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Get Rich, Lucky Bitch

Get Rich, Lucky Bitch

Release Your Money Blocks and Live a First-Class Life
by Denise Duffield Thomas 2018 305 pages
Self Help
Personal Development

Key Takeaways

1. Embrace Your Desire for Wealth and Abundance

Every woman deserves to be as rich as she wants.

Redefine wealth on your terms. Wealth isn't just about material possessions; it's about creating a life of freedom, choice, and impact. Challenge societal stereotypes about rich women being "bitches" or unethical. Instead, envision yourself as a positive force for change, using your wealth to support causes you care about and live life on your own terms.

Recognize your deserving nature. You don't need to change who you are fundamentally to become wealthy. Your unique talents, personality, and values are the foundation for your success. Embrace the idea that you can be both kind and wealthy, both successful and fulfilled. Give yourself permission to desire and pursue financial abundance without guilt or shame.

2. Declutter Your Money Beliefs and Forgive Past Experiences

Holding on to the energy of money drama is incredibly subtle but dangerously destructive.

Identify limiting beliefs. Examine your childhood experiences, family attitudes, and past financial mistakes that might be holding you back. Common limiting beliefs include:

  • Money is the root of all evil
  • Rich people are greedy or unhappy
  • I'm not smart/talented/worthy enough to be wealthy
  • Making money has to be a struggle

Practice forgiveness. Use the Hawaiian Ho'oponopono practice: "I forgive you. Thank you. I'm sorry. And I love you." Apply this to:

  • Past financial mistakes
  • People who've wronged you financially
  • Yourself for holding onto limiting beliefs

Regularly revisit this process as you uncover new layers of money-related emotions and memories. Remember, forgiveness is about freeing yourself, not condoning past actions.

3. Set Clear, Specific Financial Goals

Money loves clarity.

Be precise and ambitious. Instead of vague goals like "I want to be comfortable," set specific, measurable targets:

  • "I want to earn $X per month by [date]"
  • "I want to save $Y for a down payment on a house by [date]"
  • "I want to donate $Z to charity annually"

Write goals daily. Make goal-setting a habit by writing down your financial aspirations every day. This trains your brain's Reticular Activating System to recognize opportunities aligned with your goals. Be open to adjusting your goals as you grow and your priorities shift.

Visualize success. Create a vivid mental picture of achieving your financial goals. How will your life look and feel? What will you do with your wealth? This emotional connection strengthens your motivation and manifesting power.

4. Cultivate Gratitude and Positive Feelings About Money

Gratitude is the single greatest way to change your state from a feeling of poverty or lack, into one of feeling rich.

Practice daily appreciation. Keep a gratitude journal or mentally list things you're thankful for before bed. Include both big and small financial blessings:

  • A stable job or growing business
  • Unexpected discounts or freebies
  • The ability to pay bills on time
  • Small luxuries you enjoy

Reframe challenges as opportunities. When facing financial setbacks, ask yourself, "What can I learn from this? How might this lead to something better?" This mindset shift keeps you open to creative solutions and unexpected opportunities.

Surround yourself with positivity. Limit exposure to negative financial news or pessimistic people. Instead, seek out inspiring stories of financial success, especially from people with backgrounds similar to yours. Create a supportive network of like-minded individuals working towards financial abundance.

5. Upgrade Your Life Incrementally to Attract More Wealth

When you live a life of constant but incremental upgrade, you will attract more money into your life.

Start small, but start now. Don't wait until you're "rich" to improve your life. Make small upgrades that align with your vision of wealth:

  • Buy higher quality essentials (e.g., bedsheets, work clothes)
  • Invest in personal development (courses, books, coaching)
  • Enhance your living or work environment

Focus on feeling wealthy. Choose upgrades that genuinely make you feel more abundant, not just to impress others. This could mean investing in experiences, time-saving services, or items that bring daily joy and comfort.

Stretch your comfort zone. Gradually expose yourself to environments and experiences aligned with your financial goals. Visit open houses in your dream neighborhood, test drive your aspirational car, or have a meal at a high-end restaurant. This familiarizes you with the lifestyle you're working towards and makes it feel more attainable.

6. Identify and Overcome Your Money Sabotages

Sabotaging behaviors are completely normal; and they don't mean you can't be rich.

Recognize common patterns. Be aware of how you might unconsciously undermine your financial success:

  • Overspending when things are going well
  • Procrastinating on important financial tasks
  • Undercharging for your services
  • Giving away your power in financial decisions

Understand the root cause. Often, sabotages stem from fear of success, unworthiness, or disrupting the status quo. Examine your past for clues about why you might be holding yourself back.

Develop coping strategies. When you notice sabotaging behavior:

  1. Acknowledge it without judgment
  2. Remind yourself of your goals and worthiness
  3. Take a small action aligned with your financial aspirations

Remember, overcoming sabotages is an ongoing process. Be patient and compassionate with yourself as you build new, supportive habits.

7. Take Inspired Action to Increase Your Income

To manifest more money and to really create your dream abundant life, you have to take inspired action.

Raise your prices. Regularly evaluate and increase your rates to reflect your growing skills and value. Don't be afraid to be at the higher end of your industry's pricing. Remember, you're not for everyone, and premium pricing often attracts better clients.

Set clear boundaries. Stop giving away your expertise for free. Implement a "no bartering" policy and limit free consultations. Direct people to paid offerings or valuable free content you've already created.

Invest in your business. Make strategic investments that position you for growth:

  • Hire support staff to free up your time
  • Upgrade your tools and equipment
  • Invest in high-quality marketing and branding

Take calculated risks. Step out of your comfort zone to pursue bigger opportunities. This might mean pitching to larger clients, launching a new product, or expanding your reach through speaking engagements or media appearances.

Remember, inspired action feels both exciting and slightly uncomfortable. Trust your intuition and be willing to experiment as you grow your income and impact.

Last updated:

Review Summary

4.32 out of 5
Average of 3k+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

Get Rich, Lucky Bitch received mostly positive reviews, with readers praising its practical approach to changing money mindsets. Many found the author's honesty and relatability refreshing. Readers appreciated the exercises for uncovering limiting beliefs and the emphasis on positive thinking. Some criticized the repetitive content and "woo-woo" aspects. Several readers reported experiencing positive changes in their finances and attitudes toward money after applying the book's principles. However, a few skeptics questioned the effectiveness of manifestation techniques and found the content lacking in solid financial advice.

About the Author

Denise Duffield Thomas is an Australian author and money mindset mentor. She specializes in helping women overcome limiting beliefs about wealth and success. Thomas is known for her down-to-earth approach and practical strategies for manifesting abundance. Her work combines elements of the Law of Attraction with actionable steps for personal and financial growth. Thomas has gained a significant following through her books, online courses, and social media presence. She advocates for women to embrace their worth and pursue financial success without guilt or fear. Thomas's personal experiences with overcoming money blocks inform her teachings, making her relatable to many readers seeking to improve their relationship with money.

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