1. 通过有意的预算和储蓄掌控你的财务
零基预算。 财务成功的关键是每月在月初之前创建一个书面的零基预算。这意味着将每一美元的收入分配给特定的用途,无论是开支、储蓄还是偿还债务。使用信封系统来管理现金开支,以保持在正轨上。
应急基金。 首先储蓄1000美元作为初级应急基金(婴儿步骤1)。一旦你摆脱了债务,建立一个3-6个月开支的完整应急基金(婴儿步骤3)。这可以保护你免受生活中意外事件的影响,并防止你重新陷入债务。
- 预算的好处:
- 消除财务压力和内疚感
- 帮助你更快实现财务目标
- 改善人际关系中的沟通
- 让你掌控自己的钱财
2. 不惜一切代价避免债务并迅速偿还现有债务
债务不是工具。 与普遍看法相反,债务不是一种财富积累工具。它是银行和信用卡公司积极推销的产品。避免所有形式的债务,包括汽车贷款、信用卡和学生贷款。
债务雪球法。 要摆脱债务,使用债务雪球法(婴儿步骤2)。按从小到大的顺序列出你的债务,不考虑利率。对所有债务只支付最低还款额,集中精力攻击最小的债务。一旦最小的债务还清,将该还款额滚入下一个最小的债务。这种方法提供了快速的胜利和继续前进的动力。
- 要避免的债务类型:
- 信用卡
- 汽车贷款
- 学生贷款
- 房屋净值贷款
- 发薪日贷款
3. 通过持续、长期投资于共同基金来积累财富
缓慢而稳定的投资。 积累财富不是关于快速致富的计划或复杂的投资策略。它是关于在长时间内持续投资于优质成长型股票共同基金。一旦你摆脱了债务并建立了完整的应急基金(婴儿步骤4),开始将家庭收入的15%用于退休投资。
多样化。 将你的投资分散在四种类型的共同基金中:成长型、成长与收入型、激进成长型和国际型。这提供了多样化并平衡了风险和回报。避免单一股票、债券和终身保险作为投资工具。
- 关键投资原则:
- 尽早开始并保持一致
- 长期投资(5年以上)
- 选择有至少5-10年记录的共同基金
- 使用税收优惠账户如401(k)和Roth IRA
4. 通过适当的保险覆盖保护你的资产
基本覆盖。 适当的保险对于保护你的资产和转移风险至关重要。关注这些关键领域:房主/租房者保险、汽车保险、健康保险、残疾保险、长期护理保险(如果超过60岁)、身份盗窃保险和定期人寿保险。
避免不必要的覆盖。 避免终身人寿保险、信用人寿保险和延长保修。这些产品通常价格过高且不必要。相反,通过你的应急基金自我保险以应对较小的风险。
- 保险提示:
- 获取相当于你年收入10-12倍的定期人寿保险
- 选择高免赔额以降低保费
- 每年以及随着生活情况的变化审查你的保险覆盖
- 创建一个“遗产抽屉”,存放所有重要文件和信息
5. 做出明智的购房决策并提前还清房贷
明智购买。 在购房时,关注地段并在社区的低价范围内购买。选择15年固定利率的房贷,月供不超过你税后收入的25%。至少支付20%的首付款以避免私人抵押保险(PMI)。
提前还清。 通过额外还款提前还清房贷(婴儿步骤6)。这将释放你最大的月度开支,并让你更快地积累财富。不要相信保留房贷以获得税收减免是有利的神话。
- 购房提示:
- 进行彻底的房屋检查
- 避免可调整利率抵押贷款(ARM)和气球支付
- 忽略表面问题以找到好交易
- 考虑购买止赎房或短售房以获得更好的价格
6. 通过职业发展和副业发展多种收入来源
职业发展。 专注于在你的优势和激情领域工作,以最大化你的收入潜力。不断提高你的技能,并寻找机会在职业生涯中进步。如果更换工作或行业更符合你的优势和目标,不要害怕改变。
副业。 考虑根据你的技能和兴趣开始副业。这可以提供额外的收入,以更快地实现你的财务目标,甚至可能转变为全职业务机会。
- 增加收入的策略:
- 谈判更好的薪酬和福利
- 承担额外的工作职责
- 在你的专业领域做自由职业或咨询
- 在线创建和销售产品或服务
- 投资出租房地产(在你财务稳定后)
7. 在实现财务自由后慷慨捐赠
培养慷慨。 随着你积累财富,把捐赠作为优先事项。这不仅帮助他人,还为你的生活带来快乐和满足。从小的慷慨行为开始,随着你的财务状况改善,增加你的捐赠。
留下遗产。 一旦你完成了前六个婴儿步骤,专注于积累财富和捐赠(婴儿步骤7)。这让你能够对你的家庭、社区和你关心的事业留下持久的影响。
- 捐赠方式:
- 慈善捐款
- 志愿服务时间和技能
- 指导他人
- 支持家庭成员
- 资助奖学金或助学金
- 创建慈善基金会
What's Dave Ramsey's Complete Guide To Money about?
- Financial Peace University Overview: The book is a manual for the principles taught in Financial Peace University, focusing on personal finance management.
- Seven Baby Steps: It introduces a step-by-step plan for getting out of debt, saving money, and building wealth.
- Behavioral Focus: Emphasizes that personal finance is 80% behavior and only 20% head knowledge, aiming to change mindsets about money and debt.
Why should I read Dave Ramsey's Complete Guide To Money?
- Transformative Financial Principles: Offers practical advice that is easy to follow and has changed the lives of millions.
- Real-Life Success Stories: Includes testimonials from individuals who have successfully applied the principles, serving as motivation.
- Comprehensive Resource: Covers everything from budgeting to investing, making it a valuable resource for improving financial situations.
What are the key takeaways of Dave Ramsey's Complete Guide To Money?
- Baby Steps Framework: Outlines seven Baby Steps, including saving an emergency fund and investing for the future.
- Importance of Saving: Advocates for a beginner emergency fund of $1,000 as a crucial step for financial stability.
- Debt is Dumb: Provides strategies for eliminating debt through the Debt Snowball method, emphasizing that debt is detrimental to financial health.
What is the "Baby Steps" method in Dave Ramsey's Complete Guide To Money?
- Seven Steps to Financial Peace: Guides individuals toward financial stability, from getting out of debt to building wealth.
- Step-by-Step Approach: Each step must be completed before moving on to the next, ensuring a solid financial foundation.
- Long-Term Financial Success: Aims to achieve financial peace and the ability to give generously.
What is the Debt Snowball method mentioned in Dave Ramsey's Complete Guide To Money?
- Pay Off Smallest Debts First: Focuses on paying off the smallest debt first to build momentum and motivation.
- Behavioral Focus: Emphasizes behavior modification over mathematical calculations, providing emotional boosts from quick wins.
- Financial Freedom: Systematically eliminates debts, freeing up income for savings and investments.
How does Dave Ramsey's Complete Guide To Money address budgeting?
- Monthly Budgeting Requirement: Stresses the importance of creating a written budget every month to track income and expenses.
- Zero-Based Budgeting: Introduces a method where every dollar is allocated to specific expenses, promoting intentional spending.
- Envelope System: Recommends using the envelope system for discretionary spending categories to control and prevent overspending.
What is the significance of having an emergency fund according to Dave Ramsey's Complete Guide To Money?
- Financial Safety Net: Allows individuals to cover unexpected expenses without resorting to debt.
- Beginner Emergency Fund: Suggests starting with $1,000, providing security as individuals work through their financial plan.
- Long-Term Security: Encourages saving three to six months' worth of expenses for long-term financial stability.
What are some common myths about debt discussed in Dave Ramsey's Complete Guide To Money?
- Debt as a Tool: Debunks the myth that debt is useful for building wealth, encouraging readers to view it as a hindrance.
- Cosigning Loans: Warns against cosigning loans, explaining the financial and relational risks involved.
- Credit Scores: Challenges the belief that a high credit score equates to financial success, focusing instead on building wealth.
How does Dave Ramsey's Complete Guide To Money suggest dealing with collectors?
- Know Your Rights: Emphasizes understanding rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).
- Set Priorities: Advises prioritizing basic needs over paying collectors to ensure essential needs are met.
- Pro Rata Plan: Recommends distributing available funds among creditors if unable to make minimum payments.
What are some common myths about life insurance discussed in Dave Ramsey's Complete Guide To Money?
- Cash Value Insurance: Argues that cash value life insurance is a poor investment choice compared to term life insurance.
- Life Insurance as Permanent: Explains that life insurance is not a lifelong necessity if you become self-insured.
- Insurance as an Investment: Clarifies that insurance should not be viewed as an investment vehicle.
How does Dave Ramsey's Complete Guide To Money recommend planning for retirement?
- Invest 15% of Income: Advises investing 15% of household income into retirement accounts like Roth IRAs and 401(k)s.
- Start Early: Emphasizes the importance of starting early to benefit from compound interest.
- Diversify Investments: Recommends diversifying investments across different mutual funds to minimize risk.
What are the best quotes from Dave Ramsey's Complete Guide To Money and what do they mean?
- "If you will live like no one else, later you can live like no one else.": Encourages making sacrifices now for future financial freedom.
- "The borrower is slave to the lender.": Highlights the negative impact of debt on personal freedom.
- "A budget is just telling your money where to go, instead of wondering where it went.": Underscores the importance of budgeting in managing finances.