1. 拥抱生食以实现最佳健康和减重
生食至关重要。 这些是未经加工的生食,含有活性酶,对最佳消化和营养吸收至关重要。通过增加饮食中生食的比例,你为身体提供了最佳运作所需的工具。
- 富含有助于消化的酶
- 比熟食含有更高的营养成分
- 形成碱性,有助于平衡体内pH值
- 支持自然排毒过程
2. 理解酶在消化和代谢中的关键作用
酶是催化剂。 它们促进体内无数的生化反应,包括消化和代谢。酶主要有三种类型:食物酶(存在于生食中)、消化酶(由身体产生)和代谢酶(负责细胞功能)。
- 烹饪会破坏食物酶,增加身体产生消化酶的负担
- 身体产生酶的能力有限
- 保存酶的生产用于代谢功能可能会延长寿命
3. 优先食用水果以获得能量和活力
水果是大自然的完美食物。 它需要最少的消化,提供现成的能量,并富含营养和抗氧化剂。与普遍的看法相反,适当食用水果不会导致体重增加。
- 空腹或在其他食物前30分钟食用水果
- 避免将水果与其他食物类型混合
- 以自然生食状态食用水果以获得最大益处
4. 在饮食中平衡生食和熟食
逐步过渡是关键。 虽然目标是增加生食的摄入,但重要的是逐步和可持续地进行改变。以50/50的生食和熟食平衡作为起点。
- 从只吃水果的早餐开始
- 午餐和晚餐加入大量沙拉
- 每餐选择一种熟食(蛋白质或淀粉),而不是两者都选
- 尝试“主菜沙拉”,将生食和熟食结合
5. 认识到正确食物搭配的重要性
食物搭配很重要。 食物搭配理论认为,某些食物在单独食用或特定组合时消化得更好。虽然并非普遍接受,但许多人发现遵循这些原则可以改善消化和能量水平。
- 单独或空腹食用水果
- 不要在同一餐中混合蛋白质和淀粉
- 蔬菜可以自由搭配蛋白质或淀粉
6. 利用身体的自然周期
身体周期优化功能。 身体在24小时内有三个不同的阶段:摄取(12 PM - 8 PM)、同化(8 PM - 4 AM)和排泄(4 AM - 12 PM)。理解并配合这些周期可以增强消化、排毒和体重管理。
- 在摄取阶段(12 PM - 8 PM)吃大部分食物
- 避免深夜进食以支持同化阶段
- 在排泄阶段(4 AM - 12 PM)只吃水果或轻食
7. 警惕乳制品和钙的迷思
乳制品并非必需。 与普遍的看法相反,乳制品并不是人类健康的最佳钙来源。事实上,乳制品消费最高的国家骨质疏松症发病率也最高。
- 绿叶蔬菜(羽衣甘蓝、羽衣甘蓝、菠菜)
- 芝麻和芝麻酱
- 杏仁和杏仁酱
- 强化植物奶
8. 避免加工食品和有害添加剂
加工食品有害健康。 许多现代加工食品充满了人工添加剂、防腐剂和空卡路里,这些都会导致体重增加和健康不良。这些食品通常缺乏全食和生食中的营养和酶。
- 人工色素和香料
- 高果糖玉米糖浆
- 反式脂肪
- 味精(谷氨酸钠)
- 人工甜味剂
9. 适度运动以整体健康
运动是良药。 定期的身体活动对保持健康体重和整体健康至关重要。然而,你不需要进行高强度锻炼就能获得好处。
- 每天进行20-30分钟的快走
- 使用弹跳器(迷你蹦床)进行低冲击有氧运动
- 练习瑜伽或伸展运动以提高柔韧性和减压
- 每周进行2-3次力量训练
10. 培养积极心态以成功管理体重
心态很重要。 你的思想和信念在你实现和保持健康体重的能力中起着关键作用。培养积极的心态可以帮助你克服障碍,并在健康之旅中保持动力。
- 每天进行与健康和体重管理相关的肯定
- 想象自己处于理想的体重和健康状态
- 庆祝小胜利和进步
- 将挫折重新定义为学习机会
- 与支持你的人在一起
What's Fit for Life: Not Fat for Life about?
- Focus on Living Foods: The book emphasizes consuming raw fruits and vegetables over cooked foods to enhance health and well-being.
- Health and Weight Loss: Harvey Diamond presents a method for losing weight and improving health by increasing living foods and decreasing cooked foods.
- Holistic Approach: It advocates for a holistic view of health, linking physical well-being with mental and emotional health.
Why should I read Fit for Life: Not Fat for Life?
- Transformative Approach: Offers a fresh perspective on dieting, moving away from traditional diets that often lead to temporary results.
- Proven Success: Harvey Diamond shares over thirty years of experience, demonstrating how his methods have helped many achieve better health.
- Empowering Knowledge: Provides practical advice on making healthier food choices and understanding the impact of diet on overall health.
What are the key takeaways of Fit for Life: Not Fat for Life?
- Living vs. Cooked Food: Prioritizes living foods, which are nutrient-rich and energizing, over cooked foods that lack essential nutrients.
- Importance of the Lymph System: Emphasizes the role of the lymphatic system in detoxification and overall health.
- Mindset Matters: Highlights the significance of a positive mental attitude in achieving health goals.
What are the best quotes from Fit for Life: Not Fat for Life and what do they mean?
- “You are what you eat.”: Highlights the impact of food quality on health and well-being.
- “Living bodies require living food.”: Stresses the necessity of consuming fresh, unprocessed foods for health.
- “There is no wealth but life.”: Suggests that true richness comes from living a healthy, fulfilling life.
How does Fit for Life: Not Fat for Life define living food?
- Raw and Unprocessed: Refers to foods that are raw, unprocessed, and contain intact enzymes, such as fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Nutrient-Rich: Packed with essential nutrients that support bodily functions and promote overall health.
- Vital for Health: Crucial for maintaining a healthy weight and preventing disease, as it nourishes the body effectively.
What is the significance of eating fruit until noon in Fit for Life: Not Fat for Life?
- Optimizes Elimination Cycle: Allows the body to focus on eliminating waste without the burden of digesting heavier foods.
- Boosts Energy Levels: Provides quick energy without requiring extensive digestive effort, leading to increased vitality.
- Sets a Healthy Tone: Establishes a positive dietary pattern that encourages healthier choices for the rest of the day.
What are the three keys to success outlined in Fit for Life: Not Fat for Life?
- 50% Living Food: Aim for a diet that consists of 50% living food and 50% cooked food for balance and health.
- Be Fruitful: Emphasizes the importance of incorporating fruit into the diet, particularly by eating it until noon.
- Life is in the Balance: Focuses on maintaining balance in meals, ensuring living food is prioritized alongside cooked food.
How does Fit for Life: Not Fat for Life address the issue of food combining?
- Avoid Mixing Proteins and Starches: Advises against combining proteins and starches in the same meal to conserve digestive energy.
- Focus on Simplicity: Encourages a simpler approach to meals, pairing one concentrated food with vegetables and salad.
- Promotes Energy Efficiency: Reducing meal complexity allows the body to allocate more energy to vital functions.
What is the role of the lymphatic system in health according to Fit for Life: Not Fat for Life?
- Garbage Collector of the Body: Responsible for removing toxins and waste from the body.
- Supports Immune Function: Crucial for maintaining a strong immune response and overall health.
- Importance of Detoxification: Essential for effective detoxification, vital for weight loss and health maintenance.
How can I transition to a diet higher in living food according to Fit for Life: Not Fat for Life?
- Gradual Changes: Start by incorporating more living foods into your diet gradually to help your body adjust.
- Focus on Freshness: Prioritize fresh fruits and vegetables, aiming for at least 50% of your diet to consist of living foods.
- Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body responds to dietary changes, as discomfort may indicate detoxification.
What are the potential health benefits of following the advice in Fit for Life: Not Fat for Life?
- Weight Loss: Expect gradual and sustainable weight loss as the body becomes healthier.
- Improved Energy Levels: A diet rich in living food can lead to higher energy levels and reduced fatigue.
- Enhanced Digestion: Promotes better digestion and elimination, leading to improved gut health.
What lifestyle changes does Fit for Life: Not Fat for Life recommend for better health?
- Increase Living Foods: Increase the intake of living foods while decreasing cooked foods to support detoxification.
- Regular Exercise: Incorporate regular physical activity into your routine to support the lymphatic system.
- Positive Mindset: Cultivate a positive mental attitude to support health goals and improve quality of life.
对《Fit for Life, Not Fat for Life》的评价褒贬不一,评分从1星到5星不等。一些读者认为这本书内容丰富且实用,称赞其关于食物搭配和营养的建议。他们报告说,实施这些建议后,精力增加,对生活充满热情。然而,另一些人批评这本书包含伪科学、重复的说辞和过时的信息。一些评论者欣赏早晨首先吃水果的概念,而有些人则认为内容与他们的信仰相矛盾,或者认为书的篇幅过长而缺乏实质性信息。