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HBR Guide to Emotional Intelligence (HBR Guide Series)

HBR Guide to Emotional Intelligence (HBR Guide Series)

by Harvard Business Review 2017 240 pages
Self Help
9 minutes

Key Takeaways

1. Emotional Intelligence: The Foundation of Leadership Excellence

Like it or not, leaders need to manage the mood of their organizations.

The power of EI. Emotional intelligence (EI) is twice as important as other skills in determining outstanding leadership. It encompasses self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. Leaders with high EI can effectively manage their own emotions, relate well to others, and create a positive organizational climate.

EI can be developed. While some aspects of EI are innate, it can be learned and improved over time. Key strategies include:

  • Practicing mindfulness and self-reflection
  • Seeking honest feedback from others
  • Working with a coach or mentor
  • Deliberately putting yourself in challenging situations to grow

EI in action. Emotionally intelligent leaders:

  • Read and influence the emotional state of their teams
  • Make better decisions by considering both logic and feelings
  • Build strong, trusting relationships
  • Navigate change and uncertainty more effectively
  • Inspire and motivate others through their words and actions

2. Self-Awareness: Understanding Your Emotions and Behaviors

You can't manage emotions without knowing what they really are.

Recognize and label emotions. Self-awareness is the foundation of emotional intelligence. It involves accurately identifying your emotions, understanding their triggers, and recognizing how they impact your thoughts and behaviors. Develop a richer emotional vocabulary to precisely name what you're feeling, going beyond basic terms like "angry" or "sad."

Assess your strengths and weaknesses. Regularly reflect on your emotional patterns, communication style, and impact on others. Seek feedback from trusted colleagues and friends to gain a more complete picture of yourself. Be open to constructive criticism and willing to acknowledge areas for improvement.

Techniques for building self-awareness:

  • Keep an emotion journal to track patterns
  • Practice mindfulness meditation
  • Use the "Self-Compassion Break" exercise
  • Take personality assessments (e.g., MBTI, Big Five)
  • Ask for specific, behavioral feedback from others
  • Reflect on your core values and how they align with your actions

3. Manage Your Emotions: Turn Feelings into Valuable Data

Emotions are signals, beacons that show you that you care about something.

Emotions as information. Instead of trying to suppress or ignore emotions, view them as valuable data. They provide insights into what matters to you, potential conflicts, and areas that need attention. When you feel a strong emotion, pause to consider what it's telling you about the situation and your values.

Strategies for emotional regulation:

  • Practice reframing negative thoughts
  • Use the "name it to tame it" technique for strong emotions
  • Engage in physical exercise or relaxation techniques
  • Take a break to gain perspective
  • Practice self-compassion

From reactivity to responsiveness. Develop the ability to pause between feeling an emotion and acting on it. This creates space for more thoughtful, intentional responses. When facing a challenging situation:

  1. Recognize the emotion
  2. Take a deep breath
  3. Consider the bigger picture
  4. Choose a response aligned with your values and goals

4. Everyday EI: Navigating Emails, Meetings, and Difficult Conversations

Human communication for the digital age.

Emotionally intelligent communication. Apply EI principles to daily workplace interactions to improve relationships, productivity, and outcomes. Key areas to focus on:

  1. Emails:

    • Consider the recipient's perspective and emotional state
    • Use clear, concise language to avoid misinterpretations
    • Be mindful of tone and use emojis or exclamation points judiciously
    • For sensitive topics, consider face-to-face or phone conversations
  2. Meetings:

    • Set a positive tone from the start
    • Encourage participation from all attendees
    • Address conflicts or tensions proactively
    • End with clear action items and appreciation
  3. Difficult conversations:

    • Prepare emotionally and logistically
    • Use "I" statements to express your perspective
    • Listen actively and empathetically
    • Focus on finding solutions, not assigning blame

The power of non-verbal cues. Pay attention to body language, tone of voice, and facial expressions (both your own and others') to enhance understanding and connection in all interactions.

5. Dealing with Difficult People: Transform Rivals into Allies

Make your enemies your allies.

The 3Rs approach. When facing a challenging relationship or rivalry, use the following steps to build trust and collaboration:

  1. Redirection: Shift negative emotions away from you
  2. Reciprocity: Give before you ask
  3. Rationality: Establish clear expectations

Strategies for specific difficult personalities:

  • Passive-aggressive colleagues: Address the underlying issues directly
  • Toxic handlers: Set boundaries and encourage self-care
  • Emotional vampires: Limit exposure and practice emotional detachment

Turn conflicts into opportunities. View difficult interactions as chances to:

  • Improve your own emotional intelligence
  • Build stronger, more resilient relationships
  • Uncover innovative solutions to problems
  • Enhance your reputation as a skilled communicator and leader

6. Empathy: The Key to Connecting and Influencing Others

Three types critical for leaders.

The empathy triad. Develop all three types of empathy to enhance your leadership effectiveness:

  1. Cognitive empathy: Understanding others' perspectives
  2. Emotional empathy: Feeling what others feel
  3. Empathic concern: Sensing and responding to others' needs

Cultivating empathy:

  • Practice active listening without judgment
  • Ask open-ended questions to understand others' experiences
  • Imagine yourself in someone else's situation
  • Seek out diverse perspectives and experiences
  • Use the "Just Like Me" meditation to build connection

Empathy in action. Apply empathy to:

  • Give more effective feedback
  • Resolve conflicts more efficiently
  • Build trust and psychological safety in teams
  • Enhance customer relationships and satisfaction
  • Drive innovation by understanding user needs

7. Build Resilience: Bounce Back Stronger from Setbacks

Resilience is about how you recharge, not how you endure.

The resilience mindset. Resilient individuals view challenges as opportunities for growth, believe in their ability to influence outcomes, and stay engaged with the world around them. They possess three key characteristics:

  1. Acceptance of reality
  2. Finding meaning in adversity
  3. Ability to improvise and adapt

Strategies for building resilience:

  • Develop a growth mindset
  • Cultivate a strong support network
  • Practice self-compassion
  • Maintain a sense of purpose and meaning
  • Focus on what you can control
  • Engage in regular self-care and stress management

Recover effectively. Resilience isn't about constant endurance; it's about how you recharge. Create cycles of intense work followed by intentional recovery periods. This might include:

  • Taking regular breaks throughout the day
  • Engaging in hobbies or activities you enjoy
  • Practicing mindfulness or meditation
  • Getting adequate sleep and exercise
  • Disconnecting from work during time off

8. Developing EI on Your Team: Nurture Emotional Skills in Others

Emotional intelligence is difficult to develop because it is linked to psychological development and neurological pathways created over an entire lifetime.

Create a culture of emotional intelligence. As a leader, you play a crucial role in developing EI within your team. Start by modeling emotionally intelligent behaviors and creating an environment that values and rewards EI skills.

Strategies for developing others' EI:

  • Provide specific, behavioral feedback on EI competencies
  • Offer coaching and mentoring opportunities
  • Encourage self-reflection and learning from experiences
  • Use assessments to identify areas for growth
  • Incorporate EI training into professional development programs

Address emotional challenges effectively. When faced with emotional outbursts or difficult team dynamics:

  1. Acknowledge the emotion without judgment
  2. Seek to understand the underlying values or concerns
  3. Guide the conversation towards constructive problem-solving
  4. Use the situation as a learning opportunity for all involved

Remember that developing EI is a long-term process that requires commitment and practice. Celebrate small wins and create a psychologically safe environment where team members feel comfortable exploring and developing their emotional skills.

Last updated:

Review Summary

3.9 out of 5
Average of 100+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

HBR Guide to Emotional Intelligence receives mostly positive reviews, with readers praising its practical advice and easy-to-understand approach to emotional intelligence in the workplace. Many find it helpful for managers and leaders, appreciating the collection of articles from various authors. Some criticize it for being repetitive or containing obvious information. Readers value the book's insights on self-awareness, empathy, and resilience. While some consider it a must-read, others suggest it's best used as a reference or starting point for further exploration of the topic.

About the Author

Harvard Business Review is a prestigious business magazine published by Harvard Business Publishing, a subsidiary of Harvard University. Known for its high-quality articles on management, leadership, and business strategy, HBR has been influencing business practices since 1922. The publication features contributions from prominent business leaders, academics, and thought leaders. HBR's book series, including guides like the one on emotional intelligence, are compilations of articles from the magazine, offering readers concise, practical advice on various business topics. These guides aim to provide accessible, expert knowledge to help professionals improve their skills and navigate workplace challenges.

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