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Python Tricks

Python Tricks

A Buffet of Awesome Python Features
by Dan Bader 2017 301 pages
Computer Science
9 minutes

Key Takeaways

1. Python's functions are first-class objects

Functions are objects—they can be assigned to variables, stored in data structures, passed to and returned from other functions.

Functions as data. In Python, functions are treated as first-class citizens, meaning they can be manipulated like any other object. This allows for powerful programming paradigms:

  • Assigning functions to variables
  • Storing functions in lists, dictionaries, or other data structures
  • Passing functions as arguments to other functions
  • Returning functions from other functions
  • Defining functions inside other functions (nested functions)

This flexibility enables advanced programming techniques like higher-order functions, closures, and functional programming patterns, making Python a versatile and expressive language for complex problem-solving.

2. Decorators enhance and modify function behavior

Decorators define reusable building blocks you can apply to a callable to modify its behavior without permanently modifying the callable itself.

Syntactic sugar for modification. Decorators provide a clean and reusable way to extend or modify the behavior of functions or classes:

  • They wrap a function, modifying its behavior without changing its source code
  • Common uses include logging, timing, access control, and caching
  • Decorators can be stacked, allowing multiple modifications to a single function
  • They promote the principle of separation of concerns, keeping code modular

Decorators are implemented using the @ syntax, making the code more readable and maintainable. They leverage Python's first-class functions and closures to provide a powerful mechanism for meta-programming.

3. *args and **kwargs enable flexible function arguments

*args and **kwargs let you write functions with a variable number of arguments in Python.

Variable argument flexibility. These special syntax elements allow functions to accept any number of positional or keyword arguments:

  • *args collects extra positional arguments into a tuple
  • **kwargs collects extra keyword arguments into a dictionary
  • They provide flexibility in function definitions, allowing for future expansion
  • Useful for creating wrapper functions or APIs with optional parameters

This feature enables the creation of more general-purpose functions and helps in writing code that can adapt to changing requirements without modifying the function signature.

4. Comprehensions provide concise syntax for creating collections

Comprehensions are just fancy syntactic sugar for a simple for-loop pattern.

Elegant collection creation. List, set, and dictionary comprehensions offer a compact way to create collections based on existing iterables:

  • They combine the creation and population of a collection in a single line
  • Often more readable and faster than equivalent for loops
  • Can include conditions for filtering elements
  • Available for lists, sets, and dictionaries


  • List comprehension: [x*2 for x in range(10) if x % 2 == 0]
  • Set comprehension: {word.lower() for word in words}
  • Dictionary comprehension: {k: v**2 for k, v in my_dict.items()}

While powerful, it's important to balance conciseness with readability, avoiding overly complex comprehensions that might obscure the code's intent.

5. Generator functions and expressions simplify iterator creation

Generators abstract away much of the boilerplate code needed when writing class-based iterators.

Effortless iteration. Generators provide a simple way to create iterators without the need for a full class implementation:

  • Use the yield keyword to produce a series of values
  • Memory-efficient, as they generate values on-the-fly
  • Can be used in for loops, list comprehensions, and other iterable contexts
  • Generator expressions offer a concise syntax for simple generators

Generator functions:

def countdown(n):
    while n > 0:
        yield n
        n -= 1

Generator expression:

squares = (x*x for x in range(10))

Generators are particularly useful for working with large datasets or infinite sequences, as they don't store all values in memory at once.

6. Dictionaries are versatile and powerful data structures

Dictionaries are the central data structure in Python.

Efficient key-value storage. Dictionaries provide fast, flexible, and feature-rich associative arrays:

  • O(1) average time complexity for key lookup, insertion, and deletion
  • Support any hashable object as keys (strings, numbers, tuples)
  • Offer methods like get() for safe key access with default values
  • Can be used to emulate switch/case statements from other languages

Advanced dictionary features:

  • OrderedDict: Remembers the order of inserted keys
  • defaultdict: Provides default values for missing keys
  • ChainMap: Searches multiple dictionaries as a single mapping

Dictionaries are fundamental to Python's implementation and are used extensively in the language itself and in many Python libraries and frameworks.

7. Effective looping techniques improve code readability

Writing C-style loops in Python is considered unpythonic.

Pythonic iteration. Python provides several idiomatic ways to loop over sequences and perform iterations:

  • Use for item in iterable instead of indexing
  • Employ enumerate() when you need both index and value
  • Utilize zip() to iterate over multiple sequences simultaneously
  • Take advantage of the itertools module for complex iterations


# Instead of:
for i in range(len(items)):
    print(i, items[i])

# Use:
for i, item in enumerate(items):
    print(i, item)

# Looping over two lists:
for name, age in zip(names, ages):
    print(f"{name} is {age} years old")

These techniques lead to more concise, readable, and efficient code, aligning with Python's philosophy of clarity and simplicity.

8. Object-oriented programming concepts optimize code organization

Abstract Base Classes (ABCs) ensure that derived classes implement particular methods from the base class.

Structured code design. Python's object-oriented features provide powerful tools for organizing and structuring code:

  • Classes encapsulate data and behavior
  • Inheritance allows for code reuse and specialization
  • Abstract Base Classes define interfaces and enforce implementation
  • Properties provide controlled access to attributes
  • Special methods (dunder methods) allow customization of object behavior

Key OOP concepts in Python:

  • Polymorphism through duck typing
  • Multiple inheritance and method resolution order (MRO)
  • Composition as an alternative to inheritance
  • Metaclasses for advanced class creation control

Effective use of OOP principles leads to more maintainable, extensible, and modular code structures.

9. Data structures in Python offer diverse functionality

If you're not looking for parallel processing support, the implementation offered by collections.deque is an excellent default choice for implementing a FIFO queue data structure in Python.

Tailored data organization. Python provides a rich set of built-in and standard library data structures to suit various needs:

  • Lists: Dynamic arrays for general-purpose sequences
  • Tuples: Immutable sequences for fixed collections
  • Sets: Unordered collections of unique elements
  • Deques: Double-ended queues for efficient insertion/deletion at both ends
  • Heapq: Priority queue implementation
  • Counter: Multiset for counting hashable objects

Choosing the right data structure can significantly impact the performance and clarity of your code. Consider factors like:

  • Required operations (e.g., frequent insertions, deletions, lookups)
  • Memory usage
  • Thread safety requirements
  • Need for ordering or sorting

Understanding the characteristics and trade-offs of different data structures enables more efficient and elegant solutions to programming problems.

10. Efficient string formatting enhances code clarity

If your format strings are user-supplied, use Template Strings to avoid security issues. Otherwise, use Literal String Interpolation if you're on Python 3.6+, and "New Style" String Formatting if you're not.

Clear and secure string construction. Python offers multiple methods for string formatting, each with its own strengths:

  • %-formatting: Old-style, still widely used
  • str.format(): More readable and flexible
  • f-strings: Concise and powerful, available in Python 3.6+
  • Template strings: Safer for user-supplied formats

F-strings example:

name = "Alice"
age = 30
print(f"{name} is {age} years old")

Template strings for user input:

from string import Template
user_input = Template("Hello, $name!")

Choosing the appropriate string formatting method improves code readability, maintainability, and security, especially when dealing with user-supplied data or complex string constructions.

Last updated:

Review Summary

4.44 out of 5
Average of 1k+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

Python Tricks is highly praised for its concise yet insightful approach to intermediate and advanced Python topics. Readers appreciate its practical tips, clear explanations, and focus on best practices. Many found it helpful for filling knowledge gaps and improving coding skills. The book's conversational tone and systematic structure make it accessible and enjoyable. While some experienced developers found it less challenging, most agree it's an excellent resource for those looking to deepen their Python expertise and write more idiomatic code.

About the Author

Dan Bader is a respected Python expert and educator. He is known for his ability to explain complex programming concepts in a clear, accessible manner. Bader is the founder of Real Python, a popular online resource for Python tutorials and courses. He has extensive experience in software development and has worked with companies like Google and Microsoft. Bader's writing style is praised for being friendly and engaging, making technical content more approachable for learners. His work focuses on helping developers improve their Python skills and adopt best practices in their coding.

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