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Made to Stick

Made to Stick

Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die
作者 Chip Heath 2006 291 页数
95k+ 评分
11 分钟


1. 简单:找到核心并简洁分享


找到核心。 让想法深入人心的关键在于将其简化到最重要的元素。这一过程需要不断地优先考虑和排除多余的信息。就像军队的“指挥官意图”,它为士兵在不可预测的情况下提供了一个清晰、简洁的目标,你的信息也应该有一个单一的焦点,以指导行动和决策。

简洁地分享核心。 一旦你确定了核心思想,就要以既简单又深刻的方式传达它。这并不意味着要简化你的信息,而是要简洁而难忘地表达它。考虑一下谚语:它们将深刻的智慧浓缩成简短、易记的短语。例如,西南航空的核心理念是“低价航空公司”,这指导了员工在无数情况下的行为,从决定是否提供鸡肉沙拉到选择飞行路线。

  • 简洁核心理念的例子:
    • “名字,名字,还是名字”(胡佛·亚当斯的报纸策略)
    • “关键是经济,笨蛋”(克林顿1992年的竞选重点)
    • “在十年内将人送上月球”(肯尼迪的太空目标)

2. 意外:打破模式以吸引和保持注意力


通过违反预期来吸引注意力。 我们的大脑被编程成注意变化和意外情况。要让你的想法深入人心,你需要打破人们现有的心理模式。这可以像空乘人员用幽默的安全公告一样简单,也可以像提出一个挑战常识的反直觉事实一样深刻。

通过制造和填补知识空白来保持注意力。 一旦你吸引了注意力,就通过制造好奇心来保持它。突出人们知识中的空白,然后填补它们。这就是为什么推理小说如此吸引人——它们制造了一个知识空白(谁干的?),让我们一直读到谜底揭晓。在你的沟通中:

  • 提出问题或谜题,让你的观众想要答案
  • 提供不完整的信息,制造一种需要解决的渴望
  • 使用“新闻预告”方法:暗示即将到来的有趣信息


  • 诺拉·艾芙隆的新闻学老师揭示了一个令人惊讶的开头:“下周四没有学校”
  • “真相”反吸烟运动通过揭露烟草行业的欺骗行为震惊青少年

3. 具体:使想法具体且易记


使用具体的语言和例子。 抽象的想法难以理解和记住。通过使用感官语言、生动的图像和具体的例子,使你的想法具体化。这有助于人们理解、记住并与之产生共鸣。例如,与其谈论“改善客户服务”,不如分享一个诺德斯特龙员工为在梅西百货购买的礼物包装的故事。

让统计数据生动起来。 单纯的数字往往容易被遗忘。通过将它们置于人类背景中,使其具体且有影响力。例如:

  • 与其说“37克饱和脂肪”,不如说“相当于一顿培根鸡蛋早餐、一顿巨无霸和薯条午餐,以及一顿配有所有配菜的牛排晚餐——加在一起!”
  • 与其说“5000枚核弹头”,不如通过将5000个BB弹倒入金属桶中来展示规模

使用类比和隐喻。 这些工具通过将新概念与熟悉的概念联系起来,帮助人们理解。例如,迪士尼将其员工称为“演员”,立即传达了对表现和客户互动的期望。

4. 可信:通过权威和细节让人们相信


利用外部可信度。 使用权威、专家或反权威来支持你的信息。反权威在面对怀疑的观众时特别有效。例如,反吸烟运动中展示了因吸烟相关疾病而濒临死亡的年轻母亲帕姆·拉芬,比健康专家的讲座更有影响力。

建立内部可信度。 通过以下方式使你的想法更可信:

  1. 使用生动的细节:具体、具体的细节使故事感觉更真实和可信。
  2. 使用人类尺度的统计数据:通过将数字与熟悉的概念进行比较,使其更具相关性。
  3. 使用“辛纳屈测试”:找到一个如此强大的例子,它本身就能建立可信度。(“如果你能在那里成功,你就能在任何地方成功。”)
  4. 提供“可测试的凭证”:允许你的观众自己测试你的主张。


  • “牛肉在哪里?”广告活动让顾客可以直观地比较汉堡大小
  • 一家净化水的纺织厂,展示了对环境的承诺
  • NBA新秀培训中,球员们与HIV阳性女性互动,使风险变得具体

5. 情感:通过自我利益和身份让人们关心


诉诸自我利益。 向人们展示你的想法如何对他们个人有利。这并不总是意味着诉诸基本欲望;考虑马斯洛的需求层次,包括自我实现等更高层次的需求。例如,弗洛伊德·李在伊拉克管理一个食堂,通过将他们的工作框架为“负责士气”,而不仅仅是提供食物,来激励他的员工。

利用身份。 人们根据他们的身份感做出决定。将你的信息框架与人们如何看待自己或他们希望被看待的方式对齐。“不要惹德州”反垃圾广告活动通过诉诸德州人的自豪感和身份,而不是使用传统的环保信息,取得了成功。

利用个体的力量。 人们更有可能关心个体而不是大群体或抽象概念。这就是为什么慈善机构通常专注于一个孩子的故事,而不是关于广泛贫困的统计数据。

  • 让人们关心的策略:
    • 展示你的想法如何影响一个单一的、可关联的个体
    • 诉诸群体身份(例如,“像我这样的人在这种情况下会怎么做?”)
    • 将你的信息与更高层次的愿望和价值观联系起来

6. 故事:通过模拟和激励来激发行动


使用故事进行模拟。 故事就像心理飞行模拟器,让人们想象自己在情境中并排练反应。这使它们成为教学和激发行动的强大工具。例如,分享员工解决问题的故事可以帮助其他人应对类似的情况。

通过故事激励。 某些故事情节在激发行动方面特别有效:

  1. 挑战情节:克服障碍(例如,大卫与歌利亚)
  2. 连接情节:弥合人与人之间的差距(例如,善良的撒玛利亚人)
  3. 创意情节:以创新方式解决问题(例如,苹果落在牛顿头上)

发现并分享难忘的故事。 你不总是需要从头开始创造故事。留意那些体现你信息的真实故事,例如,赛百味员工通过吃他们的三明治显著减肥的故事,成为了贾里德广告活动。

  • 有效故事的元素:
    • 使故事感觉真实的具体细节
    • 保持兴趣的意外转折
    • 让人们关心的情感共鸣
    • 与你的核心信息有明确联系

7. 克服知识的诅咒以有效沟通


认识到知识的诅咒。 作为专家,我们常常忘记了不懂某事的感觉。这种“诅咒”使我们难以与那些不具备我们知识基础的人有效沟通。这就像在敲击游戏中当“敲击者”,对“听众”无法猜出你敲击的歌曲感到沮丧。


  1. 使用具体的例子和类比来弥合知识差距
  2. 讲述能以可关联方式说明你的观点的故事
  3. 用外行人测试你的信息
  4. 始终参考SUCCESs清单,确保你的想法易于理解


8. 使用SUCCESs清单让想法深入人心


应用SUCCESs框架。 使用这个清单来评估和改进你的想法的“粘性”:

  • 简单:找到核心并简洁表达
  • 意外:通过打破模式吸引注意力
  • 具体:使想法具体且易记
  • 可信:让人们相信
  • 情感:让人们关心
  • 故事:激发行动

结合元素以达到最大影响。 最深入人心的想法通常结合了SUCCESs框架的多个元素。例如,“不要惹德州”广告活动既简单(明确的信息),又意外(来自以独立著称的州),具体(具体行动),可信( featuring local celebrities),情感(诉诸州的自豪感),并使用了故事(展示真实的德州人采取行动)。

迭代和改进。 创造深入人心的想法是一种可以发展的技能。使用SUCCESs框架作为持续改进的工具:

  1. 分析成功的深入人心的想法,了解它们如何运作
  2. 将框架应用于你自己的想法和信息
  3. 用你的目标受众测试你的想法
  4. 根据反馈和结果进行改进




What's Made to Stick about?

  • Core Concept of Stickiness: Made to Stick by Chip Heath explores why some ideas are memorable and impactful while others fade away. It introduces the SUCCESs framework, which stands for Simple, Unexpected, Concrete, Credible, Emotional, and Stories.
  • Real-World Applications: The authors provide numerous examples from various fields, including marketing, education, and public health, to illustrate how to make ideas stick.
  • Focus on Communication: The book emphasizes the importance of effective communication in ensuring that ideas resonate with audiences and lead to action.

Why should I read Made to Stick?

  • Improved Communication Skills: Reading Made to Stick can enhance your ability to convey ideas clearly and persuasively, which is valuable in both personal and professional contexts.
  • Practical Framework: The six principles outlined in the book serve as a practical framework for crafting messages that resonate with audiences, making it easier to achieve desired outcomes.
  • Engaging Examples: The Heath brothers use engaging stories and case studies, making the book not only informative but also enjoyable to read.

What are the key takeaways of Made to Stick?

  • Six Principles of Stickiness: The book emphasizes the importance of simplicity, unexpectedness, concreteness, credibility, emotions, and stories in making ideas memorable.
  • Curse of Knowledge: It discusses the "Curse of Knowledge," which refers to the difficulty experts have in communicating effectively with novices due to their own advanced understanding.
  • Importance of Context: The authors highlight how context and relatable examples can significantly enhance the stickiness of an idea.

What is the SUCCESs framework in Made to Stick?

  • Acronym Breakdown: The SUCCESs framework stands for Simplicity, Unexpectedness, Concreteness, Credibility, Emotions, and Stories. Each principle contributes to making ideas more memorable.
  • Application of Principles: The authors provide strategies for applying each principle, such as finding the core of your message (Simplicity) or using vivid imagery (Concreteness).
  • Checklist for Communication: This framework serves as a checklist for anyone looking to improve their communication skills, ensuring that their ideas are impactful.

How does the Curse of Knowledge affect communication?

  • Understanding Gaps: The Curse of Knowledge makes it difficult for experts to remember what it was like to be a novice, leading to communication that may be too complex or abstract.
  • Need for Simplification: Experts often struggle to simplify their ideas, which can result in misunderstandings or disengagement from their audience.
  • Strategies to Overcome: The book suggests using concrete examples and relatable analogies to bridge the gap between expert knowledge and novice understanding.

What role do emotions play in making ideas stick according to Made to Stick?

  • Emotional Connection: The book emphasizes that ideas that evoke strong emotions are more likely to be remembered and acted upon.
  • Types of Emotions: Different emotions can be harnessed, such as fear, joy, or disgust, depending on the message you want to convey.
  • Storytelling and Emotion: Stories that elicit emotional responses can create a lasting impact, making the message more relatable and engaging.

What is the significance of storytelling in Made to Stick?

  • Power of Narrative: Stories are a powerful tool for communication because they help to illustrate complex ideas in a relatable way.
  • Engagement and Retention: People are more likely to remember information presented in story form, as it creates a mental framework for understanding.
  • Cultural Universality: The authors argue that storytelling is a universal method of communication that transcends cultures and time, making it an effective strategy for sharing ideas.

Can you give examples of sticky stories from Made to Stick?

  • Kidney Heist Urban Legend: This story is a memorable urban legend that illustrates how unexpected and vivid details can make an idea stick.
  • CSPI Popcorn Campaign: The campaign against unhealthy movie popcorn used shocking comparisons to make the health risks concrete and relatable, leading to significant changes in consumer behavior.
  • Don’t Mess with Texas: This campaign successfully reduced littering by appealing to Texans' pride and identity rather than using guilt or fear tactics.

How can I apply the principles from Made to Stick in my work?

  • Identify Your Core Message: Start by distilling your idea down to its most essential point, ensuring clarity and focus.
  • Use Concrete Examples: Incorporate vivid, relatable examples that your audience can visualize and connect with emotionally.
  • Engage with Stories: Craft your message into a narrative that captures attention and illustrates your point, making it more memorable.

What are some effective strategies for making ideas stick according to Made to Stick?

  • Use Stories: Incorporate narratives that illustrate your message, as stories are more memorable and relatable than abstract concepts.
  • Create Curiosity: Use unexpected elements to pique interest and encourage your audience to seek more information.
  • Focus on the Individual: Highlight personal stories or examples that resonate emotionally with your audience.

What are some memorable quotes from Made to Stick and their meanings?

  • “No plan survives contact with the enemy.”: This quote highlights the importance of adaptability and simplicity in communication, suggesting that clear core messages are essential in unpredictable situations.
  • “If you say three things, you don’t say anything.”: This emphasizes the need for focus in communication; too many points can dilute the message and confuse the audience.
  • “If I look at the mass, I will never act. If I look at the one, I will.”: This quote emphasizes the power of individual stories in inspiring action.

How does Made to Stick address the importance of context in communication?

  • Contextual Relevance: The book highlights how context and relatable examples can significantly enhance the stickiness of an idea.
  • Relatable Scenarios: Using scenarios that the audience can relate to helps in making the message more understandable and memorable.
  • Cultural and Situational Awareness: Understanding the cultural and situational context of your audience can help tailor your message for maximum impact.


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