Key Takeaways
1. Embrace the Invitation: The Secret Place Unlocks Heaven's Power
I am absolutely convinced the power of heaven is unlocked on earth when we devote ourselves to the secret place of the Most High.
A Divine Invitation. The awesome God of the universe invites us into a breathing, growing relationship. This invitation is not a mere suggestion but a gateway to unlocking the power of heaven on earth. By saying "yes" to this invitation, we embark on a journey of personal, intimate, and passionate connection with the Creator.
Overcoming Obstacles. Hell, the world, and even the church can inadvertently conspire to distract us from the secret place. The world system squeezes our time and energy, while the church often focuses on busyness. However, the joy and blessedness of cultivating a secret life with God far outweigh these obstacles.
Kingdom Fruitfulness. Devoting ourselves to the secret place unlocks true kingdom fruitfulness. Like Cornelius, whose piety led to the redemption of nations, our passionate conviction for the secret place can birth something within us that spreads to the four corners of our sphere. The call of God burning in our breast becomes uncontainable and unstoppable as we devote ourselves to intimate communion with the Lover of our soul.
2. Shut the Door: Guaranteed Access to God's Presence
Our Father is in the secret place!
Instant Intimacy. Jesus Himself provides the key to instant intimacy with the Father: the secret place. By shutting the door, we step into the immediate presence of our Father, regardless of how we feel. This act is not merely symbolic but a guaranteed way to connect with God.
Building on the Rock. Building our lives on the blessed intimacy of a secret place relationship with God is akin to building on the rock. Jesus explicitly teaches that this is one of the essential elements of a foundation that will survive the harshest storms of life. Those who hear this word and do it will not only enjoy intimacy with the Father on a daily basis but will also be equipped to sustain the greatest storms.
The Power of Knowledge. When we know we are in the immediate presence of our Father, our spirit and soul often respond to that knowledge with heartfelt connectedness. The knowledge of this truth sets our spirit free to soar. The secret is simple: shut your door.
3. Listen First: Hearing God's Voice Changes Everything
The word “hear” is the most important word in the Bible!
The Primacy of Hearing. Everything in the kingdom depends on whether or not we hear the word of God. The most important treasures in the kingdom are predicated upon the necessity of hearing God. Hearing God's voice has become the singular quest of the heart, the sole pursuit that alone satisfies the great longings.
The Power of Silence. A prayer life comprised mostly of silence is advocated. It's a great delight to talk to God, but it's even more thrilling when He talks to us. Things don't change when we talk to God; things change when God talks to us. The power of prayer is found, not in convincing God of our agenda, but in waiting upon Him to hear His agenda.
Positioning Ourselves to Hear. Most days we come away with unfulfilled longings, but then along comes one of those days when heaven leans over and God speaks a word directly to the heart. The role in the secret place is to listen for anything God might want to speak. It is so important to put oneself in a posture of listening.
4. Radical Obedience: The Proof of Love and Key to Kingdom Fruitfulness
Obedience unlocks eternally abundant life.
Hearing and Doing. Hearing God in the secret place is one of the greatest keys to the overcoming Christian life, but it must be linked with its corollary: radical obedience. Obedience involves listening attentively with a heart of compliant submission and, then, obeying His word. Devotion to the secret place is the saint’s first great act of obedience.
The Will of God. The will of God is for people to sit at Jesus’ feet and hear His word. Until this responsibility is attended to first, there will be constant frustration in the inability to uncover the joys of radical obedience. Works of service gain their spiritual energy from the furnace of a fiery love relationship at Jesus’ feet.
Benefits of Obedience. The benefits of hearing His word and doing it are profound:
- Obedience unlocks eternally abundant life.
- Obedience incurs the gaze of God.
- Obedience produces greater intimacy.
- Obedience builds unshakable foundations.
5. Rapid Repentance: Cleansing the Vessel for Intimate Communion
Become a good repenter.
Constant Calibration. Prayer is the constant calibration of the soul. It is a lifestyle of stopping and taking candid spiritual inventory. The devout is constantly testing himself for spiritual fervor, alertness, faithfulness, purity, love, obedience, growth in grace, etc.
Repentance from Iniquities. Repenting from sins like lying, fornication, stealing, cursing, pornography, hatred, drunkenness, or not tithing is not enough. We must repent from our iniquities, the hidden faults that we don’t see, the wicked residue of our fallen nature that discolors the fabric of our thoughts, motives, feelings, responses, and desires.
The Fire of Revelation. As you are in the secret place and meditating in the word, God will use the fire of circumstances mixed with the fire of His word to reveal your hidden faults to you. As you gaze upon His perfection and beauty, you will suddenly see yourself in a whole new light. Repentance becomes the opportunity to turn from things that have been hindering love, and as such, repentance becomes the catalyst for a greater and more profound intimacy than we’ve known to this point with God.
6. Sow to the Spirit: Time in the Secret Place Yields Eternal Life
It is impossible to sow to the Spirit without reaping a corresponding harvest.
The Law of Sowing and Reaping. When you sow to the Spirit by giving dedicated time to the secret place, you will eventually reap life in the Spirit. It is impossible to sow to the Spirit without reaping a corresponding harvest. This applies equally to the grace of giving financially and the grace of seeking God in listening meditation.
Overcoming Discouragement. It's very tempting, in times of seeming powerlessness, to just move on to something else. However, if you continue to sow, one day you will reap. Take your focus off your current frustrations and assert your confidence in God’s word that a harvest will come your way, in time, if you persevere.
Eternal Investment. Every moment you spend in the secret place is an investment into eternal realities. God makes note of your labors and considers how He will honor your devotion. Seeds are being planted in your heart that will bring forth a harvest in your own heart if you continue to persevere in faith and love.
7. The Secret Place: A Refuge in the Storm
There is a place where God hides His beloved—in the sanctuary of His presence.
A Shelter from the Storm. There is a place of refuge from the storms of life, the secret place. God's abode is a sanctuary for the war-weary soldier, a place of immunity from the poachings of the enemy. Even when isolated, a political fugitive hiding in the wilderness, the secret place can be a shelter from the swirl of emotions and troubles that constantly bombard the soul.
The Eye of the Storm. The secret place is like the eye of a storm. While all is storming about us, we find an inner sanctuary of rest and peace. There's something of a paradox here because we are experiencing both storm and peace simultaneously.
Sovereign Jurisdiction. While the place of prayer is a place of immunity, it is also one of Satan’s favorite places to attack the devout. However, when attacked in the place of prayer, the Father is exercising sovereign jurisdiction over the entire affair. Nothing can happen to you in the secret place that He doesn’t specifically allow for His higher purposes.
8. Decision Making: Guided by Intimacy, Not Circumstances
Intimacy precedes insight.
Seeking God's Guidance. When facing major decisions, Jesus set an example by going to the secret place. Your "Abba" Father loves you so much, He is deeply interested in every affair of your life and longs to be included in your every decision-making process.
Drawing Near. The Lord is saying, "I don’t want to guide you from a distance. I don’t want to have to put a bit in your mouth and jerk you around in order to get your attention and get you on course. I want you to draw close to Me—scootch up close to My heart—and allow Me to direct your life from a place of intimacy and communion."
Looking Upward. The Lord doesn’t want us getting our direction from looking outward but from looking upward. He wants us receiving life direction by beholding His beauty, enjoying His majesty and splendor, and then being guided by the gaze of His eye. Intimacy precedes insight. Passion precedes purpose. First comes the secret place, then comes divine guidance.
9. No Plan B: God Alone as Deliverer
A god is defined as this: anything to which we ascribe the power to deliver us.
Singular Focus. One of the greatest secrets to intimacy with God is to come to Him as your only source of help and hope. He loves it when you look to Him alone for deliverance. His jealousy is kindled when we entertain other saviors.
False Gods. Westerners have their own set of false gods—sources to which they turn for deliverance when in times of crisis or need, such as money, health insurance, medical treatment, social security, retirement plans, credit cards, drugs/alcohol, pleasure, sex, friends, counselors, lawsuits, and filing bankruptcy.
The God Zone. Occasionally, the Spirit will say to you, "In this instance, I want you to wait on Me only and stand in faith until I intervene sovereignly in your situation." When God gives you this word, then fasten your seatbelt! You are in for the ride of your life. You are stepping into the God zone. Here we find the stuff of miracles.
10. Burning Hearts: Ignited by Fiery Zeal
It’s the secret place that lights our fire, that sets us burning.
A White-Hot Zeal. The secret place lights our fire, that sets us burning. I’m talking about a white-hot, fiery zeal for the face of Jesus and for the concerns of His kingdom. Jesus came to kindle a fire on earth by which He intended to set us ablaze with His very own passions and desires.
The Fire of God's Word. God’s word is a fire, and His presence is totally engulfed in fire. When you approach God, you are drawing near to the great blazing inferno of the ages. To be set on fire, you must get close to God.
The Burning One. Invite the Burning One, the Holy Spirit, to ignite the eternal flame of His fiery jealousy in your life. The agenda of this yearning jealousy is that Christ’s bride might be set ablaze with an exclusive and fiery passion for her Beloved. Ask the Holy Spirit to let His burning jealousy have its consuming way in your life, until every competing affection and false god is completely burned away and until one raging, all-consuming passion fills your entire being—love for the altogether Lovely One, the Man Christ Jesus!
11. Spiritual Violence: Earnest Faith Seeks God Earnestly
The kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.
Intensity of Pursuit. The term “spiritual violence” captures the intensity with which the last days’ generation will pursue God. They will seek God with their entire being, denying themselves and throwing off all entangling sins, in order to run the race with passion, purity, and perseverance.
Violence in the Secret Place. Spiritual violence begins in the secret place. It all starts with how you apply yourself to the disciplines of prayer—adoration, gazing, fasting, reading, study, meditation, listening, absorption of truth. One of the most violent things you’ll ever do is wrestle down all the competing elements in your calendar and consistently carve out the time to shut yourself into the secret place.
Fasting and Spiritual Violence. God has given us one discipline which is an extraordinary gift, a powerful tool providentially designed by God to intensify the violence of our pursuit, fasting. Fasting, when combined with prayer, is one of the most direct and efficient ways to accelerate the pace of your race, especially if you’re feeling a little sluggish in your spirit.
12. Humility: The Foundation of All Prayer
Humility is the foundation of all prayer.
Empty Without Him. Humility says, "Lord, I am empty without Your fullness; I am broken without Your wholeness; I am helpless without Your strength; I am clueless without your wisdom. Apart from You I am nothing. I need You! I need You so desperately that I am pouring myself out to You here in the secret place."
Prideful Independence. Prayerlessness is the first sign of prideful independence. We begin to trim back on our secret time with God when we’re feeling great about ourselves, energetic and optimistic about our future, and confident about the path we’re taking. It’s the first sign that we’re getting full of ourselves.
Surrendering Greatness. Once you see His greatness and your bankruptcy, there comes great joy in humbling yourself before the Lord. He dignifies us that we might have something to lay before Him in humility and devotion. God dignifies us so that we might enjoy the highest privilege of casting it all at His feet.
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Review Summary
Secrets of the Secret Place receives high praise for its profound insights on deepening one's relationship with God. Readers appreciate its practical advice, inspirational tone, and emphasis on devotional life. Some find certain theological interpretations controversial, particularly regarding the "bridal paradigm." The book is recommended for mature Christians seeking to enhance their prayer life and intimacy with God. Many readers describe it as life-changing and return to it repeatedly. Some criticism exists regarding extreme language and lack of balance in certain areas.