Key Takeaways
1. Use Your Senses to Their Full Power
When you touch those feathers, you understand them on a much deeper level.
Sensory Input. Geniuses maximize their sensory input to enhance understanding and learning. Sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste provide different channels for experiencing the world. Engaging multiple senses creates richer, more memorable experiences.
- Helen Keller, deaf and blind, learned to connect words with physical sensations.
- Ben Underwood, who lost his eyesight, developed echolocation to navigate the world.
Sensory Deprivation. By focusing on senses that are often neglected, one can enhance their overall perception. This can be achieved by temporarily neglecting the dominant sense, such as vision, to heighten the others.
Sensory Variety. To keep senses strong, they need stimulation and variety. This can be achieved by exercising weak and neglected senses, and by neglecting the most dominant sense.
2. Cultivate a Deep Curiosity of the World
There is a deep need to know rising up from inside that can never be quenched.
Insatiable Curiosity. Geniuses possess an insatiable curiosity that drives them to explore and understand the world around them. This curiosity fuels their determination to solve difficult problems and uncover new knowledge.
- Amar Bose attributed his breakthroughs to his insatiable curiosity.
- Norbert Wiener, Bose’s mentor, also credited his curiosity for his accomplishments.
Curiosity as Motivation. Curiosity is a powerful motivator for learning and discovery. It transforms work into play, making the pursuit of knowledge an enjoyable and rewarding experience.
Curiosity Loop. Curiosity leads to learning, and learning, in turn, sparks further curiosity. This positive feedback loop drives continuous growth and intellectual development.
3. Adapt to Changes in the Environment
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.
Adaptability is Key. Adaptability is a crucial form of intelligence that enables individuals to thrive in ever-changing environments. Those who resist change are more likely to be left behind.
- Charles Darwin emphasized the importance of adaptability for survival.
- Bruce Lee advocated for being "shapeless, formless, like water" to adapt to any situation.
Dynamic Systems. Most systems are dynamic, meaning they are constantly changing. Paying attention to subtle changes and adjusting accordingly is essential for success.
Adaptive Mindset. To cultivate adaptability, one must realize that almost everything is in a state of change, pay attention to change, and condition oneself to adapt.
4. Pursue a High Level of Challenge
Doing something easy will feel dull and pointless, whereas doing something challenging awakens the inner-genius.
Embrace Difficulty. Geniuses are not easily satisfied and actively seek out challenging problems. They understand that intellectual growth comes from pushing their abilities to the limit.
- Elon Musk aims to take humans to Mars by 2024.
- Akrit Jaswal plans to find the cure for cancer.
Challenge as a Drug. Working on tough problems can become addictive to the genius mind. They require tougher and tougher problems to work on, to feel that they are making true progress.
Growth Through Struggle. By setting ambitious goals and persevering through difficulties, individuals can expand their abilities and achieve extraordinary results.
5. Turn Your Vision into a Reality
All of our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.
Visionary Thinking. Geniuses possess a clear vision of what they want to accomplish and are unwavering in their commitment to making it a reality. They see the completed project in their mind's eye and are driven to share it with the world.
- Steve Jobs had a vision for products that would change how people received information and sought entertainment.
- Walt Disney had a vision of Disney World, seeing the joy and laughter of families visiting from around the world.
Unwavering Commitment. Turning a vision into a reality requires dedication, resources, and expertise. Geniuses are willing to overcome obstacles and make sacrifices to bring their ideas to life.
Mastery and Intuition. Visions often arise from deep experience and intuitive understanding. By gaining mastery in a field, individuals can develop the insights needed to create groundbreaking innovations.
6. Embrace Your Uniqueness
Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.
Unconventional Thinking. Geniuses tend to disregard social conventions and approach problems in their own unique ways. They are not afraid to be different and may even find pleasure in being seen as such.
- Buckminster Fuller experimented with polyphasic sleep.
- Albert Einstein did not wear socks.
Seeing Beyond the Norm. A brilliant mind may see options that others have not considered. This ability to think outside the box is essential for making breakthroughs.
Uniqueness as a Byproduct. Brilliant people don't usually make it a goal in itself to be unique. Instead, they have other more important goals, and in order for them to make the most progress, they end up doing things that are much different from the norm.
7. Operate at the Highest Standards; Strive for Perfection
If you’re going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don’t even start.
Uncompromising Standards. Geniuses place high demands on themselves and are committed to doing their best work. They consider it unacceptable to fall short of their own expectations.
- Nikola Tesla worked every day from 10:30 a.m. to 5:00 a.m.
- Prince demanded the best from his production manager, pushing him to exhaust every possibility.
Commitment to Excellence. To produce a genius-level work requires care, effort, and investment of time and money. It doesn’t happen by accident.
Greatness Attracts Greatness. When you commit to working at the highest standards, you will begin to attract other brilliant minds.
8. Persevere in the Face of Obstacles; Don’t Give Up
In the case of information loss and black holes, it was 29 years.
Resilience and Determination. Geniuses refuse to quit, no matter the obstacles they face. They possess an unwavering determination to overcome challenges and make progress, even in the face of adversity.
- Stephen Hawking continued to work as a theoretical physicist despite being diagnosed with ALS.
- Bobby Fischer learned Russian to access the best chess resources.
Obstacles as Opportunities. Brilliant minds understand that the benefits of obstacles and hardships are too great to ignore. They are not worried about obstacles. In fact, they look forward to them.
Focus on Progress. Instead of dwelling on the difficulty of obstacles, geniuses focus on finding ways to overcome them. They are determined to show that it can be done.
9. Put in the Work
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
Effort and Dedication. A brilliant mind is not enough; geniuses are also willing to put in the hard work necessary to bring their ideas to life. They invest great amounts of time in their understanding of the field.
- Nikola Tesla worked every day from 10:30 a.m. to 5:00 a.m.
- Thomas Edison owned 2,332 patents.
Beyond Showing Up. Geniuses do not simply go through the motions; they break new ground and make new discoveries. This requires a much more advanced level of work than most people are willing to commit to.
Motivation and Commitment. To make great progress at anything will require putting in the work. It isn’t sufficient just to have the genius mindset alone.
10. Take Initiative in Learning New Things
They are passive from the very beginning, and one must be very aggressive intellectually to have a high IQ.
Self-Directed Learning. Geniuses take command of their own learning and are not solely dependent on formal instruction. They actively seek out new knowledge and are driven by their own curiosity.
- Michael Faraday took the initiative in reading scientific books and taking detailed notes of professor’s lectures.
- Isaac Newton learned and excelled at science despite his upbringing.
Beyond the Curriculum. By taking initiative, individuals can learn beyond the limits imposed by their educational system and explore their own areas of interest.
Active Engagement. Being active in your learning pursuits will help avoid this problem. You will have chosen that you want to learn something, and you will know exactly why.
11. Build a Solid Foundation of Knowledge
If you go and talk to most people, they mean well but they don't have much of a breadth on education, of knowledge of understanding what the real issues are.
Broad Understanding. A solid foundation of knowledge is essential for nurturing the genius mind. This involves gaining a broad understanding of a variety of fields, including history, philosophy, mathematics, art, and science.
- John Stuart Mill was learning Greek at three years old, and Latin at eight years old.
- Ben Carson went from being one of the worst students to one of the best by reading books.
Connecting Ideas. Having a solid foundation enables individuals to make connections between different topics and see patterns that others may miss.
Continuous Learning. It is never too late to start building a foundation. By learning from a broad range of resources and focusing on topics that interrelate with many others, individuals can expand their knowledge and understanding.
12. Gain a Depth of Knowledge
A man cannot understand the art he is studying if he only looks for the end result without taking the time to delve deeply into the reasoning of the study.
Mastery and Expertise. Geniuses pursue a depth of knowledge in their chosen field, striving to become masters of their domain. They seek to understand their area of expertise better than anyone else.
- Leonardo da Vinci dissected human cadavers to gain a deeper understanding of the human body.
- Albert Einstein focused on problems dealing with time, the speed of light, and relativity.
Deeper Understanding. Learning deeply is the essence of where true genius ability comes from. Brilliant minds tend to become fascinated with a topic, and this fascination makes them want to know everything they can about the area.
Leadership and Innovation. Acquiring a deeper knowledge helps individuals position themselves as leaders in their field and make groundbreaking advances.
13. Take Detailed Notes
Cheap paper is less perishable than gray matter, and lead pencil markings endure longer than memory.
Documentation and Reflection. Taking detailed notes is a common practice among geniuses. It allows them to record important information, examine it later, and think about it more thoroughly.
- Victor Hugo carried little notebooks everywhere he went, writing down virtually everything he said and heard.
- Jack London traveled with a notebook, jotting down every stray thought that fluttered up into his brain.
Progress and Growth. Taking notes on what works, what doesn’t work, and unexpected results is a good start toward making progress.
Variety of Methods. There are many different forms of notetaking, including written notes, concept maps, timelines, outlines, drawings or sketches, and diagrams.
14. Take the Path of Great Masters
There is scarcely a famous master in music whose works I have not frequently and diligently studied.
Learning from Experts. Geniuses seek out and learn from great masters in their field. They understand that masters have already proven themselves and can provide valuable guidance.
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart had a father who was a talented composer and musician.
- The Beatles were influenced by Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley, and Little Richard.
Access to Resources. The master, of course, is much more likely to have access to the relevant resources than a complete novice would.
Mimicry and Emulation. An excellent way to learn can be through mimicry, or by emulating the master. As a form of practice, it will be helpful to learn to do as the master does, very closely, perhaps even identically.
15. Value the Classics and Use Them to Explore Great Minds
Classics are books which, the more we think we know them through hearsay, the more original, unexpected, and innovative we find them when we actually read them.
Timeless Wisdom. Classics are works that have stood the test of time and offer valuable insights into the human condition. They provide access to the minds of great thinkers throughout history.
- The Republic by Plato is one of the world’s most influential works of philosophy and political theory.
- Sun Tzu’s The Art of War is a classical work on military strategy.
New Perspectives. The classics can show you a different way of thinking, or a different process from the norm, which can help spark new ideas.
Direct Experience. With classical works you are able to experience the highest level of quality from ages past. You get to enter into a time portal and visit and experience the best work from the greatest masters throughout history.
16. Pursue Experiences that Offer the Greatest Learning
Generally speaking, now is as good a time as any.
Learning Through Action. Geniuses actively seek out experiences that offer the greatest learning opportunities. They are willing to take risks and step outside their comfort zones to expand their knowledge.
- Albert Einstein worked as a patent clerk to have time to focus on physics.
- Leonardo da Vinci dissected human cadavers to understand the human body.
Prioritizing Learning. When given the option, brilliant minds will tend to go for the one where they can learn the most. Even if there is fear, anxiety, or uncertainty in their abilities, they will tend to pursue the path that offers the most learning.
Opportunistic Mindset. Generally, have an opportunistic and open mindset. If an acquaintance mentions that she is enrolling in a pottery course, offer to join her.
17. Build Connections
Realize that everything connects to everything else.
Interconnectedness. Geniuses recognize the interconnectedness of all things. They seek to understand how different fields relate to one another and are able to make connections that others may miss.
- Leonardo da Vinci studied invention, painting, sculpture, architecture, science, music, mathematics, engineering, literature, anatomy, geology, astronomy, botany, writing, history, poetry, and cartography.
- Christopher Langan has connected many different areas with his Cognitive Theoretic Model of the Universe.
Creative Breakthroughs. Challenging yourself to make connections between different fields can help improve your creative ability.
Holistic Understanding. If you were to focus on understanding how everything interconnects, even seemingly unconnected areas, you could learn about a variety of topics at depth, all at once.
18. Question and Test Your Assumptions
If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted as true is really true, there would be little hope of advance.
Critical Thinking. Geniuses do not blindly accept information; they question assumptions and test them rigorously. They understand that progress comes from challenging conventional wisdom.
- Orville Wright emphasized the importance of questioning accepted truths.
- Bertrand Russell was a proponent of logical analysis and critical thinking.
Avoiding Faulty Assumptions. By questioning assumptions, individuals can avoid wasting time and losing productivity.
Source Verification. Stop and ask yourself where your information is coming from. This may be an interesting point to use your author, myself, as an example.
19. Look at Problems and Situations Objectively
Genius is simply the completest objectivity, i.e., the objective tendency of the mind….
Detached Observation. To be objective means to look at situations as a detached observer. It means to remove the want or the need to get a specific result.
- Arthur Schopenhauer emphasized the importance of renouncing one’s own personality to gain a clear vision of the world.
- 50 Cent found it even more important to remain objective as he rose to stardom in the hip hop world.
Comprehensive Understanding. The objective person will be in a much better position to make the best overall decisions.
Cognitive Biases. You may have heard about cognitive biases. They are thinking errors that people often make.
20. Simplify; Take the Complex and Boil it Down to its Essence
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.
Clarity and Conciseness. Geniuses are able to take complex ideas and simplify them without sacrificing accuracy. They understand that clear communication is essential for understanding and progress.
- Albert Einstein believed that if you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself.
- Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I have a dream” speech was effective because it was stated directly, in a simple way everyone could understand.
Effective Communication. The ability to make things simple can help you prove to yourself that you truly understand something.
Broader Reach. When you get used to describing things in a simple way that most people would understand, you will allow yourself to reach the biggest audience that you can.
21. Define Problems Clearly
There’s no sense in being precise when you don’t even know what you’re talking about.
Problem Definition. Having a very clear grasp of a problem is what you need in order to solve it effectively.
- John von Neumann emphasized the importance of precision in understanding.
- Albert Einstein said he would spend 55 minutes to understand and formulate the problem, and 5 minutes to come up with ideas/execute the solution.
Strategic Approach. By defining problems you can save yourself time and be more effective at solving it.
Operational Definitions. Creating an operational definition means to define an exact process.
22. Consider the Big Picture and the Overall Patterns
It is a basic human desire. And it also puts our worries in perspective.
Holistic Perspective. Geniuses understand the importance of seeing the big picture and recognizing overall patterns. They are able to connect details to a larger context and gain a more comprehensive understanding.
- Carl Sagan looked at the Earth from the perspective of the vast cosmos.
- Charles Darwin developed his theory of evolution by observing patterns in nature.
General Understanding. The benefit of understanding the big picture is that you will have a good general understanding of your subject area.
Cosmic Calendar. The calendar shows that the big bang happened January 1st, forming the beginning of the universe.
23. Pay Attention to Anomalies, to Unexpected Events that Seem Accidental
If there is an exception to any rule, and if it can be proved by observation, that rule is wrong.
Unusual Occurrences. An anomaly is something that does not fit the normal or expected pattern.
- Richard Feynman emphasized the importance of exceptions in scientific discovery.
- Alexander Fleming discovered the benefits of penicillin by noticing mold contaminating his bacteria cultures.
Breakthrough Discoveries. Being alert and aware of anomalies can help position us to make great discoveries.
Open-Mindedness. We must avoid becoming closed off to outside possibilities, and avoid becoming fixated on just one outcome.
24. Calculate and Analyze
The general who wins the battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought.
Strategic Planning. Those who analyze more deeply will win.
- Sun Tzu emphasized the importance of calculation and planning in warfare.
- Bobby Fischer was known for his analytical abilities in chess.
Mental Stamina. Calculating, by nature, requires mental work and effort.
Physical Training. You may choose to train physically to help keep your mental stamina up.
25. Think in Terms of Analogies
Growth comes through analogy, through seeing how things connect, rather than only seeing how they might be different.
Comparative Thinking. An analogy is simply a comparison between two things that are alike in some way.
- Albert Einstein used an analogy to help explain a difficult idea, relativity.
- Human bodies are like cars.
Simplified Explanations. When you need to explain something in the simplest way, for a child or for someone who works outside of your field, analogies can be one of the best ways to do so.
Unique Connections. Analogies can help you to build up unique connections, and ultimately a greater understanding.
26. Take Multiple Perspectives; There is Seldom One Right Way
It is a basic human desire. And it also puts our worries in perspective.
Perspective Shift. This principle is really about gaining a wider perspective. It is about considering multiple viewpoints, and gaining a more accurate picture of a problem or situation.
- Stephen Hawking believed everyone should have a broader picture of how the universe operates and our place in it.
- Walt Disney encouraged his animators to think from the perspective of their characters.
Deeper Understanding. When you expand your ability to see multiple viewpoints, you will also be able to deepen your understanding of humanity.
Perspective Types. One way to shift perspective is to keep in mind many different perspective types that you can take into consideration.
27. Develop Your Intuition
And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.
Developed Instinct. Intuition is a developed sense that becomes an automatic process (like an instinct).
- Steve Jobs emphasized the importance of following your heart and intuition.
- Stu “The Kid” Ungar, widely believed to be the best poker player who ever lived.
Precise Decisions. The key benefit is that you will be able to make precise decisions that lead to the best outcomes in a short time, and have great confidence in your abilities.
Expertise First. There is no simple shortcut to reach a high level of intuition. To develop it will require a great amount of work, probably over a long period, and to become an expert in a field.
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Review Summary
The Secret Principles of Genius receives mostly positive reviews, with readers praising its simplicity, practical advice, and motivational content. Many find the book's structure helpful, with clear explanations and application tips for each principle. Some readers note that the information isn't entirely novel, and a few find it repetitive or difficult to finish. Overall, reviewers appreciate the book's potential to inspire personal growth and its accessible approach to understanding genius-level thinking and problem-solving.
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