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Millionaire Teacher

Millionaire Teacher

The Nine Rules of Wealth You Should Have Learned in School
作者 Andrew Hallam 2011 184 页数
6k+ 评分
9 分钟


1. 像想要变富一样消费:谨慎消费是关键


财富是相对的。 真正的财富是拥有足够的钱,如果你选择,可以永远不再工作,并且投资能够在一生中提供两倍于你国家的家庭收入中位数。许多高收入者由于过度消费和债务,并不是真正的富有。

量入为出。 要在中产阶级的薪水上积累财富,避免生活方式膨胀,专注于储蓄和投资。这并不意味着要过着吝啬的生活,而是要对消费保持谨慎,并优先考虑长期的财务目标,而不是短期的满足。

避免消费债务。 高利率的信用卡债务会迅速侵蚀你的财富积累潜力。每月全额偿还信用卡余额,避免为贬值资产如汽车借款。相反,储蓄并投资收入和支出之间的差额。

2. 利用复利:你*大的投资盟友


复利的力量。 爱因斯坦据说称复利为世界第八大奇迹。当你早期并持续投资时,你的钱会随着时间的推移呈指数增长,因为你不仅能获得初始投资的回报,还能获得累积回报的回报。

尽早开始投资。 你开始得越早,你的钱就有越多的时间复利。即使是定期投资的小额资金,几十年后也能显著增长。例如:

  • 每月投资100美元,年回报率10%,40年后=632,408美元
  • 每月投资100美元,年回报率10%,20年后=76,570美元

坚持是关键。 通过定期投资来平滑市场波动,并利用时间的复利增长。自动化你的投资,以确保无论市场状况如何,都能持续贡献。

3. 低成本指数基金优于主动管理基金


证据是明确的。 大量研究表明,低成本指数基金在长期内持续优于主动管理基金。这是由于较低的费用、更广泛的多样化,以及大多数基金经理无法持续击败市场。

费用很重要。 由于复利的影响,即使是小的费用差异也会对长期回报产生显著影响。指数基金通常比主动管理基金的费用比率低得多:

  • 平均主动管理基金费用比率:1-2%
  • 平均指数基金费用比率:0.1-0.3%

简单和一致。 指数投资提供了广泛的市场曝光,而无需尝试挑选赢家股票或把握市场时机。这种方法简单、低成本,并得到了像沃伦·巴菲特和诺贝尔奖经济学家这样的金融专家的认可。

4. 征服情绪化投资:在别人恐惧时贪婪


情绪是投资者*大的敌人。 恐惧和贪婪常常导致投资者高买低卖,长期显著低于市场表现。成功的投资需要纪律和长期视角。

接受市场低迷。 不要在市场崩盘时恐慌,而是将其视为以折扣价购买优质投资的机会。沃伦·巴菲特著名地建议“在别人贪婪时恐惧,在别人恐惧时贪婪。”

专注于长期。 忽略短期市场噪音,专注于你的长期财务目标。尽管短期波动,股市在长期内历史上一直呈上升趋势。无论市场状况如何,保持一致的投资策略。

5. 建立一个平衡的股票和债券组合


资产配置至关重要。 一个平衡的股票和债券组合有助于管理风险并平滑长期回报。股票提供增长潜力,而债券提供稳定性和收入。

随着时间调整你的配置。 一个常见的经验法则是债券配置大致等于你的年龄。随着年龄的增长和接近退休,增加债券配置以减少投资组合波动。例如:

  • 30岁:70%股票,30%债券
  • 50岁:50%股票,50%债券
  • 70岁:30%股票,70%债券

定期再平衡。 定期调整你的投资组合回到目标配置,以保持你期望的风险水平,并通过系统地低买高卖来潜在地提高回报。

6. 全球多样化:投资国际市场


不要局限于本国偏好。 仅投资于本国市场会限制多样化和潜在回报。全球经济通过国际多样化提供了增长和风险降低的机会。

创建一个全球多样化的投资组合。 一个简单的方法是使用三个核心指数基金:

  1. 本国股票市场指数
  2. 国际股票市场指数
  3. 债券市场指数

考虑新兴市场。 尽管波动性更大,新兴市场可以提供更高的增长潜力。然而,由于风险增加,将其暴露限制在整体投资组合的一小部分。

7. 警惕财务顾问的利益冲突


了解顾问的激励机制。 许多财务顾问通过销售高费用投资产品赚取佣金,这与客户的*佳利益存在利益冲突。

寻找仅收费顾问。 如果你需要专业帮助,寻找仅收费的顾问,他们按固定费用或小时费率收费,而不是通过产品销售赚取佣金。

自我教育。 通过学习投资原则和策略来掌控你的财务。凭借知识和纪律,许多投资者可以使用低成本指数基金成功管理自己的投资组合。

8. 避免快速致富计划和市场时机


对承诺保持怀疑。 高收益投资、市场时机策略和快速致富计划通常会导致重大损失。如果一个投资机会听起来好得令人难以置信,那它可能就是假的。


  • 高收益债券(“垃圾债券”)
  • 承诺市场超额回报的投资通讯
  • 基于经济预测的市场时机尝试
  • 过度集中于热门行业或个股

坚持经过验证的策略。 专注于建立一个多样化的低成本指数基金投资组合,并保持长期视角。避免追逐表现或根据短期市场波动做出剧烈变化。

9. 定期再平衡你的投资组合以获得*佳回报


保持你的目标配置。 定期再平衡有助于保持你期望的风险水平,并通过系统地低买高卖来潜在地提高回报。


  1. 日历再平衡:在设定的间隔(例如,每年)调整你的投资组合
  2. 阈值再平衡:当资产配置偏离目标一定百分比(例如,5%)时再平衡
  3. 组合方法:同时使用日历和阈值再平衡

税务考虑。 在应税账户中再平衡时要注意潜在的税务影响。考虑使用新贡献或在税收优惠账户中再平衡以*小化税务影响。

10. 如果你必须挑选股票,将其限制在你投资组合的10%


承认挑战。 通过挑选个股持续击败市场是极其困难的,即使是对专业投资者来说。大多数投资者通过多样化的指数基金方法会更好。

将个股挑选限制在10%。 如果你喜欢研究和选择个股,将这项活动限制在你整体投资组合的10%以内。这可以满足你的兴趣,同时*小化对你长期财务目标的潜在负面影响。


  • 投资你了解的业务
  • 专注于具有可持续竞争优势的公司
  • 以合理的估值购买
  • 长期持有
  • 在行业和公司规模之间分散投资



What's "Millionaire Teacher" about?

  • Overview: "Millionaire Teacher" by Andrew Hallam is a personal finance book that outlines nine rules for building wealth, which the author believes should have been taught in school.
  • Author's Background: Andrew Hallam is a high school teacher who became a millionaire on a teacher's salary by living frugally and investing wisely.
  • Purpose: The book aims to educate readers on financial literacy, focusing on spending habits, investment strategies, and avoiding common financial pitfalls.
  • Structure: It is divided into nine rules, each addressing a different aspect of personal finance and investing.

Why should I read "Millionaire Teacher"?

  • Practical Advice: The book offers practical, easy-to-understand advice on managing personal finances and investing, making it accessible to beginners.
  • Proven Strategies: Hallam shares strategies that helped him become a millionaire, emphasizing the importance of frugality and smart investing.
  • Educational Value: It fills the gap left by traditional education systems, which often overlook financial literacy.
  • Inspiration: Hallam's story is inspiring, showing that financial independence is achievable even on a modest salary.

What are the key takeaways of "Millionaire Teacher"?

  • Frugality is Key: Spending less than you earn and investing the difference is crucial for building wealth.
  • Start Early: The power of compound interest means the earlier you start investing, the better.
  • Index Funds: Investing in low-cost index funds is recommended over actively managed funds due to lower fees and better long-term performance.
  • Avoid Debt: Pay off high-interest debts like credit cards before investing.

How does Andrew Hallam suggest investing in "Millionaire Teacher"?

  • Index Funds: Hallam advocates for investing in low-cost index funds as they typically outperform actively managed funds over time.
  • Diversification: He recommends diversifying investments across domestic and international stock markets and including bonds for stability.
  • Rebalancing: Regularly rebalance your portfolio to maintain your desired allocation between stocks and bonds.
  • Long-Term Focus: Emphasizes the importance of a long-term investment strategy, avoiding the temptation to time the market.

What is the "Hippocratic Rule of Wealth" in "Millionaire Teacher"?

  • Do No Harm: Hallam suggests adopting a financial version of the Hippocratic Oath, focusing on not harming your financial future by overspending.
  • Live Below Means: Spend less than you earn to build assets rather than debts.
  • Avoid Instant Gratification: Resist the urge to make impulsive purchases that can lead to financial instability.
  • Build Wealth Over Time: Focus on long-term financial health rather than short-term pleasures.

What are the nine rules of wealth in "Millionaire Teacher"?

  • Rule 1: Spend like you want to grow rich by living below your means.
  • Rule 2: Use compound interest as your greatest investment ally by starting early.
  • Rule 3: Small percentages pack big punches; focus on minimizing investment fees.
  • Rule 4: Conquer the enemy in the mirror by understanding market psychology and avoiding emotional decisions.
  • Rule 5: Build a responsible portfolio with a mix of stocks and bonds.
  • Rule 6: Sample a "round-the-world" ticket to indexing by diversifying globally.
  • Rule 7: Peek inside a pilferer’s playbook to understand and avoid financial industry traps.
  • Rule 8: Avoid seduction by staying away from high-risk investments and scams.
  • Rule 9: The 10% stock-picking solution for those who can't resist picking individual stocks.

How does "Millionaire Teacher" address spending habits?

  • Frugality: Hallam emphasizes the importance of spending less than you earn to save and invest the difference.
  • Needs vs. Wants: He advises distinguishing between needs and wants to avoid unnecessary expenses.
  • Avoiding Debt: Encourages avoiding consumer debt, which can hinder wealth-building efforts.
  • Mindful Consumption: Suggests being mindful of consumption habits and focusing on long-term financial goals.

What does Andrew Hallam say about financial advisers in "Millionaire Teacher"?

  • Conflict of Interest: Hallam warns that many financial advisers prioritize their commissions over clients' best interests.
  • Index Funds Over Advisers: He suggests that most people can achieve better results by investing in index funds rather than relying on advisers.
  • Educate Yourself: Encourages readers to educate themselves about investing to avoid being misled by advisers.
  • Fee-Only Advisers: Recommends seeking fee-only advisers if professional advice is needed, as they are less likely to have conflicts of interest.

What are the best quotes from "Millionaire Teacher" and what do they mean?

  • "Spend like you want to grow rich": This quote emphasizes the importance of frugality and living below your means to accumulate wealth.
  • "It's not timing the market that matters; it's time in the market": Highlights the importance of a long-term investment strategy over trying to predict market movements.
  • "The investment business is a giant scam": Reflects Hallam's view on the financial industry's tendency to prioritize profits over clients' best interests.
  • "Avoid seduction": Advises against falling for high-risk investment schemes that promise quick returns.

How does "Millionaire Teacher" suggest handling market volatility?

  • Stay Calm: Understand that market fluctuations are normal and avoid making emotional decisions.
  • Long-Term Focus: Maintain a long-term perspective and avoid trying to time the market.
  • Rebalance Regularly: Use market downturns as opportunities to rebalance your portfolio and buy undervalued assets.
  • Diversification: Ensure your portfolio is diversified to reduce risk and increase stability.

What is the "Couch Potato Portfolio" mentioned in "Millionaire Teacher"?

  • Simple Strategy: The Couch Potato Portfolio is a simple investment strategy that involves equal allocations to a stock market index and a bond market index.
  • Annual Rebalancing: Investors rebalance the portfolio annually to maintain equal weighting, buying low and selling high.
  • Low Maintenance: It requires minimal time and effort, making it suitable for those who prefer a hands-off approach.
  • Historical Performance: Despite its simplicity, the strategy has historically provided solid returns with reduced volatility.

What are the risks of not following the advice in "Millionaire Teacher"?

  • High Fees: Investing in actively managed funds can lead to high fees that erode returns over time.
  • Emotional Decisions: Without understanding market psychology, investors may make poor decisions based on fear or greed.
  • Lack of Diversification: Failing to diversify can increase risk and lead to significant losses during market downturns.
  • Missed Opportunities: Not starting early or failing to take advantage of compound interest can result in missed wealth-building opportunities.


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平均评分来自 6k+ 来自Goodreads和亚马逊的评分.


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