1. 准备是成功谈判的关键
明智地投资时间。 平均而言,你应该花费与面对面谈判相同的时间来准备。虽然有些事情可能微不足道,但其他涉及高风险、多重问题和多个参与方的事项则需要广泛的准备。
使用系统的方法。 为了做好准备:
- 全面掌握整个谈判
- 使用清单来识别准备*有帮助的领域
- 关注七个关键要素:利益、选项、替代方案、合法性、沟通、关系和承诺
练习和学习。 将每次谈判视为提高准备技能的机会。每次谈判后回顾哪些做得好,哪些可以改进。即使没有即将到来的谈判,也要考虑练习准备技巧。
2. 关注利益,而非立场
揭示潜在需求。 利益是驱动谈判的需求、愿望和恐惧。它们不同于立场,立场是各方提出的要求或报价。要识别利益:
- 问“为什么?”和“为了什么目的?”在每个立场背后
- 考虑你的利益和对方的利益
- 优先考虑利益以指导决策
- 只关注自己的利益
- 只考虑你想要什么
- 忽视对方的利益
3. 生成创造性选项以*大化价值
扩大蛋糕。 在分配价值之前寻找创造价值的方法。识别机会:
- 实现规模经济
- 结合不同的技能和资源
- 创造共同利益
在差异中找到价值。 探索风险承受能力、时间、认知和边际价值的差异如何创造有利于双方的交易机会。
头脑风暴可能性。 生成各种可能满足双方利益的选项。避免将自己限制在单一立场或解决方案上。考虑:
- 合作以创造更多
- 满足各方关键利益的选项
- 资源和技能的创造性组合
4. 了解你的BATNA并估计对方的BATNA
发展你的BATNA。 你的*佳替代方案(BATNA)是如果未达成协议你将采取的行动。准备:
- 识别多个满足你利益的替代方案
- 根据每个替代方案满足你需求的程度进行评估
- 选择*佳替代方案作为你的BATNA
- 寻找改进你的BATNA的方法
考虑对方的BATNA。 尝试估计对方的替代方案:
- 如果未达成协议,他们可能会做什么?
- 如何使他们的替代方案不那么有吸引力?
- 如何使你的报价相比他们的BATNA更具吸引力?
5. 使用客观标准来说服
制定公平范围。 准备多种客观标准或标准来定义公平解决方案。这有助于避免陷入单一“正确答案”的困境,并允许更灵活的谈判。
- 行业标准
- 先例
- 专家意见
- 法律原则
- 科学发现
使用公平程序。 当没有具体标准时,考虑同意公平的决策程序,例如:
- 轮流
- 抽签
- 使用中立的第三方
准备解释。 考虑对方将如何向其利益相关者解释协议。制定有说服力的理由,使他们能够向他人证明协议的合理性。
6. 有效沟通并管理关系
- 考虑你期望他们说什么以及如何识别不同的信息
- 考虑他们可能如何解读你的陈述
- 准备重新表述你的观点,使其更容易被接受
- 将关系问题与实质性问题分开
- 采取无条件建设性的步骤来改善关系
- 避免将关系问题与实质性分歧混淆
- 认识并承认双方的感受
- 寻找在不做实质性让步的情况下满足情感需求的方法
7. 计划明确且持久的承诺
- 列出协议中需要解决的问题
- 考虑实施每个方面所需的条件
- 确定谁需要批准或参与实施
- 定义时间表和衡量进展的里程碑
- 定义每次谈判会议的目的
- 指定每次会议的预期成果
- 计划适当的过程以实现预期结果
- 确定必要的步骤和决策点
- 考虑每个阶段需要参与的人
- 预见潜在障碍并计划如何应对
8. 将人和问题分开
- 识别哪些问题是实质性的(例如,价格、条款、条件)
- 认识到哪些问题是关系问题(例如,信任、尊重、沟通)
- 分别处理每种类型的问题
- 将关系问题与实质性分歧混淆
- 假设关系是固定的或超出你的控制
- 将关系困难归咎于对方
- 准备步骤以提高理解、建立信任和增强沟通
- 专注于你能做的事情,而不管对方的行为
- 目标是建立有助于高效解决问题的关系
9. 准备与对方共同达成协议
转变心态。 将谈判的*初部分视为你准备工作的延伸,但现在是与对方合作完成的。
- 一起回顾利益以确保相互理解
- 共同头脑风暴选项和创造价值的方法
- 探索评估解决方案的可能客观标准
- 公开讨论沟通和关系问题
选择性分享。 虽然许多准备要素可以公开讨论,但对敏感信息要谨慎:
- 避免详细讨论退出替代方案(BATNA)
- 专注于对双方有利的标准和标准
- 分享承诺计划以确保所有问题都得到解决
What's "Getting Ready to Negotiate" about?
- Purpose of the book: "Getting Ready to Negotiate" by Roger Fisher and Danny Ertel is a workbook designed to help individuals prepare effectively for negotiations.
- Focus on preparation: It emphasizes the importance of preparation in achieving successful negotiation outcomes, providing a structured approach to getting ready.
- Seven Elements of Negotiation: The book introduces seven key elements—Interests, Options, Alternatives, Legitimacy, Communication, Relationship, and Commitment—that are crucial for effective negotiation.
- Practical tools and forms: It offers practical tools, forms, and examples to guide readers through the preparation process, making it applicable to various negotiation scenarios.
Why should I read "Getting Ready to Negotiate"?
- Enhance negotiation skills: The book provides a systematic approach to improve negotiation skills, making it valuable for both beginners and experienced negotiators.
- Real-world applicability: It offers practical advice and tools that can be applied to a wide range of negotiation contexts, from business to personal situations.
- Build confidence: By focusing on preparation, the book helps readers feel more confident and less anxious about entering negotiations.
- Improve outcomes: The structured preparation process outlined in the book aims to lead to better negotiation outcomes by addressing all critical elements.
What are the key takeaways of "Getting Ready to Negotiate"?
- Preparation is crucial: Effective negotiation begins with thorough preparation, which involves understanding both your own and the other party's interests.
- Seven Elements framework: The book's framework—Interests, Options, Alternatives, Legitimacy, Communication, Relationship, and Commitment—provides a comprehensive checklist for preparation.
- Systematic approach: Using a systematic approach to preparation can help negotiators avoid common pitfalls and improve their chances of success.
- Practical tools: The book offers practical tools and forms to help organize thoughts and strategies before entering a negotiation.
What are the Seven Elements of Negotiation in "Getting Ready to Negotiate"?
- Interests: Focus on the underlying needs and desires of both parties, rather than just positions or demands.
- Options: Explore a range of possible solutions that can satisfy the interests of both parties.
- Alternatives: Identify your Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA) to know when to walk away.
- Legitimacy: Use objective criteria and standards to ensure fairness and persuade the other party.
- Communication: Prepare for effective two-way communication to avoid misunderstandings and build rapport.
- Relationship: Consider the impact of the negotiation on the ongoing relationship between parties.
- Commitment: Plan for clear, realistic commitments that both parties can agree to and implement.
How does "Getting Ready to Negotiate" suggest improving negotiation preparation?
- Systematic preparation: The book emphasizes using a systematic approach to cover all aspects of negotiation preparation.
- Use of forms and tools: It provides forms and tools to help organize and clarify thinking about negotiation elements.
- Review and practice: Encourages reviewing past negotiations to learn from experience and practicing preparation skills regularly.
- Collaboration and feedback: Suggests involving colleagues or peers for feedback and to serve as a sounding board during preparation.
What is the role of "Interests" in negotiation according to "Getting Ready to Negotiate"?
- Focus on needs: Interests represent the underlying needs, desires, and concerns that drive negotiation positions.
- Avoid positional bargaining: By focusing on interests rather than positions, negotiators can find creative solutions that satisfy both parties.
- Prioritize interests: Identifying and prioritizing interests helps in evaluating options and making trade-offs during negotiations.
- Consider the other side: Understanding the interests of the other party is crucial for proposing acceptable solutions.
How does "Getting Ready to Negotiate" define "Alternatives" and their importance?
- Definition of Alternatives: Alternatives are other ways to satisfy your interests outside of the current negotiation.
- BATNA concept: The Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA) is the most advantageous alternative if negotiations fail.
- Confidence in negotiation: Knowing your BATNA provides confidence and clarity on when to walk away from a negotiation.
- Strengthen your BATNA: The book advises improving your BATNA to ensure better negotiation outcomes.
What does "Getting Ready to Negotiate" say about "Legitimacy" in negotiations?
- Objective criteria: Legitimacy involves using objective standards and criteria to ensure fairness in negotiations.
- Persuasion tool: It serves as a persuasive tool to convince the other party that an agreement is fair and reasonable.
- Range of fairness: Consider a range of standards to avoid positional battles over what is fair.
- Fair processes: Sometimes, agreeing on a fair process for decision-making can help resolve impasses.
How does "Getting Ready to Negotiate" address "Communication" in negotiations?
- Two-way communication: Effective negotiation requires preparing for both listening and speaking clearly.
- Avoid assumptions: Be aware of assumptions and biases that may affect how messages are received and interpreted.
- Reframe messages: Consider how to frame messages so they are understood as intended by the other party.
- Active listening: Prepare to actively listen to the other party to understand their perspective and concerns.
What strategies does "Getting Ready to Negotiate" offer for managing "Relationships"?
- Separate issues: Distinguish between substantive issues and relationship issues to address them appropriately.
- Unconditionally constructive: Take steps to improve the relationship that are beneficial regardless of the other party's actions.
- Build trust and respect: Focus on actions that build mutual understanding, trust, and respect.
- Long-term perspective: Consider the impact of the negotiation on future interactions and relationships.
What does "Getting Ready to Negotiate" suggest about making "Commitments"?
- Plan for commitments: Think about the types of commitments you want to achieve by the end of the negotiation.
- Operational commitments: Ensure commitments are clear, realistic, and operational for successful implementation.
- Clarify meeting purpose: Define the purpose, product, and process of negotiation meetings to ensure alignment.
- Sequence of actions: Consider the sequence of actions needed to reach and implement an agreement.
What are the best quotes from "Getting Ready to Negotiate" and what do they mean?
- "Preparation is the key to success in negotiation." This emphasizes the book's central theme that thorough preparation is crucial for effective negotiation.
- "Know your BATNA and improve it." Highlights the importance of understanding and strengthening your alternatives to enhance negotiation outcomes.
- "Focus on interests, not positions." Encourages negotiators to look beyond demands to the underlying needs and concerns that drive them.
- "Use objective criteria to persuade and protect." Advises using external standards to ensure fairness and protect against being unfairly treated.
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