1. 权力吸引易腐败的人
易腐败的人追求权力。 两个沉船故事——巴塔维亚号和汤加遇难者——展示了不同人在获得权力时的反应。在灯塔岛上,杰罗尼姆斯·科内利斯迅速巩固了控制并策划了大规模谋杀。相比之下,汤加青少年在‘阿塔岛上和平合作了15个月。这种鲜明的对比表明,某些性格类型的人更容易被权力吸引并滥用权力。
黑暗三合一特质助力权力追求。 研究表明,具有“黑暗三合一”特质——马基雅维利主义、自恋和精神病态——的人在领导职位中比例过高。这些特质帮助他们:
- 在求职面试中擅长印象管理
- 操纵他人以攀登公司阶梯
- 冒险以实现快速晋升
- 在没有情感犹豫的情况下做出“无情”的决定
2. 我们的石器时代大脑导致我们选择糟糕的领导者
进化不匹配扭曲了领导者的选择。 我们的大脑进化出对领导特质的偏好,这些特质在史前环境中是适应性的,但在今天往往适得其反:
- 偏爱高大、体格强壮的男性
- 信任过度自信的人
- 偏好熟悉的群体成员
- 身高与领导职位和CEO薪酬高度相关
- 过度自信的人更有可能被选为领导者
- 隐性偏见导致女性和少数族裔在高层职位中的代表性不足
- 使用盲目招聘和晋升流程
- 积极寻找多样化的候选人
- 培训选拔人员识别和对抗偏见
3. 不仅仅是坏人,坏系统也助长了权力滥用
系统塑造行为。 虽然个人特质很重要,但组织和社会的结构对权力的使用或滥用有着重大影响。关键的系统因素包括:
- 监督和问责机制
- 组织文化和规范
- 激励结构
- 权力分配
- 来自腐败国家的外交官在执法力度增加时大幅减少了停车违规
- 银行员工被调到腐败较少的地区时行为更为道德
改革系统以减少滥用。 与其仅关注“坏苹果”,组织应:
- 实施强有力的监督和举报保护
- 创建奖励道德行为的文化
- 设计与长期组织健康一致的激励措施
- 分散权力以防止过度集中
4. 权力确实腐败,但没有我们想象的那么严重
权力的腐败影响被夸大了。 虽然阿克顿勋爵的名言“权力导致腐败”有其道理,但四个因素使得权力看起来比实际更腐败:
- 肮脏的手:领导者经常面临艰难的道德权衡,使他们看起来腐败
- 学习:掌权者变得更擅长做坏事,而不是变得更坏
- 机会:更多的不当行为机会导致更多可见的违规行为
- 审查:掌权者的行为受到更多的审查
权力确实改变行为。 尽管有这些警告,研究表明权力往往会:
- 增加冒险和过度自信
- 减少同理心和换位思考
- 更有可能根据冲动行事
5. 权力改变我们的身体和行为
权力伴随生理变化。 对灵长类动物和人类的研究表明,获得权力会改变生理:
- 主导的猴子表现出增加的多巴胺受体活动
- 掌权者表现出更高的睾酮水平
- 获得地位可以改变压力反应和免疫功能
- 增加冒险和自信
- 减少同理心和换位思考
- 更强烈地根据欲望行事
健康影响因职位而异。 对狒狒、CEO和公务员的研究表明:
- 低地位始终损害健康结果
- 高地位但控制力低增加压力和健康风险
- 适度的权力和高控制力可能提供最佳的健康益处
- 确保领导者拥有真正的控制权,而不仅仅是责任
- 轮换人员担任权力职位
- 鼓励各级别的社会支持网络
6. 积极招募不可腐败的人担任权力职位
扩大和加深申请人池。 为了提高领导质量:
- 积极寻找那些不自然追求权力的人
- 在职位发布中使用吸引多样化候选人的语言
- 为代表性不足的群体创造想象自己成为领导者的途径
筛选所需特质。 实施严格的审查流程:
- 使用人格评估筛选黑暗三合一特质
- 进行彻底的背景调查和参考评估
- 纳入诚信测试和道德情景评估
新西兰警察招聘 体现了这种方法:
- 营销重点在同理心和社区服务
- 招聘材料中多样化的代表
- 严格的筛选,包括社区参与评估
7. 创建监督和问责系统
实施制衡机制。 有效的监督系统包括:
- 独立的监察机构
- 强有力的举报人保护
- 定期审计和绩效评估
- 决策过程的透明度
使用抽签进行监督。 随机选择公民担任监督角色可以:
- 通过引入不可预测的审查减少腐败
- 为根深蒂固的权力结构带来新鲜视角
- 增加公众信任和参与
- 公民大会提供政策建议
- 法律系统中随机选择的陪审员
- 员工影子董事会对公司决策提供意见
轮换人员。 定期轮换掌权者:
- 防止腐败网络的形成
- 引入新鲜视角
- 使勾结更加困难
8. 提醒领导者他们的责任和人类影响
创建对影响的直观提醒。 领导者往往与其决策的后果脱节。通过以下方式对抗这种情况:
- 要求定期实地访问或一线工作
- 实施反向指导计划
- 分享受政策影响的个人故事
使抽象决策人性化。 当领导者必须做出艰难选择时:
- 将数据与个案研究一起呈现
- 使用可视化技术使统计数据更具象
- 鼓励领导者与受其决策影响的人会面
费恩伯格方法。 监督主要受害者赔偿基金的肯·费恩伯格是这种方法的典范:
- 与850名受害者和家庭面对面会面
- 在做出决策前倾听个人故事
- 让情感重量影响而不是压倒判断
9. 将监控重点放在有权力的人身上,而不是无权力的人
倒置全景监狱。 现代监控往往针对错误的人:
- 过度监控低级员工
- 对普通公民进行侵入性数据收集
- 对高层决策者的监督不足
- 对掌权者实施更严格的报告要求
- 使用技术增加高层决策的透明度
- 赋予调查新闻和举报人保护权
阿纳斯方法。 加纳记者阿纳斯·阿雷梅亚·阿纳斯展示了有效的权力审查:
- 使用卧底技术揭露高层腐败
- 在掌权者中制造谁可能在监视的不确定性
- 关注系统性问题而非低级违规行为
10. 使用随机性最大化威慑和公平
随机监督是强大的。 不可预测的监控创造了一种成本效益高的威慑:
- 在没有侵入性措施的情况下创造持续监控的感觉
- 使不良行为者难以操纵系统
- 允许有限的监督资源集中使用
- 诚信测试:对掌权者进行随机道德情景测试
- 审计选择:不可预测地选择交易或决策进行审查
- 检查员部署:随机安排现场检查
纽约警察局方法。 纽约市警察使用随机诚信测试:
- 警官永远不知道情况是测试还是现实
- 创造持续监督的感觉
- 导致警察不当行为显著减少
- 陪审团选择
- 有限资源的分配(如签证抽签)
- 竞赛或辩论中的顺序选择
What's Corruptible about?
- Exploration of Power Dynamics: Corruptible by Brian Klaas examines how power affects individuals and societies, questioning whether power corrupts or if corrupt individuals are drawn to power.
- Case Studies and Examples: The book uses historical and contemporary examples, such as Jeronimus Cornelisz and the Tongan boys on ‘Ata, to illustrate contrasting behaviors in power and survival situations.
- Four Key Questions: Klaas seeks to answer whether worse people get power, if power makes people worse, why unfit individuals control us, and how to ensure incorruptible people attain power.
Why should I read Corruptible?
- Insightful Analysis: The book provides a deep dive into the psychological and sociological aspects of power, relevant for those interested in politics, leadership, or human behavior.
- Real-World Applications: Klaas offers practical insights into improving leadership selection and governance, crucial in today's political climate.
- Engaging Narratives: Through storytelling and research, Klaas makes complex ideas accessible and engaging, keeping readers invested.
What are the key takeaways of Corruptible?
- Power Attracts the Corruptible: Power often attracts individuals who are already corruptible, rather than corrupting good people.
- Importance of Systems: Systems significantly influence behavior; good systems promote ethical leadership, while bad systems enable corruption.
- Moral Dilemmas in Leadership: Leaders face morally ambiguous decisions, highlighting the complexity of leadership and the "dirty hands problem."
What are the best quotes from Corruptible and what do they mean?
- “Power tends to corrupt...”: This quote explores how power can lead to moral decay, though Klaas suggests it may oversimplify the relationship between power and character.
- “The real Lord of the Flies...”: Reflects contrasting outcomes of island stories, emphasizing cooperation over chaos and destruction.
- “Hierarchy is like fire...”: Illustrates the dual nature of power structures, facilitating organization or leading to abuse.
How does Brian Klaas define corruptible people in Corruptible?
- Corruptible Individuals: Those drawn to power for self-serving reasons, often lacking empathy and moral integrity.
- Psychopathic Traits: Traits like superficial charm and lack of remorse are common in individuals seeking power.
- Behavioral Patterns: Such individuals learn to navigate systems to their advantage, exploiting their positions over time.
What role do systems play in shaping behavior according to Corruptible?
- Influence of Environment: Systems shape behavior more than inherent character; supportive systems encourage ethical behavior.
- Historical Examples: Examples like King Leopold II’s rule illustrate how systems can facilitate extreme abuses of power.
- Call for Reform: Klaas advocates for reforming systems to attract better leaders and reduce corruption.
How does Corruptible address the question of whether power makes people worse?
- Power and Behavior: Power often reveals pre-existing traits rather than making people worse.
- Psychological Studies: Studies show individuals with dark triad traits are more likely to pursue power.
- Moral Choices: Context can lead to decisions that appear corrupt, even if individuals are not inherently bad.
What methods does Brian Klaas suggest for attracting better leaders in Corruptible?
- Active Recruitment Strategies: Seek principled individuals for leadership roles, broadening the applicant pool.
- Sortition for Oversight: Use random selection to create advisory bodies for oversight, ensuring diverse perspectives.
- Rigorous Screening Processes: Vet candidates thoroughly to identify corruptible traits before they assume power.
How does Corruptible illustrate the concept of the "tip of the iceberg" problem in corruption?
- Visible vs. Hidden Corruption: Only a small fraction of corrupt behavior is visible, with much remaining hidden.
- Scrutiny as a Factor: Increased scrutiny on leaders can create the illusion of more rampant corruption.
- Implications for Reform: Comprehensive approaches are needed to address both visible and hidden corruption.
How does Corruptible address the issue of psychological distance in leadership?
- Psychological Distance Defined: Emotional and social separation between leaders and those they govern.
- Impact on Decision-Making: Leaders may make harmful decisions when viewing constituents as abstractions.
- Strategies to Reduce Distance: Engage directly with constituents to foster empathy and accountability.
What role does scrutiny play in the behavior of those in power according to Corruptible?
- Increased Scrutiny Leads to Better Behavior: Scrutiny can deter corrupt behavior but also create manipulation opportunities.
- The Double-Edged Sword of Oversight: Effective oversight is crucial without being overly invasive.
- Need for Balanced Oversight: Balance is essential to maintain trust and ensure accountability.
How does Corruptible suggest we can ensure incorruptible people get into power?
- Reforming Recruitment Processes: Attract individuals with integrity and ethical values, prioritizing character.
- Accountability Mechanisms: Implement transparency and oversight to deter corrupt behavior.
- Cultural Change: Encourage societies to demand better from leaders and hold them accountable.
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