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Relationship Goals Challenge

Relationship Goals Challenge

Thirty Days from Good to Great
作者 Michael Todd 2020 160 页数
100+ 评分
8 分钟


1. 设定明确的关系目标和意图


定义你的愿景。 首先明确你在关系中想要什么。这需要诚实的自我反思和与你的伴侣进行开放的讨论,了解你们各自和共同的愿望。设定符合你们价值观和愿望的短期和长期目标。

制定可行的计划。 一旦确定了目标,将其分解为具体、可衡量的行动。这可能包括定期安排约会之夜、设定财务目标或计划重大生活事件。随着关系的发展,定期审查和调整这些目标。

  • 关系目标示例:
    • 提高沟通技巧
    • 一起存钱买房
    • 计划一次梦想假期
    • 开始一个家庭
    • 支持彼此的职业抱负

2. 优先考虑有效沟通


积极倾听。 当你的伴侣说话时,练习全神贯注。这意味着放下干扰,保持眼神交流,真正尝试理解他们的观点,而不是立即形成回应。

清晰表达自己。 学会以清晰、尊重的方式表达你的想法、感受和需求。使用“我”陈述来表达你的情感,而不是指责或责备。定期的检查可以帮助保持开放的沟通渠道,防止小问题升级。

  • 沟通技巧:
    • 安排每日“谈话时间”
    • 练习反思性倾听
    • 注意肢体语言
    • 及时解决问题
    • 使用“我感觉”陈述而不是“你总是/从不”

3. 培养情商


自我意识。 深入了解自己的情绪、触发点和模式。这种自我认知使你能够更好地调节反应,并有效地传达需求。

同理心。 努力识别和认可伴侣的情绪,即使你不完全同意或理解。这为脆弱性创造了一个安全的空间,并加强了情感纽带。

  • 提高情商的方法:
    • 练习正念冥想
    • 保持情感日记
    • 寻求伴侣的反馈
    • 阅读情商相关书籍
    • 考虑夫妻治疗以获得见解

4. 练习宽恕和冲突解决


及时解决问题。 不要让冲突发酵。以解决问题的心态处理分歧,专注于找到解决方案而不是责备。使用“我们”的语言来强调你们作为团队克服挑战的方式。

学会宽恕。 理解宽恕是一个过程和选择。这并不意味着纵容伤害行为,而是从怨恨的负担中解脱出来。练习同理心,尝试理解对方的观点,即使在困难的情况下。

  • 冲突解决策略:
    • 使用“我”陈述表达感受
    • 如果讨论变得激烈,休息一下
    • 专注于问题,而不是人
    • 寻求妥协和双赢解决方案
    • 当你错了时,真诚道歉

5. 培养亲密和身体联系


优先考虑优质时间。 有意识地花时间在一起,不受干扰,专注于彼此。这可以包括约会之夜、共同的爱好,或只是一起在沙发上依偎。优质时间有助于保持情感和身体的亲密。

身体亲昵。 记住亲密不仅仅是性。像牵手、拥抱或按摩这样的简单举动可以显著增强联系和爱的感觉。对你的身体需求和愿望保持开放,并共同努力维持令人满意的亲密生活。

  • 增强亲密的方法:
    • 每天练习非性接触
    • 尝试新的活动
    • 分享你的幻想和愿望
    • 在家中营造浪漫氛围
    • 用贴心的举动给伴侣惊喜

6. 在关系中促进个人成长


支持个人目标。 鼓励彼此的个人愿望和成长。这可能包括支持职业变动、个人爱好或教育追求。记住,个人成长最终会加强关系。

保持独立。 虽然建立共同的生活很重要,但不要失去个人身份。保持各自的友谊、兴趣和活动。这种独立性为关系带来新鲜的能量和视角。

  • 平衡个性和共同生活:
    • 留出时间给个人爱好
    • 鼓励彼此的友谊
    • 庆祝个人成就
    • 尊重彼此的独处时间
    • 与伴侣分享新的体验和学习

7. 拥抱共同的精神和价值观


对齐你的价值观。 讨论并定义你们作为夫妻的核心价值观。这可能包括对家庭、职业、金钱或精神的态度。虽然你们不需要在所有事情上都达成一致,但在关键问题上的总体一致有助于防止未来的冲突。

精神联系。 如果精神对你很重要,找到将其融入关系的方法。这可以包括一起祈祷、参加宗教服务,或只是讨论哲学问题。即使对于非宗教的夫妻,共享有意义的仪式也可以创造一种共同的目的感。

  • 培养共同精神的方法:
    • 一起为你们都相信的事业做志愿者
    • 创造有意义的仪式或传统
    • 讨论你的信仰并无评判地倾听
    • 一起阅读励志书籍
    • 作为夫妻练习感恩

8. 建立强大的支持系统


建立网络。 培养与其他夫妻、家庭成员和朋友的关系,这些人支持你的关系。这些联系提供情感支持、建议和健康关系的榜样。

寻求专业帮助。 在面临挑战时,不要犹豫咨询关系顾问或治疗师。专业指导可以为应对困难时期提供宝贵的工具和视角。

  • 创建支持系统:
    • 加入夫妻团体或课程
    • 保持亲密友谊
    • 与支持的家庭成员保持联系
    • 考虑定期与关系教练进行检查
    • 参加关系研讨会或静修

9. 创建健康的界限


建立明确的界限。 讨论并同意在关系的各个方面的界限,如隐私、财务和与他人的互动。对这些界限的尊重培养了信任和安全感。

尊重地沟通。 学会在没有攻击性的情况下主张你的需求和界限。同样,开放地倾听和尊重伴侣的界限,即使它们与你的不同。

  • 考虑的界限类型:
    • 情感(分享感受,支持期望)
    • 身体(个人空间,亲密偏好)
    • 数字(社交媒体使用,手机隐私)
    • 时间(工作与生活平衡,独处时间)
    • 财务(消费习惯,共同开支)

10. 庆祝里程碑并练习感恩


承认进步。 定期花时间认可和庆祝你们关系中的里程碑,无论大小。这强化了积极的行为,并提醒你们一起走过的路。

每日感恩。 养成表达对伴侣感激之情的习惯。这可以通过口头肯定、小举动或保持感恩日记来实现。专注于积极面在关系中培养感恩文化。

  • 庆祝和表达感恩的方法:
    • 创建年度关系回顾传统
    • 写情书或感激信
    • 为成就计划惊喜庆祝
    • 每天开始和结束时对伴侣表达感激之情
    • 创建共享的相册或记忆盒,记录特别时刻



What's "Relationship Goals Challenge: Thirty Days from Good to Great" about?

  • Author's Intent: The book, authored by Michael Todd, is designed to help individuals in romantic relationships improve their connection over a 30-day period.
  • Structure: It provides daily challenges that are based on Scripture, aiming to take relationships from good to great.
  • Focus Areas: The book is divided into three main themes: Purpose, Healing, and Oneness, each containing specific daily challenges.
  • Target Audience: It is intended for people who are dating, engaged, or married and want to strengthen their relationship.

Why should I read "Relationship Goals Challenge"?

  • Practical Guidance: The book offers actionable steps and challenges that can be implemented daily to improve your relationship.
  • Spiritual Foundation: It is rooted in Christian teachings, providing a spiritual framework for relationship growth.
  • Diverse Applicability: Whether you're single, dating, or married, the book offers insights that can be applied to various stages of romantic relationships.
  • Long-term Benefits: It aims to create lasting habits that prevent relationships from reverting to previous, less healthy states.

What are the key takeaways of "Relationship Goals Challenge"?

  • God-Centered Relationships: The book emphasizes the importance of inviting God into the center of your relationship for true unity and purpose.
  • Daily Challenges: Each day presents a specific challenge that encourages growth in communication, trust, and spiritual alignment.
  • Healing and Forgiveness: It addresses the need for healing from past wounds and the importance of forgiveness in maintaining a healthy relationship.
  • Continuous Pursuit: The book stresses the importance of continually pursuing your partner to keep the relationship vibrant and strong.

How does Michael Todd define a healthy relationship in "Relationship Goals Challenge"?

  • 1 + 1 + 1 = 1 Equation: A healthy relationship involves one whole man, one whole woman, and God, creating a unified marriage.
  • Triangle Analogy: The relationship is like a triangle with God at the top, and as each partner draws closer to God, they also draw closer to each other.
  • Purpose and Oneness: A healthy relationship fulfills individual purposes while achieving oneness through love and unity.
  • Sacrificial Love: True love in a relationship is marked by sacrifice and giving, not taking.

What is the "30-Day Challenge" in "Relationship Goals Challenge"?

  • Daily Scripture-Based Messages: Each day includes a message based on Scripture, ending with a specific "GO challenge."
  • Purpose of Challenges: The challenges are designed to improve communication, trust, and spiritual alignment in the relationship.
  • Themes: The challenges are grouped into three themes: Purpose, Healing, and Oneness, each focusing on different aspects of relationship growth.
  • Outcome: Completing the challenges aims to take a relationship from good to great by fostering new insights and habits.

What are some of the best quotes from "Relationship Goals Challenge" and what do they mean?

  • "1 + 1 + 1 = 1": This quote emphasizes the importance of God in a relationship, suggesting that true unity is achieved when both partners and God are involved.
  • "Progression, not perfection": This highlights the idea that relationships are a journey of growth and improvement, not about achieving perfection.
  • "Love is a give-and-give relationship": It underscores the importance of mutual sacrifice and giving in a healthy relationship.
  • "Never pause on pursuing": This encourages continuous effort and interest in your partner to maintain a vibrant relationship.

How does "Relationship Goals Challenge" address healing in relationships?

  • Past Wounds: The book acknowledges that many relationship issues stem from past wounds and emphasizes the need for healing.
  • Forgiveness: It stresses the importance of forgiveness as a means to overcome past hurts and move forward.
  • God's Role in Healing: The book encourages seeking God's help in healing emotional and spiritual wounds.
  • Practical Steps: Daily challenges often include practical steps for addressing and healing specific issues within the relationship.

What is the significance of the "Triangle Analogy" in "Relationship Goals Challenge"?

  • God at the Top: The analogy places God at the top of the triangle, symbolizing His central role in the relationship.
  • Closer to God, Closer to Each Other: As each partner draws closer to God, they naturally draw closer to each other, strengthening their bond.
  • Visual Representation: It provides a visual representation of how a relationship should be structured for optimal health and unity.
  • Foundation for Unity: The triangle serves as a foundation for achieving oneness and fulfilling the relationship's purpose.

How does "Relationship Goals Challenge" suggest couples handle conflicts?

  • Fighting for Unity: The book encourages couples to fight together against misunderstandings rather than against each other.
  • Rules for Fighting Fair: It suggests establishing rules for constructive arguments, such as avoiding unspoken expectations and being mindful of word choice and tone.
  • Quick Resolution: Ephesians 4:26 is cited, advising couples not to let the sun go down on their anger, promoting quick resolution of conflicts.
  • God's Guidance: Couples are encouraged to seek God's guidance in resolving conflicts and maintaining unity.

What role does community play in "Relationship Goals Challenge"?

  • Godly Community: The book emphasizes the importance of being part of a godly community for support and growth.
  • Healing and Support: Community provides a space for healing, accountability, and encouragement in the relationship journey.
  • Shared Faith: Being in a community of believers helps couples stay aligned with their spiritual goals and purposes.
  • Divorcing Unhealthy Relationships: It suggests letting go of friendships that do not support the couple's spiritual and relational growth.

How does "Relationship Goals Challenge" define purpose in relationships?

  • God's Calling: The book encourages couples to seek God's specific calling for their lives and relationship.
  • Beyond Potential: It advises focusing on fulfilling God's will rather than merely reaching worldly success or potential.
  • Shared Mission: Couples are encouraged to find a shared mission that aligns with God's purpose for their lives.
  • Daily Challenges: The daily challenges help couples identify and pursue their individual and collective purposes.

What is the "GO List" in "Relationship Goals Challenge"?

  • Daily Actions: The "GO List" includes specific actions for each day that couples can take to improve their relationship.
  • Practical Steps: These actions are practical and designed to be easily implemented, such as praying together or discussing future goals.
  • Focus on Growth: The list focuses on fostering growth in communication, trust, and spiritual alignment.
  • Celebration of Progress: Completing the "GO List" is a way to celebrate progress and commitment to the relationship's improvement.


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