1. 创造是平凡的,不是非凡的
每个人都能创造。 只有少数天才才能创新的观念是一个神话。纵观历史,来自不同背景的无数个人在各个领域做出了重要贡献。从革命性改变香草种植的年轻奴隶埃德蒙·阿尔比乌斯,到发明飞行的莱特兄弟,创造力源于普通人解决问题的过程。
创造是渐进的。 大多数创新是基于现有知识,通过小的、逐步的改进而不是突然的突破实现的。这个过程包括:
- 识别问题
- 提出潜在解决方案
- 测试和改进想法
- 从失败中学习
- 坚持克服挑战
2. 思考是一个逐步的过程,而不是突然的飞跃
“灵光一现”时刻的神话 误导了我们对创造力的理解。研究表明,即使是看似突然的灵感闪现也是逐步思考过程的结果。卡尔·邓克的解决问题实验揭示了人们通过一系列小的心理步骤而不是戏剧性的飞跃来应对挑战。
- 莱特兄弟:通过多年的仔细实验和改进发展了飞行
- 史蒂夫·乔布斯:iPhone的设计通过多次迭代而不是一次灵感闪现演变而来
- 瓦西里·康定斯基:通过无数草图和修订创作了抽象画
3. 在创造过程中预期并接受逆境
失败是创造的关键。 许多伟大的创新者在取得成功之前都经历了重大挫折和拒绝。犹大·福尔克曼的开创性癌症研究最初被科学界拒绝,但他的坚持最终带来了革命性的治疗方法。将失败视为学习机会而不是最终判决,对于创造性进步至关重要。
- 预期拒绝和批评
- 从失败中学习并加以改进
- 培养韧性和坚持
- 认识到挫折是过程的一部分,而不是终点
- 寻求建设性的反馈,同时保持对自己想法的信念
4. 我们的感知塑造了我们所见和所创
无意识盲视 影响我们对世界的感知,限制了我们的创造潜力。我们的头脑根据期望和先前的知识过滤信息,常常使我们忽略重要的细节。这种现象解释了为什么一些突破性的发现常常隐藏在显而易见的地方,比如罗宾·沃伦发现的幽门螺杆菌,尽管几十年来科学家们都未能发现它。
- 培养“初学者的心态”,以新鲜的眼光看待问题
- 质疑假设和“显而易见”的事实
- 寻求多样化的观点来挑战自己的看法
- 练习积极观察和正念
- 对与既定信念相矛盾的意外发现保持开放
5. 创造的功劳往往被错误归因或不平等分配
“孤独天才”神话 掩盖了创造的协作本质。许多著名的创新是无数贡献者的结果,往往跨越几代人。例如,罗莎琳·富兰克林对DNA结构的关键工作最初被忽视,而男性同事却获得了荣誉。将创造理解为一种集体努力,挑战了传统的个人天才观念。
- 历史偏见(如性别、种族、社会地位)
- “马太效应”——著名人物获得不成比例的荣誉
- 对复杂协作过程的简化
- 强调突破而不是渐进进步
6. 创造对社会有意想不到的连锁反应
创新改变社会 的方式往往是其创造者无法预见的。例如,工业革命期间自动织机的引入,最初威胁到织工的生计,但最终随着新的、更复杂工作的出现,导致了识字率和教育水平的提高。理解每一个创造都有深远的影响,挑战我们考虑我们工作的更广泛影响。
- 预见潜在的负面后果
- 努力实现负责任的创新
- 保持开放态度,随时适应和改进创造
- 认识到解决一个问题可能会带来新的挑战
- 考虑新技术和想法的伦理影响
7. 内在动机推动最有影响力的创造性工作
外部奖励可能阻碍创造力。 研究表明,金钱或认可等外在动机往往会降低创造力的产出和质量。相反,最具创新性的工作往往来自内在动机——对工作本身的个人满足感和热情。伍迪·艾伦拒绝参加颁奖典礼,体现了对内在驱动力而非外部认可的关注。
- 追求与个人兴趣和价值观一致的项目
- 关注过程和学习,而不仅仅是结果
- 为创造而创造,而不是为了认可
- 留出时间进行游戏和实验
- 在创造性工作中培养自主性和自我导向
8. 建立创造性组织需要培养合适的环境
传统的组织结构 往往扼杀创造力。像凯利·约翰逊的臭鼬工厂这样的创新团队的成功,展示了创造支持创造性思维和快速解决问题的环境的力量。这些组织优先考虑行动而不是官僚主义,并赋予个人冒险的权力。
- 具有明确目标的小型自主团队
- 最小的层级和官僚主义
- 强调快速原型设计和迭代
- 容忍失败并从错误中学习
- 开放的沟通和想法分享
- 专注于解决实际问题,而不仅仅是遵循程序
9. 天才的神话阻碍了我们对人类潜力的理解
天生天才的概念 植根于有害的历史偏见和伪科学。弗朗西斯·加尔顿关于“遗传天才”的工作推广了种族主义和阶级主义的观念,这些观念至今仍影响着我们对创造力的看法。拒绝这一神话使我们能够认识到所有人中的创造潜力,并培养更包容的创新方法。
- 认识到创造能力在各个群体中广泛分布
- 关注培养技能和提供机会,而不是识别“天才”
- 庆祝多样化的创造形式和解决问题的方法
- 鼓励合作和思想的交叉传播
- 强调在创造性成就中努力工作、坚持和学习的作用
What's How to Fly a Horse about?
- Exploration of Creativity: The book argues that creativity is an ordinary human trait, not a rare gift, and that everyone has the potential to create.
- Historical Context: Kevin Ashton uses historical examples, like Edmond Albius and the Luddites, to show how creativity often stems from hard work and perseverance.
- Challenging Myths: Ashton challenges romanticized notions of creativity, emphasizing that it is a result of ordinary acts and accessible to all.
Why should I read How to Fly a Horse?
- Empowering Perspective: The book empowers readers by showing that creativity is accessible to everyone, encouraging them to embrace their own potential.
- Practical Insights: Ashton shares relatable stories and practical advice, making the book applicable to everyday life.
- Debunking Myths: It debunks common myths about creativity, helping readers understand that failure and rejection are part of the process.
What are the key takeaways of How to Fly a Horse?
- Creativity is Work: Ashton emphasizes that creating is not magic but requires persistence and effort over time.
- Everyone Can Create: The book asserts that creativity is a fundamental human trait, not limited to a few "geniuses."
- Value of Failure: Ashton highlights the importance of failure in the creative process, encouraging readers to embrace their mistakes.
What are the best quotes from How to Fly a Horse and what do they mean?
- "Creating is ordinary, even if the outcome is not.": This quote encapsulates the book's theme that creativity is a common human experience.
- "If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.": This humorous quote by Carl Sagan illustrates the complexity and interconnectedness of creation.
- "Innovation is a series of repetitive failures.": This quote emphasizes that persistence through failure is essential for successful creation.
How does Kevin Ashton define creativity in How to Fly a Horse?
- Ordinary Process: Ashton defines creativity as an ordinary process involving hard work, iteration, and problem-solving.
- Accessible to All: He argues that creativity is inherent in all humans, encouraging everyone to engage in creative endeavors.
- Cumulative Effort: Creativity builds on the work of others, highlighting the importance of collaboration and innovation.
What role does failure play in How to Fly a Horse?
- Essential for Growth: Ashton posits that failure is crucial in the creative process, providing valuable lessons for success.
- Normalizes Setbacks: He normalizes setbacks, encouraging readers to view failure as a stepping stone rather than an endpoint.
- Encourages Persistence: The book suggests that many successful creators faced numerous rejections before achieving their goals.
How does Kevin Ashton use historical examples in How to Fly a Horse?
- Illustrative Stories: Ashton uses figures like Edmond Albius and Rosalind Franklin to show how hard work led to significant discoveries.
- Challenging Norms: These examples demonstrate that groundbreaking ideas often come from questioning established beliefs.
- Connecting Past to Present: Ashton connects past innovations to contemporary creativity, showing the timelessness of creation.
What is the significance of the "creativity myth" discussed in How to Fly a Horse?
- Misleading Beliefs: The "creativity myth" suggests creativity is a rare gift, which Ashton argues is misleading and harmful.
- Impacts Perception: This myth affects how society views creators, often leading to the belief that only certain individuals can contribute significantly.
- Encourages Inclusivity: By debunking this myth, Ashton promotes a more inclusive understanding of creativity.
How does Kevin Ashton address the concept of credit in How to Fly a Horse?
- Shared Contributions: Ashton emphasizes that most innovations result from collective efforts, challenging the idea of the "lone genius."
- Historical Context: He shows how many creators have been overlooked, highlighting the importance of recognizing all contributors.
- Encouraging Collaboration: The book suggests that recognizing shared credit can foster a more supportive creative environment.
What is the relationship between expertise and creativity in How to Fly a Horse?
- Expertise as a Tool: Ashton argues that expertise can enhance creativity but can also limit perspective if one becomes too entrenched.
- Beginner's Mind: He encourages experts to maintain an open attitude, allowing them to see new possibilities.
- Balance of Knowledge: While expertise is valuable, questioning assumptions and remaining open to new ideas is crucial for creativity.
How does How to Fly a Horse redefine the concept of genius?
- Genius as Myth: Ashton redefines genius as a myth that creates barriers to creativity, suggesting anyone can be creative with effort.
- Focus on Process: The book shifts focus from individual brilliance to the processes and practices that lead to creation.
- Encouraging Everyone: By debunking the myth of genius, Ashton encourages everyone to engage in creative pursuits.
What does Kevin Ashton say about the relationship between passion and creativity in How to Fly a Horse?
- Passion as a Driving Force: Ashton posits that passion fuels the desire to create and innovate, leading to meaningful creations.
- Balance of Knowledge and Passion: He highlights the need to balance passion with knowledge for successful creation.
- Intrinsic Motivation: The book emphasizes creating for the sake of creation, leading to more authentic and fulfilling work.
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