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The Wisdom of Anxiety

The Wisdom of Anxiety

How Worry and Intrusive Thoughts Are Gifts to Help You Heal
by Sheryl Paul 2019 274 pages
Self Help
Mental Health

Key Takeaways

1. Anxiety is a messenger, not an enemy

Anxiety is both the wound and the messenger, and at the core of the message is an invitation to wake up.

Shift your perspective. Anxiety is not a problem to be eliminated, but a signal that something in your life needs attention. It's an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. By approaching anxiety with curiosity rather than fear, you can uncover valuable insights about yourself and your needs.

Listen to the message. Anxiety often points to areas of your life that require healing or change. It might be highlighting unresolved past issues, current stressors, or fears about the future. By tuning in to what your anxiety is trying to tell you, you can address the root causes rather than just treating the symptoms.

Embrace the growth opportunity. Working through anxiety can lead to increased self-awareness, emotional resilience, and personal growth. It's a challenging but potentially transformative journey that can help you become more fully yourself.

2. Embrace curiosity, compassion, stillness, and gratitude

Because we live in a neck-up culture, we tend to ignore our bodies' needs — until they erupt in physical illness or anxiety.

Cultivate curiosity. Instead of immediately trying to suppress or eliminate anxious thoughts and feelings, approach them with genuine interest. Ask yourself questions like "What is this anxiety trying to tell me?" or "What underlying needs or fears might this be pointing to?"

Practice self-compassion. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would offer a good friend. Recognize that experiencing anxiety doesn't make you weak or flawed – it's a common human experience.

Create stillness. In our fast-paced, technology-driven world, make time for quiet reflection and mindfulness. This can help you tune into your inner wisdom and better understand your anxiety's messages.

  • Try daily meditation or mindfulness practices
  • Spend time in nature
  • Limit screen time and social media use

Foster gratitude. Regularly acknowledging the good in your life can help shift your focus away from anxious thoughts and toward positive experiences.

  • Keep a gratitude journal
  • Share your appreciation with others
  • Practice mindful awareness of small joys throughout your day

3. Challenge cultural myths of "normal" and happiness

The expectation of normal was likely imprinted onto you in utero as the doctor compared your growth chart to other "typically" growing fetuses.

Question the concept of "normal." Recognize that the idea of a single "normal" way of being is a relatively recent and problematic cultural construct. Embrace your unique qualities and experiences instead of trying to fit into a narrow mold.

Redefine happiness. Our culture often equates happiness with constant positivity and the absence of negative emotions. In reality, a fulfilling life includes a full range of human experiences and emotions.

  • Aim for wholeness rather than perpetual happiness
  • Recognize that challenging emotions can lead to growth and deeper understanding
  • Cultivate meaning and purpose alongside moments of joy

Embrace your authenticity. Instead of striving to meet external standards of success or happiness, focus on understanding and expressing your true self. This might involve:

  • Identifying your core values and living in alignment with them
  • Exploring your passions and interests without judgment
  • Accepting your strengths and weaknesses with compassion

4. Navigate transitions mindfully

Transitions are ruptures in the soul, when the earth of our being opens up, and through the fissure, current and old pain emerge.

Recognize transition phases. Every major life change involves three stages: letting go, the in-between or liminal phase, and rebirth. Understanding this process can help you navigate transitions more consciously and with less anxiety.

Honor the emotions of change. Transitions often bring up complex feelings, including grief, fear, excitement, and uncertainty. Allow yourself to experience and process these emotions rather than pushing them away.

  • Journal about your feelings during transitions
  • Seek support from trusted friends or a therapist
  • Create rituals to mark important life changes

Find meaning in transitions. View life changes as opportunities for growth and self-discovery. Each transition offers the chance to shed old patterns, beliefs, or identities that no longer serve you and embrace new possibilities.

5. Understand and work with intrusive thoughts

Just because you think it doesn't mean it's true.

Recognize intrusive thoughts. Intrusive thoughts are repetitive, unwanted, and often distressing thoughts that pop into your mind. Common themes include fears about harm, relationships, identity, or morality. Understanding that these thoughts are a normal part of human experience can help reduce their power over you.

Develop a new relationship with thoughts. Instead of believing every thought or trying to suppress them, practice observing your thoughts without judgment. This can help create distance between you and the thoughts, reducing their emotional impact.

  • Use mindfulness techniques to observe thoughts without attaching to them
  • Label intrusive thoughts (e.g., "That's an anxious thought")
  • Remember that thoughts are not facts or actions

Explore the underlying message. Intrusive thoughts often point to deeper emotional needs or fears. By gently exploring what's beneath the surface, you can address the root causes of anxiety rather than getting caught up in the content of the thoughts.

6. Honor all emotions, including difficult ones

Feelings are manageable; anxiety is not.

Embrace emotional literacy. Learn to identify, name, and understand the full range of human emotions. This includes "negative" emotions like sadness, anger, and fear, which are often avoided or suppressed in our culture.

Allow yourself to feel. Create space to experience your emotions fully, without judgment or the need to immediately "fix" them. This can help prevent emotions from being transformed into anxiety or other forms of distress.

  • Practice sitting with uncomfortable emotions for short periods
  • Use body-based practices like yoga or dance to connect with and express emotions
  • Journal about your feelings to increase self-awareness

Understand the wisdom of emotions. Each emotion carries important information about your needs, values, and experiences. By listening to and honoring your emotions, you can gain valuable insights and make more aligned choices in your life.

7. Nurture your four realms: body, thoughts, feelings, and soul

Our bodies are the vessels through which we receive messages and information, the temple by which we know ourselves.

Care for your body. Physical well-being is foundational to mental and emotional health. Prioritize:

  • Regular exercise
  • Balanced nutrition
  • Adequate sleep
  • Limiting stimulants like caffeine and alcohol

Cultivate mental clarity. Learn to work with your thoughts effectively:

  • Practice mindfulness and meditation
  • Challenge cognitive distortions
  • Develop critical thinking skills

Honor your emotional life. Create space for feeling and processing emotions:

  • Practice emotional awareness throughout the day
  • Express emotions through art, writing, or movement
  • Seek support when needed (therapy, support groups, trusted friends)

Nourish your soul. Connect with what brings meaning and depth to your life:

  • Engage in spiritual or contemplative practices
  • Spend time in nature
  • Pursue creative expression
  • Cultivate meaningful relationships

8. Redefine love and relationships

Love is not the absence of fear, and it's not a feeling; it's an action and a willingness to wrestle with the fear that arises every time we move toward increased intimacy and commitment with a safe and available partner.

Challenge romantic myths. Recognize that Hollywood and cultural narratives often present an unrealistic and harmful view of love. Real, lasting love involves commitment, growth, and working through challenges together.

Embrace the full spectrum of love. Understand that love encompasses a wide range of experiences and emotions, including:

  • Comfort and security
  • Passion and excitement
  • Frustration and conflict
  • Growth and learning

Cultivate love as an action. Focus on loving behaviors and choices rather than relying solely on feelings:

  • Practice active listening and empathy
  • Show appreciation and gratitude
  • Support your partner's growth and independence
  • Work through conflicts with respect and compassion

Address relationship anxiety. Recognize that doubt and fear are normal parts of intimate relationships. Learn to work with these feelings constructively rather than seeing them as signs that something is wrong.

9. Parent with awareness and acceptance

Worry is the work of parenthood.

Accept parental worry. Understand that worry is a natural part of caring deeply for your children. Instead of judging yourself for worrying, learn to work with it constructively.

  • Practice mindfulness to stay present with your worries without being overwhelmed
  • Use worry as a catalyst for taking positive action when appropriate
  • Cultivate trust in your ability to handle challenges as they arise

Attune to your child's uniqueness. Focus on seeing and supporting who your child truly is, rather than projecting your own desires or societal expectations onto them.

  • Observe your child's interests and natural inclinations
  • Provide opportunities for exploration and self-discovery
  • Celebrate your child's unique qualities and strengths

Take the long view. Remember that parenting is a journey, not a race. Avoid getting caught up in short-term anxieties or comparisons.

  • Focus on cultivating a strong, loving relationship with your child
  • Trust in your child's innate capacity for growth and learning
  • Seek support and perspective from other parents and professionals when needed

Last updated:

Review Summary

4.38 out of 5
Average of 1k+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

The Wisdom of Anxiety receives mostly positive reviews, praised for its refreshing perspective on anxiety as a messenger rather than an enemy. Readers appreciate the book's holistic approach, practical advice, and emphasis on self-compassion. Many find it transformative, helping them reframe their relationship with anxiety. Some criticize the writing style as overly fluffy or metaphorical. The book is particularly noted for its insights on relationship anxiety, parenting, and personal growth. While not universally loved, it's widely recommended for those seeking a new approach to managing anxiety.

About the Author

Sheryl Paul is a psychotherapist and author specializing in anxiety and transitions. She has written several books on these topics and offers online courses. Paul's approach combines traditional psychotherapy with spiritual and holistic methods. She emphasizes the importance of understanding anxiety as a messenger rather than a problem to be eliminated. Paul's work is influenced by Jungian psychology and focuses on helping individuals navigate life transitions, relationships, and personal growth. Her writing style is often described as compassionate and insightful, though some find it overly metaphorical. Paul's expertise in relationship anxiety and parenting is particularly noted in her work.

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