1. 自信的行动先行;感觉随后
以自信的态度行事。 等待感觉自信再采取行动会让你陷入“自信缺口”。相反,即使感到害怕或不确定,也要根据你的价值观采取行动。通过实践建立技能和经验,自信的感觉往往会随之而来。这适用于任何需要自信的领域,从公开演讲到体育运动再到人际关系。
面对恐惧。 认识到在面对挑战时感到害怕是正常的,并不意味着你不能行动。引发恐惧感的“战斗或逃跑”反应是为了帮助我们应对威胁,而不是阻止我们。通过在恐惧中采取行动,你向自己证明你可以应对挑战,随着时间的推移建立真正的自信。
- 记住:自信不是没有恐惧,而是与恐惧建立一种转化的关系
- 问自己:“今天我可以采取什么小行动,即使我不完全自信?”
- 无论结果如何,每次以自信行事都要庆祝
2. 从无益的想法中解脱,建立真正的自信
识别思维模式。 我们的大脑进化为负面思考并发现潜在威胁。这意味着我们在面对挑战时都会有无益的想法。常见的模式包括严厉的自我评判、失败的预测、与他人的比较以及我们“不能”做某事的理由。
练习解脱技巧。 不要相信这些想法或与之抗争,而是学会创造距离。解脱意味着认识到这些想法只是我们脑海中的词语和图像,而不是现实的事实。尝试以下技巧:
- 给想法命名:“我有一个会失败的想法”
- 感谢你的大脑:“谢谢你给我这个想法,大脑”
- 把想法唱成一首滑稽的曲调
- 想象这些想法像叶子一样漂浮在溪流上
3. 扩展对不适感的容忍,而不是回避它们
为不适感腾出空间。 试图回避或消除恐惧和焦虑等不适感往往会放大它们并带来更多问题。相反,练习“扩展”——在你的身体中为这些感觉腾出空间。这并不意味着喜欢或想要这些感觉,只是允许它们存在而不挣扎。
引导能量。 恐惧和焦虑通过“战斗或逃跑”反应在我们的身体中产生物理能量。一旦你为这些感觉腾出空间,寻找将这种能量引导到手头任务的方法。许多顶级表演者将紧张重新框定为兴奋或“充满活力”。
- 使用NAME技巧:注意、承认、腾出空间、扩展意识
- 问:“我如何利用这种能量来帮助我表现得更好?”
- 记住:你可以感到害怕并仍然采取有效行动
4. 明确你的价值观以指导有意义的行动
识别核心价值观。 价值观是持续行动的期望品质——你想作为一个人如何行为以及你在生活中想要坚持什么。与目标不同,价值观可以在任何时候付诸行动。常见的价值观包括勇气、创造力、联系和成长。反思在不同生活领域中对你真正重要的是什么。
用价值观作为指南针。 一旦明确,价值观在面对挑战时提供方向和动力。它们帮助回答“在这种情况下我想成为怎样的人?”这个问题。即使没有实现具体目标,价值观也能提供意义和满足感。
- 问:“如果我完全按照我的价值观生活,我在这种情况下会如何行动?”
- 用价值观设定有意义的目标并指导日常行动
- 记住,你可以在任何时候选择按照你的价值观行事
5. 设定现实的目标并采取坚定的行动
分解大目标。 面对艰巨的挑战时,将其分解为更小、更易管理的步骤。专注于下一个可行的步骤,而不是被最终目标压倒。问:“今天我能做的最小、最简单的事情是什么,以朝这个方向前进?”
致力于过程。 不要执着于结果,而是投入到日常行动中,这些行动会让你朝着目标前进。认识到你对自己的行动比对自己的感觉或最终结果有更多的控制。养成根据你的价值观采取坚定行动的习惯,而不管你当时的感觉如何。
- 设定SMART目标:具体的、可衡量的、可实现的、相关的、有时间限制的
- 制定行动计划,包含具体的下一步
- 庆祝进展和努力,而不仅仅是结果
6. 全身心投入当下以达到最佳表现
练习专注投入。 培养将注意力集中在当下和手头任务上的能力。这种“任务专注的注意力”对于任何领域的最佳表现都是至关重要的,从体育到公开演讲再到创造性工作。当我们沉浸在对过去或未来的思考中时,我们错过了充分体验和回应当前发生的事情。
利用你的感官。 练习专注投入的一个简单方法是调动你的五种感官。注意你当前环境中能看到、听到、感觉到、闻到和尝到的东西。这有助于将你锚定在当下,并通常自然地让你从分散注意力的想法中解脱出来。
- 尝试“溪流上的叶子”冥想,练习让想法流过
- 在日常活动中,设置提醒检查你的感官
- 在表演时,专注于相关的感官输入(例如,感觉网球拍,听观众的声音)
7. 拥抱失败作为成长的机会
预期并接受失败。 认识到失败和错误是成长和学习的不可避免的一部分。试图避免失败往往会导致保守行事,错失机会。相反,将失败视为对无效方法的宝贵反馈,指引你走向最终的成功。
培养韧性。 通过以下步骤学会从失败中反弹:
- 从自我批评的想法中解脱出来
- 为痛苦的感觉腾出空间
- 对自己友善
- 欣赏即使部分成功的地方
- 找到有用的学习点
- 通过按照你的价值观行事来表明立场
- 收集那些多次失败后成功的人的故事
- 问:“我能从这次经历中学到什么,以便下次改进?”
- 记住:真正的成功是按照你的价值观生活,而不仅仅是实现目标
8. 练习自我接纳而不是追求自尊
放下自我评判。 不断地评估自己是好是坏,是成功还是失败,会创造一种脆弱的自我价值感。相反,练习接受自己原本的样子,包括所有的缺点。这并不意味着你不能努力改进,而是你的基本价值不依赖于成就或他人的认可。
专注于基于价值观的生活。 与其试图一直对自己感觉良好,不如专注于按照你的价值观生活。这比追求高自尊提供了更稳定的意义和满足感。当你犯错或面临挫折时,以自我同情而不是严厉的自我批评来回应。
- 练习注意自我评判并放下它们
- 问:“在这种情况下,我会如何对待一个好朋友?”并将其应用于自己
- 记住:你可以接受自己,同时仍然致力于个人成长
9. 培养坚持和自我发展以获得持久的成功
选择坚持。 坚持——尽管有障碍仍继续前行——是一种你可以在任何时候选择的价值观。在面对挑战或挫折时,重新连接这一价值观,找到继续前进的动力。记住,大多数有价值的成就都需要持续的努力。
致力于持续成长。 采用持续自我发展的心态。寻找学习、提高技能和扩展舒适区的机会。这不仅会带来更大的成功,还会随着你向自己证明你可以成长和适应而建立真正的自信。
- 定期反思你的进展和改进的领域
- 寻求可信赖的导师或教练的诚实反馈
- 为你选择的领域预留时间进行刻意练习
What's The Confidence Gap about?
- Focus on Confidence: The Confidence Gap by Russ Harris delves into the psychological barriers that hinder genuine confidence. It emphasizes that confidence is an actionable trait, not just a feeling.
- ACT Methodology: The book is grounded in Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT), a mindfulness-based approach that helps individuals manage negative thoughts and feelings effectively.
- Transforming Fear: Harris argues that fear is a natural part of life and can be harnessed to propel us forward. The book provides strategies to change our relationship with fear, enabling meaningful actions.
Why should I read The Confidence Gap?
- Practical Strategies: The book offers actionable techniques to overcome self-doubt and fear, making it a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their confidence.
- Scientific Backing: Harris's methods are supported by extensive research in psychology, particularly in the field of ACT, lending credibility to the techniques presented.
- Personal Growth: Reading this book can lead to significant personal transformation, encouraging readers to embrace discomfort and take risks essential for growth.
What are the key takeaways of The Confidence Gap?
- Confidence as a Game: Confidence is presented as a psychological game with specific rules, crucial for navigating self-doubt and fear.
- Actions Precede Feelings: "The actions of confidence come first; the feelings of confidence come later," meaning taking action is essential for building genuine confidence.
- Defusion Techniques: Harris introduces techniques to help readers separate from negative thoughts, allowing them to engage more fully in life.
How does Russ Harris define genuine confidence in The Confidence Gap?
- Not the Absence of Fear: Genuine confidence is the ability to rely on oneself and act on core values, irrespective of feelings.
- Transforming Relationship with Fear: It involves transforming your relationship with fear rather than eliminating it, acknowledging fear as a natural response.
- Commitment to Values: Confidence is rooted in commitment to one’s values, cultivating a sense of confidence resilient to external circumstances.
What is the Confidence Cycle mentioned in The Confidence Gap?
- Four Steps: The Confidence Cycle consists of Practise, Apply, Assess, and Modify, emphasizing continuous improvement and learning.
- Skill Development: Each step helps individuals develop necessary skills to perform confidently in various life areas.
- Feedback Loop: The cycle encourages reflection and adaptation, allowing individuals to learn from experiences and make necessary adjustments.
What is the FEAR acronym in The Confidence Gap?
- Understanding FEAR: FEAR stands for Fusion, Excessive goals, Avoidance of discomfort, and Remoteness from values, identifying common barriers to progress.
- Fusion: Being overly attached to negative thoughts and self-judgments can lead to inaction.
- Avoidance of Discomfort: Avoiding uncomfortable feelings can prevent necessary actions, making embracing discomfort essential for growth.
What is the difference between self-esteem and self-acceptance in The Confidence Gap?
- Self-Esteem Defined: Often based on external achievements, leading to a fragile sense of worth.
- Self-Acceptance Emphasized: Involves letting go of harsh self-judgments and recognizing strengths and weaknesses.
- Long-Term Benefits: Focusing on self-acceptance cultivates a more stable and fulfilling sense of self, reducing negative self-talk.
How does The Confidence Gap suggest handling fear?
- Fear as Normal: Understanding that fear is a natural response to stepping out of one’s comfort zone.
- Transforming Relationship with Fear: Genuine confidence involves acting despite fear, crucial for personal growth.
- Mindfulness Techniques: Provides mindfulness techniques to engage with fears without being overwhelmed.
What are some defusion techniques from The Confidence Gap?
- Leaves on a Stream: Visualizing thoughts as leaves floating down a stream, allowing them to come and go without attachment.
- Silly Voices: Saying negative thoughts in a silly voice to detach from their seriousness.
- Thanking Your Mind: Acknowledging and thanking your mind for its thoughts to reduce their power over you.
What are some practical exercises from The Confidence Gap?
- Mindful Breathing: Focus on breath to cultivate mindfulness and presence, reducing anxiety.
- Engagement in Daily Activities: Practice mindfulness during everyday tasks to develop engagement skills.
- Defusion Techniques: Exercises like visualizing thoughts as clouds to help detach from negative self-talk.
How can I overcome the motivation gap discussed in The Confidence Gap?
- Commitment Over Motivation: "Committed action comes first; feeling motivated comes later," meaning action should be based on values.
- Recognize Competing Desires: Acknowledge desires like avoiding discomfort versus acting on values to clarify motivations.
- Set Realistic Goals: Break down larger goals into smaller steps to reduce feeling overwhelmed.
What are the best quotes from The Confidence Gap and what do they mean?
- "The actions of confidence come first; the feelings of confidence come later.": Emphasizes that taking action is essential for building confidence.
- "Genuine confidence is not the absence of fear; it is a transformed relationship with fear.": Highlights that fear is natural, and confidence involves acting despite it.
- "Self-acceptance trumps self-esteem.": Underscores the idea that embracing oneself is more beneficial than striving for inflated self-worth based on achievements.
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