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I Can Make You Rich

I Can Make You Rich

by Paul McKenna 2017 307 pages
Self Help
10 minutes

Key Takeaways

1. Reprogram Your Mind for Wealth

You are your own money!

Wealth begins in the mind. Your thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes about money shape your financial reality. To become rich, you must first cultivate a rich mindset. This involves recognizing the value of your thoughts and reprogramming your unconscious mind for wealth.

Practical steps to reprogram your mind:

  • Identify and challenge limiting beliefs about money
  • Visualize yourself as wealthy and successful
  • Practice positive affirmations about wealth and abundance
  • Surround yourself with rich thinkers and success-oriented individuals

By consistently applying these techniques, you can rewire your brain to think like a wealthy person, opening up new opportunities and possibilities for financial success.

2. Transform Your Relationship with Money

Whatever meaning you are attaching to money is either drawing it closer or pushing it away.

Examine your money beliefs. Our relationship with money is often shaped by childhood experiences and societal conditioning. To transform this relationship, start by uncovering your unconscious beliefs about wealth.

Steps to transform your money relationship:

  • Reflect on your earliest memories of money
  • Identify any negative associations or fears around wealth
  • Challenge and reframe limiting beliefs
  • Develop a positive, abundant mindset towards money

By shifting your perspective on money from a source of stress or evil to a tool for creating value and living a rich life, you can attract more wealth and opportunities into your life.

3. Reset Your Wealth Thermostat

The only way to permanently change the temperature in the room is to reprogram the thermostat.

Understand your financial comfort zone. Just like a thermostat regulates room temperature, we all have an internal "wealth thermostat" that determines our financial comfort level. To increase your wealth, you must reset this thermostat to a higher level.

Techniques to reset your wealth thermostat:

  • Identify your current financial comfort zone
  • Gradually expose yourself to higher levels of wealth
  • Practice visualizing and feeling comfortable with larger sums of money
  • Celebrate financial wins, no matter how small

As you consistently push your boundaries and become comfortable with higher levels of wealth, your unconscious mind will naturally seek out ways to maintain and increase your new financial status quo.

4. Overcome Emotional Spending

Diets don't work!

Address the root causes of overspending. Emotional spending often stems from deeper psychological needs or unresolved issues. By understanding and addressing these underlying factors, you can take control of your spending habits and build wealth more effectively.

Strategies to overcome emotional spending:

  • Identify your emotional triggers for spending
  • Develop alternative coping mechanisms for stress or negative emotions
  • Create a prioritized spending plan (A, B, C lists)
  • Practice mindful spending by questioning each purchase

Remember, the goal is not to deprive yourself but to make conscious, value-aligned choices about how you use your money. By breaking the cycle of emotional spending, you free up resources to invest in your future and build lasting wealth.

5. Tap into the Flow of Wealth

If you treat money like a drug, you are likely to become an addict.

Cultivate a balanced approach to wealth. The flow state, or "being in the zone," is a powerful mindset for creating wealth. It involves finding the sweet spot between fear of loss and greed for gain, allowing you to make clear, rational decisions about money.

Techniques to tap into the flow of wealth:

  • Practice mindfulness and presence in your financial decisions
  • Develop a healthy detachment from money outcomes
  • Focus on adding value rather than solely on monetary gain
  • Regularly enter flow states through activities you enjoy

By learning to operate from this balanced state, you can make better financial decisions, seize opportunities more effectively, and create wealth with greater ease and less stress.

6. Create a Rich Vision for Your Future

If you could only succeed, what would you go for?

Define your personal vision of wealth. A clear, compelling vision of your ideal future is essential for sustained motivation and success. This vision should encompass not just financial goals, but also your values and desired lifestyle.

Steps to create your rich vision:

  • Imagine your ideal life 5-10 years from now in vivid detail
  • Write down specific goals in key life areas (career, relationships, health, etc.)
  • Identify the core values driving your vision
  • Create a vision board or written statement to reinforce your goals

Regularly revisiting and refining your vision keeps you focused and motivated, helping you make decisions aligned with your long-term goals and values.

7. Master the Art of Making Money

Money is one of the rewards you get for adding value to the lives of others.

Focus on creating value. The key to sustainable wealth is understanding that money is a byproduct of adding value to others' lives. By shifting your focus from simply making money to creating genuine value, you unlock limitless potential for wealth creation.

Strategies for creating value and making money:

  • Identify your unique skills and passions
  • Look for problems you can solve or needs you can fill
  • Develop products or services that address these needs
  • Continuously improve and innovate to stay relevant

Remember, the more people you can impact positively and the more significant that impact, the greater your potential for wealth creation becomes.

8. Assemble Your Wealth Team

Every worthwhile accomplishment is the result of a team effort!

Leverage collective expertise. Building wealth is not a solo endeavor. By assembling a team of skilled professionals and supportive individuals, you can accelerate your journey to riches and overcome obstacles more easily.

Key members of your wealth team may include:

  • Mentors and advisors
  • Financial professionals (accountants, lawyers, etc.)
  • Supportive friends and family
  • Collaborators and business partners

Actively cultivate relationships with people who can contribute to your success, and be willing to add value to their lives in return. A strong wealth team provides support, guidance, and opportunities that can dramatically accelerate your financial growth.

9. Follow a Proven Formula for Success

Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision.

Implement a systematic approach to wealth creation. Successful entrepreneurs follow a common formula that can be applied to any business or wealth-creation endeavor. By understanding and implementing this formula, you increase your chances of success.

The six-step formula for success:

  1. Choose something you're passionate about
  2. Identify where you can add unique value
  3. Vividly imagine every detail of your business
  4. Evaluate and take calculated risks
  5. Take massive action
  6. Learn from setbacks and persist towards your goals

By following this proven formula and adapting it to your specific situation, you can create a roadmap for turning your ideas into successful, wealth-generating ventures.

10. Develop a Simple Yet Powerful Business Plan

Measure twice—cut once.

Clarify your business vision and strategy. A well-crafted business plan serves as a roadmap for your success, helping you clarify your goals, identify potential obstacles, and develop strategies for overcoming them.

Key components of an effective business plan:

  • Purpose, values, and vision
  • Current reality assessment
  • One-year outcomes
  • Core strategies
  • Detailed action plan

Regularly review and update your plan to ensure it remains relevant and aligned with your evolving goals and market conditions. A clear, concise plan keeps you focused and helps you communicate your vision to potential investors, partners, and team members.

11. Master the Three Skills That Lead to Riches

Everyone lives by selling something.

Develop essential wealth-creation skills. Three core skills are crucial for turning your ideas and efforts into tangible wealth: networking, marketing, and selling. By mastering these skills, you can effectively communicate your value to the world and turn that value into financial success.

The three essential skills:

  1. Networking: Building and nurturing valuable relationships
  2. Marketing: Effectively communicating your story and value proposition
  3. Selling: Persuading others to invest in your offerings

Practice and refine these skills continuously. Remember, success in wealth creation often comes down to your ability to connect with others, share your vision, and persuade them to support or invest in your ideas.

12. Live Rich in Every Aspect of Life

Being rich is living your life on your own terms—according to your possibilities, not your limitations.

Embrace a holistic view of wealth. True richness extends beyond mere financial abundance. It encompasses living a life of purpose, fulfillment, and positive impact on the world around you.

Key aspects of living a rich life:

  • Cultivating rich relationships and experiences
  • Pursuing personal growth and learning
  • Contributing to causes larger than yourself
  • Maintaining balance and wellbeing

Remember that the ultimate goal of wealth creation is not just accumulating money, but creating a life of freedom, meaning, and positive impact. By focusing on living rich in all aspects of life, you'll not only achieve greater financial success but also experience deeper fulfillment and happiness.

Last updated:

Review Summary

3.74 out of 5
Average of 100+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

"I Can Make You Rich" receives mixed reviews, with an average rating of 3.74/5. Many readers find it inspirational and appreciate its focus on holistic wealth beyond money. The book's hypnosis techniques and mindset shifts are praised by some, while others find them ineffective. Positive reviews highlight the book's ability to change perspectives on wealth and provide practical advice. Critics argue it lacks originality and relies too heavily on hypnosis. Some readers report feeling richer after reading, while others see no financial improvement.

About the Author

Paul McKenna is a renowned English hypnotist and self-improvement author. He has gained popularity through his books, multimedia products, and television shows focused on personal development. McKenna's work primarily revolves around hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming, weight loss, and motivation. He has hosted numerous self-improvement television programs and conducts seminars on various topics related to personal growth and success. McKenna's approach combines hypnosis techniques with practical advice to help individuals achieve their goals and improve their lives. His books and products have reached a wide audience, making him a prominent figure in the self-help industry.

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