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What if Jesus Was Serious ... About Prayer?

What if Jesus Was Serious ... About Prayer?

by Skye Jethani 2021 320 pages

Key Takeaways

1. Prayer is about communion with God, not just communication

Prayer is talking with God about what we're thinking and doing together; it is co-laboring with God to accomplish the good purposes of His kingdom.

Redefining prayer. Prayer is not merely a one-way communication to God, but a deep, intimate communion with Him. It's about partnering with God in His work and inviting Him into ours. This perspective shifts prayer from a transactional activity to a transformational relationship.

Practical implications:

  • Pray throughout the day, not just at set times
  • Involve God in your decision-making and daily activities
  • Listen for God's guidance as much as you speak to Him
  • Develop an awareness of God's presence in all aspects of life

Overcoming obstacles. Many people struggle with prayer because they view it as a duty or a way to control God. By understanding prayer as communion, we can approach it with joy and expectation, knowing that we are connecting with a loving Father who desires our companionship.

2. Confession shatters our illusions and leads to reconciliation

Confession shatters this fantasy with sober self-assessment guided by our sisters and brothers and the Holy Spirit.

Breaking down barriers. Confession is not about earning God's forgiveness, but about acknowledging our true selves before Him. It dismantles the false self-image we often create and allows us to experience genuine reconciliation with God.

Elements of effective confession:

  • Honesty about our thoughts, actions, and motivations
  • Willingness to face uncomfortable truths about ourselves
  • Openness to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and trusted believers
  • Recognition of both sins of commission and omission

Embracing vulnerability. Many avoid confession out of fear or pride. However, it is through this vulnerability that we experience the depths of God's grace and love. Confession becomes a pathway to freedom and spiritual growth, rather than a burden or obligation.

3. Prayer transforms our perspective on circumstances

Rather than changing our circumstances, prayer just as often changes our vision of our circumstances.

Shifting our focus. While we often pray for God to change our situations, the real power of prayer lies in its ability to change our perception. Through communion with God, we begin to see our circumstances from His perspective, transforming challenges into opportunities for growth and faith.

Examples of transformed perspective:

  • Seeing difficulties as chances to develop character
  • Recognizing "enemies" as people in need of God's love
  • Viewing setbacks as setups for God's greater purpose

Cultivating divine vision. This transformation doesn't happen instantly but is developed through consistent prayer and meditation on God's Word. As we align our thoughts with God's, we begin to see the world through His eyes, leading to greater peace, wisdom, and effectiveness in our daily lives.

4. Authoritative prayer requires maturity and wisdom

Proper engagement with authoritative prayer requires great maturity and wisdom. It means developing an intimacy with God that produces knowledge of His will.

Understanding authority. Authoritative prayer is not about controlling God or manipulating circumstances. It's about aligning ourselves so closely with God's will that we can confidently pray in accordance with His purposes.

Key aspects of authoritative prayer:

  • Deep knowledge of Scripture and God's character
  • Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit's guidance
  • Humility and submission to God's wisdom
  • Discernment to know when to act and when to wait

Avoiding pitfalls. Misuse of authoritative prayer can lead to manipulation, false expectations, and spiritual abuse. Mature believers recognize the balance between boldness in prayer and submission to God's sovereignty, always seeking His will above their own desires.

5. Structured prayer patterns deepen our connection with God

Using the ancient offices of prayer and the church's calendar also reminds me that I cannot separate my union with God from my communion with His people.

Benefits of structure. While spontaneous prayer is valuable, structured prayer patterns provide depth, consistency, and connection to the broader Christian community. They help us pray when we don't know what to say and guide us into deeper reflection.

Examples of structured prayer:

  • The Lord's Prayer as a template
  • Liturgical prayers from various Christian traditions
  • Prayer books that follow the church calendar
  • The practice of praying the Psalms

Balancing structure and spontaneity. The goal is not rigid adherence to forms, but using them as tools to enrich our prayer life. Structured prayers can complement personal, spontaneous communication with God, providing a comprehensive approach to spiritual growth.

6. Prayer is a discipline of self-awareness and remembrance

The Prayer of Examen is a discipline to help us understand backwards. It is often practiced at night before sleep by recollecting the events of the day—activities, conversations, encounters, and emotions.

Cultivating reflection. The Prayer of Examen helps us become more aware of God's presence in our daily lives and our own responses to Him. It's a practice of looking back to move forward with greater intentionality.

Steps in the Prayer of Examen:

  1. Become aware of God's presence
  2. Review the day with gratitude
  3. Pay attention to your emotions
  4. Choose one feature of the day and pray from it
  5. Look toward tomorrow

Transformative remembrance. This practice goes beyond mere recollection. It's about bringing the power of past experiences into the present, strengthening our faith and deepening our relationship with God.

7. Solitude and silence are essential for meaningful prayer

If we don't cultivate solitude and silence, we won't have a sense of self to share with God. We won't know what's really inside us or be able to identify the fears, joys, and struggles that ought to fill our prayers.

Counterintuitive solution. In our hyper-connected world, loneliness is paradoxically increasing. The answer is not more social interaction, but intentional solitude and silence that allow us to connect deeply with ourselves and God.

Benefits of solitude and silence:

  • Self-awareness and emotional intelligence
  • Ability to hear God's still, small voice
  • Reduced anxiety and increased peace
  • Capacity for deeper relationships with others

Practical steps. Cultivate regular times of solitude by turning off devices, finding quiet spaces, and practicing silence. Start with short periods and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable with stillness.

8. Prayer changes us more than it changes our circumstances

We often pray because we want God to change our circumstances. We want Him to shake our world, open doors, and break our chains. God's purpose in prayer, however, may be different.

Transformation over transaction. While God does sometimes change our circumstances in response to prayer, His primary goal is to change us. Prayer aligns our hearts with His, transforming our character and perspective.

Areas of personal change through prayer:

  • Increased faith and trust in God
  • Greater compassion for others
  • Wisdom to navigate challenges
  • Peace that transcends understanding

Embracing the process. As we pray, we must be open to God's work in our lives, not just His work in our circumstances. This shift in expectation can lead to profound spiritual growth and a deeper relationship with God, regardless of our external situations.

Last updated:

Review Summary

4.52 out of 5
Average of 500+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

What if Jesus Was Serious ... About Prayer? receives overwhelmingly positive reviews, with readers praising its concise chapters, thought-provoking illustrations, and fresh perspective on prayer. Many found it transformative, helping them view prayer as communion with God rather than a task. Reviewers appreciated the book's accessibility for all ages and its ability to challenge both new and seasoned believers. The devotional-style format and Jethani's authentic, conversational tone were frequently highlighted as strengths. Overall, readers found the book insightful, engaging, and practical for developing a deeper prayer life.

About the Author

Skye Jethani is an accomplished author, speaker, consultant, and ordained pastor. He co-hosts the Phil Vischer Podcast, known for blending cultural and theological insights with humor. Jethani has consulted for various organizations at the intersection of faith and culture, including The Lausanne Movement and The White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. He has authored multiple books exploring faith and Christianity in contemporary contexts. Jethani's work often challenges conventional approaches to spirituality and encourages readers to reimagine their relationship with God. He lives in Wheaton, IL with his wife Amanda and their three children, balancing his career with family life.

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