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Why Nations Fail

Why Nations Fail

The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty
作者 Daron Acemoğlu 2012 529 页数
55k+ 评分
12 分钟


1. 制度决定国家命运:包容性与掠夺性系统


包容性制度促进繁荣。 它们提供安全的财产权、公正的法律执行、公共服务和公平的经济竞争环境。这使人们能够并激励他们创新、投资并充分参与经济活动。美国和韩国就是例子。

掠夺性制度集中权力和财富。 它们旨在从社会中提取资源以惠及少数精英。例子包括朝鲜和许多后殖民非洲国家。掠夺性系统阻碍投资和创新,导致经济停滞或衰退。

  • 包容性经济制度的关键特征:

  • 安全的财产权

  • 公正的法治

  • 提供公平竞争环境的公共服务

  • 自由进入市场

  • 合同执行

  • 掠夺性经济制度的关键特征:

  • 不安全的财产权

  • 市场准入障碍

  • 阻碍自由交易的法规

  • 缺乏法律和秩序

2. 地理和文化不决定繁荣


繁荣源于制度,而非地理或文化。 许多理论试图通过气候、自然资源或文化价值观来解释全球不平等。然而,这些因素无法解释地理和文化相似的邻国之间的巨大差异。

制度差异解释了不同的结果。 例如,亚利桑那州的诺加莱斯和索诺拉州的诺加莱斯共享地理和文化,但由于美墨边界的分隔,生活水平截然不同。同样,韩国和朝鲜在分裂后尽管共享地理和文化,但发展轨迹大相径庭。

  • 反驳地理决定论的例子:

  • 博茨瓦纳的成功与邻国的困境

  • 新加坡的财富与马来西亚的相对贫困

  • 智利的增长与其他安第斯国家的停滞

  • 反驳文化决定论的例子:

  • 邓小平政策变化后的中国增长

  • 冷战期间东西德的分化

  • 明治维新后的日本快速发展

3. 关键时刻和小差异驱动制度分化


关键时刻是历史转折点。 这些是重大社会经济或政治动荡时期,打破了现有的权力平衡。例子包括欧洲的黑死病、大西洋贸易路线的开通和工业革命。

小的初始差异可以导致分化。 当具有略微不同现有制度的社会面临关键时刻时,它们的反应可能会将它们引向截然不同的道路。随着时间的推移,这些路径往往通过正反馈循环自我强化。

  • 关键历史时刻:

  • 黑死病(14世纪)

  • 美洲的发现(15-16世纪)

  • 工业革命(18-19世纪)

  • 非殖民化(20世纪)

  • 分化的例子:

  • 大西洋贸易开通后英格兰与西班牙的分化

  • 黑死病后西欧与东欧的分化

  • 二战后南北韩的分化

4. 良性循环强化包容性制度


包容性制度往往持续并扩展。 一旦建立,包容性的政治和经济制度会形成正反馈循环。它们更广泛地分配权力和资源,使更多人能够参与并捍卫包容性系统。


  1. 多元化使权力攫取更难
  2. 法治约束精英
  3. 自由媒体揭露对制度的威胁
  4. 经济机会减少掠夺性行为的动机
  5. 更广泛的参与增加了对包容性的需求
  • 良性循环的历史例子:

  • 光荣革命后的英格兰

  • 宪法后的美国

  • 明治维新后的日本

  • 强化包容性制度的要素:

  • 自由新闻

  • 独立司法

  • 竞争性选举

  • 广泛的教育

  • 经济流动性

5. 恶性循环延续掠夺性制度


掠夺性系统是自我强化的。 那些从掠夺性制度中受益的人利用他们的权力和财富来维持系统。这形成了一个难以打破的负反馈循环,即使领导人更换也难以改变。

寡头政治的铁律。 即使掠夺性政权被推翻,新领导人往往会重建类似的系统,因为制度框架和激励机制没有改变。这解释了为什么许多后殖民和后革命社会难以建立包容性制度。


  • 财富和权力的集中

  • 压制反对派

  • 控制媒体和教育

  • 创建依赖的精英阶层

  • 经济上行的障碍

  • 历史例子:

  • 独立后的塞拉利昂

  • 穆加贝统治下的津巴布韦

  • 莫布图之后的刚果民主共和国

6. 创造性破坏推动进步但威胁精英


创新驱动增长但破坏现有权力结构。 创造性破坏——新技术和方法取代旧的过程——对经济进步至关重要。然而,它往往威胁到既得利益者的经济和政治权力。

对创造性破坏的恐惧导致停滞。 掠夺性系统中的精英往往阻碍可能赋予对手权力的新技术、教育或经济机会。这在短期内保住了他们的权力,但从长远来看却破坏了经济发展。

  • 抵制创造性破坏的历史例子:

  • 奥斯曼帝国禁止印刷机

  • 俄国和奥匈帝国对工业化的抵制

  • 英国的卢德运动反对机械化

  • 对创造性破坏的恐惧迹象:

  • 教育限制

  • 向特定公司授予垄断权

  • 创业的高门槛

  • 压制颠覆性技术

  • 僵化的社会等级

7. 多元化和法治是持续增长的关键


共享权力和一致的规则促进进步。 权力广泛分配并受法律约束的多元化政治系统创造了持续经济增长所需的稳定性和机会。这与权力不受约束导致专制统治和经济不确定性的掠夺性系统形成对比。


  • 权力分立

  • 独立司法

  • 保护财产权

  • 执行合同

  • 法律平等适用

  • 限制政府权力

  • 和平权力交接

  • 利益的历史例子:

  • 光荣革命后的英格兰经济起飞

  • 20世纪美国的经济主导地位

  • 战后日本和德国的增长

  • 专制统治的对比例子:

  • 贵族接管后威尼斯共和国的经济衰退

  • 专制西班牙和法国的停滞

  • 许多后殖民非洲国家的不稳定和贫困

8. 殖民遗产影响现代制度发展


殖民策略塑造了独立后的制度。 不同的殖民方式导致了不同的制度遗产。掠夺性殖民制度在独立后往往持续存在,而更包容的殖民制度为发展提供了更好的基础。


  1. 移民殖民地(如美国、澳大利亚):更包容的制度
  2. 掠夺性殖民地(如刚果、秘鲁):高度掠夺性的制度
  3. 混合案例(如印度、南非):一些包容性元素但仍主要是掠夺性的
  • 影响殖民策略的因素:

  • 本地人口密度

  • 欧洲移民的疾病环境

  • 有价值的可提取资源(如黄金、奴隶)

  • 殖民时间

  • 持续的殖民影响例子:

  • 北美和南美的分化

  • 前法国和英国殖民地在非洲的财产权制度差异

  • 前西班牙和英国殖民地在教育制度上的差异

9. 中央集权国家是必要但不足以实现繁荣


有效的国家促进经济增长。 一定程度的政治集中是提供基本公共产品、执行法律和创造经济发展所需的稳定性的必要条件。然而,单靠集中化并不能保证包容性制度。

集中化可以促进掠夺或包容。 虽然任何经济发展都需要一定程度的国家能力,但集中权力可以用来创建包容性或掠夺性系统。关键在于政治权力是否受到约束并广泛分配。

  • 中央集权国家的必要功能:

  • 对合法使用武力的垄断

  • 征税和提供公共产品的能力

  • 执行合同和财产权

  • 标准化度量衡和货币

  • 集中化导致不同结果的例子:

  • 英格兰:都铎王朝下的集中化促进了后来的包容性制度

  • 西班牙:集中化强化了专制和掠夺

  • 中国:强大的国家能力但在最近改革前主要是掠夺性制度

10. 对包容性制度的抵制往往导致贫困


对失去权力的恐惧驱动反对包容。 掠夺性系统中的精英往往抵制会创建更包容性制度的改革,即使这些变化可能推动经济增长。他们更害怕失去特权地位,而不是重视潜在的更广泛的繁荣。

改革失败的尝试延续了贫困。 当创建更包容性制度的努力被阻止时,往往会将社会锁定在低增长路径上。这解释了为什么许多资源丰富的国家尽管拥有自然财富却仍然贫困。

  • 抵制包容性改革的常见策略:

  • 暴力镇压反对派

  • 收买潜在的改革者

  • 创建依赖的精英阶层

  • 激发种族或地区分裂

  • 控制信息和教育

  • 被阻止的改革的历史例子:

  • 俄国对农奴解放的抵制

  • 美国南方种植园主对教育的反对

  • 沙特阿拉伯对妇女权利和政治参与的限制

  • 改革失败的后果:

  • 人才流失

  • 缺乏创新和创业精神

  • 过度依赖自然资源开采

  • 政治不稳定和冲突



What's Why Nations Fail about?

  • Core Thesis: The book argues that the primary reason nations fail economically is due to extractive institutions that concentrate power and wealth in the hands of a few, preventing widespread economic participation.
  • Inclusive vs. Extractive Institutions: It contrasts inclusive institutions, which promote growth by protecting property rights and encouraging innovation, with extractive institutions that stifle growth and maintain the status quo for elites.
  • Historical Context: The authors provide historical examples from various countries, illustrating how different paths of institutional development have led to varying levels of prosperity and poverty.

Why should I read Why Nations Fail?

  • Understanding Economic Disparities: The book offers insights into why some countries are rich while others remain poor, helping readers understand global inequalities.
  • Historical Analysis: It provides a comprehensive historical analysis of how institutions shape economic outcomes, making it relevant for students of history, economics, and political science.
  • Practical Implications: The authors discuss the implications of their findings for policy-making, suggesting that reforms must focus on changing institutions rather than merely implementing economic policies.

What are the key takeaways of Why Nations Fail?

  • Importance of Institutions: The book emphasizes that the quality of a nation’s institutions is crucial for its economic success or failure. Inclusive institutions foster growth, while extractive institutions lead to stagnation.
  • Vicious and Virtuous Circles: It introduces the concepts of vicious and virtuous circles, explaining how extractive institutions create a cycle of poverty and instability, while inclusive institutions promote a cycle of growth and stability.
  • Role of Critical Junctures: The authors highlight that critical junctures in history can lead to significant changes in institutions, which can either reinforce or disrupt existing patterns of inequality.

What are the best quotes from Why Nations Fail and what do they mean?

  • “It’s the politics, stupid!”: This quote encapsulates the authors' argument that political institutions are the primary drivers of economic success or failure, emphasizing the importance of understanding the political landscape.
  • “Countries rise when they put in place the right pro-growth political institutions.”: This highlights the importance of establishing inclusive political frameworks to foster economic development and sustained prosperity.
  • “History is not destiny.”: This emphasizes that while historical factors influence current institutions, they do not determine future outcomes, suggesting that change is possible.

How do inclusive institutions promote economic growth according to Why Nations Fail?

  • Broad Participation: Inclusive institutions allow a wide range of individuals to participate in economic activities, fostering innovation and entrepreneurship, leading to a more dynamic economy.
  • Property Rights Protection: They protect property rights, which encourages investment and long-term planning by individuals and businesses, essential for economic stability and growth.
  • Political Stability: Inclusive political institutions create a stable environment where laws are enforced fairly, reducing uncertainty and fostering trust in economic transactions.

What are extractive institutions according to Why Nations Fail?

  • Definition: Extractive institutions are designed to benefit a small elite at the expense of the broader population, often involving monopolies, lack of property rights, and political repression.
  • Examples: The book cites examples from various countries, such as the marketing boards in Sierra Leone that exploited farmers, and the authoritarian regimes in Zimbabwe and North Korea that stifled economic growth.
  • Consequences: These institutions lead to economic stagnation, civil unrest, and ultimately state failure, as they create incentives for elites to maintain control rather than promote inclusive growth.

How do critical junctures affect nations in Why Nations Fail?

  • Defining Moments: Critical junctures are significant events that disrupt the existing political and economic order, creating opportunities for institutional change.
  • Path Dependency: The outcomes of these junctures can lead to divergent paths for nations, where the choices made during these moments have long-lasting effects on their institutional frameworks.
  • Examples Provided: The authors illustrate this with examples like the Black Death and the Industrial Revolution, showing how these events reshaped institutions in various countries.

How does Why Nations Fail explain the persistence of extractive institutions?

  • Vicious Circles: Extractive institutions create a vicious circle where elites maintain power and wealth, leading to further entrenchment of these institutions, making change difficult.
  • Fear of Losing Power: Elites are often motivated by the fear of losing their political power, which leads them to resist reforms that could democratize or make institutions more inclusive.
  • Historical Legacy: The historical context and legacy of colonialism often leave countries with entrenched extractive institutions that are resistant to change, perpetuating cycles of poverty and instability.

What role does political conflict play in shaping institutions according to Why Nations Fail?

  • Conflict as a Catalyst: Political conflict often serves as a catalyst for institutional change, as competing groups vie for power and influence.
  • Inclusive vs. Extractive Outcomes: The nature of the conflict can lead to either inclusive institutions, which benefit a broader segment of society, or extractive institutions, which concentrate power and wealth.
  • Historical Context: The authors provide historical examples, such as the English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution, to demonstrate how political struggles have shaped institutional development.

How do the authors suggest nations can transition from extractive to inclusive institutions?

  • Empowerment of Society: The authors argue that empowering a broad segment of society is crucial for transitioning to inclusive institutions, achievable through civil society movements and political coalitions.
  • Critical Junctures: They emphasize the importance of critical junctures that can disrupt existing power structures, allowing for the possibility of reform.
  • International Support: While cautioning against relying solely on foreign aid, they suggest that international support for inclusive reforms can help facilitate transitions, especially when aligned with local movements for change.

What historical examples do Acemoğlu and Robinson use in Why Nations Fail?

  • Nogales, Arizona vs. Nogales, Sonora: The contrasting economic fortunes of these two cities highlight how similar cultures and geographies can yield different outcomes based on institutional frameworks.
  • North and South Korea: The division of Korea illustrates how different political systems lead to vastly different economic outcomes, exemplifying the impact of extractive versus inclusive institutions.
  • The Maya Civilization: The rise and fall of the Maya city-states demonstrate how extractive institutions can lead to initial prosperity but ultimately result in collapse due to internal conflict and instability.

How do the authors connect historical events to modern economic outcomes in Why Nations Fail?

  • Historical Legacies: The book argues that the institutions established in the past continue to influence contemporary economic outcomes, shaping the distribution of power and resources.
  • Case Studies: The authors use various case studies, such as the differences between Latin America and the United States, to illustrate how historical events have led to divergent economic paths.
  • Understanding Inequality: By examining the historical roots of institutions, the authors provide insights into the persistence of global inequality, crucial for developing effective strategies to address poverty and promote economic growth today.


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