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How to Think Like a Roman Emperor

How to Think Like a Roman Emperor

The Stoic Philosophy of Marcus Aurelius
by Donald J. Robertson 2019 304 pages
6 minutes

Key Takeaways

1. Embrace Stoicism as a practical philosophy for life

"For who would not hate such a man?"

Stoicism as a way of life. Stoicism offers a practical approach to living wisely and virtuously. It emphasizes focusing on what is within our control, primarily our thoughts and actions, while accepting external events with equanimity. The philosophy teaches that true happiness comes from cultivating virtue and wisdom, rather than pursuing external pleasures or material possessions.

Key Stoic practices:

  • Regular self-reflection and journaling
  • Practicing gratitude and contentment
  • Visualizing potential adversities to build resilience
  • Cultivating rational thinking and emotional regulation
  • Focusing on ethical behavior and social responsibility

Stoicism provides a framework for personal growth and emotional resilience, enabling individuals to navigate life's challenges with greater calm and purpose.

2. Cultivate inner peace through rational thinking

"The universe is change: life is opinion."

Rational perspective. Stoicism teaches that our judgments about events, not the events themselves, cause our distress. By cultivating rational thinking, we can achieve greater inner peace and emotional stability. This involves examining our beliefs and assumptions, separating facts from opinions, and adopting a more objective view of situations.

Techniques for rational thinking:

  • Identify and challenge irrational thoughts
  • Practice cognitive reframing
  • Use the "view from above" technique to gain perspective
  • Focus on what is within your control
  • Embrace change and impermanence

By developing a more rational outlook, we can reduce unnecessary suffering and maintain tranquility in the face of life's ups and downs.

3. Practice cognitive distancing to manage emotions

"It's not events that upset us but our judgments about them."

Emotional regulation. Cognitive distancing is a key Stoic technique for managing emotions. It involves creating mental space between oneself and one's thoughts or emotions, allowing for a more objective evaluation of the situation. This practice helps prevent automatic emotional reactions and promotes more thoughtful responses to challenging situations.

Steps for cognitive distancing:

  1. Recognize that thoughts are not facts
  2. Observe thoughts and emotions without judgment
  3. Use language that creates distance (e.g., "I'm having the thought that..." instead of "I am...")
  4. Imagine viewing the situation from an outsider's perspective
  5. Delay reacting to allow time for rational evaluation

By mastering cognitive distancing, individuals can gain greater control over their emotional responses and maintain equanimity in the face of adversity.

4. Overcome unhealthy desires through self-discipline

"To be angry is not manly but rather a mild and gentle disposition is more manly because it is more human."

Mastering desires. Stoicism emphasizes the importance of self-discipline in overcoming unhealthy desires and cultivating virtuous behavior. This involves recognizing that true fulfillment comes from living according to reason and virtue, rather than indulging in fleeting pleasures or excessive material pursuits.

Strategies for cultivating self-discipline:

  • Practice delayed gratification
  • Regularly engage in voluntary discomfort
  • Set clear goals aligned with your values
  • Develop healthy habits through consistent practice
  • Reflect on the consequences of giving in to unhealthy desires

By mastering our desires, we can achieve greater freedom and contentment, focusing our energy on what truly matters in life.

5. Develop resilience in the face of pain and adversity

"Nothing happens to anyone that he is not fitted by Nature to bear."

Building mental toughness. Stoicism teaches that adversity is an inevitable part of life and provides tools for developing resilience. By reframing challenges as opportunities for growth and viewing pain as a natural part of the human experience, we can build mental toughness and maintain equanimity in difficult times.

Techniques for developing resilience:

  • Practice negative visualization
  • Focus on what you can control
  • Cultivate a growth mindset
  • Find meaning in adversity
  • Learn from past experiences of overcoming challenges

Developing resilience allows us to face life's difficulties with greater courage and composure, ultimately leading to personal growth and inner strength.

6. Master anger through empathy and understanding

"We ought not to act and speak as if we were asleep."

Anger management. Stoicism offers powerful strategies for managing anger by promoting empathy and understanding. By recognizing that people's actions are often driven by ignorance or misunderstanding rather than malice, we can respond to provocations with greater patience and compassion.

Approaches to mastering anger:

  • Practice cognitive reframing of triggering situations
  • Cultivate empathy by considering others' perspectives
  • Use the "pause" technique before reacting
  • Focus on rational problem-solving rather than emotional venting
  • Remember that anger often harms the angry person more than its target

By mastering anger, we can maintain better relationships, make wiser decisions, and preserve our inner peace.

7. Face death with equanimity and acceptance

"To learn how to die is to unlearn how to be a slave."

Embracing mortality. Stoicism teaches that accepting our mortality is key to living a fulfilling life. By regularly contemplating death and viewing it as a natural part of existence, we can overcome the fear that often paralyzes us and live more authentically and purposefully.

Practices for facing death:

  • Regular meditation on mortality
  • Prioritize what truly matters in life
  • Live each day as if it were your last
  • Practice gratitude for the time you have
  • Reflect on the legacy you want to leave behind

By facing death with equanimity, we can paradoxically enhance our appreciation for life and focus on what truly matters, leading to a more meaningful and purposeful existence.

Last updated:

Review Summary

4.36 out of 5
Average of 11k+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

How to Think Like a Roman Emperor receives high praise for its accessible blend of Stoic philosophy, Marcus Aurelius's biography, and modern psychology. Readers appreciate Robertson's ability to make ancient wisdom relevant to contemporary life, drawing parallels between Stoicism and cognitive behavioral therapy. The book is lauded for its practical advice on managing emotions, developing resilience, and cultivating virtue. Many find it both educational and inspirational, offering valuable insights into Stoic principles and their application in daily life. Some reviewers note its effectiveness as an introduction to Stoicism and Marcus Aurelius.

About the Author

Donald J. Robertson is a philosopher, psychotherapist, and author specializing in Stoicism and cognitive behavioral therapy. Born in Scotland, he now resides in Canada and Greece. Robertson has written several books on philosophy and psychotherapy, including "Stoicism and the Art of Happiness" and "How to Think Like a Roman Emperor." He is known for his expertise in integrating ancient Stoic wisdom with modern psychological techniques. Robertson's work aims to make Stoic philosophy accessible and applicable to contemporary life, helping readers develop emotional resilience and practical wisdom. His unique approach combines historical research, philosophical insights, and therapeutic strategies.

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