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Good Enough Is the New Perfect

Good Enough Is the New Perfect

Finding Happiness and Success in Modern Motherhood
作者 Becky Beaupre Gillespie 2011 288 页数
100+ 评分
8 分钟
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1. 重新定义成功:足够好就是新的完美


视角转变。 作者挑战了“拥有一切”的观念,提出了一个新的范式,即成功是由个人满意度而非外部标准来定义的。这种转变使女性能够优先考虑对她们真正重要的事情,无论是职业发展、家庭时间还是个人追求。

接受不完美。 通过接受完美是无法实现的,女性可以摆脱在生活各个方面都要出类拔萃的压力。这种心态的转变使她们能够做出与自己的价值观和目标一致的选择,而不是迎合社会期望。

  • 重新定义成功的主要好处:
  • 减少压力和焦虑
  • 提高在多个生活领域的满意度
  • 决策更加灵活
  • 改善整体幸福感

2. 摆脱完美主义以找到平衡


识别完美主义倾向。 作者区分了两种类型的职业母亲:“永远不够好”的人不断追求完美,而“足够好”的人则专注于对自己的努力感到满意。识别这些模式对于摆脱完美主义陷阱至关重要。

克服完美主义的策略。 书中提供了从完美主义心态转向更平衡方法的实用建议:

  • 克服完美主义的步骤:
  • 设定现实的期望
  • 根据重要性优先处理任务
  • 学会有效委派
  • 将错误视为学习机会
  • 练习自我同情

3. 创建自己的工作与生活整合定义


个人优先事项。 作者强调在制定工作与生活整合策略时识别个人价值观和目标的重要性。这种个性化的方法使女性能够做出与其独特情况和愿望一致的决策。

方法的灵活性。 成功的女性并不遵循一刀切的模式,而是根据自己的需求和情况变化调整工作与生活整合策略。这种灵活性使她们能够更有效地应对不同的生活阶段和职业阶段。

  • 成功的工作与生活整合的关键要素:
  • 清晰理解个人价值观
  • 愿意做出权衡
  • 定期重新评估优先事项
  • 与伴侣和雇主进行开放沟通
  • 必要时接受非传统的职业道路

4. 明智利用技术以实现灵活性


双刃剑。 虽然技术使工作安排更加灵活,但也可能模糊工作与个人生活的界限。作者警告了持续连接的潜在陷阱,并提供了保持界限的策略。

有效使用技术工具。 书中提供了如何利用技术提高生产力和灵活性而不牺牲个人时间或幸福感的指导。

  • 明智利用技术的提示:
  • 为设备使用设定明确的界限
  • 使用生产力应用程序简化任务
  • 为家庭或个人活动设定“无技术”时间
  • 利用远程工作工具创建灵活的时间表
  • 注意社交媒体对自我认知和时间管理的影响

5. 自信应对职业转型


接受变化。 作者强调职业转型往往是必要的,并且可以带来更大的满足感。她们鼓励女性将这些变化视为成长的机会而非挫折。

战略规划。 书中提供了如何在考虑短期需求和长期目标的情况下,周全地应对职业转型的指导。

  • 成功职业转型的步骤:
  • 评估当前技能和激情
  • 研究新的职业选择
  • 战略性地建立人脉
  • 必要时获取新技能或教育
  • 制定支持转型的财务计划
  • 接受非传统的职业道路

6. 接受工作场所灵活性的演变


工作场所规范的转变。 作者强调了对工作与生活平衡的普遍需求的日益认可,这不仅仅是母亲们的关注。这种转变正在许多工作场所引入更具包容性的灵活性政策。

倡导变革。 书中鼓励女性积极寻求和创建灵活的工作安排,提供了与雇主谈判和建立工作场所灵活性的策略。

  • 工作场所灵活性的好处:
  • 提高生产力和工作满意度
  • 改善员工保留率
  • 所有员工的工作与生活平衡更好
  • 提升公司声誉和吸引顶尖人才的能力
  • 减少压力和倦怠

7. 培养支持性网络和伙伴关系


平等的伙伴关系。 作者强调了在伴侣之间公平分担家务和育儿责任的重要性。这种平衡对于使双方都能追求职业和个人目标至关重要。

建立支持系统。 书中强调了培养朋友、家人和职业联系网络的价值,这些网络可以提供情感支持、实际帮助和职业机会。

  • 强大支持系统的要素:
  • 具有共同家庭责任的支持性伴侣
  • 其他职业父母的网络,提供建议和共鸣
  • 工作场所的导师和赞助人
  • 可靠的育儿安排
  • 职业发展的专业网络

8. 克服内疚并重新定义期望


应对母亲的内疚感。 作者承认职业母亲中普遍存在的内疚感,并提供了重新定义这些感受的策略。她们鼓励女性关注与孩子互动的质量,而不是花费的时间量。

挑战社会期望。 书中呼吁重新评估关于母亲身份和职业成功的社会规范,敦促女性定义自己的“足够好”的育儿和职业成就标准。

  • 克服内疚的策略:
  • 关注工作对孩子发展的积极影响
  • 认识到在工作和母亲身份中个人满足感的价值
  • 挑战不现实的社会期望
  • 练习自我同情和积极的自我对话
  • 庆祝个人和职业领域的小胜利

9. 适应不断变化的家庭动态


优先事项的演变。 作者强调随着孩子成长和职业进展,家庭需求和个人目标的变化。她们强调定期重新评估和调整工作与生活整合策略的重要性。

方法的灵活性。 书中鼓励女性在家庭情况变化时,开放地改变职业道路或工作安排,并提供成功适应的例子。

  • 可能需要适应的关键生活阶段:
  • 婴儿期和幼儿期
  • 学龄儿童
  • 青少年时期
  • 空巢期
  • 照顾年迈父母

10. 从挫折中学习并建立韧性


接受失败。 作者强调挫折是平衡职业和家庭的不可避免的一部分。她们鼓励女性将这些挑战视为成长和学习的机会。

建立韧性。 书中提供了在面对个人和职业逆境时,培养心理韧性和适应能力的策略。

  • 建立韧性的技巧:
  • 练习正念和压力管理技巧
  • 培养成长心态
  • 寻求导师和同伴的支持
  • 从过去的经验中学习并相应调整策略
  • 专注于长期目标而非短期挫折
  • 庆祝小胜利和进步



What's Good Enough Is the New Perfect about?

  • Focus on Modern Motherhood: The book delves into the complexities of balancing career and family life in modern motherhood. It addresses the societal pressures women face to achieve perfection.
  • Two Perspectives: Mothers are categorized into "Good Enoughs" and "Never Enoughs," helping readers identify their own parenting and work styles.
  • Personal Stories and Research: It includes anecdotes and research to illustrate the evolving roles of women, aiming to empower mothers to define success on their own terms.

Why should I read Good Enough Is the New Perfect?

  • Relatable Experiences: Many mothers will see their own challenges reflected in the stories, providing comfort and validation.
  • Practical Advice: Offers actionable strategies for balancing work and family, promoting the idea that "good enough" is a fulfilling standard.
  • Empowerment Through Community: Encourages building support networks among mothers, inspiring readers to create or join communities for shared experiences.

What are the key takeaways of Good Enough Is the New Perfect?

  • Redefining Success: Encourages mothers to define success personally, rather than conforming to societal expectations, leading to greater satisfaction.
  • Embracing Imperfection: Accepting imperfection allows mothers to focus on being present with their children, fostering happier families.
  • Flexibility and Adaptability: Highlights the importance of being flexible in work and parenting to maintain balance and happiness.

What are the best quotes from Good Enough Is the New Perfect and what do they mean?

  • “Good enough is the new perfect.”: Encourages mothers to accept limitations and focus on what truly matters, rather than striving for perfection.
  • “You can have it all, but not all at once.”: Suggests that women can achieve their goals with patience and timing, prioritizing different life aspects at different times.
  • “Your kids are thriving. What are you worried about?”: Reminds mothers that children can flourish even when parents are not perfect, emphasizing self-compassion.

What is the New Perfect concept in Good Enough Is the New Perfect?

  • Acceptance of Imperfection: Encourages embracing imperfection and focusing on being present rather than idealized motherhood.
  • Personal Definitions of Success: Mothers are urged to define success personally, fostering fulfillment and happiness.
  • Community Support: Stresses the importance of supportive communities among mothers to alleviate isolation and guilt.

How do the authors differentiate between "Good Enoughs" and "Never Enoughs"?

  • Good Enoughs: Accept imperfection, prioritize well-being, and focus on essential family needs, allowing for flexibility.
  • Never Enoughs: Strive for perfection, often leading to stress and dissatisfaction, struggling with societal expectations.
  • Impact on Parenting: Highlights different approaches to parenting and work-life balance, helping mothers make conscious choices.

What strategies do the authors suggest for achieving work-life balance in Good Enough Is the New Perfect?

  • Set Realistic Expectations: Establish achievable goals for work and family to reduce feelings of inadequacy.
  • Prioritize Self-Care: Emphasizes the importance of self-care for mental health and well-being, enhancing caregiving abilities.
  • Seek Support: Building a supportive network can provide emotional and practical assistance, alleviating isolation.

How does Good Enough Is the New Perfect address the issue of guilt in motherhood?

  • Normalizing Guilt: Recognizes guilt as a common experience, encouraging mothers to see it as a natural part of parenting.
  • Reframing Perspectives: Suggests using guilt for growth and self-reflection, rather than succumbing to it.
  • Focusing on Children’s Well-Being: Emphasizes that children's happiness is the ultimate success measure, shifting focus from perfection to presence.

What role does technology play in the themes of Good Enough Is the New Perfect?

  • Double-Edged Sword: Technology offers flexibility but can increase stress by making mothers feel "always on."
  • Setting Boundaries: Importance of establishing boundaries around technology use to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
  • Enhancing Communication: Technology can build community among mothers, providing support and connection.

How can mothers redefine their own success according to Good Enough Is the New Perfect?

  • Self-Reflection: Encourages identifying personal values and priorities to shape definitions of success.
  • Embrace Individuality: Success should be defined on personal terms, fostering fulfillment and authenticity.
  • Celebrate Small Wins: Recognizing small achievements contributes to a broader sense of success in parenting and career.

What are the two perspectives on motherhood in Good Enough Is the New Perfect?

  • Good Enoughs: Accept imperfection, focus on essential family needs, and prioritize well-being.
  • Never Enoughs: Strive for perfection, often leading to stress and dissatisfaction, struggling with societal expectations.
  • Understanding Approaches: Helps mothers identify their parenting style and make conscious choices about priorities.

How does Good Enough Is the New Perfect empower mothers to define success on their own terms?

  • Personal Definitions: Encourages mothers to create personal definitions of success, rather than adhering to societal norms.
  • Focus on Fulfillment: Emphasizes fulfillment and happiness over perfection, leading to greater satisfaction.
  • Community and Support: Highlights the importance of community support in empowering mothers to redefine success.


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平均评分来自 100+ 来自Goodreads和亚马逊的评分.


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