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You Are the Placebo Meditation 1

You Are the Placebo Meditation 1

Changing Two Beliefs and Perceptions
by Dr. Joe Dispenza 2014
100+ ratings
Self Help

Key Takeaways

1. The placebo effect demonstrates the power of the mind to heal the body

"The placebo effect is not fantasy, then; it's quantum reality."

Mind over matter. The placebo effect shows that our thoughts and beliefs can create real physiological changes in our bodies. When people believe they are receiving an effective treatment, even if it's just a sugar pill, their bodies often respond as if they had received the actual medicine. This demonstrates the profound connection between mind and body.

Measurable changes. Studies have shown that placebos can produce effects like:

  • Increased dopamine production in Parkinson's patients
  • Changes in brain activity and neurotransmitter levels
  • Activation of the immune system
  • Pain reduction
  • Improved symptoms for conditions like depression and IBS

The placebo effect is not just psychological - it creates measurable biological changes. This reveals the potential we all have to positively influence our health through the power of thought and belief.

2. Our beliefs and perceptions shape our physical reality

"What we learn, the language that's used to define what we'll experience, and how we assign meaning to the explanations that are offered all affect our intention—and when we put greater intention behind what we're doing, we naturally get better results."

Self-fulfilling prophecies. Our beliefs and perceptions about ourselves and the world around us have a profound impact on our biology and experiences. Negative beliefs can manifest as illness or failure, while positive beliefs can lead to healing and success.

Changing our reality. By consciously examining and shifting our beliefs, we can literally change our physical reality. Some ways to do this include:

  • Challenging limiting beliefs and replacing them with empowering ones
  • Practicing gratitude and positive expectation
  • Visualizing desired outcomes
  • Assigning new meanings to past experiences
  • Changing our self-talk and internal narratives

As we change our perceptions, our brains and bodies respond accordingly. New neural pathways are formed, different genes are expressed, and we begin to create a new experience of reality aligned with our new beliefs.

3. Neuroplasticity allows us to rewire our brains through thought and experience

"We don't have to be doomed by our genes and that a change in human consciousness can produce physical changes, both in structure and function, in the human body."

The malleable brain. Neuroplasticity refers to the brain's ability to change and reorganize itself throughout our lives. Every time we learn something new or have a novel experience, new neural connections are formed. With repetition, these connections are strengthened, literally rewiring our brains.

Harnessing neuroplasticity. We can consciously direct this process to create positive changes:

  • Mental rehearsal and visualization activate the same neural circuits as physical practice
  • Meditation has been shown to increase gray matter and change brain wave patterns
  • Learning new skills at any age forms new neural pathways
  • Changing habitual thought patterns creates new neural networks

By understanding neuroplasticity, we realize that we are not fixed entities, but have the power to continually reshape our brains and thus our experience of life. With focused attention and repetition, we can create lasting changes in our mental and emotional patterns.

4. Epigenetics shows how our thoughts and environment influence gene expression

"You don't have to be doomed by your genes and that a change in human consciousness can produce physical changes, both in structure and function, in the human body."

Beyond genetic determinism. Epigenetics reveals that our genes are not our destiny. While we can't change our DNA sequence, we can influence which genes are expressed through our thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and environment. This means we have far more control over our health and well-being than previously believed.

Influencing gene expression. Factors that affect epigenetic changes include:

  • Stress levels and emotional states
  • Diet and nutrition
  • Exercise
  • Environmental toxins
  • Meditation and relaxation practices
  • Social connections and relationships

Research has shown that practices like meditation can alter the expression of genes related to inflammation, immune function, and cellular aging in as little as eight weeks. This demonstrates our ability to positively influence our biology through conscious lifestyle choices and mental states.

5. Meditation and mental rehearsal can create real biological changes

"If you can imagine a particular future event that you want to experience in your life, that reality already exists as a possibility somewhere in the quantum field—beyond this space and time—just waiting for you to observe it."

The power of the mind. Through focused meditation and mental rehearsal, we can create measurable changes in our brains and bodies. Studies have shown that visualizing an action activates many of the same neural circuits as physically performing it. This principle can be applied to create positive changes in health, performance, and well-being.

Practical applications:

  • Athletes use mental rehearsal to improve performance
  • Stroke patients visualize movement to aid recovery
  • Cancer patients imagine their immune system destroying tumors
  • Meditators alter brain structure and function through regular practice

By combining clear intention with elevated emotion during meditation, we can signal our genes to create new proteins and literally change our biology. This allows us to embody new states of being and manifest desired outcomes in our lives.

6. Entering the present moment and quantum field opens us to new possibilities

"The unknown is the only place where you can create—you cannot create anything new from the known."

Beyond space and time. When we enter a deep meditative state, we can access the quantum field of infinite possibilities. This field exists beyond our normal perception of space and time, containing all potential realities. By focusing our attention here, we open ourselves to new experiences and outcomes beyond our current reality.

Accessing the field:

  • Let go of attachment to known outcomes
  • Release thoughts of past and future
  • Focus on the space around and within you
  • Cultivate a state of open awareness without judgment
  • Allow yourself to merge with the field of consciousness

In this state of pure possibility, we can plant the seeds for new realities to manifest in our lives. We move beyond the limitations of our current identity and circumstances, becoming pure consciousness capable of influencing matter through focused intention.

7. Changing our energy through elevated emotions alters our physical state

"You are the placebo."

Emotional alchemy. By consciously cultivating elevated emotional states like gratitude, joy, and love, we change our energetic frequency. This shift in energy directly impacts our physical body, altering gene expression, neurotransmitter levels, and cellular function. We literally become a different person biologically.

Creating elevated states:

  • Practice heartfelt gratitude for desired outcomes before they manifest
  • Cultivate feelings of awe, wonder, and inspiration
  • Generate compassion and loving-kindness for self and others
  • Focus on feelings of empowerment, freedom, and limitless potential

As we embody these elevated states, our body begins to experience our imagined future in the present moment. This creates a powerful feedback loop, priming our biology and our reality to align with our new energetic state.

8. We can become our own placebo by embodying a new state of being

"You are the placebo."

Being the change. Rather than relying on external placebos, we can become our own placebo by fully embodying the state of being we desire. This involves mentally, emotionally, and physiologically experiencing our desired reality as if it has already happened.

Steps to embodiment:

  1. Clearly define your desired state of being
  2. Use meditation to enter an altered, suggestible state
  3. Vividly imagine and feel yourself in that new reality
  4. Generate elevated emotions associated with the outcome
  5. Practice daily to strengthen the new neural pathways
  6. Act as if you are already that new version of yourself

By consistently aligning our thoughts, feelings, and actions with our desired state of being, we signal our genes to create a new biological reality. We become the placebo, catalyzing our own healing and transformation from within.

9. Coherent brain states increase our suggestibility and ability to change

"The more suggestible you are, the better able you are to gain access to your subconscious mind."

Accessing the subconscious. Certain brain states, particularly alpha and theta waves, allow us to bypass the analytical mind and access the subconscious. In these states, we become more suggestible and open to change. Meditation and other practices can help induce these coherent brain states.

Characteristics of coherent states:

  • Reduced analytical thinking
  • Increased whole-brain synchronization
  • Enhanced mind-body communication
  • Greater access to subconscious programs
  • Heightened suggestibility to new information

By regularly entering these coherent states, we can more easily reprogram limiting beliefs, install new habits, and create lasting changes in our neurobiology. This increased suggestibility allows us to become our own placebo more effectively.

10. Overcoming the analytical mind allows access to the subconscious

"Only when a person accepts, believes, and surrenders to a suggestion does the door between the conscious and subconscious minds open."

Beyond the critical factor. Our analytical mind often acts as a barrier to change, filtering out new information that doesn't fit our existing beliefs. By learning to quiet this "critical factor," we can access the subconscious mind where true transformation occurs.

Techniques for bypassing the analytical mind:

  • Meditation and mindfulness practices
  • Hypnosis and self-hypnosis
  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
  • Binaural beats and brainwave entrainment
  • Breathwork and body-based practices

As we become more adept at entering altered states and communicating directly with the subconscious, we enhance our ability to create lasting changes in our beliefs, behaviors, and biology. This is key to becoming our own placebo and manifesting our desired reality.

Last updated:

Review Summary

4.45 out of 5
Average of 100+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

You Are the Placebo Meditation 1 receives mixed reviews, with an overall rating of 4.45/5. Some readers find it thought-provoking, questioning traditional medicine and exploring the power of belief in healing. Others appreciate its introduction to meditation and suggestibility but criticize the reliance on the author's credentials. Some reviewers find the content interesting but criticize excessive anecdotes and repetitive language. While some praise its potential for healing, others dismiss it as too "new-age" or lacking unique insights.

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About the Author

Dr. Joe Dispenza is an international lecturer, researcher, and educator who has spoken in over 33 countries. He focuses on teaching people how to rewire their brains and recondition their bodies for lasting changes. Dr. Dispenza offers workshops, online courses, and retreats worldwide. He is faculty at several institutions and chairs a research committee at Life University. His research combines neuroscience, epigenetics, and quantum physics to explore spontaneous remissions. He conducts studies on meditation's effects using various scientific tools. Dr. Dispenza also provides corporate consulting, offering neuroscientific principles to boost employee performance. He has trained over 70 corporate trainers and certifies independent coaches in his transformation model.

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