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The Meaning of Marriage Study Guide

The Meaning of Marriage Study Guide

A Vision for Married and Single People
作者 Timothy J. Keller 2015 112 页数
100+ 评分
8 分钟
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1. 婚姻是无私的服务,而非个人的满足


重新定义期望: 许多人进入婚姻时对个人幸福和满足抱有不切实际的期望。然而,圣经对婚姻的看法挑战了这种以自我为中心的态度。相反,它呼吁相互牺牲和服务,反映基督对教会的爱。

福音驱动的服务: 福音为婚姻中的无私之爱提供了榜样和动力。通过理解和接受上帝对我们的无条件之爱和牺牲,配偶们能够彼此无私地服务。这种以他人为中心的婚姻方式会带来更深的亲密关系、更牢固的纽带,最终为双方带来更大的满足。

实际应用: 夫妻可以通过以下方式培养服务导向的心态:

  • 经常问:“今天我能为你做些什么?”
  • 优先考虑配偶的需求和愿望
  • 寻找支持和鼓励对方的机会
  • 将挑战视为增长无私精神的机会

2. 福音为婚姻提供基础和榜样


婚姻作为福音的重演: 基督与教会的关系是婚姻的终极榜样。丈夫被召唤要像基督爱教会并为她舍己一样,牺牲性地爱妻子。妻子被召唤要顺服丈夫,反映教会与基督的关系。

转变的力量: 福音不仅为婚姻提供了模式,也提供了实践的力量。通过理解和接受上帝的恩典,夫妻可以彼此宽恕,实践谦卑,并在挑战中坚持。这种以福音为中心的方法使配偶能够无条件地爱对方,即使面对缺陷和失败。


  • 定期反思福音及其对婚姻的影响
  • 彼此宽恕和施恩
  • 追求个人灵性成长以加强婚姻
  • 将冲突视为展示基督般之爱的机会

3. 盟约承诺在婚姻中创造自由


重新定义自由: 与普遍看法相反,婚姻的盟约并不限制自由,而是为其繁荣创造了坚实的基础。通过无条件地承诺彼此,配偶们创造了一个安全的空间,供脆弱、成长和亲密关系发展。

信任和安全: 婚姻盟约提供了一个稳定的环境,使双方都能被完全了解和爱。这种安全感允许:

  • 无惧拒绝的开放沟通
  • 冒险和追求个人成长
  • 一起度过生活的风暴
  • 建立共同的历史和未来


  • 定期重申对彼此的誓言和承诺
  • 优先考虑婚姻关系高于其他承诺
  • 创建共同的目标和未来愿景
  • 通过一致性和可靠性培养信任

4. 婚姻中的性别角色反映基督与教会的关系


平等价值,不同角色: 圣经教导男女在价值和尊严上是平等的,但在婚姻中有互补的角色。这些角色不是关于优越或劣等,而是反映基督与教会关系的不同方面。

丈夫的角色: 被召唤要以牺牲性的领导爱妻子,反映基督对教会的爱。这包括:

  • 将妻子的需求置于自己的需求之上
  • 在灵性领导上采取主动
  • 培养和支持妻子的成长

妻子的角色: 被召唤要以尊重的顺服反映教会与基督的关系。这包括:

  • 支持和鼓励丈夫的领导
  • 提供她独特的优势和观点
  • 参与决策和家庭生活

相互顺服: 双方都被召唤要出于对基督的敬畏而彼此顺服,创造一种相互爱、尊重和服务的动态。

5. 单身提供独特的灵性成长和服务机会


重新定义单身: 圣经并不将单身视为等待期或次等状态,而是将其视为一种有效且有价值的呼召。单身提供了对上帝和他人无分心奉献的独特机会。


  • 在时间和资源上有更大的灵活性用于事工
  • 有机会发展深厚的友谊和社区
  • 专注于个人灵性成长的自由
  • 能够以已婚人士可能难以做到的方式服务


  • 培养与上帝的深厚关系,作为主要的满足来源
  • 投资于有意义的友谊和社区
  • 追求个人成长和发展
  • 参与服务和事工机会
  • 保持希望的视角,无论是被呼召终身单身还是最终结婚

6. 婚姻中的性是盟约更新的强大行为


上帝对性的设计: 圣经对婚姻内的性有积极和崇高的看法,而不是保守的。性被设计为一种深刻的身体和精神结合,更新和加强婚姻盟约。

不仅仅是身体的愉悦: 虽然性亲密是为了享受,但其更深层的目的是:

  • 加强夫妻的一体关系
  • 提供爱的和承诺的具体表达
  • 促进情感和精神的亲密
  • 作为福音(自我奉献之爱)的强大提醒


  • 在婚姻中优先考虑性亲密
  • 专注于给予愉悦而不仅仅是接受
  • 处理羞耻、过去的伤害或对性的误解
  • 保持对欲望和需求的开放和诚实的沟通
  • 防止诱惑并保持性纯洁

7. 婚姻是一项帮助配偶成为未来荣耀自我的使命


转变的愿景: 婚姻的主要目的不是个人幸福或社会稳定,而是与上帝合作,成圣你的配偶。这涉及看到上帝正在创造你的配偶成为的人,并积极参与这一过程。


  • 定期肯定配偶的上帝赋予的潜力
  • 鼓励和支持他们的灵性成长
  • 提供温和的、建设性的反馈
  • 创造一个充满恩典和接纳的氛围
  • 为配偶祈祷并与他们一起祈祷

长期视角: 这种以使命为导向的婚姻观需要耐心、毅力和希望。它包括:

  • 超越当前的缺陷看到未来的潜力
  • 庆祝成长和变化的小步伐
  • 信任上帝在配偶生命中的工作
  • 保持对配偶“伟大地平线”的愿景



What's "The Meaning of Marriage Study Guide" about?

  • Overview: "The Meaning of Marriage Study Guide" by Timothy J. Keller is a companion to the book "The Meaning of Marriage," designed to help individuals and groups explore the biblical vision of marriage.
  • Audience: It is intended for both married and single people, offering insights into how marriage reflects Jesus' love, grace, and power.
  • Structure: The guide is structured into six sessions, each focusing on different aspects of marriage, such as service, covenant, roles, singleness, sex, and hope.
  • Purpose: The primary goal is to help participants see marriage as a covenant that mirrors the gospel, encouraging a deeper understanding and application of biblical principles in relationships.

Why should I read "The Meaning of Marriage Study Guide"?

  • Comprehensive Understanding: It provides a thorough exploration of marriage from a Christian perspective, making it valuable for anyone interested in understanding marriage beyond cultural norms.
  • Practical Application: The guide includes exercises and discussions that help apply biblical principles to real-life situations, making it practical for personal growth and relationship improvement.
  • Community Engagement: It encourages group discussions, fostering community and shared learning experiences, which can be transformative.
  • Inclusivity: The study is designed for both married and single individuals, offering insights that are applicable regardless of one's marital status.

What are the key takeaways of "The Meaning of Marriage Study Guide"?

  • Marriage as a Covenant: Marriage is a reflection of the gospel, emphasizing commitment and sacrificial love.
  • Roles and Mutual Submission: The guide explores the biblical roles of husbands and wives, focusing on mutual submission and service.
  • Singleness and Community: It highlights the value of singleness and the role of the church community in supporting both single and married individuals.
  • Sexual Intimacy: The guide discusses sex as an act of covenant renewal, emphasizing its importance within marriage.

How does "The Meaning of Marriage Study Guide" define the concept of service in marriage?

  • Service as Sacrifice: The guide emphasizes that marriage is not about self-fulfillment but about serving one's spouse, reflecting Christ's sacrificial love.
  • Mutual Benefit: By serving each other, spouses can build a healthy and fulfilling marriage, countering selfish tendencies.
  • Character Development: Service in marriage is seen as a means of character change and community building, aligning with the Christian worldview.
  • Practical Exercises: The guide includes exercises for couples to practice serving each other, enhancing their relationship.

What is the significance of the covenant in "The Meaning of Marriage Study Guide"?

  • Foundation of Marriage: The covenant is presented as the foundational promise that creates freedom and stability in marriage.
  • Biblical Perspective: It contrasts contemporary views of marriage as restrictive with the biblical view of covenant as liberating.
  • Commitment and Trust: The covenant is described as a "sanctuary of trust," offering greater freedom and security than relationships without such commitments.
  • Reflection of God's Love: Marriage as a covenant mirrors God's everlasting covenant with His people, emphasizing faithfulness and love.

How does "The Meaning of Marriage Study Guide" address gender roles?

  • Equal Value, Different Roles: The guide asserts that men and women are of equal value but have different roles in marriage, reflecting Christ's relationship with the church.
  • Principles Over Prescriptions: It focuses on biblical principles rather than specific cultural practices, allowing for flexibility in how roles are expressed.
  • Mutual Submission: Both spouses are encouraged to submit to one another, reflecting Christ's sacrificial love and humility.
  • Empowerment, Not Restriction: Embracing gender roles is seen as empowering and liberating, contributing to personal and marital growth.

What does "The Meaning of Marriage Study Guide" say about singleness?

  • Valuable Life Stage: Singleness is presented as a valuable stage of life, not merely a waiting period for marriage.
  • Service and Community: Single individuals are encouraged to serve and be active in their church community, finding fulfillment in relationships beyond marriage.
  • Biblical Vision: The guide offers a biblical vision for singleness, emphasizing devotion to God and the church family.
  • Complementary Roles: Singles and married individuals are seen as complementary within the church, each contributing uniquely to the community.

How is sex portrayed in "The Meaning of Marriage Study Guide"?

  • Covenant Renewal: Sex is described as an act of covenant renewal, reinforcing the marital bond and reflecting the commitment made in marriage.
  • Lofty View: The guide presents a high view of sex, emphasizing its importance and sacredness within the marriage covenant.
  • Selfless Approach: Couples are encouraged to approach sex selflessly, prioritizing their spouse's pleasure and well-being.
  • Cultural Contrast: It contrasts the biblical view of sex with cultural attitudes, advocating for sexual intimacy that aligns with God's design.

What role does hope play in "The Meaning of Marriage Study Guide"?

  • Vision for the Future: Hope is described as seeing the "great horizon" of who God is making your spouse to be, encouraging growth and transformation.
  • Sanctification Process: Marriage is seen as a means of sanctification, helping spouses become more like Christ through love and support.
  • Eternal Perspective: The guide encourages an eternal perspective, focusing on the ultimate goal of becoming holy and blameless before God.
  • Encouragement and Support: Spouses are called to support each other's spiritual growth, fostering a marriage that reflects God's love and purpose.

What are the best quotes from "The Meaning of Marriage Study Guide" and what do they mean?

  • "Marriage Isn’t about You": This quote emphasizes the selfless nature of marriage, focusing on serving one's spouse rather than seeking personal fulfillment.
  • "The gospel of Jesus and marriage explain one another": It highlights the connection between the gospel and marriage, showing how each reflects and informs the other.
  • "Gospel reenactment": This phrase describes how marriage should reflect Christ's love and sacrifice, serving as a dynamic retelling of the gospel story.
  • "Sanctuary of trust": Refers to the covenant of marriage as a safe and secure space where trust and commitment flourish.

How can "The Meaning of Marriage Study Guide" be used effectively in a group setting?

  • Structured Sessions: The guide is designed for six sessions, each with specific topics and questions to facilitate discussion.
  • Video Component: It includes a video series that complements the study, providing additional insights and perspectives.
  • Diverse Participants: Encourages participation from both married and single individuals, enriching the discussion with varied experiences.
  • Leader's Notes: Provides notes for leaders to guide discussions and address potential questions or challenges.

What practical exercises does "The Meaning of Marriage Study Guide" include for couples?

  • Service Exercises: Couples are encouraged to ask each other, "What can I do to serve you?" and act on the responses.
  • Role Definition: Exercises help couples define and embrace their roles, fostering mutual understanding and support.
  • Sexual Intimacy Checkup: Couples are guided to discuss and improve their sexual relationship, aligning it with biblical principles.
  • Church Involvement: Encourages couples to engage with their church community, building relationships with people in different life stages.


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平均评分来自 100+ 来自Goodreads和亚马逊的评分.


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