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How Children Learn

How Children Learn

作者 John C. Holt 1967 320 页数
3k+ 评分
13 分钟
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1. 孩子是天生的学习者,由好奇心和探索驱动


天生的学习能力。 孩子天生具有惊人的能力去了解周围的世界。他们拥有无尽的好奇心,驱使他们去探索、实验并理解他们的环境。这种自然的学习方式非常有效,使孩子在早期无需正式指导就能获得大量的知识和技能。

自我导向的学习。 当孩子们参与他们感兴趣的活动时,他们表现出惊人的坚持和专注。他们能够设定自己的挑战,随着进展调整难度,并从他们的成就中获得满足感。这种自我导向的学习方式体现在孩子们如何:

  • 对周围环境提出无数问题
  • 重复动作和实验以确认他们的理解
  • 寻求新的体验和信息
  • 将在一个情境中获得的知识应用到新的情境中

保持自然学习的重要性。 不幸的是,传统的教育方法常常抑制这种天生的学习方式,取而代之的是更僵化且效果较差的方法。为了最大限度地发挥孩子的潜力,我们必须认识并培养他们的自然学习能力,创造支持和鼓励他们内在好奇心和理解世界的环境。

2. 幻想和游戏是孩子学习和发展的重要工具


连接想象与现实。 幻想和游戏是孩子内心世界与他们试图理解的外部现实之间的重要桥梁。通过想象游戏,孩子们:

  • 处理并理解他们的经历
  • 试验不同的角色和情境
  • 发展解决问题的技能
  • 增强他们的社会和情感理解

通过假装游戏学习。 当孩子们参与假装游戏时,他们不是在逃避现实,而是在积极地理解它。例如:

  • 假装当医生的孩子在探索健康、护理和人体解剖的概念
  • 玩“家家酒”让孩子们练习社会互动并理解家庭动态
  • 用积木建造虚拟城市有助于发展空间推理和规划技能

非结构化游戏的重要性。 给予孩子充足的非结构化、富有想象力的游戏时间对他们的认知、社会和情感发展至关重要。成年人应避免过度指导或结构化孩子的游戏,而是提供一个安全的环境和丰富的材料来支持创造性探索。

3. 传统学校教育常常阻碍自然学习过程


人为的学习障碍。 传统的学校教育方法常常通过以下方式制造不必要的学习障碍:

  • 将学科分解成孤立的、无上下文的片段
  • 强加严格的时间表和技能获取期望
  • 过度依赖死记硬背和练习
  • 强调测试和评分而非理解和应用

对动机的负面影响。 这些方法可能对孩子的自然学习热情产生不利影响:

  • 焦虑和对失败的恐惧
  • 对自己能力的信心下降
  • 内在学习动机的减少
  • 发展出回避策略而非真正的参与

替代方法。 为了支持自然学习过程,教育环境应:

  • 允许自我节奏地探索相互关联的概念
  • 提供有意义的技能发展情境
  • 鼓励提问和实验
  • 关注培养理解而非记忆
  • 尽量减少引起焦虑的评估和比较

4. 有效的学习需要动手体验和“随意探索”


探索的重要性。 孩子在直接接触材料和概念时学习效果最佳,而不是被动接受指导。这种动手方法使他们能够:

  • 对抽象概念有具体的理解
  • 通过试错发现模式和关系
  • 建立解决问题的信心
  • 培养对自己学习的主人翁意识

“随意探索”作为学习策略。 非结构化的探索时间,或称“随意探索”,对深度学习至关重要。在这个过程中:

  • 孩子们跟随自己的好奇心和兴趣
  • 他们会做出意想不到的发现和联系
  • 错误和“失败”成为宝贵的学习经验
  • 通过反复接触和操作内化复杂的概念

创造探索环境。 为了支持这种学习,成年人应:

  • 提供各种丰富的、开放式的材料
  • 允许充足的、不间断的探索时间
  • 抵制过度解释或指导孩子活动的冲动
  • 在被请求时提供回答问题和支持

5. 孩子在有自由选择活动时学习效果最佳


内在动机。 当孩子有自由选择活动时,他们更有可能被内在动机驱动去学习。这导致:

  • 对主题的更深层次参与
  • 面对挑战时的更大坚持
  • 更具创造性和创新性的解决问题方法
  • 对自己学习的更强主人翁意识

多样的学习路径。 允许孩子追随他们的兴趣会导致:

  • 探索更广泛的主题和技能
  • 在不同知识领域之间建立意想不到的联系
  • 发展独特的优势和才能
  • 对世界有更全面和综合的理解

支持自我导向的学习。 为了促进这种方法:

  • 提供丰富多样的学习环境
  • 在被请求时提供指导和资源
  • 帮助孩子反思他们的学习并设定目标
  • 鼓励合作和分享发现

6. 成人应信任孩子的能力,避免过度干预


尊重孩子的能力。 孩子的能力往往比成人给予的信任要强得多。通过信任他们的能力,我们:

  • 提升他们的自信和自尊
  • 鼓励他们接受挑战
  • 让他们发展解决问题的技能
  • 培养独立性和自立能力

过度干预的危险。 过度的成人干预可能:

  • 破坏孩子的自然学习过程
  • 造成依赖和不安全感
  • 扼杀创造力和主动性
  • 灌输对犯错的恐惧

平衡支持和自主。 为了有效支持孩子的学习:

  • 提供一个安全和刺激的环境
  • 在被请求时提供帮助和指导
  • 允许孩子犯错并从中学习
  • 抵制“拯救”孩子脱离有益挣扎的冲动

7. 当孩子沉浸在有意义的情境中时,阅读和写作自然发展


自然的读写能力发展。 当孩子被丰富的读写环境包围时,他们往往像学习说话一样自然地发展阅读和写作技能。这个过程的关键要素包括:

  • 接触各种书面材料
  • 观察成人为实际目的使用阅读和写作
  • 有机会尝试写作和绘画
  • 参与他们感兴趣的故事和书籍

读写的有意义情境。 当孩子看到阅读和写作与他们生活的相关性时,他们更有动力去学习。例如:

  • 给朋友和家人写信或电子邮件
  • 为他们的环境创建标志和标签
  • 阅读他们想做的活动的说明
  • 探索他们感兴趣的主题的书籍

支持初步读写能力。 成人可以通过以下方式促进这一过程:

  • 定期为孩子朗读
  • 鼓励孩子的写作尝试,无论拼写是否规范
  • 提供写作和绘画的材料
  • 在被问及时回答有关印刷和写作的问题

8. 数学和科学概念通过现实应用最佳学习


将抽象概念情境化。 当数学和科学概念在现实情境中呈现时,它们变得更易接近和有意义。这种方法:

  • 帮助孩子看到他们所学内容的相关性
  • 提供抽象原理的具体例子
  • 鼓励解决问题和批判性思维
  • 促进对概念的更深理解

数学和科学的动手学习。 有效的策略包括:

  • 使用操作材料和物理模型
  • 进行实验和调查
  • 将数学概念应用于日常情境(如烹饪、建筑)
  • 通过观察和探究探索自然现象

培养科学思维。 为了发展科学思维,应该鼓励孩子:

  • 提出问题并形成假设
  • 设计和进行实验
  • 分析结果并得出结论
  • 根据新证据修正他们的想法

9. 当孩子有优质材料和自由时,他们的艺术和创造力会蓬勃发展


尊重孩子的艺术能力。 当孩子有机会时,他们能够创作出复杂且有意义的艺术作品。这需要:

  • 提供高质量的材料和工具
  • 教授正确使用材料的技巧
  • 允许自由探索和实验
  • 重视创作过程与最终作品同等重要

艺术表达的好处。 参与艺术活动有助于孩子:

  • 发展精细运动技能和手眼协调能力
  • 以非语言方式表达情感和想法
  • 增强解决问题和批判性思维能力
  • 建立对自己创造能力的信心

创造艺术成长的环境。 成人可以通过以下方式支持孩子的艺术发展:

  • 提供各种艺术材料和技术
  • 尊重地展示孩子的艺术作品
  • 鼓励实验和冒险
  • 避免对最终作品的过度赞扬或批评

10. 标准化测试和僵化课程会扼杀学习和好奇心


过度测试的负面影响。 过度强调标准化测试可能:

  • 造成孩子的焦虑和压力
  • 将课程缩小到专注于考试准备
  • 阻碍创造力和批判性思维
  • 削弱内在学习动机

僵化课程的局限性。 不灵活的、一刀切的教育方法常常:

  • 无法满足个别孩子的多样需求和兴趣
  • 强调记忆而非理解
  • 忽视重要的非学术技能和知识
  • 限制对主题的深入探索机会

标准化评估的替代方法。 更有效的学习评估方法包括:

  • 展示各种作品的档案评估
  • 具有真实结果的项目式学习
  • 学生自我反思和设定目标
  • 融入日常活动的持续形成性评估



What's How Children Learn about?

  • Focus on natural learning: The book delves into how children learn naturally and effectively, highlighting their innate curiosity and desire to understand the world.
  • Critique of traditional education: John Holt critiques conventional schooling methods, arguing they often suppress children's natural learning instincts and creativity.
  • Advocacy for real-world learning: Holt promotes learning through real-life experiences and interactions rather than rote memorization or standardized testing.

Why should I read How Children Learn?

  • Insightful perspective on education: The book challenges traditional views, encouraging readers to rethink how they approach teaching and learning.
  • Empowers parents and educators: It empowers them to recognize and nurture children's natural learning instincts rather than impose rigid structures.
  • Timeless relevance: Despite being published decades ago, Holt's insights remain relevant today, making it valuable for anyone involved in education or child development.

What are the key takeaways of How Children Learn?

  • Children learn best freely: Holt emphasizes that children learn most effectively when allowed to explore and engage with their environment without pressure.
  • Importance of curiosity: The book highlights maintaining children's curiosity and love for learning, which can be diminished by traditional schooling methods.
  • Role of play: Play is crucial for learning, allowing children to experiment, make mistakes, and develop problem-solving skills.

What are the best quotes from How Children Learn and what do they mean?

  • “Trust Children.” This quote encapsulates Holt's philosophy that children are capable learners who should be trusted to explore and learn at their own pace.
  • “We like to say that we send children to school to teach them to think. What we do, all too often, is to teach them to think badly.” This highlights the irony in education systems that aim to foster critical thinking but often end up discouraging it.
  • “The only good reason for reading aloud is the joy of sharing with children a story you love.” This emphasizes that reading should be a joyful experience, not just a tool for teaching skills.

What is John Holt's view on traditional schooling in How Children Learn?

  • Critique of conventional methods: Holt argues that traditional schooling often fails to meet children's real needs, fostering fear and discouragement rather than curiosity and confidence.
  • Fragmented learning: He points out that schools tend to teach in a fragmented manner, leading to superficial understanding and short-lived knowledge.
  • Need for reform: Holt advocates for a fundamental reform in education that prioritizes understanding children's natural learning processes and creating environments that support them.

How does How Children Learn define effective learning?

  • Natural learning style: Holt describes effective learning as a process that aligns with children's natural curiosity and exploration, allowing them to engage with the world around them.
  • Self-directed exploration: He emphasizes the importance of children directing their own learning experiences, which fosters deeper understanding and retention.
  • Learning through play: The book highlights that play is a crucial component of learning, as it allows children to experiment, discover, and make sense of their environment.

What role does curiosity play in How Children Learn?

  • Foundation of learning: Curiosity is presented as the driving force behind children's desire to learn, explore, and understand their surroundings.
  • Nurturing curiosity: Holt stresses the importance of nurturing this curiosity rather than suppressing it through rigid educational structures.
  • Curiosity leads to engagement: When children are allowed to follow their interests, they become more engaged and motivated learners, leading to more meaningful educational experiences.

How does Holt suggest we should interact with children to support their learning in How Children Learn?

  • Encouraging exploration: Holt advises adults to encourage children to explore and ask questions, providing them with opportunities to learn through their own experiences.
  • Avoiding unnecessary correction: He emphasizes the importance of not correcting children’s mistakes immediately, allowing them to discover and learn from their errors independently.
  • Creating a supportive environment: The book advocates for creating a supportive and trusting environment where children feel safe to express themselves and take risks in their learning.

What is the significance of self-correction in How Children Learn?

  • Empowerment through discovery: Holt highlights that when children are allowed to self-correct, they develop a sense of empowerment and ownership over their learning.
  • Building confidence: Self-correction helps build children's confidence in their abilities, reinforcing their understanding and encouraging them to take on new challenges.
  • Natural learning process: Holt argues that self-correction is a natural part of the learning process, and when children are given the time to reflect, they often find and correct their mistakes.

How does How Children Learn address the concept of failure in education?

  • Redefining failure: Holt suggests that failure in education is often a result of the system's inability to recognize and support children's natural learning processes.
  • Fear of failure: He discusses how traditional schooling instills a fear of failure in children, which can hinder their willingness to take risks and explore new ideas.
  • Learning from mistakes: The book emphasizes that mistakes should be viewed as valuable learning opportunities rather than failures, encouraging a growth mindset in both children and educators.

What methods does Holt propose for fostering a better learning environment in How Children Learn?

  • Trusting children's instincts: Holt advocates for trusting children's instincts and allowing them to learn at their own pace, rather than imposing strict curricula.
  • Encouraging play and creativity: He emphasizes the importance of play and creative expression as essential components of effective learning.
  • Creating a community of learners: The book suggests fostering a community where children can learn from each other, share ideas, and collaborate, enhancing their educational experiences.

How does Holt view the relationship between reading and understanding in How Children Learn?

  • Reading as meaningful: Holt argues that reading should be a meaningful activity, not just a skill to be mastered for tests.
  • Connection to reality: He believes that children learn to read best when they see reading as a way to connect with the world around them.
  • Importance of context: Understanding the context of what is being read is crucial for children, as it helps them make sense of the material.


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