptance."

Cultivate a growth mindset. Embrace challenges as opportunities for learning and improvement:

  • View failures as valuable feedback
  • Set challenging but achievable goals
  • Celebrate progress, not just outcomes

Practice power posing. Use body language to boost confidence:

  • Stand tall with shoulders back
  • Take up space with open posture
  • Hold eye contact confidently

Prepare thoroughly. Build confidence through knowledge and practice:

  • Research topics extensively
  • Anticipate potential questions or objections
  • Rehearse important conversations or presentations

Remember that true confidence comes from self-acceptance and continuous self-improvement, not from comparing yourself to others.

Last updated:

Review Summary

3.78 out of 5
Average of 1k+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

Get Anyone to Do Anything and Never Feel Powerless Again receives mixed reviews. Some praise its practical psychological insights and everyday applicability, while others criticize it as manipulative or overpromising. Positive reviewers find the book helpful for understanding human behavior and improving social interactions. Critics argue the techniques are common knowledge or potentially deceptive. The book's straightforward style and short format are appreciated by many readers. Overall, opinions are divided on whether the book offers valuable persuasion tactics or oversimplifies complex social dynamics.

About the Author

David J. Lieberman, PhD is a renowned psychotherapist and bestselling author of eleven books, including "Get Anyone to Do Anything" and "Never Be Lied to Again." His expertise in psychology and human behavior has led to training roles with prestigious organizations such as the U.S. military, FBI, CIA, and NSA. Lieberman's work extends to government negotiators, mental health professionals, and Fortune 100 executives. His instructional video is a requirement for psychological operations graduates. A frequent media presence, Lieberman has appeared on over 300 television and radio programs, including popular shows like Today, NPR, and The View.

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